Update git submodules

* Update external/boringssl from branch 'master'
  to 538c627f256dc8eac8c8817763b8b39cbb61d06f
  - Merge "Explicitly call BORINGSSL_self_test() in boringssl_self_test."
  - Explicitly call BORINGSSL_self_test() in boringssl_self_test.
    Maintains pre-Android 13 behaviour by ensuring any crypto
    module failures are detected at boot time.
    For the libcrypto in /system this may not be needed and
    we can change the behaviour later.
    For libcrypto in the Conscrypt APEX, this is needed to maintain
    current behaviour on older releases.
    Bug: 231946889
    Test: Flash and boot.
    Change-Id: I7dee7f0bf953ea2c5026881d5acc13698de0626d
diff --git a/external/boringssl b/external/boringssl
index 5ad75fb..538c627 160000
--- a/external/boringssl
+++ b/external/boringssl
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 5ad75fb1a3b8c2577820c974084c4fbcdce5fe44
+Subproject commit 538c627f256dc8eac8c8817763b8b39cbb61d06f