blob: 4214bbd535448cf902ef543ad3c54459768f6ece [file] [log] [blame]
use std::io::{self, BufRead, Read};
use crate::stream::raw::{InBuffer, Operation, OutBuffer};
// [ reader -> zstd ] -> output
/// Implements the [`Read`] API around an [`Operation`].
/// This can be used to wrap a raw in-memory operation in a read-focused API.
/// It can wrap either a compression or decompression operation, and pulls
/// input data from a wrapped `Read`.
pub struct Reader<R, D> {
reader: R,
operation: D,
state: State,
single_frame: bool,
finished_frame: bool,
enum State {
// Still actively reading from the inner `Read`
// We reached EOF from the inner `Read`, now flushing.
// We are fully done, nothing can be read.
impl<R, D> Reader<R, D> {
/// Creates a new `Reader`.
/// `reader` will be used to pull input data for the given operation.
pub fn new(reader: R, operation: D) -> Self {
Reader {
state: State::Reading,
single_frame: false,
finished_frame: false,
/// Sets `self` to stop after the first decoded frame.
pub fn set_single_frame(&mut self) {
self.single_frame = true;
/// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying operation.
pub fn operation_mut(&mut self) -> &mut D {
&mut self.operation
/// Returns a mutable reference to the underlying reader.
pub fn reader_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R {
&mut self.reader
/// Returns a reference to the underlying reader.
pub fn reader(&self) -> &R {
/// Returns the inner reader.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> R {
/// Flush any internal buffer.
/// For encoders, this ensures all input consumed so far is compressed.
pub fn flush(&mut self, output: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize>
D: Operation,
self.operation.flush(&mut OutBuffer::around(output))
// Read and retry on Interrupted errors.
fn fill_buf<R>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<&[u8]>
R: BufRead,
// This doesn't work right now because of the borrow-checker.
// When it can be made to compile, it would allow Reader to automatically
// retry on `Interrupted` error.
loop {
match reader.fill_buf() {
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {}
otherwise => return otherwise,
// Workaround for now
let res = reader.fill_buf()?;
// eprintln!("Filled buffer: {:?}", res);
impl<R, D> Read for Reader<R, D>
R: BufRead,
D: Operation,
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
// Keep trying until _something_ has been written.
let mut first = true;
loop {
match self.state {
State::Reading => {
let (bytes_read, bytes_written) = {
// Start with a fresh pool of un-processed data.
// This is the only line that can return an interruption error.
let input = if first {
// eprintln!("First run, no input coming.");
} else {
fill_buf(&mut self.reader)?
// eprintln!("Input = {:?}", input);
// It's possible we don't have any new data to read.
// (In this case we may still have zstd's own buffer to clear.)
if !first && input.is_empty() {
self.state = State::PastEof;
first = false;
let mut src = InBuffer::around(input);
let mut dst = OutBuffer::around(buf);
// We don't want empty input (from first=true) to cause a frame
// re-initialization.
if self.finished_frame && !input.is_empty() {
// eprintln!("!! Reigniting !!");
self.finished_frame = false;
// Phase 1: feed input to the operation
let hint = src, &mut dst)?;
// eprintln!(
// "Hint={} Just run our operation:\n In={:?}\n Out={:?}",
// hint, src, dst
// );
if hint == 0 {
// In practice this only happens when decoding, when we just finished
// reading a frame.
self.finished_frame = true;
if self.single_frame {
self.state = State::Finished;
// eprintln!("Output: {:?}", dst);
(src.pos(), dst.pos())
if bytes_written > 0 {
return Ok(bytes_written);
// We need more data! Try again!
State::PastEof => {
let mut dst = OutBuffer::around(buf);
// We already sent all the input we could get to zstd. Time to flush out the
// buffer and be done with it.
// Phase 2: flush out the operation's buffer
// Keep calling `finish()` until the buffer is empty.
let hint = self
.finish(&mut dst, self.finished_frame)?;
// eprintln!("Hint: {} ; Output: {:?}", hint, dst);
if hint == 0 {
// This indicates that the footer is complete.
// This is the only way to terminate the stream cleanly.
self.state = State::Finished;
return Ok(dst.pos());
State::Finished => {
return Ok(0);
mod tests {
use super::Reader;
use std::io::{Cursor, Read};
fn test_noop() {
use crate::stream::raw::NoOp;
let input = b"AbcdefghAbcdefgh.";
// Test reader
let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut reader = Reader::new(Cursor::new(input), NoOp);
reader.read_to_end(&mut output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&output, input);
fn test_compress() {
use crate::stream::raw::Encoder;
let input = b"AbcdefghAbcdefgh.";
// Test reader
let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut reader =
Reader::new(Cursor::new(input), Encoder::new(1).unwrap());
reader.read_to_end(&mut output).unwrap();
// eprintln!("{:?}", output);
let decoded = crate::decode_all(&output[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&decoded, input);