blob: 0cbd1e3b4579f0b23a667434602239cd93db6144 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Encryption and Decryption using [OAEP padding](
//! # Usage
//! See [code example in the toplevel rustdoc](../index.html#oaep-encryption).
mod decrypting_key;
mod encrypting_key;
pub use self::{decrypting_key::DecryptingKey, encrypting_key::EncryptingKey};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::fmt;
use digest::{Digest, DynDigest, FixedOutputReset};
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use rand_core::CryptoRngCore;
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
use crate::algorithms::oaep::*;
use crate::algorithms::pad::{uint_to_be_pad, uint_to_zeroizing_be_pad};
use crate::algorithms::rsa::{rsa_decrypt_and_check, rsa_encrypt};
use crate::errors::{Error, Result};
use crate::key::{self, RsaPrivateKey, RsaPublicKey};
use crate::traits::{PaddingScheme, PublicKeyParts};
/// Encryption and Decryption using [OAEP padding](
/// - `digest` is used to hash the label. The maximum possible plaintext length is `m = k - 2 * h_len - 2`,
/// where `k` is the size of the RSA modulus.
/// - `mgf_digest` specifies the hash function that is used in the [MGF1](
/// - `label` is optional data that can be associated with the message.
/// The two hash functions can, but don't need to be the same.
/// A prominent example is the [`AndroidKeyStore`](
/// It uses SHA-1 for `mgf_digest` and a user-chosen SHA flavour for `digest`.
pub struct Oaep {
/// Digest type to use.
pub digest: Box<dyn DynDigest + Send + Sync>,
/// Digest to use for Mask Generation Function (MGF).
pub mgf_digest: Box<dyn DynDigest + Send + Sync>,
/// Optional label.
pub label: Option<String>,
impl Oaep {
/// Create a new OAEP `PaddingScheme`, using `T` as the hash function for both the default (empty) label and for MGF1.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use sha1::Sha1;
/// use sha2::Sha256;
/// use rsa::{BigUint, RsaPublicKey, Oaep, };
/// use base64ct::{Base64, Encoding};
/// let n = Base64::decode_vec("ALHgDoZmBQIx+jTmgeeHW6KsPOrj11f6CvWsiRleJlQpW77AwSZhd21ZDmlTKfaIHBSUxRUsuYNh7E2SHx8rkFVCQA2/gXkZ5GK2IUbzSTio9qXA25MWHvVxjMfKSL8ZAxZyKbrG94FLLszFAFOaiLLY8ECs7g+dXOriYtBwLUJK+lppbd+El+8ZA/zH0bk7vbqph5pIoiWggxwdq3mEz4LnrUln7r6dagSQzYErKewY8GADVpXcq5mfHC1xF2DFBub7bFjMVM5fHq7RK+pG5xjNDiYITbhLYrbVv3X0z75OvN0dY49ITWjM7xyvMWJXVJS7sJlgmCCL6RwWgP8PhcE=").unwrap();
/// let e = Base64::decode_vec("AQAB").unwrap();
/// let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
/// let key = RsaPublicKey::new(BigUint::from_bytes_be(&n), BigUint::from_bytes_be(&e)).unwrap();
/// let padding = Oaep::new::<Sha256>();
/// let encrypted_data = key.encrypt(&mut rng, padding, b"secret").unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn new<T: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync>() -> Self {
Self {
digest: Box::new(T::new()),
mgf_digest: Box::new(T::new()),
label: None,
/// Create a new OAEP `PaddingScheme` with an associated `label`, using `T` as the hash function for both the label and for MGF1.
pub fn new_with_label<T: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync, S: AsRef<str>>(
label: S,
) -> Self {
Self {
digest: Box::new(T::new()),
mgf_digest: Box::new(T::new()),
label: Some(label.as_ref().to_string()),
/// Create a new OAEP `PaddingScheme`, using `T` as the hash function for the default (empty) label, and `U` as the hash function for MGF1.
/// If a label is needed use `PaddingScheme::new_oaep_with_label` or `PaddingScheme::new_oaep_with_mgf_hash_with_label`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use sha1::Sha1;
/// use sha2::Sha256;
/// use rsa::{BigUint, RsaPublicKey, Oaep, };
/// use base64ct::{Base64, Encoding};
/// let n = Base64::decode_vec("ALHgDoZmBQIx+jTmgeeHW6KsPOrj11f6CvWsiRleJlQpW77AwSZhd21ZDmlTKfaIHBSUxRUsuYNh7E2SHx8rkFVCQA2/gXkZ5GK2IUbzSTio9qXA25MWHvVxjMfKSL8ZAxZyKbrG94FLLszFAFOaiLLY8ECs7g+dXOriYtBwLUJK+lppbd+El+8ZA/zH0bk7vbqph5pIoiWggxwdq3mEz4LnrUln7r6dagSQzYErKewY8GADVpXcq5mfHC1xF2DFBub7bFjMVM5fHq7RK+pG5xjNDiYITbhLYrbVv3X0z75OvN0dY49ITWjM7xyvMWJXVJS7sJlgmCCL6RwWgP8PhcE=").unwrap();
/// let e = Base64::decode_vec("AQAB").unwrap();
/// let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
/// let key = RsaPublicKey::new(BigUint::from_bytes_be(&n), BigUint::from_bytes_be(&e)).unwrap();
/// let padding = Oaep::new_with_mgf_hash::<Sha256, Sha1>();
/// let encrypted_data = key.encrypt(&mut rng, padding, b"secret").unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn new_with_mgf_hash<
T: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync,
U: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync,
>() -> Self {
Self {
digest: Box::new(T::new()),
mgf_digest: Box::new(U::new()),
label: None,
/// Create a new OAEP `PaddingScheme` with an associated `label`, using `T` as the hash function for the label, and `U` as the hash function for MGF1.
pub fn new_with_mgf_hash_and_label<
T: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync,
U: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync,
S: AsRef<str>,
label: S,
) -> Self {
Self {
digest: Box::new(T::new()),
mgf_digest: Box::new(U::new()),
label: Some(label.as_ref().to_string()),
impl PaddingScheme for Oaep {
fn decrypt<Rng: CryptoRngCore>(
mut self,
rng: Option<&mut Rng>,
priv_key: &RsaPrivateKey,
ciphertext: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
&mut *self.digest,
&mut *self.mgf_digest,
fn encrypt<Rng: CryptoRngCore>(
mut self,
rng: &mut Rng,
pub_key: &RsaPublicKey,
msg: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
&mut *self.digest,
&mut *self.mgf_digest,
impl fmt::Debug for Oaep {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("digest", &"...")
.field("mgf_digest", &"...")
.field("label", &self.label)
/// Encrypts the given message with RSA and the padding scheme from
/// [PKCS#1 OAEP].
/// The message must be no longer than the length of the public modulus minus
/// `2 + (2 * hash.size())`.
/// [PKCS#1 OAEP]:
fn encrypt<R: CryptoRngCore + ?Sized>(
rng: &mut R,
pub_key: &RsaPublicKey,
msg: &[u8],
digest: &mut dyn DynDigest,
mgf_digest: &mut dyn DynDigest,
label: Option<String>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let em = oaep_encrypt(rng, msg, digest, mgf_digest, label, pub_key.size())?;
let int = Zeroizing::new(BigUint::from_bytes_be(&em));
uint_to_be_pad(rsa_encrypt(pub_key, &int)?, pub_key.size())
/// Encrypts the given message with RSA and the padding scheme from
/// [PKCS#1 OAEP].
/// The message must be no longer than the length of the public modulus minus
/// `2 + (2 * hash.size())`.
/// [PKCS#1 OAEP]:
fn encrypt_digest<R: CryptoRngCore + ?Sized, D: Digest, MGD: Digest + FixedOutputReset>(
rng: &mut R,
pub_key: &RsaPublicKey,
msg: &[u8],
label: Option<String>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let em = oaep_encrypt_digest::<_, D, MGD>(rng, msg, label, pub_key.size())?;
let int = Zeroizing::new(BigUint::from_bytes_be(&em));
uint_to_be_pad(rsa_encrypt(pub_key, &int)?, pub_key.size())
/// Decrypts a plaintext using RSA and the padding scheme from [PKCS#1 OAEP].
/// If an `rng` is passed, it uses RSA blinding to avoid timing side-channel attacks.
/// Note that whether this function returns an error or not discloses secret
/// information. If an attacker can cause this function to run repeatedly and
/// learn whether each instance returned an error then they can decrypt and
/// forge signatures as if they had the private key.
/// See `decrypt_session_key` for a way of solving this problem.
/// [PKCS#1 OAEP]:
fn decrypt<R: CryptoRngCore + ?Sized>(
rng: Option<&mut R>,
priv_key: &RsaPrivateKey,
ciphertext: &[u8],
digest: &mut dyn DynDigest,
mgf_digest: &mut dyn DynDigest,
label: Option<String>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
if ciphertext.len() != priv_key.size() {
return Err(Error::Decryption);
let em = rsa_decrypt_and_check(priv_key, rng, &BigUint::from_bytes_be(ciphertext))?;
let mut em = uint_to_zeroizing_be_pad(em, priv_key.size())?;
oaep_decrypt(&mut em, digest, mgf_digest, label, priv_key.size())
/// Decrypts a plaintext using RSA and the padding scheme from [PKCS#1 OAEP].
/// If an `rng` is passed, it uses RSA blinding to avoid timing side-channel attacks.
/// Note that whether this function returns an error or not discloses secret
/// information. If an attacker can cause this function to run repeatedly and
/// learn whether each instance returned an error then they can decrypt and
/// forge signatures as if they had the private key.
/// See `decrypt_session_key` for a way of solving this problem.
/// [PKCS#1 OAEP]:
fn decrypt_digest<R: CryptoRngCore + ?Sized, D: Digest, MGD: Digest + FixedOutputReset>(
rng: Option<&mut R>,
priv_key: &RsaPrivateKey,
ciphertext: &[u8],
label: Option<String>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
if ciphertext.len() != priv_key.size() {
return Err(Error::Decryption);
let em = rsa_decrypt_and_check(priv_key, rng, &BigUint::from_bytes_be(ciphertext))?;
let mut em = uint_to_zeroizing_be_pad(em, priv_key.size())?;
oaep_decrypt_digest::<D, MGD>(&mut em, label, priv_key.size())
mod tests {
use crate::key::{RsaPrivateKey, RsaPublicKey};
use crate::oaep::{DecryptingKey, EncryptingKey, Oaep};
use crate::traits::PublicKeyParts;
use crate::traits::{Decryptor, RandomizedDecryptor, RandomizedEncryptor};
use alloc::string::String;
use digest::{Digest, DynDigest, FixedOutputReset};
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use rand_chacha::{
rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng},
use sha1::Sha1;
use sha2::{Sha224, Sha256, Sha384, Sha512};
use sha3::{Sha3_256, Sha3_384, Sha3_512};
fn get_private_key() -> RsaPrivateKey {
// icG4LF5xVU9d1p+i9LYVjPDb61eBGg/DJ+HyjnT+dNO8Fmweq9wbi1e5NMqL5bAL
// TymXW8yZrK9BW1m7KKZ4K7QaLDwpdrPBjbre9i8AxrsiZkAJUJbAzGDSL+fvmH11
// xqgbENlr8pICivEQ3HzBu8Q9Iq2rN5oM1dgHjMeA/1zWIJ3qNMkiz3hPdxfkKNdb
// WuyP8w5fAUFRB2bi4KuNRzyE6HELK5gifD2wlTN600UvGeK5v7zN2BSKv2d2+lUn
// KBkbUrTYOSEV30hqmtvoMeRY1zlYMg3Bt1VFbpNwHpcC12+wuS+Q4B0f4kgVMoH+
// eaqXY6kvrmnY1+zRRN4p+hNb0U+Vc+NJ5FAx47dpgvWDADgmxVLomjl8Gga9IWNI
// hjDZLowrtkPXq+9wDaldaFyUFImkb1S1MW9itdLDp/G70TTLNzU6RGg/3J2V02RY
// 3iL2xEBX/nSgpDbEMI9z9NpC81xHrBanE41IOvyR5B3DoRJzguDA9RGbAiG0/GOd
// a5w4F3pt6bUm69iMONeYLAf5ig79h31Qiq4nW5RpFcAuLhEG0XXXTsZ3f16A0SwF
// PZx74eNBAoGBAPgnu/OkGHfHzFmuv0LtSynDLe/LjtloY9WwkKBaiTDdYkohydz5
// g4Vo/foN9luEYqXyrJE9bFb5dVMr2OePsHvUBcqZpIS89Z8Bm73cs5M/K85wYwC0
// 97EQEgxd+QGBWQZ8NdowYaVshjWlK1QnOzEnG0MR8Hld9gIeY1XhpC5hAoGBANpI
// F84Aid028q3mo/9BDHPsNL8bT2vaOEMb/t4RzvH39u+nDl+AY6Ox9uFylv+xX+76
// 5q1iW/mVsnmks8W+fYlc18W5xMSX/ecwkW/NtOQbAoGAHabpz4AhKFbodSLrWbzv
// CUt4NroVFKdjnoodjfujfwJFF2SYMV5jN9LG3lVCxca43ulzc1tqka33Nfv8TBcg
// WHuKQZ5ASVgm5VwU1wgDMSoQOve07MWy/yZTccTc1zA0ihDXgn3bfR/NnaVh2wlh
// CkuI92eyW1494hztc7qlmqECgYEA1zenyOQ9ChDIW/ABGIahaZamNxsNRrDFMl3j
// AD+cxHSRU59qC32CQH8ShRy/huHzTaPX2DZ9EEln76fnrS4Ey7uLH0rrFl1XvT6K
// /timJgLvMEvXTx/xBtUdRN2fUqXtI9odbSyCtOYFL+zVl44HJq2UzY4pVRDrNcxs
// hkU82MpbRVBFIYx+GWIJwcZRcC7OCQoV48vMJllxMAAjqG/p00rVJ+nvA7et/nNu
// BoB0er/UmDm4Ly/97EO9A0PKMOE5YbMq9s3t3RlWcsdrU7dvw+p2+A==
// -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
BigUint::parse_bytes(b"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", 16).unwrap(),
BigUint::parse_bytes(b"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", 16).unwrap(),
BigUint::parse_bytes(b"00da4817ce0089dd36f2ade6a3ff410c73ec34bf1b4f6bda38431bfede11cef1f7f6efa70e5f8063a3b1f6e17296ffb15feefa0912a0325b8d1fd65a559e717b5b961ec345072e0ec5203d03441d29af4d64054a04507410cf1da78e7b6119d909ec66e6ad625bf995b279a4b3c5be7d895cd7c5b9c4c497fde730916fcdb4e41b", 16).unwrap()
fn test_encrypt_decrypt_oaep() {
let priv_key = get_private_key();
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha1, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha224, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha256, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha384, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha512, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha3_256, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha3_384, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes::<Sha3_512, Sha1>(&priv_key);
fn get_label(rng: &mut ChaCha8Rng) -> Option<String> {
let mut buf = [0u8; 32];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
if buf[0] < (1 << 7) {
for v in buf.iter_mut() {
*v = GEN_ASCII_STR_CHARSET[(*v >> 2) as usize];
} else {
fn do_test_encrypt_decrypt_oaep<D: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync>(
prk: &RsaPrivateKey,
) {
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::from_seed([42; 32]);
let k = prk.size();
for i in 1..8 {
let mut input = vec![0u8; i * 8];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut input);
if input.len() > k - 11 {
input = input[0..k - 11].to_vec();
let label = get_label(&mut rng);
let pub_key: RsaPublicKey = prk.into();
let ciphertext = if let Some(ref label) = label {
let padding = Oaep::new_with_label::<D, _>(label);
pub_key.encrypt(&mut rng, padding, &input).unwrap()
} else {
let padding = Oaep::new::<D>();
pub_key.encrypt(&mut rng, padding, &input).unwrap()
assert_ne!(input, ciphertext);
let blind: bool = rng.next_u32() < (1 << 31);
let padding = if let Some(ref label) = label {
Oaep::new_with_label::<D, _>(label)
} else {
let plaintext = if blind {
prk.decrypt(padding, &ciphertext).unwrap()
} else {
prk.decrypt_blinded(&mut rng, padding, &ciphertext).unwrap()
assert_eq!(input, plaintext);
fn do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes<
D: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync,
U: 'static + Digest + DynDigest + Send + Sync,
prk: &RsaPrivateKey,
) {
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::from_seed([42; 32]);
let k = prk.size();
for i in 1..8 {
let mut input = vec![0u8; i * 8];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut input);
if input.len() > k - 11 {
input = input[0..k - 11].to_vec();
let label = get_label(&mut rng);
let pub_key: RsaPublicKey = prk.into();
let ciphertext = if let Some(ref label) = label {
let padding = Oaep::new_with_mgf_hash_and_label::<D, U, _>(label);
pub_key.encrypt(&mut rng, padding, &input).unwrap()
} else {
let padding = Oaep::new_with_mgf_hash::<D, U>();
pub_key.encrypt(&mut rng, padding, &input).unwrap()
assert_ne!(input, ciphertext);
let blind: bool = rng.next_u32() < (1 << 31);
let padding = if let Some(ref label) = label {
Oaep::new_with_mgf_hash_and_label::<D, U, _>(label)
} else {
Oaep::new_with_mgf_hash::<D, U>()
let plaintext = if blind {
prk.decrypt(padding, &ciphertext).unwrap()
} else {
prk.decrypt_blinded(&mut rng, padding, &ciphertext).unwrap()
assert_eq!(input, plaintext);
fn test_decrypt_oaep_invalid_hash() {
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::from_seed([42; 32]);
let priv_key = get_private_key();
let pub_key: RsaPublicKey = (&priv_key).into();
let ciphertext = pub_key
.encrypt(&mut rng, Oaep::new::<Sha1>(), "a_plain_text".as_bytes())
&mut rng,
Oaep::new_with_label::<Sha1, _>("label"),
"decrypt should have failed on hash verification"
fn test_encrypt_decrypt_oaep_traits() {
let priv_key = get_private_key();
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha1, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha224, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha256, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha384, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha512, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha3_256, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha3_384, Sha1>(&priv_key);
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<Sha3_512, Sha1>(&priv_key);
fn do_test_encrypt_decrypt_oaep_traits<D: Digest + FixedOutputReset>(prk: &RsaPrivateKey) {
do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits::<D, D>(prk);
fn do_test_oaep_with_different_hashes_traits<D: Digest, MGD: Digest + FixedOutputReset>(
prk: &RsaPrivateKey,
) {
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::from_seed([42; 32]);
let k = prk.size();
for i in 1..8 {
let mut input = vec![0u8; i * 8];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut input);
if input.len() > k - 11 {
input = input[0..k - 11].to_vec();
let label = get_label(&mut rng);
let pub_key: RsaPublicKey = prk.into();
let ciphertext = if let Some(ref label) = label {
let encrypting_key =
EncryptingKey::<D, MGD>::new_with_label(pub_key, label.clone());
encrypting_key.encrypt_with_rng(&mut rng, &input).unwrap()
} else {
let encrypting_key = EncryptingKey::<D, MGD>::new(pub_key);
encrypting_key.encrypt_with_rng(&mut rng, &input).unwrap()
assert_ne!(input, ciphertext);
let blind: bool = rng.next_u32() < (1 << 31);
let decrypting_key = if let Some(ref label) = label {
DecryptingKey::<D, MGD>::new_with_label(prk.clone(), label.clone())
} else {
DecryptingKey::<D, MGD>::new(prk.clone())
let plaintext = if blind {
} else {
.decrypt_with_rng(&mut rng, &ciphertext)
assert_eq!(input, plaintext);
fn test_decrypt_oaep_invalid_hash_traits() {
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::from_seed([42; 32]);
let priv_key = get_private_key();
let pub_key: RsaPublicKey = (&priv_key).into();
let encrypting_key = EncryptingKey::<Sha1>::new(pub_key);
let decrypting_key = DecryptingKey::<Sha1>::new_with_label(priv_key, "label");
let ciphertext = encrypting_key
.encrypt_with_rng(&mut rng, "a_plain_text".as_bytes())
.decrypt_with_rng(&mut rng, &ciphertext)
"decrypt should have failed on hash verification"