blob: 670f77d14151653feb123f8ddfd7c3f3f7bf5bbe [file] [log] [blame]
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use libc::c_int;
use crate::client::conn;
use crate::rt::Executor as _;
use super::error::hyper_code;
use super::http_types::{hyper_request, hyper_response};
use super::io::hyper_io;
use super::task::{hyper_executor, hyper_task, hyper_task_return_type, AsTaskType, WeakExec};
/// An options builder to configure an HTTP client connection.
pub struct hyper_clientconn_options {
builder: conn::Builder,
/// Use a `Weak` to prevent cycles.
exec: WeakExec,
/// An HTTP client connection handle.
/// These are used to send a request on a single connection. It's possible to
/// send multiple requests on a single connection, such as when HTTP/1
/// keep-alive or HTTP/2 is used.
pub struct hyper_clientconn {
tx: conn::SendRequest<crate::Body>,
// ===== impl hyper_clientconn =====
ffi_fn! {
/// Starts an HTTP client connection handshake using the provided IO transport
/// and options.
/// Both the `io` and the `options` are consumed in this function call.
/// The returned `hyper_task *` must be polled with an executor until the
/// handshake completes, at which point the value can be taken.
fn hyper_clientconn_handshake(io: *mut hyper_io, options: *mut hyper_clientconn_options) -> *mut hyper_task {
let options = non_null! { Box::from_raw(options) ?= ptr::null_mut() };
let io = non_null! { Box::from_raw(io) ?= ptr::null_mut() };
Box::into_raw(hyper_task::boxed(async move {
options.builder.handshake::<_, crate::Body>(io)
.map(|(tx, conn)| {
options.exec.execute(Box::pin(async move {
let _ = conn.await;
hyper_clientconn { tx }
} ?= std::ptr::null_mut()
ffi_fn! {
/// Send a request on the client connection.
/// Returns a task that needs to be polled until it is ready. When ready, the
/// task yields a `hyper_response *`.
fn hyper_clientconn_send(conn: *mut hyper_clientconn, req: *mut hyper_request) -> *mut hyper_task {
let mut req = non_null! { Box::from_raw(req) ?= ptr::null_mut() };
// Update request with original-case map of headers
let fut = non_null! { &mut *conn ?= ptr::null_mut() }.tx.send_request(req.0);
let fut = async move {
} ?= std::ptr::null_mut()
ffi_fn! {
/// Free a `hyper_clientconn *`.
fn hyper_clientconn_free(conn: *mut hyper_clientconn) {
drop(non_null! { Box::from_raw(conn) ?= () });
unsafe impl AsTaskType for hyper_clientconn {
fn as_task_type(&self) -> hyper_task_return_type {
// ===== impl hyper_clientconn_options =====
ffi_fn! {
/// Creates a new set of HTTP clientconn options to be used in a handshake.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_new() -> *mut hyper_clientconn_options {
let builder = conn::Builder::new();
Box::into_raw(Box::new(hyper_clientconn_options {
exec: WeakExec::new(),
} ?= std::ptr::null_mut()
ffi_fn! {
/// Set the whether or not header case is preserved.
/// Pass `0` to allow lowercase normalization (default), `1` to retain original case.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_set_preserve_header_case(opts: *mut hyper_clientconn_options, enabled: c_int) {
let opts = non_null! { &mut *opts ?= () };
opts.builder.http1_preserve_header_case(enabled != 0);
ffi_fn! {
/// Set the whether or not header order is preserved.
/// Pass `0` to allow reordering (default), `1` to retain original ordering.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_set_preserve_header_order(opts: *mut hyper_clientconn_options, enabled: c_int) {
let opts = non_null! { &mut *opts ?= () };
opts.builder.http1_preserve_header_order(enabled != 0);
ffi_fn! {
/// Free a `hyper_clientconn_options *`.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_free(opts: *mut hyper_clientconn_options) {
drop(non_null! { Box::from_raw(opts) ?= () });
ffi_fn! {
/// Set the client background task executor.
/// This does not consume the `options` or the `exec`.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_exec(opts: *mut hyper_clientconn_options, exec: *const hyper_executor) {
let opts = non_null! { &mut *opts ?= () };
let exec = non_null! { Arc::from_raw(exec) ?= () };
let weak_exec = hyper_executor::downgrade(&exec);
opts.exec = weak_exec;
ffi_fn! {
/// Set the whether to use HTTP2.
/// Pass `0` to disable, `1` to enable.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_http2(opts: *mut hyper_clientconn_options, enabled: c_int) -> hyper_code {
#[cfg(feature = "http2")]
let opts = non_null! { &mut *opts ?= hyper_code::HYPERE_INVALID_ARG };
opts.builder.http2_only(enabled != 0);
#[cfg(not(feature = "http2"))]
ffi_fn! {
/// Set the whether to include a copy of the raw headers in responses
/// received on this connection.
/// Pass `0` to disable, `1` to enable.
/// If enabled, see `hyper_response_headers_raw()` for usage.
fn hyper_clientconn_options_headers_raw(opts: *mut hyper_clientconn_options, enabled: c_int) -> hyper_code {
let opts = non_null! { &mut *opts ?= hyper_code::HYPERE_INVALID_ARG };
opts.builder.http1_headers_raw(enabled != 0);