blob: 18cce6f67ce12bec3e780d1a9bfc96ed7a946cbd [file] [log] [blame]
//! Bit level parsers
mod tests;
use crate::error::{ErrMode, ErrorConvert, ErrorKind, Needed, ParseError};
use crate::lib::std::ops::{AddAssign, Div, Shl, Shr};
use crate::stream::{AsBytes, Stream, StreamIsPartial, ToUsize};
use crate::trace::trace;
use crate::{IResult, Parser};
/// Converts a byte-level input to a bit-level input
/// See [`bytes`] to convert it back.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::Bytes;
/// use winnow::bits::{bits, take};
/// use winnow::error::Error;
/// type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Bytes::new(b)
/// }
/// fn parse(input: Stream<'_>) -> IResult<Stream<'_>, (u8, u8)> {
/// bits::<_, _, Error<(_, usize)>, _, _>((take(4usize), take(8usize))).parse_next(input)
/// }
/// let input = stream(&[0x12, 0x34, 0xff, 0xff]);
/// let output = parse(input).expect("We take 1.5 bytes and the input is longer than 2 bytes");
/// // The first byte is consumed, the second byte is partially consumed and dropped.
/// let remaining = output.0;
/// assert_eq!(remaining, stream(&[0xff, 0xff]));
/// let parsed = output.1;
/// assert_eq!(parsed.0, 0x01);
/// assert_eq!(parsed.1, 0x23);
/// ```
pub fn bits<I, O, E1, E2, P>(mut parser: P) -> impl Parser<I, O, E2>
E1: ParseError<(I, usize)> + ErrorConvert<E2>,
E2: ParseError<I>,
I: Stream,
P: Parser<(I, usize), O, E1>,
trace("bits", move |input: I| {
match parser.parse_next((input, 0)) {
Ok(((rest, offset), result)) => {
// If the next byte has been partially read, it will be sliced away as well.
// The parser functions might already slice away all fully read bytes.
// That's why `offset / 8` isn't necessarily needed at all times.
let remaining_bytes_index = offset / 8 + if offset % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 };
let (input, _) = rest.next_slice(remaining_bytes_index);
Ok((input, result))
Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(n)) => Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(|u| u.get() / 8 + 1))),
Err(e) => Err(e.convert()),
/// Convert a [`bits`] stream back into a byte stream
/// **Warning:** A partial byte remaining in the input will be ignored and the given parser will
/// start parsing at the next full byte.
/// ```
/// use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::Bytes;
/// use winnow::bits::{bits, bytes, take};
/// use winnow::combinator::rest;
/// use winnow::error::Error;
/// type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Bytes::new(b)
/// }
/// fn parse(input: Stream<'_>) -> IResult<Stream<'_>, (u8, u8, &[u8])> {
/// bits::<_, _, Error<(_, usize)>, _, _>((
/// take(4usize),
/// take(8usize),
/// bytes::<_, _, Error<_>, _, _>(rest)
/// )).parse_next(input)
/// }
/// let input = stream(&[0x12, 0x34, 0xff, 0xff]);
/// assert_eq!(parse(input), Ok(( stream(&[]), (0x01, 0x23, &[0xff, 0xff][..]) )));
/// ```
pub fn bytes<I, O, E1, E2, P>(mut parser: P) -> impl Parser<(I, usize), O, E2>
E1: ParseError<I> + ErrorConvert<E2>,
E2: ParseError<(I, usize)>,
I: Stream<Token = u8>,
P: Parser<I, O, E1>,
trace("bytes", move |(input, offset): (I, usize)| {
let (inner, _) = if offset % 8 != 0 {
input.next_slice(1 + offset / 8)
} else {
input.next_slice(offset / 8)
let i = (input, offset);
match parser.parse_next(inner) {
Ok((rest, res)) => Ok(((rest, 0), res)),
Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown)) => Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown)),
Err(ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::Size(sz))) => Err(match sz.get().checked_mul(8) {
Some(v) => ErrMode::Incomplete(Needed::new(v)),
None => ErrMode::Cut(E2::assert(
"overflow in turning needed bytes into needed bits",
Err(e) => Err(e.convert()),
/// Parse taking `count` bits
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// # use winnow::Bytes;
/// # use winnow::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
/// use winnow::bits::take;
/// type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Bytes::new(b)
/// }
/// fn parser(input: (Stream<'_>, usize), count: usize)-> IResult<(Stream<'_>, usize), u8> {
/// take(count).parse_next(input)
/// }
/// // Consumes 0 bits, returns 0
/// assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 0), Ok(((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 0)));
/// // Consumes 4 bits, returns their values and increase offset to 4
/// assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 4), Ok(((stream(&[0b00010010]), 4), 0b00000001)));
/// // Consumes 4 bits, offset is 4, returns their values and increase offset to 0 of next byte
/// assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 4), 4), Ok(((stream(&[]), 0), 0b00000010)));
/// // Tries to consume 12 bits but only 8 are available
/// assert_eq!(parser((stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), 12), Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Backtrack(Error{input: (stream(&[0b00010010]), 0), kind: ErrorKind::Eof })));
/// ```
pub fn take<I, O, C, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(count: C) -> impl Parser<(I, usize), O, E>
I: Stream<Token = u8> + AsBytes + StreamIsPartial,
C: ToUsize,
O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O>,
let count = count.to_usize();
trace("take", move |input: (I, usize)| {
if input.is_partial() {
streaming_take_internal(input, count)
} else {
complete_take_internal(input, count)
pub(crate) fn streaming_take_internal<I, O, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(
(input, bit_offset): (I, usize),
count: usize,
) -> IResult<(I, usize), O, E>
I: Stream<Token = u8> + AsBytes,
O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O>,
if count == 0 {
Ok(((input, bit_offset), 0u8.into()))
} else {
let cnt = (count + bit_offset).div(8);
if input.eof_offset() * 8 < count + bit_offset {
} else {
let mut acc: O = 0_u8.into();
let mut offset: usize = bit_offset;
let mut remaining: usize = count;
let mut end_offset: usize = 0;
for byte in input.as_bytes().iter().copied().take(cnt + 1) {
if remaining == 0 {
let val: O = if offset == 0 {
} else {
(byte << offset >> offset).into()
if remaining < 8 - offset {
acc += val >> (8 - offset - remaining);
end_offset = remaining + offset;
} else {
acc += val << (remaining - (8 - offset));
remaining -= 8 - offset;
offset = 0;
let (input, _) = input.next_slice(cnt);
Ok(((input, end_offset), acc))
pub(crate) fn complete_take_internal<I, O, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(
(input, bit_offset): (I, usize),
count: usize,
) -> IResult<(I, usize), O, E>
I: Stream<Token = u8> + AsBytes,
O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O>,
if count == 0 {
Ok(((input, bit_offset), 0u8.into()))
} else {
let cnt = (count + bit_offset).div(8);
if input.eof_offset() * 8 < count + bit_offset {
(input, bit_offset),
} else {
let mut acc: O = 0_u8.into();
let mut offset: usize = bit_offset;
let mut remaining: usize = count;
let mut end_offset: usize = 0;
for byte in input.as_bytes().iter().copied().take(cnt + 1) {
if remaining == 0 {
let val: O = if offset == 0 {
} else {
(byte << offset >> offset).into()
if remaining < 8 - offset {
acc += val >> (8 - offset - remaining);
end_offset = remaining + offset;
} else {
acc += val << (remaining - (8 - offset));
remaining -= 8 - offset;
offset = 0;
let (input, _) = input.next_slice(cnt);
Ok(((input, end_offset), acc))
/// Parse taking `count` bits and comparing them to `pattern`
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// # use winnow::Bytes;
/// # use winnow::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
/// use winnow::bits::tag;
/// type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Bytes::new(b)
/// }
/// /// Compare the lowest `count` bits of `input` against the lowest `count` bits of `pattern`.
/// /// Return Ok and the matching section of `input` if there's a match.
/// /// Return Err if there's no match.
/// fn parser(pattern: u8, count: u8, input: (Stream<'_>, usize)) -> IResult<(Stream<'_>, usize), u8> {
/// tag(pattern, count).parse_next(input)
/// }
/// // The lowest 4 bits of 0b00001111 match the lowest 4 bits of 0b11111111.
/// assert_eq!(
/// parser(0b0000_1111, 4, (stream(&[0b1111_1111]), 0)),
/// Ok(((stream(&[0b1111_1111]), 4), 0b0000_1111))
/// );
/// // The lowest bit of 0b00001111 matches the lowest bit of 0b11111111 (both are 1).
/// assert_eq!(
/// parser(0b00000001, 1, (stream(&[0b11111111]), 0)),
/// Ok(((stream(&[0b11111111]), 1), 0b00000001))
/// );
/// // The lowest 2 bits of 0b11111111 and 0b00000001 are different.
/// assert_eq!(
/// parser(0b000000_01, 2, (stream(&[0b111111_11]), 0)),
/// Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Backtrack(Error {
/// input: (stream(&[0b11111111]), 0),
/// kind: ErrorKind::Tag
/// }))
/// );
/// // The lowest 8 bits of 0b11111111 and 0b11111110 are different.
/// assert_eq!(
/// parser(0b11111110, 8, (stream(&[0b11111111]), 0)),
/// Err(winnow::error::ErrMode::Backtrack(Error {
/// input: (stream(&[0b11111111]), 0),
/// kind: ErrorKind::Tag
/// }))
/// );
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "literal")]
#[doc(alias = "just")]
pub fn tag<I, O, C, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(
pattern: O,
count: C,
) -> impl Parser<(I, usize), O, E>
I: Stream<Token = u8> + AsBytes + StreamIsPartial,
C: ToUsize,
O: From<u8> + AddAssign + Shl<usize, Output = O> + Shr<usize, Output = O> + PartialEq,
let count = count.to_usize();
trace("tag", move |input: (I, usize)| {
let inp = input.clone();
take(count).parse_next(input).and_then(|(i, o)| {
if pattern == o {
Ok((i, o))
} else {
Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(E::from_error_kind(inp, ErrorKind::Tag)))
/// Parses one specific bit as a bool.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use winnow::prelude::*;
/// # use winnow::Bytes;
/// # use winnow::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
/// use winnow::bits::bool;
/// type Stream<'i> = &'i Bytes;
/// fn stream(b: &[u8]) -> Stream<'_> {
/// Bytes::new(b)
/// }
/// fn parse(input: (Stream<'_>, usize)) -> IResult<(Stream<'_>, usize), bool> {
/// bool.parse_next(input)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parse((stream(&[0b10000000]), 0)), Ok(((stream(&[0b10000000]), 1), true)));
/// assert_eq!(parse((stream(&[0b10000000]), 1)), Ok(((stream(&[0b10000000]), 2), false)));
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "any")]
pub fn bool<I, E: ParseError<(I, usize)>>(input: (I, usize)) -> IResult<(I, usize), bool, E>
I: Stream<Token = u8> + AsBytes + StreamIsPartial,
trace("bool", |input: (I, usize)| {
let (res, bit): (_, u32) = take(1usize).parse_next(input)?;
Ok((res, bit != 0))