blob: 3b875d2c78fbb305a469c98d3db0395ebab56edd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//! Main entrypoint for KeyMint/Rust trusted application (TA) on Trusty.
use keymint::{
AttestationIds, CertSignInfo, SharedSddManager, TrustyAes, TrustyKeys, TrustyMonotonicClock,
TrustyRng, TrustyRpc, TrustySecureDeletionSecretManager, TrustyStorageKeyWrapper,
use kmr_common::crypto;
use kmr_crypto_boring::{
aes::BoringAes, aes_cmac::BoringAesCmac, des::BoringDes, ec::BoringEc, eq::BoringEq,
hmac::BoringHmac, rsa::BoringRsa,
use kmr_ta::{HardwareInfo, RpcInfo, RpcInfoV3};
use log::info;
fn log_formatter(record: &log::Record) -> String {
// line number should be present, so keeping it simple by just returning a 0.
let line = record.line().unwrap_or(0);
let file = record.file().unwrap_or("unknown file");
format!("{}: {}:{} {}\n", record.level(), file, line, record.args())
fn main() {
let config = trusty_log::TrustyLoggerConfig::default()
info!("Hello from Keymint Rust!");
let hw_info = HardwareInfo {
version_number: 3,
security_level: kmr_common::wire::keymint::SecurityLevel::TrustedEnvironment,
impl_name: "TEE KeyMint in Rust",
author_name: "Google",
unique_id: "TEE KeyMint TA",
let rpc_info_v3 = RpcInfoV3 {
author_name: "Google",
unique_id: "TEE KeyMint TA",
fused: false,
supported_num_of_keys_in_csr: kmr_wire::rpc::MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_KEYS_IN_CSR,
let mut rng = TrustyRng::default();
let clock = TrustyMonotonicClock;
let aes = TrustyAes::default();
let imp = crypto::Implementation {
rng: &mut rng,
clock: Some(&clock),
compare: &BoringEq,
aes: &aes,
des: &BoringDes,
hmac: &BoringHmac,
rsa: &BoringRsa::default(),
ec: &BoringEc::default(),
ckdf: &BoringAesCmac,
hkdf: &BoringHmac,
let sign_info = CertSignInfo;
let mut att_ids = AttestationIds;
let trusty_keys = TrustyKeys;
let key_wrapper = TrustyStorageKeyWrapper;
let sdd_mgr = TrustySecureDeletionSecretManager::new();
let mut shared_sdd_mgr = SharedSddManager::new(sdd_mgr);
let mut legacy_sdd_mgr = shared_sdd_mgr.clone();
let mut legacy_key = keymint::TrustyLegacyKeyBlobHandler {
aes: &BoringAes,
hkdf: &BoringHmac,
sdd_mgr: Some(&mut legacy_sdd_mgr),
keys: &trusty_keys,
let trusty_rpc = TrustyRpc;
let dev = kmr_ta::device::Implementation {
keys: &trusty_keys,
sign_info: &sign_info,
attest_ids: Some(&mut att_ids),
sdd_mgr: Some(&mut shared_sdd_mgr),
bootloader: &kmr_ta::device::BootloaderDone,
sk_wrapper: Some(&key_wrapper),
tup: &kmr_ta::device::TrustedPresenceUnsupported,
legacy_key: Some(&mut legacy_key),
rpc: &trusty_rpc,
keymint::handle_port_connections(hw_info, RpcInfo::V3(rpc_info_v3), imp, dev)
.expect("handle_port_connections returned an error");