blob: b49b0560acc6a0305e2f2d4807c164549787580c [file] [log] [blame]
//! # Error management
//! Errors are designed with multiple needs in mind:
//! - Accumulate more [context][Parser::context] as the error goes up the parser chain
//! - Distinguish between [recoverable errors,
//! unrecoverable errors, and more data is needed][ErrMode]
//! - Have a very low overhead, as errors are often discarded by the calling parser (examples: `many0`, `alt`)
//! - Can be modified according to the user's needs, because some languages need a lot more information
//! - Help thread-through the [stream][crate::stream]
//! To abstract these needs away from the user, generally `winnow` parsers use the [`IResult`]
//! alias, rather than [`Result`][std::result::Result]. [`finish`][FinishIResult::finish] is
//! provided for top-level parsers to integrate with your application's error reporting.
//! Error types include:
//! - `()`
//! - [`Error`]
//! - [`VerboseError`]
//! - [Custom errors][crate::_topic::error]
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use crate::lib::std::borrow::ToOwned;
use crate::lib::std::fmt;
use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::stream::StreamIsPartial;
#[allow(unused_imports)] // Here for intra-doc links
use crate::Parser;
/// Holds the result of [`Parser`]
/// - `Ok((I, O))` is the remaining [input][crate::stream] and the parsed value
/// - [`Err(ErrMode<E>)`][ErrMode] is the error along with how to respond to it
/// By default, the error type (`E`) is [`Error`]
/// At the top-level of your parser, you can use the [`FinishIResult::finish`] method to convert
/// it to a more common result type
pub type IResult<I, O, E = Error<I>> = Result<(I, O), ErrMode<E>>;
/// Extension trait to convert a parser's [`IResult`] to a more manageable type
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.0", note = "Replaced with `Parser::parse`")]
pub trait FinishIResult<I, O, E> {
/// Converts the parser's [`IResult`] to a type that is more consumable by callers.
/// Errors if the parser is not at the [end of input][crate::combinator::eof]. See
/// [`FinishIResult::finish_err`] if the remaining input is needed.
/// # Panic
/// If the result is `Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(_))`, this method will panic.
/// - **Complete parsers:** It will not be an issue, `Incomplete` is never used
/// - **Partial parsers:** `Incomplete` will be returned if there's not enough data
/// for the parser to decide, and you should gather more data before parsing again.
/// Once the parser returns either `Ok(_)`, `Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(_))` or `Err(ErrMode::Cut(_))`,
/// you can get out of the parsing loop and call `finish_err()` on the parser's result
/// # Example
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), doc = "```ignore")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", doc = "```")]
/// use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::character::hex_uint;
/// use winnow::error::Error;
/// struct Hex(u64);
/// fn parse(value: &str) -> Result<Hex, Error<String>> {
/// }
/// ```
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.0", note = "Replaced with `Parser::parse`")]
fn finish(self) -> Result<O, E>;
/// Converts the parser's [`IResult`] to a type that is more consumable by errors.
/// It keeps the same `Ok` branch, and merges `ErrMode::Backtrack` and `ErrMode::Cut` into the `Err`
/// side.
/// # Panic
/// If the result is `Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(_))`, this method will panic as [`ErrMode::Incomplete`]
/// should only be set when the input is [`StreamIsPartial<false>`] which this isn't implemented
/// for.
#[deprecated(since = "0.4.0", note = "Replaced with `Parser::parse`")]
fn finish_err(self) -> Result<(I, O), E>;
impl<I, O, E> FinishIResult<I, O, E> for IResult<I, O, E>
I: Stream,
// Force users to deal with `Incomplete` when `StreamIsPartial<true>`
I: StreamIsPartial,
I: Clone,
E: ParseError<I>,
fn finish(self) -> Result<O, E> {
"partial streams need to handle `ErrMode::Incomplete`"
let (i, o) = self.finish_err()?;
fn finish_err(self) -> Result<(I, O), E> {
"partial streams need to handle `ErrMode::Incomplete`"
match self {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(e)) | Err(ErrMode::Cut(e)) => Err(e),
Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(_)) => {
panic!("complete parsers should not report `Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(_))`")
/// Contains information on needed data if a parser returned `Incomplete`
/// **Note:** This is only possible for `Stream` that are [partial][`StreamIsPartial`],
/// like [`Partial`][crate::Partial].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(nightly, warn(rustdoc::missing_doc_code_examples))]
pub enum Needed {
/// Needs more data, but we do not know how much
/// Contains the required data size in bytes
impl Needed {
/// Creates `Needed` instance, returns `Needed::Unknown` if the argument is zero
pub fn new(s: usize) -> Self {
match NonZeroUsize::new(s) {
Some(sz) => Needed::Size(sz),
None => Needed::Unknown,
/// Indicates if we know how many bytes we need
pub fn is_known(&self) -> bool {
*self != Needed::Unknown
/// Maps a `Needed` to `Needed` by applying a function to a contained `Size` value.
pub fn map<F: Fn(NonZeroUsize) -> usize>(self, f: F) -> Needed {
match self {
Needed::Unknown => Needed::Unknown,
Needed::Size(n) => Needed::new(f(n)),
/// The `Err` enum indicates the parser was not successful
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(nightly, warn(rustdoc::missing_doc_code_examples))]
pub enum ErrMode<E> {
/// There was not enough data to determine the appropriate action
/// More data needs to be buffered before retrying the parse.
/// This must only be set when the [`Stream`] is [partial][`StreamIsPartial`], like with
/// [`Partial`][crate::Partial]
/// Convert this into an `Backtrack` with [`Parser::complete_err`]
/// The parser failed with a recoverable error (the default).
/// For example, a parser for json values might include a
/// [`dec_uint`][crate::character::dec_uint] as one case in an [`alt`][crate::branch::alt]
/// combiantor. If it fails, the next case should be tried.
/// The parser had an unrecoverable error.
/// The parser was on the right branch, so directly report it to the user rather than trying
/// other branches. You can use [`cut_err()`][crate::combinator::cut_err] combinator to switch
/// from `ErrMode::Backtrack` to `ErrMode::Cut`.
/// For example, one case in an [`alt`][crate::branch::alt] combinator found a unique prefix
/// and you want any further errors parsing the case to be reported to the user.
impl<E> ErrMode<E> {
/// Tests if the result is Incomplete
pub fn is_incomplete(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ErrMode::Incomplete(_))
/// Prevent backtracking, bubbling the error up to the top
pub fn cut(self) -> Self {
match self {
ErrMode::Backtrack(e) => ErrMode::Cut(e),
rest => rest,
/// Enable backtracking support
pub fn backtrack(self) -> Self {
match self {
ErrMode::Cut(e) => ErrMode::Backtrack(e),
rest => rest,
/// Applies the given function to the inner error
pub fn map<E2, F>(self, f: F) -> ErrMode<E2>
F: FnOnce(E) -> E2,
match self {
ErrMode::Incomplete(n) => ErrMode::Incomplete(n),
ErrMode::Cut(t) => ErrMode::Cut(f(t)),
ErrMode::Backtrack(t) => ErrMode::Backtrack(f(t)),
/// Automatically converts between errors if the underlying type supports it
pub fn convert<F>(self) -> ErrMode<F>
E: ErrorConvert<F>,
impl<I, E: ParseError<I>> ParseError<I> for ErrMode<E> {
fn from_error_kind(input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
ErrMode::Backtrack(E::from_error_kind(input, kind))
#[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
fn assert(input: I, message: &'static str) -> Self
I: crate::lib::std::fmt::Debug,
ErrMode::Backtrack(E::assert(input, message))
fn append(self, input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
match self {
ErrMode::Backtrack(e) => ErrMode::Backtrack(e.append(input, kind)),
e => e,
fn or(self, other: Self) -> Self {
match (self, other) {
(ErrMode::Backtrack(e), ErrMode::Backtrack(o)) => ErrMode::Backtrack(e.or(o)),
(ErrMode::Incomplete(e), _) | (_, ErrMode::Incomplete(e)) => ErrMode::Incomplete(e),
(ErrMode::Cut(e), _) | (_, ErrMode::Cut(e)) => ErrMode::Cut(e),
impl<I, EXT, E> FromExternalError<I, EXT> for ErrMode<E>
E: FromExternalError<I, EXT>,
fn from_external_error(input: I, kind: ErrorKind, e: EXT) -> Self {
ErrMode::Backtrack(E::from_external_error(input, kind, e))
impl<T> ErrMode<Error<T>> {
/// Maps `ErrMode<Error<T>>` to `ErrMode<Error<U>>` with the given `F: T -> U`
pub fn map_input<U, F>(self, f: F) -> ErrMode<Error<U>>
F: FnOnce(T) -> U,
match self {
ErrMode::Incomplete(n) => ErrMode::Incomplete(n),
ErrMode::Cut(Error { input, kind }) => ErrMode::Cut(Error {
input: f(input),
ErrMode::Backtrack(Error { input, kind }) => ErrMode::Backtrack(Error {
input: f(input),
impl<E: Eq> Eq for ErrMode<E> {}
impl<E> fmt::Display for ErrMode<E>
E: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::Size(u)) => write!(f, "Parsing requires {} bytes/chars", u),
ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown) => write!(f, "Parsing requires more data"),
ErrMode::Cut(c) => write!(f, "Parsing Failure: {:?}", c),
ErrMode::Backtrack(c) => write!(f, "Parsing Error: {:?}", c),
/// The basic [`Parser`] trait for errors
/// It provides methods to create an error from some combinators,
/// and combine existing errors in combinators like `alt`.
pub trait ParseError<I>: Sized {
/// Creates an error from the input position and an [`ErrorKind`]
fn from_error_kind(input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self;
/// Process a parser assertion
#[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
fn assert(input: I, _message: &'static str) -> Self
I: crate::lib::std::fmt::Debug,
panic!("assert `{}` failed at {:#?}", _message, input);
Self::from_error_kind(input, ErrorKind::Assert)
/// Like [`ParseError::from_error_kind`] but merges it with the existing error.
/// This is useful when backtracking through a parse tree, accumulating error context on the
/// way.
fn append(self, input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self;
/// Combines errors from two different parse branches.
/// For example, this would be used by [`alt`][crate::branch::alt] to report the error from
/// each case.
fn or(self, other: Self) -> Self {
/// Used by [`Parser::context`] to add custom data to error while backtracking
/// May be implemented multiple times for different kinds of context.
pub trait ContextError<I, C = &'static str>: Sized {
/// Append to an existing error custom data
/// This is used mainly by [`Parser::context`], to add user friendly information
/// to errors when backtracking through a parse tree
fn add_context(self, _input: I, _ctx: C) -> Self {
/// Create a new error with an external error, from [`std::str::FromStr`]
/// This trait is required by the [`Parser::map_res`] combinator.
pub trait FromExternalError<I, E> {
/// Like [`ParseError::from_error_kind`] but also include an external error.
fn from_external_error(input: I, kind: ErrorKind, e: E) -> Self;
/// Equivalent of `From` implementation to avoid orphan rules in bits parsers
pub trait ErrorConvert<E> {
/// Transform to another error type
fn convert(self) -> E;
/// Default error type, only contains the error' location and kind
/// This is a low-overhead error that only provides basic information. For less overhead, see
/// `()`. Fore more information, see [`VerboseError`].
/// **Note:** [context][Parser::context] and inner errors (like from [`Parser::map_res`]) will be
/// dropped.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Error<I> {
/// The input stream, pointing to the location where the error occurred
pub input: I,
/// A rudimentary error kind
pub kind: ErrorKind,
impl<I> Error<I> {
/// Creates a new basic error
pub fn new(input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Error<I> {
Error { input, kind }
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<'i, I: ToOwned + ?Sized> Error<&'i I> {
/// Obtaining ownership
pub fn into_owned(self) -> Error<<I as ToOwned>::Owned> {
Error {
input: self.input.to_owned(),
kind: self.kind,
impl<I> ParseError<I> for Error<I> {
fn from_error_kind(input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
Error { input, kind }
fn append(self, _: I, _: ErrorKind) -> Self {
impl<I, C> ContextError<I, C> for Error<I> {}
impl<I, E> FromExternalError<I, E> for Error<I> {
/// Create a new error from an input position and an external error
fn from_external_error(input: I, kind: ErrorKind, _e: E) -> Self {
Error { input, kind }
impl<I> ErrorConvert<Error<(I, usize)>> for Error<I> {
fn convert(self) -> Error<(I, usize)> {
Error {
input: (self.input, 0),
kind: self.kind,
impl<I> ErrorConvert<Error<I>> for Error<(I, usize)> {
fn convert(self) -> Error<I> {
Error {
input: self.input.0,
kind: self.kind,
/// The Display implementation allows the `std::error::Error` implementation
impl<I: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Error<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "error {:?} at: {}", self.kind, self.input)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<I: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display + Sync + Send + 'static> std::error::Error for Error<I> {}
impl<I> ParseError<I> for () {
fn from_error_kind(_: I, _: ErrorKind) -> Self {}
fn append(self, _: I, _: ErrorKind) -> Self {}
impl<I, C> ContextError<I, C> for () {}
impl<I, E> FromExternalError<I, E> for () {
fn from_external_error(_input: I, _kind: ErrorKind, _e: E) -> Self {}
impl ErrorConvert<()> for () {
fn convert(self) {}
/// Accumulates error information while backtracking
/// For less overhead (and information), see [`Error`].
/// [`convert_error`] provides an example of how to render this for end-users.
/// **Note:** This will only capture the last failed branch for combinators like
/// [`alt`][crate::branch::alt].
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct VerboseError<I> {
/// Accumulated error information
pub errors: crate::lib::std::vec::Vec<(I, VerboseErrorKind)>,
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<'i, I: ToOwned + ?Sized> VerboseError<&'i I> {
/// Obtaining ownership
pub fn into_owned(self) -> VerboseError<<I as ToOwned>::Owned> {
#[allow(clippy::redundant_clone)] // false positive
VerboseError {
errors: self
.map(|(i, k)| (i.to_owned(), k))
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// Error context for `VerboseError`
pub enum VerboseErrorKind {
/// Static string added by the `context` function
Context(&'static str),
/// Error kind given by various parsers
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<I> ParseError<I> for VerboseError<I> {
fn from_error_kind(input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
VerboseError {
errors: vec![(input, VerboseErrorKind::Winnow(kind))],
fn append(mut self, input: I, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
self.errors.push((input, VerboseErrorKind::Winnow(kind)));
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<I> ContextError<I, &'static str> for VerboseError<I> {
fn add_context(mut self, input: I, ctx: &'static str) -> Self {
self.errors.push((input, VerboseErrorKind::Context(ctx)));
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<I, E> FromExternalError<I, E> for VerboseError<I> {
/// Create a new error from an input position and an external error
fn from_external_error(input: I, kind: ErrorKind, _e: E) -> Self {
Self::from_error_kind(input, kind)
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<I> ErrorConvert<VerboseError<I>> for VerboseError<(I, usize)> {
fn convert(self) -> VerboseError<I> {
VerboseError {
errors: self.errors.into_iter().map(|(i, e)| (i.0, e)).collect(),
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<I> ErrorConvert<VerboseError<(I, usize)>> for VerboseError<I> {
fn convert(self) -> VerboseError<(I, usize)> {
VerboseError {
errors: self.errors.into_iter().map(|(i, e)| ((i, 0), e)).collect(),
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<I: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for VerboseError<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "Parse error:")?;
for (input, error) in &self.errors {
match error {
VerboseErrorKind::Winnow(e) => writeln!(f, "{:?} at: {}", e, input)?,
VerboseErrorKind::Context(s) => writeln!(f, "in section '{}', at: {}", s, input)?,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<I: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display + Sync + Send + 'static> std::error::Error for VerboseError<I> {}
/// Transforms a `VerboseError` into a trace with input position information
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn convert_error<I: core::ops::Deref<Target = str>>(
input: I,
e: VerboseError<I>,
) -> crate::lib::std::string::String {
use crate::lib::std::fmt::Write;
use crate::stream::Offset;
let mut result = crate::lib::std::string::String::new();
for (i, (substring, kind)) in e.errors.iter().enumerate() {
let offset = input.offset_to(substring);
if input.is_empty() {
match kind {
VerboseErrorKind::Context(s) => {
write!(&mut result, "{}: in {}, got empty input\n\n", i, s)
VerboseErrorKind::Winnow(e) => {
write!(&mut result, "{}: in {:?}, got empty input\n\n", i, e)
} else {
let prefix = &input.as_bytes()[..offset];
// Count the number of newlines in the first `offset` bytes of input
let line_number = prefix.iter().filter(|&&b| b == b'\n').count() + 1;
// Find the line that includes the subslice:
// Find the *last* newline before the substring starts
let line_begin = prefix
.position(|&b| b == b'\n')
.map(|pos| offset - pos)
// Find the full line after that newline
let line = input[line_begin..]
// The (1-indexed) column number is the offset of our substring into that line
let column_number = line.offset_to(substring) + 1;
match kind {
VerboseErrorKind::Context(s) => write!(
&mut result,
"{i}: at line {line_number}, in {context}:\n\
i = i,
line_number = line_number,
context = s,
line = line,
caret = '^',
column = column_number,
VerboseErrorKind::Winnow(e) => write!(
&mut result,
"{i}: at line {line_number}, in {kind:?}:\n\
i = i,
line_number = line_number,
kind = e,
line = line,
caret = '^',
column = column_number,
// Because `write!` to a `String` is infallible, this `unwrap` is fine.
/// Provide some minor debug context for errors
pub enum ErrorKind {
impl ErrorKind {
/// Converts an `ErrorKind` to a text description
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
ErrorKind::Assert => "assert",
ErrorKind::Token => "token",
ErrorKind::Tag => "tag",
ErrorKind::Alt => "alternative",
ErrorKind::Many => "many",
ErrorKind::Eof => "end of file",
ErrorKind::Slice => "slice",
ErrorKind::Complete => "complete",
ErrorKind::Not => "negation",
ErrorKind::Verify => "predicate verification",
ErrorKind::Fail => "fail",
/// Creates a parse error from a [`ErrorKind`]
/// and the position in the input
macro_rules! error_position(
($input:expr, $code:expr) => ({
$crate::error::ParseError::from_error_kind($input, $code)
macro_rules! error_node_position(
($input:expr, $code:expr, $next:expr) => ({
$crate::error::ParseError::append($next, $input, $code)
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn convert_error_panic() {
let input = "";
let _result: IResult<_, _, VerboseError<&str>> = 'x'.parse_next(input);