blob: 58e9113fe2579d5cdc8608c93e9238e0f9f033ab [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains parser for /proc/PID/mountinfo
use std;
use std::fmt;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error::Error;
use nix::mount::MsFlags;
use libc::c_ulong;
/// Error parsing a single entry of mountinfo file
pub(crate) struct ParseRowError(pub(crate) String);
impl fmt::Display for ParseRowError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Parse error: {}", self.0)
impl Error for ParseRowError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
return &self.0;
/// Mountinfo file parsing error
pub struct ParseError {
msg: String,
row_num: usize,
row: String,
impl ParseError {
fn new(msg: String, row_num: usize, row: String) -> ParseError {
ParseError {
msg: msg,
row_num: row_num,
row: row,
impl fmt::Display for ParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Parse error at line {}: {}\n{}",
self.row_num, self.description(), self.row)
impl Error for ParseError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
return &self.msg;
/// A parser class for mountinfo file
pub struct Parser<'a> {
data: &'a [u8],
row_num: usize,
exhausted: bool,
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// Create a new parser
/// `data` should contain whole contents of `mountinfo` file of any process
pub fn new(data: &'a [u8]) -> Parser<'a> {
Parser {
data: data,
row_num: 0,
exhausted: false,
/// A single entry returned by mountpoint parser
#[allow(missing_docs)] // self-descriptive / described by man page
pub struct MountPoint<'a> {
pub mount_id: c_ulong,
pub parent_id: c_ulong,
pub major: c_ulong,
pub minor: c_ulong,
pub root: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
pub mount_point: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
pub mount_options: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
// TODO: we might need some enum which will have three states:
// empty, single Cow<OsStr> value or a vector Vec<Cow<OsStr>>
pub optional_fields: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
pub fstype: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
pub mount_source: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
pub super_options: Cow<'a, OsStr>,
impl<'a> MountPoint<'a> {
/// Returns flags of the mountpoint as a numeric value
/// This value matches linux `MsFlags::MS_*` flags as passed into mount syscall
pub fn get_flags(&self) -> c_ulong {
self.get_mount_flags().bits() as c_ulong
pub(crate) fn get_mount_flags(&self) -> MsFlags {
let mut flags = MsFlags::empty();
for opt in self.mount_options.as_bytes().split(|c| *c == b',') {
let opt = OsStr::from_bytes(opt);
if opt == OsStr::new("ro") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_RDONLY }
else if opt == OsStr::new("nosuid") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_NOSUID }
else if opt == OsStr::new("nodev") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_NODEV }
else if opt == OsStr::new("noexec") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_NOEXEC }
else if opt == OsStr::new("mand") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_MANDLOCK }
else if opt == OsStr::new("sync") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_SYNCHRONOUS }
else if opt == OsStr::new("dirsync") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_DIRSYNC }
else if opt == OsStr::new("noatime") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_NOATIME }
else if opt == OsStr::new("nodiratime") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_NODIRATIME }
else if opt == OsStr::new("relatime") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_RELATIME }
else if opt == OsStr::new("strictatime") { flags |= MsFlags::MS_STRICTATIME }
impl<'a> Iterator for Parser<'a> {
type Item = Result<MountPoint<'a>, ParseError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.exhausted {
return None;
loop {
match|c| *c == b'\n') {
Some(ix) => {
self.row_num += 1;
let row = &[..ix]; = &[ix + 1..];
let res = match parse_mount_point(row) {
Ok(None) => continue,
Ok(Some(v)) => Ok(v),
Err(e) => Err(ParseError::new(e.0, self.row_num,
return Some(res);
None => {
self.exhausted = true;
let res = match parse_mount_point( {
Ok(None) => return None,
Ok(Some(v)) => Ok(v),
Err(e) => Err(ParseError::new(e.0, self.row_num,
return Some(res);
pub(crate) fn parse_mount_point<'a>(row: &'a [u8])
-> Result<Option<MountPoint<'a>>, ParseRowError>
let row = rstrip_cr(&row);
if is_comment_line(row) {
return Ok(None);
let (mount_id, row) = try!(parse_int(row));
let (parent_id, row) = try!(parse_int(row));
let (major, minor, row) = try!(parse_major_minor(row));
let (root, row) = try!(parse_os_str(row));
let (mount_point, row) = try!(parse_os_str(row));
let (mount_options, row) = try!(parse_os_str(row));
let (optional_fields, row) = try!(parse_optional(row));
let (fstype, row) = try!(parse_os_str(row));
let (mount_source, row) = try!(parse_os_str(row));
let (super_options, _) = try!(parse_os_str(row));
// TODO: should we ignore extra fields?
Ok(Some(MountPoint {
mount_id: mount_id,
parent_id: parent_id,
major: major,
minor: minor,
root: root,
mount_point: mount_point,
mount_options: mount_options,
optional_fields: optional_fields,
fstype: fstype,
mount_source: mount_source,
super_options: super_options,
fn is_comment_line(row: &[u8]) -> bool {
if row.is_empty() {
return true;
for c in row {
if *c == b' ' || *c == b'\t' {
if *c == b'#' {
return true;
return false;
return false;
fn rstrip_cr(row: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
if let Some((&b'\r', tail)) = row.split_last() {
} else {
fn parse_field<'a>(data: &'a [u8], delimit: &'a [u8])
-> Result<(&'a [u8], &'a [u8]), ParseRowError>
if data.is_empty() {
return Err(ParseRowError(format!("Expected more fields")));
let data = lstrip_whitespaces(data);
Ok(split_by(data, delimit))
fn parse_os_str<'a>(data: &'a [u8])
-> Result<(Cow<'a, OsStr>, &'a [u8]), ParseRowError>
let (field, tail) = try!(parse_field(data, b" "));
Ok((unescape_octals(OsStr::from_bytes(field)), tail))
fn parse_int(data: &[u8])
-> Result<(c_ulong, &[u8]), ParseRowError>
let (field, tail) = try!(parse_field(data, b" "));
let v = try!(std::str::from_utf8(field).map_err(|e| {
ParseRowError(format!("Cannot parse integer {:?}: {}",
String::from_utf8_lossy(field).into_owned(), e))}));
let v = try!(c_ulong::from_str_radix(v, 10).map_err(|e| {
ParseRowError(format!("Cannot parse integer {:?}: {}",
String::from_utf8_lossy(field).into_owned(), e))}));
Ok((v, tail))
fn parse_major_minor(data: &[u8])
-> Result<(c_ulong, c_ulong, &[u8]), ParseRowError>
let (major_field, data) = try!(parse_field(data, b":"));
let (minor_field, tail) = try!(parse_field(data, b" "));
let (major, _) = try!(parse_int(major_field));
let (minor, _) = try!(parse_int(minor_field));
Ok((major, minor, tail))
fn parse_optional<'a>(data: &'a [u8])
-> Result<(Cow<'a, OsStr>, &'a [u8]), ParseRowError>
let (field, tail) = try!(parse_field(data, b"- "));
let field = rstrip_whitespaces(field);
Ok((unescape_octals(OsStr::from_bytes(field)), tail))
fn lstrip_whitespaces(v: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
for (i, c) in v.iter().enumerate() {
if *c != b' ' {
return &v[i..];
return &v[0..0];
fn rstrip_whitespaces(v: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
for (i, c) in v.iter().enumerate().rev() {
if *c != b' ' {
return &v[..i + 1];
return &v[0..0];
fn split_by<'a, 'b>(v: &'a [u8], needle: &'b [u8]) -> (&'a [u8], &'a [u8]) {
if needle.len() > v.len() {
return (&v[0..], &v[0..0]);
let mut i = 0;
while i <= v.len() - needle.len() {
let (head, tail) = v.split_at(i);
if tail.starts_with(needle) {
return (head, &tail[needle.len()..]);
i += 1;
return (&v[0..], &v[0..0]);
fn unescape_octals(s: &OsStr) -> Cow<OsStr> {
let (mut i, has_escapes) = {
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
let mut i = 0;
while i < bytes.len() {
if is_octal_encoding(&bytes[i..]) {
i += 1;
(i, i < bytes.len())
if !has_escapes {
return Cow::Borrowed(s);
let mut v: Vec<u8> = vec!();
let bytes = s.as_bytes();
while i < bytes.len() {
if is_octal_encoding(&bytes[i..]) {
let c = parse_octal(&bytes[i + 1..]);
i += 4;
} else {
i += 1;
fn is_octal_encoding(v: &[u8]) -> bool {
v.len() >= 4 && v[0] == b'\\'
&& is_oct(v[1]) && is_oct(v[2]) && is_oct(v[3])
fn is_oct(c: u8) -> bool {
c >= b'0' && c <= b'7'
fn parse_octal(v: &[u8]) -> u8 {
((v[0] & 7) << 6) + ((v[1] & 7) << 3) + (v[2] & 7)
mod test {
use std::path::Path;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use nix::mount::MsFlags;
use super::{Parser, ParseError};
use super::{is_octal_encoding, parse_octal, unescape_octals};
fn test_is_octal_encoding() {
fn test_parse_octal() {
assert_eq!(parse_octal(b"000"), 0);
assert_eq!(parse_octal(b"123"), 83);
assert_eq!(parse_octal(b"377"), 255);
// mount utility just ignores overflowing
assert_eq!(parse_octal(b"777"), 255);
fn test_unescape_octals() {
assert_eq!(unescape_octals(OsStr::new("\\000")), OsStr::from_bytes(b"\x00"));
assert_eq!(unescape_octals(OsStr::new("\\00")), OsStr::new("\\00"));
assert_eq!(unescape_octals(OsStr::new("test\\040data")), OsStr::new("test data"));
fn test_mount_info_parser_proc() {
let content = b"19 24 0:4 / /proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:12 - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_id, 19);
assert_eq!(mount_point.parent_id, 24);
assert_eq!(mount_point.major, 0);
assert_eq!(mount_point.minor, 4);
assert_eq!(mount_point.root, Path::new("/"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.optional_fields, OsStr::new("shared:12"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.fstype, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_source, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::MS_NOSUID | MsFlags::MS_NODEV | MsFlags::MS_NOEXEC | MsFlags::MS_RELATIME);
fn test_mount_info_parser_comment() {
let content = b"# Test comment\n\
\t # Another shifted comment\n\
19 24 0:4 / /#proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:12 - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_id, 19);
assert_eq!(mount_point.parent_id, 24);
assert_eq!(mount_point.major, 0);
assert_eq!(mount_point.minor, 4);
assert_eq!(mount_point.root, Path::new("/"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/#proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.optional_fields, OsStr::new("shared:12"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.fstype, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_source, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::MS_NOSUID | MsFlags::MS_NODEV | MsFlags::MS_NOEXEC | MsFlags::MS_RELATIME);
fn test_mount_info_parser_missing_optional_fields() {
let content = b"335 294 0:56 / /proc rw,relatime - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_id, 335);
assert_eq!(mount_point.parent_id, 294);
assert_eq!(mount_point.major, 0);
assert_eq!(mount_point.minor, 56);
assert_eq!(mount_point.root, Path::new("/"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw,relatime"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.optional_fields, OsStr::new(""));
assert_eq!(mount_point.fstype, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_source, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::MS_RELATIME);
fn test_mount_info_parser_more_optional_fields() {
let content = b"335 294 0:56 / /proc rw,relatime shared:12 master:1 - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_id, 335);
assert_eq!(mount_point.parent_id, 294);
assert_eq!(mount_point.major, 0);
assert_eq!(mount_point.minor, 56);
assert_eq!(mount_point.root, Path::new("/"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw,relatime"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.optional_fields, OsStr::new("shared:12 master:1"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.fstype, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_source, OsStr::new("proc"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::MS_RELATIME);
fn test_mount_info_parser_escaping() {
let content = br"76 24 8:6 / /home/my\040super\011name\012\134 rw,relatime shared:29 - ext4 /dev/sda1 rw,data=ordered";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_id, 76);
assert_eq!(mount_point.parent_id, 24);
assert_eq!(mount_point.major, 8);
assert_eq!(mount_point.minor, 6);
assert_eq!(mount_point.root, Path::new("/"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/home/my super\tname\n\\"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw,relatime"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.optional_fields, OsStr::new("shared:29"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.fstype, OsStr::new("ext4"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_source, OsStr::new("/dev/sda1"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw,data=ordered"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::MS_RELATIME);
fn test_mount_info_parser_non_utf8() {
let content = b"22 24 0:19 / /\xff rw shared:5 - tmpfs tmpfs rw,mode=755";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new(OsStr::from_bytes(b"/\xff")));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.fstype, OsStr::new("tmpfs"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_source, OsStr::new("tmpfs"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::empty());
fn test_mount_info_parser_crlf() {
let content = b"26 20 0:21 / /tmp rw shared:4 - tmpfs tmpfs rw\r\n\
27 22 0:22 / /tmp rw,nosuid,nodev shared:6 - tmpfs tmpfs rw\r";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/tmp"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::empty());
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/tmp"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_options, OsStr::new("rw,nosuid,nodev"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.super_options, OsStr::new("rw"));
assert_eq!(mount_point.get_mount_flags(), MsFlags::MS_NOSUID | MsFlags::MS_NODEV);
fn test_mount_info_parser_incomplete_row() {
let content = b"19 24 0:4 / /proc rw,relatime shared:12 - proc proc";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_info_res =;
match mount_info_res {
Err(ParseError {ref msg, ..}) => {
assert_eq!(msg, "Expected more fields");
_ => panic!("Expected incomplete row error")
fn test_mount_info_parser_invalid_int() {
let content = b"19 24b 0:4 / /proc rw,relatime - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_info_res =;
match mount_info_res {
Err(ParseError {ref msg, ..}) => {
assert!(msg.starts_with("Cannot parse integer \"24b\":"));
_ => panic!("Expected invalid row error")
fn test_mount_info_parser_overflowed_int() {
let content = b"111111111111111111111";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_info_res =;
match mount_info_res {
Err(ParseError {ref msg, ..}) => {
assert!(msg.starts_with("Cannot parse integer \"111111111111111111111\""));
_ => panic!("Expected invalid row error")
fn test_mount_info_parser_invalid_escape() {
let content = b"19 24 0:4 / /proc\\1 rw,relatime - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new("/proc\\1"));
fn test_mount_info_parser_overflowed_escape() {
let content = b"19 24 0:4 / /proc\\400 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - proc proc rw";
let mut parser = Parser::new(&content[..]);
let mount_point =;
assert_eq!(mount_point.mount_point, Path::new(OsStr::from_bytes(b"/proc\x00")));