blob: 1cca40e70ae813d5112a1157ba2fdaf0fb996bb9 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use num_traits::{One, Zero};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::algorithms::{add2, cmp_slice, sub2};
use crate::big_digit::{self, BigDigit, DoubleBigDigit};
use crate::BigUint;
pub fn div_rem_digit(mut a: BigUint, b: BigDigit) -> (BigUint, BigDigit) {
let mut rem = 0;
for d in {
let (q, r) = div_wide(rem, *d, b);
*d = q;
rem = r;
(a.normalized(), rem)
/// Divide a two digit numerator by a one digit divisor, returns quotient and remainder:
/// Note: the caller must ensure that both the quotient and remainder will fit into a single digit.
/// This is _not_ true for an arbitrary numerator/denominator.
/// (This function also matches what the x86 divide instruction does).
pub fn div_wide(hi: BigDigit, lo: BigDigit, divisor: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
debug_assert!(hi < divisor);
let lhs = big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(hi, lo);
let rhs = divisor as DoubleBigDigit;
((lhs / rhs) as BigDigit, (lhs % rhs) as BigDigit)
pub fn div_rem(u: &BigUint, d: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
if d.is_zero() {
if u.is_zero() {
return (Zero::zero(), Zero::zero());
if == 1 {
if[0] == 1 {
return (u.clone(), Zero::zero());
let (div, rem) = div_rem_digit(u.clone(),[0]);
return (div, rem.into());
// Required or the q_len calculation below can underflow:
match u.cmp(d) {
Ordering::Less => return (Zero::zero(), u.clone()),
Ordering::Equal => return (One::one(), Zero::zero()),
Ordering::Greater => {} // Do nothing
// This algorithm is from Knuth, TAOCP vol 2 section 4.3, algorithm D:
// First, normalize the arguments so the highest bit in the highest digit of the divisor is
// set: the main loop uses the highest digit of the divisor for generating guesses, so we
// want it to be the largest number we can efficiently divide by.
let shift = as usize;
let mut a = u << shift;
let b = d << shift;
// The algorithm works by incrementally calculating "guesses", q0, for part of the
// remainder. Once we have any number q0 such that q0 * b <= a, we can set
// q += q0
// a -= q0 * b
// and then iterate until a < b. Then, (q, a) will be our desired quotient and remainder.
// q0, our guess, is calculated by dividing the last few digits of a by the last digit of b
// - this should give us a guess that is "close" to the actual quotient, but is possibly
// greater than the actual quotient. If q0 * b > a, we simply use iterated subtraction
// until we have a guess such that q0 * b <= a.
let bn = *;
let q_len = - + 1;
let mut q = BigUint {
data: smallvec![0; q_len],
// We reuse the same temporary to avoid hitting the allocator in our inner loop - this is
// sized to hold a0 (in the common case; if a particular digit of the quotient is zero a0
// can be bigger).
let mut tmp = BigUint {
data: SmallVec::with_capacity(2),
for j in (0..q_len).rev() {
* When calculating our next guess q0, we don't need to consider the digits below j
* + - 1: we're guessing digit j of the quotient (i.e. q0 << j) from
* digit bn of the divisor (i.e. bn << ( - 1) - so the product of those
* two numbers will be zero in all digits up to (j + - 1).
let offset = j + - 1;
if offset >= {
/* just avoiding a heap allocation: */
let mut a0 = tmp;;[offset..].iter().cloned());
* q0 << j * big_digit::BITS is our actual quotient estimate - we do the shifts
* implicitly at the end, when adding and subtracting to a and q. Not only do we
* save the cost of the shifts, the rest of the arithmetic gets to work with
* smaller numbers.
let (mut q0, _) = div_rem_digit(a0, bn);
let mut prod = &b * &q0;
while cmp_slice(&[..], &[j..]) == Ordering::Greater {
let one: BigUint = One::one();
q0 = q0 - one;
prod = prod - &b;
add2(&mut[j..], &[..]);
sub2(&mut[j..], &[..]);
tmp = q0;
debug_assert!(a < b);
(q.normalized(), a >> shift)