blob: 1c3aed7ba8de2207336fc05d8625fcb44d9f78a2 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Combinators applying their child parser multiple times
mod tests;
use crate::error::ErrMode;
use crate::error::ErrorKind;
use crate::error::ParseError;
use crate::stream::Accumulate;
use crate::stream::{Stream, StreamIsPartial, ToUsize, UpdateSlice};
use crate::trace::trace;
use crate::Parser;
/// [`Accumulate`] the output of a parser into a container, like `Vec`
/// This stops on [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// To recognize a series of tokens, [`Accumulate`] into a `()` and then [`Parser::recognize`].
/// **Warning:** if the parser passed in accepts empty inputs (like `alpha0` or `digit0`), `many0` will
/// return an error, to prevent going into an infinite loop
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::ErrorKind, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::many0;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// many0("abc").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Ok(("123", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Ok(("123123", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Ok(("", vec![])));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "skip_many")]
#[doc(alias = "repeated")]
#[doc(alias = "many0_count")]
pub fn many0<I, O, C, E, F>(mut f: F) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("many0", move |mut i: I| {
let mut acc = C::initial(None);
loop {
let len = i.eof_offset();
match f.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, acc)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, o)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i1.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "many parsers must always consume"));
i = i1;
/// [`Accumulate`] the output of a parser into a container, like `Vec`
/// This stops on [`ErrMode::Backtrack`] if there is at least one result. To instead chain an error up,
/// see [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// To recognize a series of tokens, [`Accumulate`] into a `()` and then [`Parser::recognize`].
/// **Warning:** If the parser passed to `many1` accepts empty inputs
/// (like `alpha0` or `digit0`), `many1` will return an error,
/// to prevent going into an infinite loop.
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::many1;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// many1("abc").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Ok(("123", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "skip_many1")]
#[doc(alias = "repeated")]
#[doc(alias = "many1_count")]
pub fn many1<I, O, C, E, F>(mut f: F) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("many1", move |mut i: I| match f.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(e) => Err(e.append(i, ErrorKind::Many)),
Ok((i1, o)) => {
let mut acc = C::initial(None);
i = i1;
loop {
let len = i.eof_offset();
match f.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, acc)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, o)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i1.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "many parsers must always consume"));
i = i1;
/// Applies the parser `f` until the parser `g` produces a result.
/// Returns a tuple of the results of `f` in a `Vec` and the result of `g`.
/// `f` keeps going so long as `g` produces [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// To recognize a series of tokens, [`Accumulate`] into a `()` and then [`Parser::recognize`].
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::many_till0;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, (Vec<&str>, &str)> {
/// many_till0("abc", "end").parse_next(s)
/// };
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabcend"), Ok(("", (vec!["abc", "abc"], "end"))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123end"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123end", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123end"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123123end", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcendefg"), Ok(("efg", (vec!["abc"], "end"))));
/// ```
pub fn many_till0<I, O, C, P, E, F, G>(mut f: F, mut g: G) -> impl Parser<I, (C, P), E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
G: Parser<I, P, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("many_till0", move |mut i: I| {
let mut res = C::initial(None);
loop {
let len = i.eof_offset();
match g.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Ok((i1, o)) => return Ok((i1, (res, o))),
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => {
match f.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(e) => return Err(e.append(i, ErrorKind::Many)),
Ok((i1, o)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i1.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "many parsers must always consume"));
i = i1;
Err(e) => return Err(e),
/// Alternates between two parsers to produce a list of elements.
/// This stops when either parser returns [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `parser` Parses the elements of the list.
/// * `sep` Parses the separator between list elements.
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::ErrorKind, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::separated0;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// separated0("abc", "|").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc|abc|abc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123abc"), Ok(("123abc", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc|def"), Ok(("|def", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Ok(("", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("def|abc"), Ok(("def|abc", vec![])));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "sep_by")]
#[doc(alias = "separated_list0")]
pub fn separated0<I, O, C, O2, E, P, S>(mut parser: P, mut sep: S) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
P: Parser<I, O, E>,
S: Parser<I, O2, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("separated0", move |mut i: I| {
let mut res = C::initial(None);
match parser.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, res)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, o)) => {
i = i1;
loop {
let len = i.eof_offset();
match sep.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, res)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, _)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i1.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "sep parsers must always consume"));
match parser.parse_next(i1.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, res)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i2, o)) => {
i = i2;
/// Alternates between two parsers to produce a list of elements until [`ErrMode::Backtrack`].
/// Fails if the element parser does not produce at least one element.$
/// This stops when either parser returns [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `sep` Parses the separator between list elements.
/// * `f` Parses the elements of the list.
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::separated1;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// separated1("abc", "|").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc|abc|abc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123abc"), Ok(("123abc", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc|def"), Ok(("|def", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("def|abc"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("def|abc", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "sep_by1")]
#[doc(alias = "separated_list1")]
pub fn separated1<I, O, C, O2, E, P, S>(mut parser: P, mut sep: S) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
P: Parser<I, O, E>,
S: Parser<I, O2, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("separated1", move |mut i: I| {
let mut res = C::initial(None);
// Parse the first element
match parser.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, o)) => {
i = i1;
loop {
let len = i.eof_offset();
match sep.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, res)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, _)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i1.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "sep parsers must always consume"));
match parser.parse_next(i1.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, res)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i2, o)) => {
i = i2;
/// Alternates between two parsers, merging the results (left associative)
/// This stops when either parser returns [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::separated_foldl1;
/// use winnow::character::dec_int;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, i32> {
/// separated_foldl1(dec_int, "-", |l, _, r| l - r).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("9-3-5"), Ok(("", 1)));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Slice))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("def|abc"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("def|abc", ErrorKind::Slice))));
/// ```
pub fn separated_foldl1<I, O, O2, E, P, S, Op>(
mut parser: P,
mut sep: S,
op: Op,
) -> impl Parser<I, O, E>
I: Stream,
P: Parser<I, O, E>,
S: Parser<I, O2, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
Op: Fn(O, O2, O) -> O,
trace("separated_foldl1", move |i: I| {
let (mut i, mut ol) = parser.parse_next(i)?;
loop {
let len = i.eof_offset();
match sep.parse_next(i.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, ol)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i1, s)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i1.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "many parsers must always consume"));
match parser.parse_next(i1.clone()) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => return Ok((i, ol)),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i2, or)) => {
ol = op(ol, s, or);
i = i2;
/// Alternates between two parsers, merging the results (right associative)
/// This stops when either parser returns [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::separated_foldr1;
/// use winnow::character::dec_uint;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, u32> {
/// separated_foldr1(dec_uint, "^", |l: u32, _, r: u32| l.pow(r)).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("2^3^2"), Ok(("", 512)));
/// assert_eq!(parser("2"), Ok(("", 2)));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Slice))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("def|abc"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("def|abc", ErrorKind::Slice))));
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn separated_foldr1<I, O, O2, E, P, S, Op>(
mut parser: P,
mut sep: S,
op: Op,
) -> impl Parser<I, O, E>
I: Stream,
P: Parser<I, O, E>,
S: Parser<I, O2, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
Op: Fn(O, O2, O) -> O,
trace("separated_foldr1", move |i: I| {
let (i, ol) = parser.parse_next(i)?;
let (i, all): (_, crate::lib::std::vec::Vec<(O2, O)>) =
many0((sep.by_ref(), parser.by_ref())).parse_next(i)?;
if let Some((s, or)) = all
.reduce(|(sr, or), (sl, ol)| (sl, op(ol, sr, or)))
let merged = op(ol, s, or);
Ok((i, merged))
} else {
Ok((i, ol))
/// Repeats the embedded parser `m..=n` times
/// This stops before `n` when the parser returns [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `m` The minimum number of iterations.
/// * `n` The maximum number of iterations.
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// To recognize a series of tokens, [`Accumulate`] into a `()` and then [`Parser::recognize`].
/// **Warning:** If the parser passed to `many1` accepts empty inputs
/// (like `alpha0` or `digit0`), `many1` will return an error,
/// to prevent going into an infinite loop.
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::ErrorKind, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::many_m_n;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// many_m_n(0, 2, "abc").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Ok(("123", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Ok(("123123", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Ok(("", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabcabc"), Ok(("abc", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "repeated")]
pub fn many_m_n<I, O, C, E, F>(min: usize, max: usize, mut parse: F) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("many_m_n", move |mut input: I| {
if min > max {
return Err(ErrMode::Cut(E::from_error_kind(input, ErrorKind::Many)));
let mut res = C::initial(Some(min));
for count in 0..max {
let len = input.eof_offset();
match parse.parse_next(input.clone()) {
Ok((tail, value)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if tail.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(input, "many parsers must always consume"));
input = tail;
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(e)) => {
if count < min {
return Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(e.append(input, ErrorKind::Many)));
} else {
return Ok((input, res));
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
Ok((input, res))
/// [`Accumulate`] the output of a parser into a container, like `Vec`
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// * `count` How often to apply the parser.
/// To recognize a series of tokens, [`Accumulate`] into a `()` and then [`Parser::recognize`].
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::count;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// count("abc", 2).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabcabc"), Ok(("abc", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "skip_counskip_count")]
pub fn count<I, O, C, E, F>(mut f: F, count: usize) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
C: Accumulate<O>,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("count", move |i: I| {
let mut input = i.clone();
let mut res = C::initial(Some(count));
for _ in 0..count {
let input_ = input.clone();
match f.parse_next(input_) {
Ok((i, o)) => {
input = i;
Err(e) => {
return Err(e.append(i, ErrorKind::Many));
Ok((input, res))
/// Runs the embedded parser repeatedly, filling the given slice with results.
/// This parser fails if the input runs out before the given slice is full.
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// * `buf` The slice to fill
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::fill;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, [&str; 2]> {
/// let mut buf = ["", ""];
/// let (rest, ()) = fill("abc", &mut buf).parse_next(s)?;
/// Ok((rest, buf))
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", ["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123123", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabcabc"), Ok(("abc", ["abc", "abc"])));
/// ```
pub fn fill<'a, I, O, E, F>(mut f: F, buf: &'a mut [O]) -> impl Parser<I, (), E> + 'a
I: Stream + 'a,
F: Parser<I, O, E> + 'a,
E: ParseError<I> + 'a,
trace("fill", move |i: I| {
let mut input = i.clone();
for elem in buf.iter_mut() {
let input_ = input.clone();
match f.parse_next(input_) {
Ok((i, o)) => {
*elem = o;
input = i;
Err(e) => {
return Err(e.append(i, ErrorKind::Many));
Ok((input, ()))
/// Repeats the embedded parser, calling `g` to gather the results.
/// This stops on [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// * `init` A function returning the initial value.
/// * `g` The function that combines a result of `f` with
/// the current accumulator.
/// **Warning:** if the parser passed in accepts empty inputs (like `alpha0` or `digit0`), `many0` will
/// return an error, to prevent going into an infinite loop
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::ErrorKind, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::fold_many0;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// fold_many0(
/// "abc",
/// Vec::new,
/// |mut acc: Vec<_>, item| {
/// acc.push(item);
/// acc
/// }
/// ).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Ok(("123", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Ok(("123123", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Ok(("", vec![])));
/// ```
pub fn fold_many0<I, O, E, F, G, H, R>(mut f: F, mut init: H, mut g: G) -> impl Parser<I, R, E>
I: Stream,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
G: FnMut(R, O) -> R,
H: FnMut() -> R,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("fold_many0", move |i: I| {
let mut res = init();
let mut input = i;
loop {
let i_ = input.clone();
let len = input.eof_offset();
match f.parse_next(i_) {
Ok((i, o)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "many parsers must always consume"));
res = g(res, o);
input = i;
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => {
return Ok((input, res));
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
/// Repeats the embedded parser, calling `g` to gather the results.
/// This stops on [`ErrMode::Backtrack`] if there is at least one result. To instead chain an error up,
/// see [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// * `init` A function returning the initial value.
/// * `g` The function that combines a result of `f` with
/// the current accumulator.
/// **Warning:** If the parser passed to `many1` accepts empty inputs
/// (like `alpha0` or `digit0`), `many1` will return an error,
/// to prevent going into an infinite loop.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::fold_many1;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// fold_many1(
/// "abc",
/// Vec::new,
/// |mut acc: Vec<_>, item| {
/// acc.push(item);
/// acc
/// }
/// ).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Ok(("123", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123123", ErrorKind::Many))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Many))));
/// ```
pub fn fold_many1<I, O, E, F, G, H, R>(mut f: F, mut init: H, mut g: G) -> impl Parser<I, R, E>
I: Stream,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
G: FnMut(R, O) -> R,
H: FnMut() -> R,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("fold_many1", move |i: I| {
let _i = i.clone();
let init = init();
match f.parse_next(_i) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => Err(ErrMode::from_error_kind(i, ErrorKind::Many)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok((i1, o1)) => {
let mut acc = g(init, o1);
let mut input = i1;
loop {
let _input = input.clone();
let len = input.eof_offset();
match f.parse_next(_input) {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_)) => {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((i, o)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if i.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(i, "many parsers must always consume"));
acc = g(acc, o);
input = i;
Ok((input, acc))
/// Repeats the embedded parser `m..=n` times, calling `g` to gather the results
/// This stops before `n` when the parser returns [`ErrMode::Backtrack`]. To instead chain an error up, see
/// [`cut_err`][crate::combinator::cut_err].
/// # Arguments
/// * `m` The minimum number of iterations.
/// * `n` The maximum number of iterations.
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// * `init` A function returning the initial value.
/// * `g` The function that combines a result of `f` with
/// the current accumulator.
/// **Warning:** If the parser passed to `many1` accepts empty inputs
/// (like `alpha0` or `digit0`), `many1` will return an error,
/// to prevent going into an infinite loop.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::ErrorKind, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::multi::fold_many_m_n;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
/// fold_many_m_n(
/// 0,
/// 2,
/// "abc",
/// Vec::new,
/// |mut acc: Vec<_>, item| {
/// acc.push(item);
/// acc
/// }
/// ).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabc"), Ok(("", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc123"), Ok(("123", vec!["abc"])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("123123"), Ok(("123123", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Ok(("", vec![])));
/// assert_eq!(parser("abcabcabc"), Ok(("abc", vec!["abc", "abc"])));
/// ```
pub fn fold_many_m_n<I, O, E, F, G, H, R>(
min: usize,
max: usize,
mut parse: F,
mut init: H,
mut fold: G,
) -> impl Parser<I, R, E>
I: Stream,
F: Parser<I, O, E>,
G: FnMut(R, O) -> R,
H: FnMut() -> R,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("fold_many_m_n", move |mut input: I| {
if min > max {
return Err(ErrMode::Cut(E::from_error_kind(input, ErrorKind::Many)));
let mut acc = init();
for count in 0..max {
let len = input.eof_offset();
match parse.parse_next(input.clone()) {
Ok((tail, value)) => {
// infinite loop check: the parser must always consume
if tail.eof_offset() == len {
return Err(ErrMode::assert(input, "many parsers must always consume"));
acc = fold(acc, value);
input = tail;
//FInputXMError: handle failure properly
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(err)) => {
if count < min {
return Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(err.append(input, ErrorKind::Many)));
} else {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((input, acc))
/// Gets a number from the parser and returns a
/// subslice of the input of that size.
/// *Complete version*: Returns an error if there is not enough input data.
/// *Partial version*: Will return `Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Incomplete(_))` if there is not enough data.
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::ErrorKind, error::Needed, stream::Partial};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::Bytes;
/// use winnow::number::be_u16;
/// use winnow::multi::length_data;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// type Stream<'i> = Partial<&'i Bytes>;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Partial::new(Bytes::new(b))
/// }
/// fn parser(s: Stream<'_>) -> IResult<Stream<'_>, &[u8]> {
/// length_data(be_u16).parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x00\x03abcefg")), Ok((stream(&b"efg"[..]), &b"abc"[..])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x00\x03a")), Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::new(2))));
/// ```
pub fn length_data<I, N, E, F>(mut f: F) -> impl Parser<I, <I as Stream>::Slice, E>
I: StreamIsPartial,
I: Stream,
N: ToUsize,
F: Parser<I, N, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("length_data", move |i: I| {
let (i, length) = f.parse_next(i)?;
/// Gets a number from the first parser,
/// takes a subslice of the input of that size,
/// then applies the second parser on that subslice.
/// If the second parser returns `Incomplete`,
/// `length_value` will return an error.
/// *Complete version*: Returns an error if there is not enough input data.
/// *Partial version*: Will return `Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Incomplete(_))` if there is not enough data.
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply.
/// * `g` The parser to apply on the subslice.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed, stream::{Partial, StreamIsPartial}};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::Bytes;
/// use winnow::number::be_u16;
/// use winnow::multi::length_value;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// type Stream<'i> = Partial<&'i Bytes>;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Partial::new(Bytes::new(b))
/// }
/// fn complete_stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// let mut p = Partial::new(Bytes::new(b));
/// let _ = p.complete();
/// p
/// }
/// fn parser(s: Stream<'_>) -> IResult<Stream<'_>, &[u8]> {
/// length_value(be_u16, "abc").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x00\x03abcefg")), Ok((stream(&b"efg"[..]), &b"abc"[..])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x00\x03123123")), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new(complete_stream(&b"123"[..]), ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x00\x03a")), Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::new(2))));
/// ```
pub fn length_value<I, O, N, E, F, G>(mut f: F, mut g: G) -> impl Parser<I, O, E>
I: StreamIsPartial,
I: Stream + UpdateSlice,
N: ToUsize,
F: Parser<I, N, E>,
G: Parser<I, O, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("length_value", move |i: I| {
let (i, data) = length_data(f.by_ref()).parse_next(i)?;
let mut data = I::update_slice(i.clone(), data);
let _ = data.complete();
let (_, o) = g.by_ref().complete_err().parse_next(data)?;
Ok((i, o))
/// Gets a number from the first parser,
/// then applies the second parser that many times.
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` The parser to apply to obtain the count.
/// * `g` The parser to apply repeatedly.
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// # use winnow::{error::ErrMode, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, error::Needed};
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::Bytes;
/// use winnow::number::u8;
/// use winnow::multi::length_count;
/// use winnow::bytes::tag;
/// type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Bytes::new(b)
/// }
/// fn parser(s: Stream<'_>) -> IResult<Stream<'_>, Vec<&[u8]>> {
/// length_count(|i| {
/// println!("got number: {}", i);
/// i
/// }), "abc").parse_next(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x02abcabcabc")), Ok((stream(b"abc"), vec![&b"abc"[..], &b"abc"[..]])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(stream(b"\x03123123123")), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new(stream(b"123123123"), ErrorKind::Tag))));
/// ```
pub fn length_count<I, O, C, N, E, F, G>(mut f: F, mut g: G) -> impl Parser<I, C, E>
I: Stream,
N: ToUsize,
C: Accumulate<O>,
F: Parser<I, N, E>,
G: Parser<I, O, E>,
E: ParseError<I>,
trace("length_count", move |i: I| {
let (i, n) = f.parse_next(i)?;
let n = n.to_usize();
count(g.by_ref(), n).parse_next(i)