blob: 590ae4bc17d951757ac3a3dbcae45fdc31aaa33c [file] [log] [blame]
//! Types relating to type information provided by validation.
use super::{
component::{ComponentState, ExternKind},
use crate::{validator::names::KebabString, HeapType};
use crate::{
BinaryReaderError, CompositeType, Export, ExternalKind, FuncType, GlobalType, Import, Matches,
MemoryType, PackedIndex, PrimitiveValType, RecGroup, RefType, Result, SubType, TableType,
TypeRef, UnpackedIndex, ValType, WithRecGroup,
use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ops::{Index, Range};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
/// The maximum number of parameters in the canonical ABI that can be passed by value.
/// Functions that exceed this limit will instead pass parameters indirectly from
/// linear memory via a single pointer parameter.
const MAX_FLAT_FUNC_PARAMS: usize = 16;
/// The maximum number of results in the canonical ABI that can be returned by a function.
/// Functions that exceed this limit have their results written to linear memory via an
/// additional pointer parameter (imports) or return a single pointer value (exports).
const MAX_FLAT_FUNC_RESULTS: usize = 1;
/// The maximum lowered types, including a possible type for a return pointer parameter.
/// A simple alloc-free list of types used for calculating lowered function signatures.
pub(crate) struct LoweredTypes {
types: [ValType; MAX_LOWERED_TYPES],
len: usize,
max: usize,
impl LoweredTypes {
fn new(max: usize) -> Self {
assert!(max <= MAX_LOWERED_TYPES);
Self {
types: [ValType::I32; MAX_LOWERED_TYPES],
len: 0,
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn maxed(&self) -> bool {
self.len == self.max
fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut ValType> {
if index < self.len {
Some(&mut self.types[index])
} else {
fn push(&mut self, ty: ValType) -> bool {
if self.maxed() {
return false;
self.types[self.len] = ty;
self.len += 1;
fn clear(&mut self) {
self.len = 0;
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[ValType] {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ValType> + '_ {
/// Represents information about a component function type lowering.
pub(crate) struct LoweringInfo {
pub(crate) params: LoweredTypes,
pub(crate) results: LoweredTypes,
pub(crate) requires_memory: bool,
pub(crate) requires_realloc: bool,
impl LoweringInfo {
pub(crate) fn into_func_type(self) -> FuncType {
impl Default for LoweringInfo {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
params: LoweredTypes::new(MAX_FLAT_FUNC_PARAMS),
results: LoweredTypes::new(MAX_FLAT_FUNC_RESULTS),
requires_memory: false,
requires_realloc: false,
fn push_primitive_wasm_types(ty: &PrimitiveValType, lowered_types: &mut LoweredTypes) -> bool {
match ty {
| PrimitiveValType::S8
| PrimitiveValType::U8
| PrimitiveValType::S16
| PrimitiveValType::U16
| PrimitiveValType::S32
| PrimitiveValType::U32
| PrimitiveValType::Char => lowered_types.push(ValType::I32),
PrimitiveValType::S64 | PrimitiveValType::U64 => lowered_types.push(ValType::I64),
PrimitiveValType::Float32 => lowered_types.push(ValType::F32),
PrimitiveValType::Float64 => lowered_types.push(ValType::F64),
PrimitiveValType::String => {
lowered_types.push(ValType::I32) && lowered_types.push(ValType::I32)
/// A trait shared by all type identifiers.
/// Any id that can be used to get a type from a `Types`.
// Or, internally, from a `TypeList`.
pub trait TypeIdentifier: std::fmt::Debug + Copy + Eq + Sized + 'static {
/// The data pointed to by this type of id.
type Data: TypeData<Id = Self>;
/// Create a type id from an index.
fn from_index(index: u32) -> Self;
/// Get a shared reference to the list where this id's type data is stored
/// within.
fn list(types: &TypeList) -> &SnapshotList<Self::Data>;
/// Get an exclusive reference to the list where this id's type data is
/// stored within.
fn list_mut(types: &mut TypeList) -> &mut SnapshotList<Self::Data>;
/// The raw index of this id.
fn index(&self) -> usize;
/// A trait shared by all types within a `Types`.
/// This is the data that can be retreived by indexing with the associated
/// [`TypeIdentifier`].
pub trait TypeData: std::fmt::Debug {
/// The identifier for this type data.
type Id: TypeIdentifier<Data = Self>;
/// Get the info for this type.
fn type_info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo;
/// A type that can be aliased in the component model.
pub trait Aliasable {
fn alias_id(&self) -> u32;
fn set_alias_id(&mut self, alias_id: u32);
/// A fresh alias id that means the entity is not an alias of anything.
/// Note that the `TypeList::alias_counter` starts at zero, so we can't use that
/// as this sentinel. The implementation limits are such that we can't ever
/// generate `u32::MAX` aliases, so we don't need to worryabout running into
/// this value in practice either.
const NO_ALIAS: u32 = u32::MAX;
macro_rules! define_type_id {
($name:ident, $data:ty, $list:ident, $type_str:expr) => {
#[doc = "Represents a unique identifier for a "]
#[doc = $type_str]
#[doc = " type known to a [`crate::Validator`]."]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[repr(C)] // Use fixed field layout to ensure minimal size.
pub struct $name {
/// The index into the associated list of types.
index: u32,
impl TypeIdentifier for $name {
type Data = $data;
fn from_index(index: u32) -> Self {
$name { index }
fn list(types: &TypeList) -> &SnapshotList<Self::Data> {
fn list_mut(types: &mut TypeList) -> &mut SnapshotList<Self::Data> {
&mut types.$list
fn index(&self) -> usize {
impl Aliasable for $name {
fn alias_id(&self) -> u32 {
fn set_alias_id(&mut self, _: u32) {}
// The size of type IDs was seen to have a large-ish impact in #844, so
// this assert ensures that it stays relatively small.
const _: () = {
assert!(std::mem::size_of::<$name>() <= 4);
/// A core WebAssembly type, in the core WebAssembly types index space.
pub enum CoreType {
/// A sub type.
/// A module type.
/// Does not actually appear in core Wasm at the moment. Only used for the
/// core types index space within components.
/// Represents a unique identifier for a core type type known to a
/// [`crate::Validator`]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CoreTypeId {
index: u32,
const _: () = {
assert!(std::mem::size_of::<CoreTypeId>() <= 4);
impl TypeIdentifier for CoreTypeId {
type Data = SubType;
fn from_index(index: u32) -> Self {
CoreTypeId { index }
fn list(types: &TypeList) -> &SnapshotList<Self::Data> {
fn list_mut(types: &mut TypeList) -> &mut SnapshotList<Self::Data> {
&mut types.core_types
fn index(&self) -> usize {
impl TypeData for SubType {
type Id = CoreTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
// TODO(#1036): calculate actual size for func, array, struct.
let size = 1 + match &self.composite_type {
CompositeType::Func(ty) => 1 + (ty.params().len() + ty.results().len()) as u32,
CompositeType::Array(_) => 2,
CompositeType::Struct(ty) => 1 + 2 * ty.fields.len() as u32,
impl CoreType {
/// Get the underlying `SubType` or panic.
pub fn unwrap_sub(&self) -> &SubType {
match self {
CoreType::Sub(s) => s,
CoreType::Module(_) => panic!("`unwrap_sub` on module type"),
/// Get the underlying `FuncType` within this `SubType` or panic.
pub fn unwrap_func(&self) -> &FuncType {
match &self.unwrap_sub().composite_type {
CompositeType::Func(f) => f,
CompositeType::Array(_) | CompositeType::Struct(_) => {
panic!("`unwrap_func` on non-func composite type")
/// Get the underlying `ModuleType` or panic.
pub fn unwrap_module(&self) -> &ModuleType {
match self {
CoreType::Module(m) => m,
CoreType::Sub(_) => panic!("`unwrap_module` on a subtype"),
macro_rules! define_wrapper_id {
pub enum $name:ident {
#[unwrap = $unwrap:ident]
$variant:ident ( $inner:ty ) ,
) => {
pub enum $name {
$variant ( $inner ) ,
impl From<$inner> for $name {
fn from(x: $inner) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<$name> for $inner {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(x: $name) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match x {
$name::$variant(x) => Ok(x),
_ => Err(())
impl $name {
#[doc = "Unwrap a `"]
#[doc = stringify!($inner)]
#[doc = "` or panic."]
pub fn $unwrap(self) -> $inner {
macro_rules! define_transitive_conversions {
) => {
impl From<$inner> for $outer {
fn from(x: $inner) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<$outer> for $inner {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(x: $outer) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let middle = <$middle>::try_from(x)?;
impl $outer {
#[doc = "Unwrap a `"]
#[doc = stringify!($inner)]
#[doc = "` or panic."]
pub fn $unwrap(self) -> $inner {
define_wrapper_id! {
/// An identifier pointing to any kind of type, component or core.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum AnyTypeId {
#[unwrap = unwrap_component_core_type]
/// A core type.
#[unwrap = unwrap_component_any_type]
/// A component type.
define_transitive_conversions! {
AnyTypeId, ComponentCoreTypeId, CoreTypeId, unwrap_core_type;
AnyTypeId, ComponentCoreTypeId, ComponentCoreModuleTypeId, unwrap_component_core_module_type;
AnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId, AliasableResourceId, unwrap_aliasable_resource;
AnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentDefinedTypeId, unwrap_component_defined_type;
AnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentFuncTypeId, unwrap_component_func_type;
AnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentInstanceTypeId, unwrap_component_instance_type;
AnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentTypeId, unwrap_component_type;
impl AnyTypeId {
/// Peel off one layer of aliasing from this type and return the aliased
/// inner type, or `None` if this type is not aliasing anything.
pub fn peel_alias(&self, types: &Types) -> Option<Self> {
match *self {
Self::Core(id) => id.peel_alias(types).map(Self::Core),
Self::Component(id) => types.peel_alias(id).map(Self::Component),
define_wrapper_id! {
/// An identifier for a core type or a core module's type.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum ComponentCoreTypeId {
#[unwrap = unwrap_sub]
/// A core type.
#[unwrap = unwrap_module]
/// A core module's type.
impl ComponentCoreTypeId {
/// Peel off one layer of aliasing from this type and return the aliased
/// inner type, or `None` if this type is not aliasing anything.
pub fn peel_alias(&self, types: &Types) -> Option<Self> {
match *self {
Self::Sub(_) => None,
Self::Module(id) => types.peel_alias(id).map(Self::Module),
/// An aliasable resource identifier.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct AliasableResourceId {
id: ResourceId,
alias_id: u32,
impl Aliasable for AliasableResourceId {
fn alias_id(&self) -> u32 {
fn set_alias_id(&mut self, alias_id: u32) {
self.alias_id = alias_id;
impl AliasableResourceId {
/// Create a new instance with the specified resource ID and `self`'s alias
/// ID.
pub fn with_resource_id(&self, id: ResourceId) -> Self {
Self {
alias_id: self.alias_id,
/// Get the underlying resource.
pub fn resource(&self) -> ResourceId {
pub(crate) fn resource_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ResourceId {
define_wrapper_id! {
/// An identifier for any kind of component type.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum ComponentAnyTypeId {
#[unwrap = unwrap_resource]
/// The type is a resource with the specified id.
#[unwrap = unwrap_defined]
/// The type is a defined type with the specified id.
#[unwrap = unwrap_func]
/// The type is a function type with the specified id.
#[unwrap = unwrap_instance]
/// The type is an instance type with the specified id.
#[unwrap = unwrap_component]
/// The type is a component type with the specified id.
impl Aliasable for ComponentAnyTypeId {
fn alias_id(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(x) => x.alias_id(),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(x) => x.alias_id(),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(x) => x.alias_id(),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(x) => x.alias_id(),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(x) => x.alias_id(),
fn set_alias_id(&mut self, alias_id: u32) {
match self {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(x) => x.set_alias_id(alias_id),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(x) => x.set_alias_id(alias_id),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(x) => x.set_alias_id(alias_id),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(x) => x.set_alias_id(alias_id),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(x) => x.set_alias_id(alias_id),
impl ComponentAnyTypeId {
pub(crate) fn info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
match *self {
Self::Resource(_) => TypeInfo::new(),
Self::Defined(id) => types[id].type_info(types),
Self::Func(id) => types[id].type_info(types),
Self::Instance(id) => types[id].type_info(types),
Self::Component(id) => types[id].type_info(types),
pub(crate) fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::Resource(_) => "resource",
Self::Defined(_) => "defined type",
Self::Func(_) => "func",
Self::Instance(_) => "instance",
Self::Component(_) => "component",
"recursion group"
impl TypeData for Range<CoreTypeId> {
type Id = RecGroupId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
let size = self.end.index() - self.start.index();
define_type_id!(ComponentTypeId, ComponentType, components, "component");
"component value"
"component instance"
"component function"
"component's core instance"
"component's core module"
/// Represents a unique identifier for a component type type known to a
/// [`crate::Validator`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ComponentDefinedTypeId {
index: u32,
alias_id: u32,
const _: () = {
assert!(std::mem::size_of::<ComponentDefinedTypeId>() <= 8);
impl TypeIdentifier for ComponentDefinedTypeId {
type Data = ComponentDefinedType;
fn from_index(index: u32) -> Self {
ComponentDefinedTypeId {
alias_id: NO_ALIAS,
fn list(types: &TypeList) -> &SnapshotList<Self::Data> {
fn list_mut(types: &mut TypeList) -> &mut SnapshotList<Self::Data> {
&mut types.component_defined_types
fn index(&self) -> usize {
impl Aliasable for ComponentDefinedTypeId {
fn alias_id(&self) -> u32 {
fn set_alias_id(&mut self, alias_id: u32) {
self.alias_id = alias_id;
/// Metadata about a type and its transitive structure.
/// Currently contains two properties:
/// * The "size" of a type - a proxy to the recursive size of a type if
/// everything in the type were unique (e.g. no shared references). Not an
/// approximation of runtime size, but instead of type-complexity size if
/// someone were to visit each element of the type individually. For example
/// `u32` has size 1 and `(list u32)` has size 2 (roughly). Used to prevent
/// massive trees of types.
/// * Whether or not a type contains a "borrow" transitively inside of it. For
/// example `(borrow $t)` and `(list (borrow $t))` both contain borrows, but
/// `(list u32)` does not. Used to validate that component function results do
/// not contain borrows.
/// Currently this is represented as a compact 32-bit integer to ensure that
/// `TypeId`, which this is stored in, remains relatively small. The maximum
/// type size allowed in wasmparser is 1M at this time which is 20 bits of
/// information, and then one more bit is used for whether or not a borrow is
/// used. Currently this uses the low 24 bits for the type size and the MSB for
/// the borrow bit.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
// Only public because it shows up in a public trait's `doc(hidden)` method.
pub struct TypeInfo(u32);
impl TypeInfo {
/// Creates a new blank set of type information.
/// Defaults to size 1 to ensure that this consumes space in the final type
/// structure.
pub(crate) fn new() -> TypeInfo {
TypeInfo::_new(1, false)
/// Creates a new blank set of information about a leaf "borrow" type which
/// has size 1.
pub(crate) fn borrow() -> TypeInfo {
TypeInfo::_new(1, true)
/// Creates type information corresponding to a core type of the `size`
/// specified, meaning no borrows are contained within.
pub(crate) fn core(size: u32) -> TypeInfo {
TypeInfo::_new(size, false)
fn _new(size: u32, contains_borrow: bool) -> TypeInfo {
assert!(size < (1 << 24));
TypeInfo(size | ((contains_borrow as u32) << 31))
/// Combines another set of type information into this one, for example if
/// this is a record which has `other` as a field.
/// Updates the size of `self` and whether or not this type contains a
/// borrow based on whether `other` contains a borrow.
/// Returns an error if the type size would exceed this crate's static limit
/// of a type size.
pub(crate) fn combine(&mut self, other: TypeInfo, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
*self = TypeInfo::_new(
super::combine_type_sizes(self.size(), other.size(), offset)?,
self.contains_borrow() || other.contains_borrow(),
pub(crate) fn size(&self) -> u32 {
self.0 & 0xffffff
pub(crate) fn contains_borrow(&self) -> bool {
(self.0 >> 31) != 0
/// A component value type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ComponentValType {
/// The value type is one of the primitive types.
/// The type is represented with the given type identifier.
impl TypeData for ComponentValType {
type Id = ComponentValueTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
match self {
ComponentValType::Primitive(_) => TypeInfo::new(),
ComponentValType::Type(id) => types[*id].type_info(types),
impl ComponentValType {
pub(crate) fn contains_ptr(&self, types: &TypeList) -> bool {
match self {
ComponentValType::Primitive(ty) => ty.contains_ptr(),
ComponentValType::Type(ty) => types[*ty].contains_ptr(types),
fn push_wasm_types(&self, types: &TypeList, lowered_types: &mut LoweredTypes) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Primitive(ty) => push_primitive_wasm_types(ty, lowered_types),
Self::Type(id) => types[*id].push_wasm_types(types, lowered_types),
pub(crate) fn info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
match self {
Self::Primitive(_) => TypeInfo::new(),
Self::Type(id) => types[*id].type_info(types),
/// The entity type for imports and exports of a module.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum EntityType {
/// The entity is a function.
/// The entity is a table.
/// The entity is a memory.
/// The entity is a global.
/// The entity is a tag.
impl EntityType {
pub(crate) fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::Func(_) => "func",
Self::Table(_) => "table",
Self::Memory(_) => "memory",
Self::Global(_) => "global",
Self::Tag(_) => "tag",
pub(crate) fn info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
match self {
Self::Func(id) | Self::Tag(id) => types[*id].type_info(types),
Self::Table(_) | Self::Memory(_) | Self::Global(_) => TypeInfo::new(),
trait ModuleImportKey {
fn module(&self) -> &str;
fn name(&self) -> &str;
impl<'a> Borrow<dyn ModuleImportKey + 'a> for (String, String) {
fn borrow(&self) -> &(dyn ModuleImportKey + 'a) {
impl Hash for (dyn ModuleImportKey + '_) {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl PartialEq for (dyn ModuleImportKey + '_) {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.module() == other.module() && ==
impl Eq for (dyn ModuleImportKey + '_) {}
impl ModuleImportKey for (String, String) {
fn module(&self) -> &str {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
impl ModuleImportKey for (&str, &str) {
fn module(&self) -> &str {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Represents a core module type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ModuleType {
/// Metadata about this module type
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The imports of the module type.
pub imports: IndexMap<(String, String), EntityType>,
/// The exports of the module type.
pub exports: IndexMap<String, EntityType>,
impl TypeData for ModuleType {
type Id = ComponentCoreModuleTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
impl ModuleType {
/// Looks up an import by its module and name.
/// Returns `None` if the import was not found.
pub fn lookup_import(&self, module: &str, name: &str) -> Option<&EntityType> {
self.imports.get(&(module, name) as &dyn ModuleImportKey)
/// Represents the kind of module instance type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CoreInstanceTypeKind {
/// The instance type is the result of instantiating a module type.
/// The instance type is the result of instantiating from exported items.
Exports(IndexMap<String, EntityType>),
/// Represents a module instance type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct InstanceType {
/// Metadata about this instance type
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The kind of module instance type.
pub kind: CoreInstanceTypeKind,
impl TypeData for InstanceType {
type Id = ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
impl InstanceType {
/// Gets the exports of the instance type.
pub fn exports<'a>(&'a self, types: TypesRef<'a>) -> &'a IndexMap<String, EntityType> {
pub(crate) fn internal_exports<'a>(
&'a self,
types: &'a TypeList,
) -> &'a IndexMap<String, EntityType> {
match &self.kind {
CoreInstanceTypeKind::Instantiated(id) => &types[*id].exports,
CoreInstanceTypeKind::Exports(exports) => exports,
/// The entity type for imports and exports of a component.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ComponentEntityType {
/// The entity is a core module.
/// The entity is a function.
/// The entity is a value.
/// The entity is a type.
Type {
/// This is the identifier of the type that was referenced when this
/// entity was created.
referenced: ComponentAnyTypeId,
/// This is the identifier of the type that was created when this type
/// was imported or exported from the component.
/// Note that the underlying type information for the `referenced`
/// field and for this `created` field is the same, but these two types
/// will hash to different values.
created: ComponentAnyTypeId,
/// The entity is a component instance.
/// The entity is a component.
impl ComponentEntityType {
/// Determines if component entity type `a` is a subtype of `b`.
pub fn is_subtype_of(a: &Self, at: TypesRef, b: &Self, bt: TypesRef) -> bool {
SubtypeCx::new(at.list, bt.list)
.component_entity_type(a, b, 0)
pub(crate) fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::Module(_) => "module",
Self::Func(_) => "func",
Self::Value(_) => "value",
Self::Type { .. } => "type",
Self::Instance(_) => "instance",
Self::Component(_) => "component",
pub(crate) fn info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
match self {
Self::Module(ty) => types[*ty].type_info(types),
Self::Func(ty) => types[*ty].type_info(types),
Self::Type { referenced: ty, .. } =>,
Self::Instance(ty) => types[*ty].type_info(types),
Self::Component(ty) => types[*ty].type_info(types),
Self::Value(ty) =>,
/// Represents a type of a component.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ComponentType {
/// Metadata about this component type
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The imports of the component type.
/// Each import has its own kebab-name and an optional URL listed. Note that
/// the set of import names is disjoint with the set of export names.
pub imports: IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
/// The exports of the component type.
/// Each export has its own kebab-name and an optional URL listed. Note that
/// the set of export names is disjoint with the set of import names.
pub exports: IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
/// Universally quantified resources required to be provided when
/// instantiating this component type.
/// Each resource in this map is explicitly imported somewhere in the
/// `imports` map. The "path" to where it's imported is specified by the
/// `Vec<usize>` payload here. For more information about the indexes see
/// the documentation on `ComponentState::imported_resources`.
/// This should technically be inferrable from the structure of `imports`,
/// but it's stored as an auxiliary set for subtype checking and
/// instantiation.
/// Note that this is not a set of all resources referred to by the
/// `imports`. Instead it's only those created, relative to the internals of
/// this component, by the imports.
pub imported_resources: Vec<(ResourceId, Vec<usize>)>,
/// The dual of the `imported_resources`, or the set of defined
/// resources -- those created through the instantiation process which are
/// unique to this component.
/// This set is similar to the `imported_resources` set but it's those
/// contained within the `exports`. Instantiating this component will
/// create fresh new versions of all of these resources. The path here is
/// within the `exports` array.
pub defined_resources: Vec<(ResourceId, Vec<usize>)>,
/// The set of all resources which are explicitly exported by this
/// component, and where they're exported.
/// This mapping is stored separately from `defined_resources` to ensure
/// that it contains all exported resources, not just those which are
/// defined. That means that this can cover reexports of imported
/// resources, exports of local resources, or exports of closed-over
/// resources for example.
pub explicit_resources: IndexMap<ResourceId, Vec<usize>>,
impl TypeData for ComponentType {
type Id = ComponentTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
/// Represents a type of a component instance.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ComponentInstanceType {
/// Metadata about this instance type
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The list of exports, keyed by name, that this instance has.
/// An optional URL and type of each export is provided as well.
pub exports: IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
/// The list of "defined resources" or those which are closed over in
/// this instance type.
/// This list is populated, for example, when the type of an instance is
/// declared and it contains its own resource type exports defined
/// internally. For example:
/// ```wasm
/// (component
/// (type (instance
/// (export "x" (type sub resource)) ;; one `defined_resources` entry
/// ))
/// )
/// ```
/// This list is also a bit of an oddity, however, because the type of a
/// concrete instance will always have this as empty. For example:
/// ```wasm
/// (component
/// (type $t (instance (export "x" (type sub resource))))
/// ;; the type of this instance has no defined resources
/// (import "i" (instance (type $t)))
/// )
/// ```
/// This list ends up only being populated for instance types declared in a
/// module which aren't yet "attached" to anything. Once something is
/// instantiated, imported, exported, or otherwise refers to a concrete
/// instance then this list is always empty. For concrete instances
/// defined resources are tracked in the component state or component type.
pub defined_resources: Vec<ResourceId>,
/// The list of all resources that are explicitly exported from this
/// instance type along with the path they're exported at.
pub explicit_resources: IndexMap<ResourceId, Vec<usize>>,
impl TypeData for ComponentInstanceType {
type Id = ComponentInstanceTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
/// Represents a type of a component function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ComponentFuncType {
/// Metadata about this function type.
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The function parameters.
pub params: Box<[(KebabString, ComponentValType)]>,
/// The function's results.
pub results: Box<[(Option<KebabString>, ComponentValType)]>,
impl TypeData for ComponentFuncType {
type Id = ComponentFuncTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, _types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
impl ComponentFuncType {
/// Lowers the component function type to core parameter and result types for the
/// canonical ABI.
pub(crate) fn lower(&self, types: &TypeList, is_lower: bool) -> LoweringInfo {
let mut info = LoweringInfo::default();
for (_, ty) in self.params.iter() {
// Check to see if `ty` has a pointer somewhere in it, needed for
// any type that transitively contains either a string or a list.
// In this situation lowered functions must specify `memory`, and
// lifted functions must specify `realloc` as well. Lifted functions
// gain their memory requirement through the final clause of this
// function.
if is_lower {
if !info.requires_memory {
info.requires_memory = ty.contains_ptr(types);
} else {
if !info.requires_realloc {
info.requires_realloc = ty.contains_ptr(types);
if !ty.push_wasm_types(types, &mut info.params) {
// Too many parameters to pass directly
// Function will have a single pointer parameter to pass the arguments
// via linear memory
info.requires_memory = true;
// We need realloc as well when lifting a function
if !is_lower {
info.requires_realloc = true;
for (_, ty) in self.results.iter() {
// Results of lowered functions that contains pointers must be
// allocated by the callee meaning that realloc is required.
// Results of lifted function are allocated by the guest which
// means that no realloc option is necessary.
if is_lower && !info.requires_realloc {
info.requires_realloc = ty.contains_ptr(types);
if !ty.push_wasm_types(types, &mut info.results) {
// Too many results to return directly, either a retptr parameter will be used (import)
// or a single pointer will be returned (export)
if is_lower {
info.params.max = MAX_LOWERED_TYPES;
} else {
info.requires_memory = true;
// Memory is always required when realloc is required
info.requires_memory |= info.requires_realloc;
/// Represents a variant case.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct VariantCase {
/// The variant case type.
pub ty: Option<ComponentValType>,
/// The name of the variant case refined by this one.
pub refines: Option<KebabString>,
/// Represents a record type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RecordType {
/// Metadata about this record type.
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The map of record fields.
pub fields: IndexMap<KebabString, ComponentValType>,
/// Represents a variant type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct VariantType {
/// Metadata about this variant type.
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The map of variant cases.
pub cases: IndexMap<KebabString, VariantCase>,
/// Represents a tuple type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TupleType {
/// Metadata about this tuple type.
pub(crate) info: TypeInfo,
/// The types of the tuple.
pub types: Box<[ComponentValType]>,
/// Represents a component defined type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ComponentDefinedType {
/// The type is a primitive value type.
/// The type is a record.
/// The type is a variant.
/// The type is a list.
/// The type is a tuple.
/// The type is a set of flags.
/// The type is an enumeration.
/// The type is an `option`.
/// The type is a `result`.
Result {
/// The `ok` type.
ok: Option<ComponentValType>,
/// The `error` type.
err: Option<ComponentValType>,
/// The type is an owned handle to the specified resource.
/// The type is a borrowed handle to the specified resource.
impl TypeData for ComponentDefinedType {
type Id = ComponentDefinedTypeId;
fn type_info(&self, types: &TypeList) -> TypeInfo {
match self {
Self::Primitive(_) | Self::Flags(_) | Self::Enum(_) | Self::Own(_) => TypeInfo::new(),
Self::Borrow(_) => TypeInfo::borrow(),
Self::Record(r) =>,
Self::Variant(v) =>,
Self::Tuple(t) =>,
Self::List(ty) | Self::Option(ty) =>,
Self::Result { ok, err } => {
let default = TypeInfo::new();
let mut info =|ty| ty.type_info(types)).unwrap_or(default);
info.combine(|ty| ty.type_info(types)).unwrap_or(default), 0)
impl ComponentDefinedType {
pub(crate) fn contains_ptr(&self, types: &TypeList) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Primitive(ty) => ty.contains_ptr(),
Self::Record(r) => r.fields.values().any(|ty| ty.contains_ptr(types)),
Self::Variant(v) => v
.any(|case||ty| ty.contains_ptr(types)).unwrap_or(false)),
Self::List(_) => true,
Self::Tuple(t) => t.types.iter().any(|ty| ty.contains_ptr(types)),
Self::Flags(_) | Self::Enum(_) | Self::Own(_) | Self::Borrow(_) => false,
Self::Option(ty) => ty.contains_ptr(types),
Self::Result { ok, err } => {|ty| ty.contains_ptr(types)).unwrap_or(false)
|||ty| ty.contains_ptr(types)).unwrap_or(false)
fn push_wasm_types(&self, types: &TypeList, lowered_types: &mut LoweredTypes) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Primitive(ty) => push_primitive_wasm_types(ty, lowered_types),
Self::Record(r) => r
.all(|(_, ty)| ty.push_wasm_types(types, lowered_types)),
Self::Variant(v) => Self::push_variant_wasm_types(
v.cases.iter().filter_map(|(_, case)| case.ty.as_ref()),
Self::List(_) => lowered_types.push(ValType::I32) && lowered_types.push(ValType::I32),
Self::Tuple(t) => t
.all(|ty| ty.push_wasm_types(types, lowered_types)),
Self::Flags(names) => {
(0..(names.len() + 31) / 32).all(|_| lowered_types.push(ValType::I32))
Self::Enum(_) | Self::Own(_) | Self::Borrow(_) => lowered_types.push(ValType::I32),
Self::Option(ty) => {
Self::push_variant_wasm_types([ty].into_iter(), types, lowered_types)
Self::Result { ok, err } => {
Self::push_variant_wasm_types(ok.iter().chain(err.iter()), types, lowered_types)
fn push_variant_wasm_types<'a>(
cases: impl Iterator<Item = &'a ComponentValType>,
types: &TypeList,
lowered_types: &mut LoweredTypes,
) -> bool {
// Push the discriminant
if !lowered_types.push(ValType::I32) {
return false;
let start = lowered_types.len();
for ty in cases {
let mut temp = LoweredTypes::new(lowered_types.max);
if !ty.push_wasm_types(types, &mut temp) {
return false;
for (i, ty) in temp.iter().enumerate() {
match lowered_types.get_mut(start + i) {
Some(prev) => *prev = Self::join_types(*prev, ty),
None => {
if !lowered_types.push(ty) {
return false;
fn join_types(a: ValType, b: ValType) -> ValType {
use ValType::*;
match (a, b) {
(I32, I32) | (I64, I64) | (F32, F32) | (F64, F64) => a,
(I32, F32) | (F32, I32) => I32,
(_, I64 | F64) | (I64 | F64, _) => I64,
_ => panic!("unexpected wasm type for canonical ABI"),
fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
ComponentDefinedType::Record(_) => "record",
ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(_) => "primitive",
ComponentDefinedType::Variant(_) => "variant",
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(_) => "tuple",
ComponentDefinedType::Enum(_) => "enum",
ComponentDefinedType::Flags(_) => "flags",
ComponentDefinedType::Option(_) => "option",
ComponentDefinedType::List(_) => "list",
ComponentDefinedType::Result { .. } => "result",
ComponentDefinedType::Own(_) => "own",
ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(_) => "borrow",
/// An opaque identifier intended to be used to distinguish whether two
/// resource types are equivalent or not.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Copy)]
#[repr(packed(4))] // try to not waste 4 bytes in padding
pub struct ResourceId {
// This is a globally unique identifier which is assigned once per
// `TypeAlloc`. This ensures that resource identifiers from different
// instances of `Types`, for example, are considered unique.
// Technically 64-bits should be enough for all resource ids ever, but
// they're allocated so often it's predicted that an atomic increment
// per resource id is probably too expensive. To amortize that cost each
// top-level wasm component gets a single globally unique identifier, and
// then within a component contextually unique identifiers are handed out.
globally_unique_id: usize,
// A contextually unique id within the globally unique id above. This is
// allocated within a `TypeAlloc` with its own counter, and allocations of
// this are cheap as nothing atomic is required.
// The 32-bit storage here should ideally be enough for any component
// containing resources. If memory usage becomes an issue (this struct is
// 12 bytes instead of 8 or 4) then this could get folded into the globally
// unique id with everything using an atomic increment perhaps.
contextually_unique_id: u32,
enum TypesKind {
/// Represents the types known to a [`crate::Validator`] once validation has completed.
/// The type information is returned via the [`crate::Validator::end`] method.
pub struct Types {
list: TypeList,
kind: TypesKind,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum TypesRefKind<'a> {
Module(&'a Module),
Component(&'a ComponentState),
/// Represents the types known to a [`crate::Validator`] during validation.
/// Retrieved via the [`crate::Validator::types`] method.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TypesRef<'a> {
list: &'a TypeList,
kind: TypesRefKind<'a>,
impl<'a> TypesRef<'a> {
pub(crate) fn from_module(types: &'a TypeList, module: &'a Module) -> Self {
Self {
list: types,
kind: TypesRefKind::Module(module),
pub(crate) fn from_component(types: &'a TypeList, component: &'a ComponentState) -> Self {
Self {
list: types,
kind: TypesRefKind::Component(component),
/// Gets a type based on its type id.
/// Returns `None` if the type id is unknown.
pub fn get<T>(&self, id: T) -> Option<&'a T::Data>
T: TypeIdentifier,
/// Gets a core WebAssembly type id from a type index.
/// Note that this is in contrast to [`TypesRef::component_type_at`] which
/// gets a component type from its index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn core_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentCoreTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => ComponentCoreTypeId::Sub(module.types[index as usize]),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_types[index as usize],
/// Gets a type id from a type index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid type index or if this type information
/// represents a core module.
pub fn component_any_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentAnyTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.types[index as usize],
/// Gets a component type id from a type index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid component type index or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentTypeId {
match self.component_any_type_at(index) {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(id) => id,
_ => panic!("not a component type"),
/// Gets a type id from a type index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_defined_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentDefinedTypeId {
match self.component_any_type_at(index) {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(id) => id,
_ => panic!("not a defined type"),
/// Returns the number of core types defined so far.
pub fn core_type_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.types.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_types.len() as u32,
/// Returns the number of component types defined so far.
pub fn component_type_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_module) => 0,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.types.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a table at the given table index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn table_at(&self, index: u32) -> TableType {
let tables = match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => &module.tables,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => &component.core_tables,
tables[index as usize]
/// Returns the number of tables defined so far.
pub fn table_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.tables.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_tables.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a memory at the given memory index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn memory_at(&self, index: u32) -> MemoryType {
let memories = match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => &module.memories,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => &component.core_memories,
memories[index as usize]
/// Returns the number of memories defined so far.
pub fn memory_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.memories.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_memories.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a global at the given global index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn global_at(&self, index: u32) -> GlobalType {
let globals = match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => &module.globals,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => &component.core_globals,
globals[index as usize]
/// Returns the number of globals defined so far.
pub fn global_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.globals.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_globals.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a tag at the given tag index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn tag_at(&self, index: u32) -> CoreTypeId {
let tags = match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => &module.tags,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => &component.core_tags,
tags[index as usize]
/// Returns the number of tags defined so far.
pub fn tag_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.tags.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_tags.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a core function at the given function index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn core_function_at(&self, index: u32) -> CoreTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.types[module.functions[index as usize] as usize],
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_funcs[index as usize],
/// Gets the count of core functions defined so far.
/// Note that this includes imported functions, defined functions, and for
/// components lowered/aliased functions.
pub fn function_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.functions.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_funcs.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of an element segment at the given element segment index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn element_at(&self, index: u32) -> RefType {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.element_types[index as usize],
TypesRefKind::Component(_) => {
panic!("no elements on a component")
/// Returns the number of elements defined so far.
pub fn element_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => module.element_types.len() as u32,
TypesRefKind::Component(_) => 0,
/// Gets the type of a component function at the given function index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_function_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentFuncTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.funcs[index as usize],
/// Returns the number of component functions defined so far.
pub fn component_function_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_module) => 0,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.funcs.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a module at the given module index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn module_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentCoreModuleTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_modules[index as usize],
/// Returns the number of core wasm modules defined so far.
pub fn module_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_module) => 0,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_modules.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a module instance at the given module instance index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn core_instance_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_instances[index as usize],
/// Returns the number of core wasm instances defined so far.
pub fn core_instance_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_module) => 0,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.core_instances.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a component at the given component index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.components[index as usize],
/// Returns the number of components defined so far.
pub fn component_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_module) => 0,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.components.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of an component instance at the given component instance index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_instance_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentInstanceTypeId {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.instances[index as usize],
/// Returns the number of component instances defined so far.
pub fn component_instance_count(&self) -> u32 {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_module) => 0,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.instances.len() as u32,
/// Gets the type of a value at the given value index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn value_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentValType {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => panic!("not a component"),
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => component.values[index as usize].0,
/// Gets the entity type for the given import.
pub fn entity_type_from_import(&self, import: &Import) -> Option<EntityType> {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => Some(match import.ty {
TypeRef::Func(idx) => EntityType::Func(*module.types.get(idx as usize)?),
TypeRef::Table(ty) => EntityType::Table(ty),
TypeRef::Memory(ty) => EntityType::Memory(ty),
TypeRef::Global(ty) => EntityType::Global(ty),
TypeRef::Tag(ty) => EntityType::Tag(*module.types.get(ty.func_type_idx as usize)?),
TypesRefKind::Component(_) => None,
/// Gets the entity type from the given export.
pub fn entity_type_from_export(&self, export: &Export) -> Option<EntityType> {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(module) => Some(match export.kind {
ExternalKind::Func => EntityType::Func(
module.types[*module.functions.get(export.index as usize)? as usize],
ExternalKind::Table => {
EntityType::Table(*module.tables.get(export.index as usize)?)
ExternalKind::Memory => {
EntityType::Memory(*module.memories.get(export.index as usize)?)
ExternalKind::Global => {
EntityType::Global(*module.globals.get(export.index as usize)?)
ExternalKind::Tag => EntityType::Tag(
module.types[*module.functions.get(export.index as usize)? as usize],
TypesRefKind::Component(_) => None,
/// Gets the component entity type for the given component import.
pub fn component_entity_type_of_import(&self, name: &str) -> Option<ComponentEntityType> {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => None,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => Some(*component.imports.get(name)?),
/// Gets the component entity type for the given component export.
pub fn component_entity_type_of_export(&self, name: &str) -> Option<ComponentEntityType> {
match &self.kind {
TypesRefKind::Module(_) => None,
TypesRefKind::Component(component) => Some(*component.exports.get(name)?),
/// Attempts to lookup the type id that `ty` is an alias of.
/// Returns `None` if `ty` wasn't listed as aliasing a prior type.
pub fn peel_alias<T>(&self, ty: T) -> Option<T>
T: Aliasable,
impl<T> Index<T> for TypesRef<'_>
T: TypeIdentifier,
type Output = T::Data;
fn index(&self, index: T) -> &Self::Output {
impl Types {
pub(crate) fn from_module(types: TypeList, module: Arc<Module>) -> Self {
Self {
list: types,
kind: TypesKind::Module(module),
pub(crate) fn from_component(types: TypeList, component: ComponentState) -> Self {
Self {
list: types,
kind: TypesKind::Component(component),
/// Gets a reference to this validation type information.
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> TypesRef {
TypesRef {
list: &self.list,
kind: match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(module) => TypesRefKind::Module(module),
TypesKind::Component(component) => TypesRefKind::Component(component),
/// Gets a type based on its type id.
/// Returns `None` if the type id is unknown.
pub fn get<T>(&self, id: T) -> Option<&T::Data>
T: TypeIdentifier,
/// Gets a core WebAssembly type at the given type index.
/// Note that this is in contrast to [`TypesRef::component_type_at`] which
/// gets a component type from its index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index.
pub fn core_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentCoreTypeId {
/// Gets a component WebAssembly type at the given type index.
/// Note that this is in contrast to [`TypesRef::core_type_at`] which gets a
/// core type from its index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid type index.
pub fn component_any_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentAnyTypeId {
/// Gets a component type at the given type index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid component type index.
pub fn component_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentTypeId {
/// Gets a component type from the given component type index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid defined type index or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_defined_type_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentDefinedTypeId {
/// Gets the count of core types.
pub fn type_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(module) => module.types.len(),
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.core_types.len(),
/// Gets the type of a table at the given table index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index.
pub fn table_at(&self, index: u32) -> TableType {
/// Gets the count of imported and defined tables.
pub fn table_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(module) => module.tables.len(),
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.core_tables.len(),
/// Gets the type of a memory at the given memory index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index.
pub fn memory_at(&self, index: u32) -> MemoryType {
/// Gets the count of imported and defined memories.
pub fn memory_count(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets the type of a global at the given global index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index.
pub fn global_at(&self, index: u32) -> GlobalType {
/// Gets the count of imported and defined globals.
pub fn global_count(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets the type of a tag at the given tag index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index.
pub fn tag_at(&self, index: u32) -> CoreTypeId {
/// Gets the count of imported and defined tags.
pub fn tag_count(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets the type of a core function at the given function index.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is not a valid function index.
pub fn core_function_at(&self, index: u32) -> CoreTypeId {
/// Gets the count of core functions defined so far.
/// Note that this includes imported functions, defined functions, and for
/// components lowered/aliased functions.
pub fn core_function_count(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets the type of an element segment at the given element segment index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds.
pub fn element_at(&self, index: u32) -> RefType {
/// Gets the count of element segments.
pub fn element_count(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets the type of a component function at the given function index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_function_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentFuncTypeId {
/// Gets the count of imported, exported, or aliased component functions.
pub fn component_function_count(&self) -> u32 {
/// Gets the type of a module at the given module index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn module_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentCoreModuleTypeId {
/// Gets the count of imported, exported, or aliased modules.
pub fn module_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(_) => 0,
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.core_modules.len(),
/// Gets the type of a module instance at the given module instance index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn core_instance_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId {
/// Gets the count of imported, exported, or aliased core module instances.
pub fn core_instance_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(_) => 0,
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.core_instances.len(),
/// Gets the type of a component at the given component index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentTypeId {
/// Gets the count of imported, exported, or aliased components.
pub fn component_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(_) => 0,
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.components.len(),
/// Gets the type of an component instance at the given component instance index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn component_instance_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentInstanceTypeId {
/// Gets the count of imported, exported, or aliased component instances.
pub fn component_instance_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(_) => 0,
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.instances.len(),
/// Gets the type of a value at the given value index.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if the `index` provided is out of bounds or if this type
/// information represents a core module.
pub fn value_at(&self, index: u32) -> ComponentValType {
/// Gets the count of imported, exported, or aliased values.
pub fn value_count(&self) -> usize {
match &self.kind {
TypesKind::Module(_) => 0,
TypesKind::Component(component) => component.values.len(),
/// Gets the entity type from the given import.
pub fn entity_type_from_import(&self, import: &Import) -> Option<EntityType> {
/// Gets the entity type from the given export.
pub fn entity_type_from_export(&self, export: &Export) -> Option<EntityType> {
/// Gets the component entity type for the given component import name.
pub fn component_entity_type_of_import(&self, name: &str) -> Option<ComponentEntityType> {
/// Gets the component entity type for the given component export name.
pub fn component_entity_type_of_export(&self, name: &str) -> Option<ComponentEntityType> {
/// Attempts to lookup the type id that `ty` is an alias of.
/// Returns `None` if `ty` wasn't listed as aliasing a prior type.
pub fn peel_alias<T>(&self, ty: T) -> Option<T>
T: Aliasable,
impl<T> Index<T> for Types
T: TypeIdentifier,
type Output = T::Data;
fn index(&self, id: T) -> &Self::Output {
/// This is a type which mirrors a subset of the `Vec<T>` API, but is intended
/// to be able to be cheaply snapshotted and cloned.
/// When each module's code sections start we "commit" the current list of types
/// in the global list of types. This means that the temporary `cur` vec here is
/// pushed onto `snapshots` and wrapped up in an `Arc`. At that point we clone
/// this entire list (which is then O(modules), not O(types in all modules)) and
/// pass out as a context to each function validator.
/// Otherwise, though, this type behaves as if it were a large `Vec<T>`, but
/// it's represented by lists of contiguous chunks.
// Only public because it shows up in a public trait's `doc(hidden)` method.
pub struct SnapshotList<T> {
// All previous snapshots, the "head" of the list that this type represents.
// The first entry in this pair is the starting index for all elements
// contained in the list, and the second element is the list itself. Note
// the `Arc` wrapper around sub-lists, which makes cloning time for this
// `SnapshotList` O(snapshots) rather than O(snapshots_total), which for
// us in this context means the number of modules, not types.
// Note that this list is sorted least-to-greatest in order of the index for
// binary searching.
snapshots: Vec<Arc<Snapshot<T>>>,
// This is the total length of all lists in the `snapshots` array.
snapshots_total: usize,
// The current list of types for the current snapshot that are being built.
cur: Vec<T>,
struct Snapshot<T> {
prior_types: usize,
items: Vec<T>,
impl<T> SnapshotList<T> {
/// Same as `<&[T]>::get`
pub(crate) fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T> {
// Check to see if this index falls on our local list
if index >= self.snapshots_total {
return self.cur.get(index - self.snapshots_total);
// ... and failing that we do a binary search to figure out which bucket
// it's in. Note the `i-1` in the `Err` case because if we don't find an
// exact match the type is located in the previous bucket.
let i = match self
.binary_search_by_key(&index, |snapshot| snapshot.prior_types)
Ok(i) => i,
Err(i) => i - 1,
let snapshot = &self.snapshots[i];
Some(&snapshot.items[index - snapshot.prior_types])
/// Same as `Vec::push`
pub(crate) fn push(&mut self, val: T) {
/// Same as `<[T]>::len`
pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {
self.cur.len() + self.snapshots_total
/// Same as `Vec::truncate` but can only truncate uncommitted elements.
pub(crate) fn truncate(&mut self, len: usize) {
assert!(len >= self.snapshots_total);
self.cur.truncate(len - self.snapshots_total);
/// Commits previously pushed types into this snapshot vector, and returns a
/// clone of this list.
/// The returned `SnapshotList` can be used to access all the same types as
/// this list itself. This list also is not changed (from an external
/// perspective) and can continue to access all the same types.
pub(crate) fn commit(&mut self) -> SnapshotList<T> {
// If the current chunk has new elements, commit them in to an
// `Arc`-wrapped vector in the snapshots list. Note the `shrink_to_fit`
// ahead of time to hopefully keep memory usage lower than it would
// otherwise be.
let len = self.cur.len();
if len > 0 {
self.snapshots.push(Arc::new(Snapshot {
prior_types: self.snapshots_total,
items: mem::take(&mut self.cur),
self.snapshots_total += len;
SnapshotList {
snapshots: self.snapshots.clone(),
snapshots_total: self.snapshots_total,
cur: Vec::new(),
impl<T> Index<usize> for SnapshotList<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
impl<T, U> Index<U> for SnapshotList<T>
U: TypeIdentifier<Data = T>,
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, id: U) -> &T {
impl<T> Default for SnapshotList<T> {
fn default() -> SnapshotList<T> {
SnapshotList {
snapshots: Vec::new(),
snapshots_total: 0,
cur: Vec::new(),
/// A snapshot list of types.
/// Note that the snapshot lists below do not correspond with index spaces. Many
/// different kinds of types are in the same index space (e.g. all of the
/// component model's {component, instance, defined, func} types are in the same
/// index space). However, we store each of them in their own type-specific
/// snapshot list and give each of them their own identifier type.
// Only public because it shows up in a public trait's `doc(hidden)` method.
pub struct TypeList {
// Keeps track of which `alias_id` is an alias of which other `alias_id`.
alias_mappings: HashMap<u32, u32>,
// Counter for generating new `alias_id`s.
alias_counter: u32,
// Snapshots of previously committed `TypeList`s' aliases.
alias_snapshots: Vec<TypeListAliasSnapshot>,
// Core Wasm types.
// A primary map from `CoreTypeId` to `SubType`.
core_types: SnapshotList<SubType>,
// The id of each core Wasm type's rec group.
// A secondary map from `CoreTypeId` to `RecGroupId`.
core_type_to_rec_group: SnapshotList<RecGroupId>,
// The supertype of each core type.
// A secondary map from `coreTypeId` to `Option<CoreTypeId>`.
core_type_to_supertype: SnapshotList<Option<CoreTypeId>>,
// A primary map from `RecGroupId` to the range of the rec group's elements
// within `core_types`.
rec_group_elements: SnapshotList<Range<CoreTypeId>>,
// A hash map from rec group elements to their canonical `RecGroupId`.
// This is `None` when a list is "committed" meaning that no more insertions
// can happen.
canonical_rec_groups: Option<HashMap<RecGroup, RecGroupId>>,
// Component model types.
components: SnapshotList<ComponentType>,
component_defined_types: SnapshotList<ComponentDefinedType>,
component_values: SnapshotList<ComponentValType>,
component_instances: SnapshotList<ComponentInstanceType>,
component_funcs: SnapshotList<ComponentFuncType>,
core_modules: SnapshotList<ModuleType>,
core_instances: SnapshotList<InstanceType>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TypeListAliasSnapshot {
// The `alias_counter` at the time that this snapshot was taken.
alias_counter: u32,
// The alias mappings in this snapshot.
alias_mappings: HashMap<u32, u32>,
struct TypeListCheckpoint {
core_types: usize,
components: usize,
component_defined_types: usize,
component_values: usize,
component_instances: usize,
component_funcs: usize,
core_modules: usize,
core_instances: usize,
core_type_to_rec_group: usize,
core_type_to_supertype: usize,
rec_group_elements: usize,
canonical_rec_groups: usize,
impl TypeList {
pub fn get<T>(&self, id: T) -> Option<&T::Data>
T: TypeIdentifier,
pub fn push<T>(&mut self, ty: T) -> T::Id
T: TypeData,
let index = u32::try_from(T::Id::list(self).len()).unwrap();
let id = T::Id::from_index(index);
/// Intern the given recursion group (that has already been canonicalized)
/// and return its associated id and whether this was a new recursion group
/// or not.
pub fn intern_canonical_rec_group(&mut self, rec_group: RecGroup) -> (bool, RecGroupId) {
let canonical_rec_groups = self
.expect("cannot intern into a committed list");
let entry = match canonical_rec_groups.entry(rec_group) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => return (false, *e.get()),
Entry::Vacant(e) => e,
let rec_group_id = self.rec_group_elements.len();
let rec_group_id = u32::try_from(rec_group_id).unwrap();
let rec_group_id = RecGroupId::from_index(rec_group_id);
let start = self.core_types.len();
let start = u32::try_from(start).unwrap();
let start = CoreTypeId::from_index(start);
for ty in entry.key().types() {
debug_assert_eq!(self.core_types.len(), self.core_type_to_supertype.len());
debug_assert_eq!(self.core_types.len(), self.core_type_to_rec_group.len());
.push(|idx| match idx.unpack() {
UnpackedIndex::RecGroup(offset) => CoreTypeId::from_index(start.index + offset),
UnpackedIndex::Id(id) => id,
UnpackedIndex::Module(_) => unreachable!("in canonical form"),
let mut ty = ty.clone();
ty.remap_indices(&mut |index| {
match index.unpack() {
UnpackedIndex::Id(_) => {}
UnpackedIndex::Module(_) => unreachable!(),
UnpackedIndex::RecGroup(offset) => {
*index = UnpackedIndex::Id(CoreTypeId::from_index(start.index + offset))
.expect("cannot fail");
let end = self.core_types.len();
let end = u32::try_from(end).unwrap();
let end = CoreTypeId::from_index(end);
let range = start..end;
return (true, rec_group_id);
/// Get the `CoreTypeId` for a local index into a rec group.
pub fn rec_group_local_id(
rec_group: RecGroupId,
index: u32,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<CoreTypeId> {
let elems = &self[rec_group];
let len = elems.end.index() - elems.start.index();
let len = u32::try_from(len).unwrap();
if index < len {
let id = u32::try_from(elems.start.index()).unwrap() + index;
let id = CoreTypeId::from_index(id);
} else {
"unknown type {index}: type index out of rec group bounds"
/// Get the id of the rec group that the given type id was defined within.
pub fn rec_group_id_of(&self, id: CoreTypeId) -> RecGroupId {
/// Get the super type of the given type id, if any.
pub fn supertype_of(&self, id: CoreTypeId) -> Option<CoreTypeId> {
/// Get the `CoreTypeId` for a canonicalized `PackedIndex`.
/// Panics when given a non-canonicalized `PackedIndex`.
pub fn at_canonicalized_packed_index(
rec_group: RecGroupId,
index: PackedIndex,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<CoreTypeId> {
self.at_canonicalized_unpacked_index(rec_group, index.unpack(), offset)
/// Get the `CoreTypeId` for a canonicalized `UnpackedIndex`.
/// Panics when given a non-canonicalized `PackedIndex`.
pub fn at_canonicalized_unpacked_index(
rec_group: RecGroupId,
index: UnpackedIndex,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<CoreTypeId> {
match index {
UnpackedIndex::Module(_) => panic!("not canonicalized"),
UnpackedIndex::Id(id) => Ok(id),
UnpackedIndex::RecGroup(idx) => self.rec_group_local_id(rec_group, idx, offset),
/// Does `a` structurally match `b`?
pub fn matches(&self, a: CoreTypeId, b: CoreTypeId) -> bool {
let a = WithRecGroup::new(self, a);
let a = WithRecGroup::map(a, |a| &self[a]);
let b = WithRecGroup::new(self, b);
let b = WithRecGroup::map(b, |b| &self[b]);
Matches::matches(self, a, b)
/// Is `a == b` or was `a` declared (potentially transitively) to be a
/// subtype of `b`?
pub fn id_is_subtype(&self, mut a: CoreTypeId, b: CoreTypeId) -> bool {
loop {
if a == b {
return true;
// TODO: maintain supertype vectors and implement this check in O(1)
// instead of O(n) time.
a = match self.supertype_of(a) {
Some(a) => a,
None => return false,
/// Like `id_is_subtype` but for `RefType`s.
/// Both `a` and `b` must be canonicalized already.
pub fn reftype_is_subtype(&self, a: RefType, b: RefType) -> bool {
// NB: Don't need `RecGroupId`s since we are calling from outside of the
// rec group, and so any `PackedIndex`es we encounter have already been
// canonicalized to `CoreTypeId`s directly.
self.reftype_is_subtype_impl(a, None, b, None)
/// Implementation of `RefType` and `HeapType` subtyping.
/// Panics if we need rec groups but aren't given them. Rec groups only need
/// to be passed in when checking subtyping of `RefType`s that we encounter
/// while validating a rec group itself.
pub(crate) fn reftype_is_subtype_impl(
a: RefType,
a_group: Option<RecGroupId>,
b: RefType,
b_group: Option<RecGroupId>,
) -> bool {
if a == b && a_group == b_group {
return true;
if a.is_nullable() && !b.is_nullable() {
return false;
let core_type_id = |group: Option<RecGroupId>, index: UnpackedIndex| -> CoreTypeId {
if let Some(id) = index.as_core_type_id() {
} else {
self.at_canonicalized_unpacked_index(group.unwrap(), index, usize::MAX)
.expect("type references are checked during canonicalization")
let subtype = |group, index| -> &SubType {
let id = core_type_id(group, index);
use HeapType as HT;
match (a.heap_type(), b.heap_type()) {
(a, b) if a == b => true,
(HT::Eq | HT::I31 | HT::Struct | HT::Array | HT::None, HT::Any) => true,
(HT::I31 | HT::Struct | HT::Array | HT::None, HT::Eq) => true,
(HT::NoExtern, HT::Extern) => true,
(HT::NoFunc, HT::Func) => true,
(HT::None, HT::I31 | HT::Array | HT::Struct) => true,
(HT::Concrete(a), HT::Eq | HT::Any) => matches!(
subtype(a_group, a).composite_type,
CompositeType::Array(_) | CompositeType::Struct(_)
(HT::Concrete(a), HT::Struct) => {
matches!(subtype(a_group, a).composite_type, CompositeType::Struct(_))
(HT::Concrete(a), HT::Array) => {
matches!(subtype(a_group, a).composite_type, CompositeType::Array(_))
(HT::Concrete(a), HT::Func) => {
matches!(subtype(a_group, a).composite_type, CompositeType::Func(_))
(HT::Concrete(a), HT::Concrete(b)) => {
self.id_is_subtype(core_type_id(a_group, a), core_type_id(b_group, b))
(HT::None, HT::Concrete(b)) => matches!(
subtype(b_group, b).composite_type,
CompositeType::Array(_) | CompositeType::Struct(_)
(HT::NoFunc, HT::Concrete(b)) => {
matches!(subtype(b_group, b).composite_type, CompositeType::Func(_))
// Nothing else matches. (Avoid full wildcard matches so that
// adding/modifying variants is easier in the future.)
(HT::Concrete(_), _)
| (HT::Func, _)
| (HT::Extern, _)
| (HT::Any, _)
| (HT::None, _)
| (HT::NoExtern, _)
| (HT::NoFunc, _)
| (HT::Eq, _)
| (HT::Struct, _)
| (HT::Array, _)
| (HT::I31, _) => false,
/// Like `id_is_subtype` but for `RefType`s.
/// Both `a` and `b` must be canonicalized already.
pub fn valtype_is_subtype(&self, a: ValType, b: ValType) -> bool {
match (a, b) {
(a, b) if a == b => true,
(ValType::Ref(a), ValType::Ref(b)) => self.reftype_is_subtype(a, b),
(ValType::Ref(_), _)
| (ValType::I32, _)
| (ValType::I64, _)
| (ValType::F32, _)
| (ValType::F64, _)
| (ValType::V128, _) => false,
fn checkpoint(&self) -> TypeListCheckpoint {
let TypeList {
alias_mappings: _,
alias_counter: _,
alias_snapshots: _,
} = self;
TypeListCheckpoint {
core_types: core_types.len(),
components: components.len(),
component_defined_types: component_defined_types.len(),
component_values: component_values.len(),
component_instances: component_instances.len(),
component_funcs: component_funcs.len(),
core_modules: core_modules.len(),
core_instances: core_instances.len(),
core_type_to_rec_group: core_type_to_rec_group.len(),
core_type_to_supertype: core_type_to_supertype.len(),
rec_group_elements: rec_group_elements.len(),
canonical_rec_groups: canonical_rec_groups.as_ref().map(|m| m.len()).unwrap_or(0),
fn reset_to_checkpoint(&mut self, checkpoint: TypeListCheckpoint) {
let TypeList {
alias_mappings: _,
alias_counter: _,
alias_snapshots: _,
} = self;
if let Some(canonical_rec_groups) = canonical_rec_groups {
"checkpointing does not support resetting `canonical_rec_groups` (it would require a \
proper immutable and persistent hash map) so adding new groups is disallowed"
pub fn commit(&mut self) -> TypeList {
// Note that the `alias_counter` is bumped here to ensure that the
// previous value of the unique counter is never used for an actual type
// so it's suitable for lookup via a binary search.
let alias_counter = self.alias_counter;
self.alias_counter += 1;
self.alias_snapshots.push(TypeListAliasSnapshot {
alias_mappings: mem::take(&mut self.alias_mappings),
TypeList {
alias_mappings: HashMap::new(),
alias_counter: self.alias_counter,
alias_snapshots: self.alias_snapshots.clone(),
core_types: self.core_types.commit(),
components: self.components.commit(),
component_defined_types: self.component_defined_types.commit(),
component_values: self.component_values.commit(),
component_instances: self.component_instances.commit(),
component_funcs: self.component_funcs.commit(),
core_modules: self.core_modules.commit(),
core_instances: self.core_instances.commit(),
core_type_to_rec_group: self.core_type_to_rec_group.commit(),
core_type_to_supertype: self.core_type_to_supertype.commit(),
rec_group_elements: self.rec_group_elements.commit(),
canonical_rec_groups: None,
/// See `SnapshotList::with_unique`.
pub fn with_unique<T>(&mut self, mut ty: T) -> T
T: Aliasable,
.insert(self.alias_counter, ty.alias_id());
self.alias_counter += 1;
/// Attempts to lookup the type id that `ty` is an alias of.
/// Returns `None` if `ty` wasn't listed as aliasing a prior type.
pub fn peel_alias<T>(&self, mut ty: T) -> Option<T>
T: Aliasable,
let alias_id = ty.alias_id();
// The unique counter in each snapshot is the unique counter at the
// time of the snapshot so it's guaranteed to never be used, meaning
// that `Ok` should never show up here. With an `Err` it's where the
// index would be placed meaning that the index in question is the
// smallest value over the unique id's value, meaning that slot has the
// mapping we're interested in.
let i = match self
.binary_search_by_key(&alias_id, |snapshot| snapshot.alias_counter)
Ok(_) => unreachable!(),
Err(i) => i,
// If the `i` index is beyond the snapshot array then lookup in the
// current mappings instead since it may refer to a type not snapshot
// yet.
ty.set_alias_id(match self.alias_snapshots.get(i) {
Some(snapshot) => *snapshot.alias_mappings.get(&alias_id)?,
None => *self.alias_mappings.get(&alias_id)?,
impl<T> Index<T> for TypeList
T: TypeIdentifier,
type Output = T::Data;
fn index(&self, id: T) -> &Self::Output {
let arena = T::list(self);
/// Thin wrapper around `TypeList` which provides an allocator of unique ids for
/// types contained within this list.
pub(crate) struct TypeAlloc {
list: TypeList,
// This is assigned at creation of a `TypeAlloc` and then never changed.
// It's used in one entry for all `ResourceId`s contained within.
globally_unique_id: usize,
// This is a counter that's incremeneted each time `alloc_resource_id` is
// called.
next_resource_id: u32,
impl Default for TypeAlloc {
fn default() -> TypeAlloc {
static NEXT_GLOBAL_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
let mut ret = TypeAlloc {
list: TypeList::default(),
globally_unique_id: {
let id = NEXT_GLOBAL_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
if id > usize::MAX - 10_000 { - 10_000, Ordering::Relaxed);
panic!("overflow on the global id counter");
next_resource_id: 0,
ret.list.canonical_rec_groups = Some(Default::default());
impl Deref for TypeAlloc {
type Target = TypeList;
fn deref(&self) -> &TypeList {
impl DerefMut for TypeAlloc {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut TypeList {
&mut self.list
impl TypeAlloc {
/// Pushes a new type into this list, returning an identifier which can be
/// used to later retrieve it.
/// The returned identifier is unique within this `TypeAlloc` and won't be
/// hash-equivalent to anything else.
pub fn push_ty<T>(&mut self, ty: T) -> T::Id
T: TypeData,
/// Allocates a new unique resource identifier.
/// Note that uniqueness is only a property within this `TypeAlloc`.
pub fn alloc_resource_id(&mut self) -> AliasableResourceId {
let contextually_unique_id = self.next_resource_id;
self.next_resource_id = self.next_resource_id.checked_add(1).unwrap();
AliasableResourceId {
id: ResourceId {
globally_unique_id: self.globally_unique_id,
alias_id: NO_ALIAS,
/// Adds the set of "free variables" of the `id` provided to the `set`
/// provided.
/// Free variables are defined as resources. Any resource, perhaps
/// transitively, referred to but not defined by `id` is added to the `set`
/// and returned.
pub fn free_variables_any_type_id(
id: ComponentAnyTypeId,
set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>,
) {
match id {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(r) => {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(id) => {
self.free_variables_component_defined_type_id(id, set)
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(id) => self.free_variables_component_func_type_id(id, set),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(id) => {
self.free_variables_component_instance_type_id(id, set)
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(id) => self.free_variables_component_type_id(id, set),
pub fn free_variables_component_defined_type_id(
id: ComponentDefinedTypeId,
set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>,
) {
match &self[id] {
| ComponentDefinedType::Flags(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Enum(_) => {}
ComponentDefinedType::Record(r) => {
for ty in r.fields.values() {
self.free_variables_valtype(ty, set);
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(r) => {
for ty in r.types.iter() {
self.free_variables_valtype(ty, set);
ComponentDefinedType::Variant(r) => {
for ty in r.cases.values() {
if let Some(ty) = &ty.ty {
self.free_variables_valtype(ty, set);
ComponentDefinedType::List(ty) | ComponentDefinedType::Option(ty) => {
self.free_variables_valtype(ty, set);
ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => {
if let Some(ok) = ok {
self.free_variables_valtype(ok, set);
if let Some(err) = err {
self.free_variables_valtype(err, set);
ComponentDefinedType::Own(id) | ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(id) => {
pub fn free_variables_component_type_id(
id: ComponentTypeId,
set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>,
) {
let i = &self[id];
// Recurse on the imports/exports of components, but remove the
// imported and defined resources within the component itself.
// Technically this needs to add all the free variables of the
// exports, remove the defined resources, then add the free
// variables of imports, then remove the imported resources. Given
// prior validation of component types, however, the defined
// and imported resources are disjoint and imports can't refer to
// defined resources, so doing this all in one go should be
// equivalent.
for ty in i.imports.values().chain(i.exports.values()) {
self.free_variables_component_entity(ty, set);
for (id, _path) in i.imported_resources.iter().chain(&i.defined_resources) {
pub fn free_variables_component_instance_type_id(
id: ComponentInstanceTypeId,
set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>,
) {
let i = &self[id];
// Like components, add in all the free variables of referenced
// types but then remove those defined by this component instance
// itself.
for ty in i.exports.values() {
self.free_variables_component_entity(ty, set);
for id in i.defined_resources.iter() {
pub fn free_variables_component_func_type_id(
id: ComponentFuncTypeId,
set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>,
) {
let i = &self[id];
for ty in i
.map(|(_, ty)| ty)
.chain(i.results.iter().map(|(_, ty)| ty))
self.free_variables_valtype(ty, set);
/// Same as `free_variables_type_id`, but for `ComponentEntityType`.
pub fn free_variables_component_entity(
ty: &ComponentEntityType,
set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>,
) {
match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Module(_) => {}
ComponentEntityType::Func(id) => self.free_variables_component_func_type_id(*id, set),
ComponentEntityType::Instance(id) => {
self.free_variables_component_instance_type_id(*id, set)
ComponentEntityType::Component(id) => self.free_variables_component_type_id(*id, set),
ComponentEntityType::Type { created, .. } => {
self.free_variables_any_type_id(*created, set);
ComponentEntityType::Value(ty) => self.free_variables_valtype(ty, set),
/// Same as `free_variables_type_id`, but for `ComponentValType`.
fn free_variables_valtype(&self, ty: &ComponentValType, set: &mut IndexSet<ResourceId>) {
match ty {
ComponentValType::Primitive(_) => {}
ComponentValType::Type(id) => self.free_variables_component_defined_type_id(*id, set),
/// Returns whether the type `id` is "named" where named types are presented
/// via the provided `set`.
/// This requires that `id` is a `Defined` type.
pub(crate) fn type_named_type_id(
id: ComponentDefinedTypeId,
set: &HashSet<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) -> bool {
let ty = &self[id];
match ty {
// Primitives are always considered named
ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(_) => true,
// These structures are never allowed to be anonymous, so they
// themselves must be named.
| ComponentDefinedType::Enum(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Record(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Variant(_) => set.contains(&id.into()),
// All types below here are allowed to be anonymous, but their
// own components must be appropriately named.
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(r) => {
r.types.iter().all(|t| self.type_named_valtype(t, set))
ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => {
.map(|t| self.type_named_valtype(t, set))
&& err
.map(|t| self.type_named_valtype(t, set))
ComponentDefinedType::List(ty) | ComponentDefinedType::Option(ty) => {
self.type_named_valtype(ty, set)
// own/borrow themselves don't have to be named, but the resource
// they refer to must be named.
ComponentDefinedType::Own(id) | ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(id) => {
pub(crate) fn type_named_valtype(
ty: &ComponentValType,
set: &HashSet<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) -> bool {
match ty {
ComponentValType::Primitive(_) => true,
ComponentValType::Type(id) => self.type_named_type_id(*id, set),
/// A helper trait to provide the functionality necessary to resources within a
/// type.
/// This currently exists to abstract over `TypeAlloc` and `SubtypeArena` which
/// both need to perform remapping operations.
pub trait Remap
Self: Index<ComponentTypeId, Output = ComponentType>,
Self: Index<ComponentDefinedTypeId, Output = ComponentDefinedType>,
Self: Index<ComponentInstanceTypeId, Output = ComponentInstanceType>,
Self: Index<ComponentFuncTypeId, Output = ComponentFuncType>,
/// Pushes a new anonymous type within this object, returning an identifier
/// which can be used to refer to it.
fn push_ty<T>(&mut self, ty: T) -> T::Id
T: TypeData;
/// Apply `map` to the keys of `tmp`, setting `*any_changed = true` if any
/// keys were remapped.
fn map_map(
tmp: &mut IndexMap<ResourceId, Vec<usize>>,
any_changed: &mut bool,
map: &Remapping,
) {
for (id, path) in mem::take(tmp) {
let id = match map.resources.get(&id) {
Some(id) => {
*any_changed = true;
None => id,
tmp.insert(id, path);
/// If `any_changed` is true, push `ty`, update `map` to point `id` to the
/// new type ID, set `id` equal to the new type ID, and return `true`.
/// Otherwise, update `map` to point `id` to itself and return `false`.
fn insert_if_any_changed<T>(
&mut self,
map: &mut Remapping,
any_changed: bool,
id: &mut T::Id,
ty: T,
) -> bool
T: TypeData,
T::Id: Into<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
let new = if any_changed { self.push_ty(ty) } else { *id };
map.types.insert((*id).into(), new.into());
let changed = *id != new;
*id = new;
/// Recursively search for any resource types reachable from `id`, updating
/// it and `map` if any are found and remapped, returning `true` iff at last
/// one is remapped.
fn remap_component_any_type_id(
&mut self,
id: &mut ComponentAnyTypeId,
map: &mut Remapping,
) -> bool {
match id {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id) => self.remap_resource_id(id, map),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(id) => self.remap_component_defined_type_id(id, map),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(id) => self.remap_component_func_type_id(id, map),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(id) => self.remap_component_instance_type_id(id, map),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(id) => self.remap_component_type_id(id, map),
/// If `map` indicates `id` should be remapped, update it and return `true`.
/// Otherwise, do nothing and return `false`.
fn remap_resource_id(&mut self, id: &mut AliasableResourceId, map: &Remapping) -> bool {
if let Some(changed) = map.remap_id(id) {
return changed;
match map.resources.get(&id.resource()) {
None => false,
Some(new_id) => {
*id.resource_mut() = *new_id;
/// Recursively search for any resource types reachable from `id`, updating
/// it and `map` if any are found and remapped, returning `true` iff at last
/// one is remapped.
fn remap_component_type_id(&mut self, id: &mut ComponentTypeId, map: &mut Remapping) -> bool {
if let Some(changed) = map.remap_id(id) {
return changed;
let mut any_changed = false;
let mut ty = self[*id].clone();
for ty in ty.imports.values_mut().chain(ty.exports.values_mut()) {
any_changed |= self.remap_component_entity(ty, map);
for (id, _) in ty
.chain(&mut ty.defined_resources)
if let Some(new) = map.resources.get(id) {
*id = *new;
any_changed = true;
Self::map_map(&mut ty.explicit_resources, &mut any_changed, map);
self.insert_if_any_changed(map, any_changed, id, ty)
/// Recursively search for any resource types reachable from `id`, updating
/// it and `map` if any are found and remapped, returning `true` iff at last
/// one is remapped.
fn remap_component_defined_type_id(
&mut self,
id: &mut ComponentDefinedTypeId,
map: &mut Remapping,
) -> bool {
if let Some(changed) = map.remap_id(id) {
return changed;
let mut any_changed = false;
let mut tmp = self[*id].clone();
match &mut tmp {
| ComponentDefinedType::Flags(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Enum(_) => {}
ComponentDefinedType::Record(r) => {
for ty in r.fields.values_mut() {
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(ty, map);
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(r) => {
for ty in r.types.iter_mut() {
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(ty, map);
ComponentDefinedType::Variant(r) => {
for ty in r.cases.values_mut() {
if let Some(ty) = &mut ty.ty {
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(ty, map);
ComponentDefinedType::List(ty) | ComponentDefinedType::Option(ty) => {
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(ty, map);
ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => {
if let Some(ok) = ok {
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(ok, map);
if let Some(err) = err {
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(err, map);
ComponentDefinedType::Own(id) | ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(id) => {
any_changed |= self.remap_resource_id(id, map);
self.insert_if_any_changed(map, any_changed, id, tmp)
/// Recursively search for any resource types reachable from `id`, updating
/// it and `map` if any are found and remapped, returning `true` iff at last
/// one is remapped.
fn remap_component_instance_type_id(
&mut self,
id: &mut ComponentInstanceTypeId,
map: &mut Remapping,
) -> bool {
if let Some(changed) = map.remap_id(id) {
return changed;
let mut any_changed = false;
let mut tmp = self[*id].clone();
for ty in tmp.exports.values_mut() {
any_changed |= self.remap_component_entity(ty, map);
for id in tmp.defined_resources.iter_mut() {
if let Some(new) = map.resources.get(id) {
*id = *new;
any_changed = true;
Self::map_map(&mut tmp.explicit_resources, &mut any_changed, map);
self.insert_if_any_changed(map, any_changed, id, tmp)
/// Recursively search for any resource types reachable from `id`, updating
/// it and `map` if any are found and remapped, returning `true` iff at last
/// one is remapped.
fn remap_component_func_type_id(
&mut self,
id: &mut ComponentFuncTypeId,
map: &mut Remapping,
) -> bool {
if let Some(changed) = map.remap_id(id) {
return changed;
let mut any_changed = false;
let mut tmp = self[*id].clone();
for ty in tmp
.map(|(_, ty)| ty)
.chain(tmp.results.iter_mut().map(|(_, ty)| ty))
any_changed |= self.remap_valtype(ty, map);
self.insert_if_any_changed(map, any_changed, id, tmp)
/// Same as `remap_type_id`, but works with `ComponentEntityType`.
fn remap_component_entity(
&mut self,
ty: &mut ComponentEntityType,
map: &mut Remapping,
) -> bool {
match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Module(_) => {
// Can't reference resources.
ComponentEntityType::Func(id) => self.remap_component_func_type_id(id, map),
ComponentEntityType::Instance(id) => self.remap_component_instance_type_id(id, map),
ComponentEntityType::Component(id) => self.remap_component_type_id(id, map),
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
let mut changed = self.remap_component_any_type_id(referenced, map);
if *referenced == *created {
*created = *referenced;
} else {
changed |= self.remap_component_any_type_id(created, map);
ComponentEntityType::Value(ty) => self.remap_valtype(ty, map),
/// Same as `remap_type_id`, but works with `ComponentValType`.
fn remap_valtype(&mut self, ty: &mut ComponentValType, map: &mut Remapping) -> bool {
match ty {
ComponentValType::Primitive(_) => false,
ComponentValType::Type(id) => self.remap_component_defined_type_id(id, map),
/// Utility for mapping equivalent `ResourceId`s to each other and (when paired with the `Remap` trait)
/// non-destructively edit type lists to reflect those mappings.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Remapping {
/// A mapping from old resource ID to new resource ID.
pub(crate) resources: HashMap<ResourceId, ResourceId>,
/// A mapping filled in during the remapping process which records how a
/// type was remapped, if applicable. This avoids remapping multiple
/// references to the same type and instead only processing it once.
types: HashMap<ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId>,
impl Remap for TypeAlloc {
fn push_ty<T>(&mut self, ty: T) -> T::Id
T: TypeData,
<TypeList>::push(self, ty)
impl<T> Index<T> for TypeAlloc
T: TypeIdentifier,
type Output = T::Data;
fn index(&self, id: T) -> &T::Data {
impl Remapping {
/// Add a mapping from the specified old resource ID to the new resource ID
pub fn add(&mut self, old: ResourceId, new: ResourceId) {
self.resources.insert(old, new);
/// Clear the type cache while leaving the resource mappings intact.
pub fn reset_type_cache(&mut self) {
fn remap_id<T>(&self, id: &mut T) -> Option<bool>
T: Copy + Into<ComponentAnyTypeId> + TryFrom<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
T::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
let old: ComponentAnyTypeId = (*id).into();
let new = self.types.get(&old)?;
if *new == old {
} else {
*id = T::try_from(*new).expect("should never remap across different kinds");
/// Helper structure used to perform subtyping computations.
/// This type is used whenever a subtype needs to be tested in one direction or
/// the other. The methods of this type are the various entry points for
/// subtyping.
/// Internally this contains arenas for two lists of types. The `a` arena is
/// intended to be used for lookup of the first argument to all of the methods
/// below, and the `b` arena is used for lookup of the second argument.
/// Arenas here are used specifically for component-based subtyping queries. In
/// these situations new types must be created based on substitution mappings,
/// but the types all have temporary lifetimes. Everything in these arenas is
/// thrown away once the subtyping computation has finished.
/// Note that this subtyping context also explicitly supports being created
/// from to different lists `a` and `b` originally, for testing subtyping
/// between two different components for example.
pub struct SubtypeCx<'a> {
/// Lookup arena for first type argument
pub a: SubtypeArena<'a>,
/// Lookup arena for second type argument
pub b: SubtypeArena<'a>,
impl<'a> SubtypeCx<'a> {
/// Create a new instance with the specified type lists
pub fn new_with_refs(a: TypesRef<'a>, b: TypesRef<'a>) -> SubtypeCx<'a> {
Self::new(a.list, b.list)
pub(crate) fn new(a: &'a TypeList, b: &'a TypeList) -> SubtypeCx<'a> {
SubtypeCx {
a: SubtypeArena::new(a),
b: SubtypeArena::new(b),
/// Swap the type lists
pub fn swap(&mut self) {
mem::swap(&mut self.a, &mut self.b);
/// Executes the closure `f`, resetting the internal arenas to their
/// original size after the closure finishes.
/// This enables `f` to modify the internal arenas while relying on all
/// changes being discarded after the closure finishes.
fn with_checkpoint<T>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> T) -> T {
let a = self.a.list.checkpoint();
let b = self.b.list.checkpoint();
let result = f(self);
/// Tests whether `a` is a subtype of `b`.
/// Errors are reported at the `offset` specified.
pub fn component_entity_type(
&mut self,
a: &ComponentEntityType,
b: &ComponentEntityType,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
use ComponentEntityType::*;
match (a, b) {
(Module(a), Module(b)) => self.module_type(*a, *b, offset),
(Module(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found module", b.desc()),
(Func(a), Func(b)) => self.component_func_type(*a, *b, offset),
(Func(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found func", b.desc()),
(Value(a), Value(b)) => self.component_val_type(a, b, offset),
(Value(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found value", b.desc()),
(Type { referenced: a, .. }, Type { referenced: b, .. }) => {
self.component_any_type_id(*a, *b, offset)
(Type { .. }, b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found type", b.desc()),
(Instance(a), Instance(b)) => self.component_instance_type(*a, *b, offset),
(Instance(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found instance", b.desc()),
(Component(a), Component(b)) => self.component_type(*a, *b, offset),
(Component(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found component", b.desc()),
/// Tests whether `a` is a subtype of `b`.
/// Errors are reported at the `offset` specified.
pub fn component_type(
&mut self,
a: ComponentTypeId,
b: ComponentTypeId,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// Components are ... tricky. They follow the same basic
// structure as core wasm modules, but they also have extra
// logic to handle resource types. Resources are effectively
// abstract types so this is sort of where an ML module system
// in the component model becomes a reality.
// This also leverages the `open_instance_type` method below
// heavily which internally has its own quite large suite of
// logic. More-or-less what's happening here is:
// 1. Pretend that the imports of B are given as values to the
// imports of A. If A didn't import anything, for example,
// that's great and the subtyping definitely passes there.
// This operation produces a mapping of all the resources of
// A's imports to resources in B's imports.
// 2. This mapping is applied to all of A's exports. This means
// that all exports of A referring to A's imported resources
// now instead refer to B's. Note, though that A's exports
// still refer to its own defined resources.
// 3. The same `open_instance_type` method used during the
// first step is used again, but this time on the exports
// in the reverse direction. This performs a similar
// operation, though, by creating a mapping from B's
// defined resources to A's defined resources. The map
// itself is discarded as it's not needed.
// The order that everything passed here is intentional, but
// also subtle. I personally think of it as
// `open_instance_type` takes a list of things to satisfy a
// signature and produces a mapping of resources in the
// signature to those provided in the list of things. The
// order of operations then goes:
// * Someone thinks they have a component of type B, but they
// actually have a component of type A (e.g. due to this
// subtype check passing).
// * This person provides the imports of B and that must be
// sufficient to satisfy the imports of A. This is the first
// `open_instance_type` check.
// * Now though the resources provided by B are substituted
// into A's exports since that's what was provided.
// * A's exports are then handed back to the original person,
// and these exports must satisfy the signature required by B
// since that's what they're expecting.
// * This is the second `open_instance_type` which, to get
// resource types to line up, will map from A's defined
// resources to B's defined resources.
// If all that passes then the resources should all line up
// perfectly. Any misalignment is reported as a subtyping
// error.
let b_imports = self.b[b]
.map(|(name, ty)| (name.clone(), ty.clone()))
let mut import_mapping =
self.open_instance_type(&b_imports, a, ExternKind::Import, offset)?;
self.with_checkpoint(|this| {
let mut a_exports = this.a[a]
.map(|(name, ty)| (name.clone(), ty.clone()))
.collect::<IndexMap<_, _>>();
for ty in a_exports.values_mut() {
this.a.remap_component_entity(ty, &mut import_mapping);
this.open_instance_type(&a_exports, b, ExternKind::Export, offset)?;
/// Tests whether `a` is a subtype of `b`.
/// Errors are reported at the `offset` specified.
pub fn component_instance_type(
&mut self,
a_id: ComponentInstanceTypeId,
b_id: ComponentInstanceTypeId,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// For instance type subtyping, all exports in the other
// instance type must be present in this instance type's
// exports (i.e. it can export *more* than what this instance
// type needs).
let a = &self.a[a_id];
let b = &self.b[b_id];
let mut exports = Vec::with_capacity(b.exports.len());
for (k, b) in b.exports.iter() {
match a.exports.get(k) {
Some(a) => exports.push((*a, *b)),
None => bail!(offset, "missing expected export `{k}`"),
for (i, (a, b)) in exports.iter().enumerate() {
let err = match self.component_entity_type(a, b, offset) {
Ok(()) => continue,
Err(e) => e,
// On failure attach the name of this export as context to
// the error message to leave a breadcrumb trail.
let (name, _) = self.b[b_id].exports.get_index(i).unwrap();
return Err(err.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in instance export `{name}`")));
/// Tests whether `a` is a subtype of `b`.
/// Errors are reported at the `offset` specified.
pub fn component_func_type(
&mut self,
a: ComponentFuncTypeId,
b: ComponentFuncTypeId,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let a = &self.a[a];
let b = &self.b[b];
// Note that this intentionally diverges from the upstream
// specification in terms of subtyping. This is a full
// type-equality check which ensures that the structure of `a`
// exactly matches the structure of `b`. The rationale for this
// is:
// * Primarily in Wasmtime subtyping based on function types is
// not implemented. This includes both subtyping a host
// import and additionally handling subtyping as functions
// cross component boundaries. The host import subtyping (or
// component export subtyping) is not clear how to handle at
// all at this time. The subtyping of functions between
// components can more easily be handled by extending the
// `fact` compiler, but that hasn't been done yet.
// * The upstream specification is currently pretty
// intentionally vague precisely what subtyping is allowed.
// Implementing a strict check here is intended to be a
// conservative starting point for the component model which
// can be extended in the future if necessary.
// * The interaction with subtyping on bindings generation, for
// example, is a tricky problem that doesn't have a clear
// answer at this time. Effectively this is more rationale
// for being conservative in the first pass of the component
// model.
// So, in conclusion, the test here (and other places that
// reference this comment) is for exact type equality with no
// differences.
if a.params.len() != b.params.len() {
"expected {} parameters, found {}",
if a.results.len() != b.results.len() {
"expected {} results, found {}",
for ((an, a), (bn, b)) in a.params.iter().zip(b.params.iter()) {
if an != bn {
bail!(offset, "expected parameter named `{bn}`, found `{an}`");
self.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in function parameter `{an}`"))?;
for ((an, a), (bn, b)) in a.results.iter().zip(b.results.iter()) {
if an != bn {
bail!(offset, "mismatched result names");
self.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| "type mismatch with result type")?;
/// Tests whether `a` is a subtype of `b`.
/// Errors are reported at the `offset` specified.
pub fn module_type(
&mut self,
a: ComponentCoreModuleTypeId,
b: ComponentCoreModuleTypeId,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// For module type subtyping, all exports in the other module
// type must be present in this module type's exports (i.e. it
// can export *more* than what this module type needs).
// However, for imports, the check is reversed (i.e. it is okay
// to import *less* than what this module type needs).
let a_imports = &self.b[a].imports;
let b_imports = &self.a[b].imports;
for (k, a) in a_imports {
match b_imports.get(k) {
Some(b) => self
.entity_type(b, a, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in import `{}::{}`", k.0, k.1))?,
None => bail!(offset, "missing expected import `{}::{}`", k.0, k.1),
let a = &self.a[a];
let b = &self.b[b];
for (k, b) in b.exports.iter() {
match a.exports.get(k) {
Some(a) => self
.entity_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in export `{k}`"))?,
None => bail!(offset, "missing expected export `{k}`"),
/// Tests whether `a` is a subtype of `b`.
/// Errors are reported at the `offset` specified.
pub fn component_any_type_id(
&mut self,
a: ComponentAnyTypeId,
b: ComponentAnyTypeId,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match (a, b) {
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(a), ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(b)) => {
if a.resource() == b.resource() {
} else {
"resource types are not the same ({:?} vs. {:?})",
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(_), b) => {
bail!(offset, "expected {}, found resource", b.desc())
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(a), ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(b)) => {
self.component_defined_type(a, b, offset)
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(_), b) => {
bail!(offset, "expected {}, found defined type", b.desc())
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(a), ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(b)) => {
self.component_func_type(a, b, offset)
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(_), b) => {
bail!(offset, "expected {}, found func type", b.desc())
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(a), ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(b)) => {
self.component_instance_type(a, b, offset)
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(_), b) => {
bail!(offset, "expected {}, found instance type", b.desc())
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(a), ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(b)) => {
self.component_type(a, b, offset)
(ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(_), b) => {
bail!(offset, "expected {}, found component type", b.desc())
/// The building block for subtyping checks when components are
/// instantiated and when components are tested if they're subtypes of each
/// other.
/// This method takes a number of arguments:
/// * `a` - this is a list of typed items which can be thought of as
/// concrete values to test against `b`.
/// * `b` - this `TypeId` must point to `Type::Component`.
/// * `kind` - indicates whether the `imports` or `exports` of `b` are
/// being tested against for the values in `a`.
/// * `offset` - the binary offset at which to report errors if one happens.
/// This will attempt to determine if the items in `a` satisfy the
/// signature required by the `kind` items of `b`. For example component
/// instantiation will have `a` as the list of arguments provided to
/// instantiation, `b` is the component being instantiated, and `kind` is
/// `ExternKind::Import`.
/// This function, if successful, will return a mapping of the resources in
/// `b` to the resources in `a` provided. This mapping is guaranteed to
/// contain all the resources for `b` (all imported resources for
/// `ExternKind::Import` or all defined resources for `ExternKind::Export`).
pub fn open_instance_type(
&mut self,
a: &IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
b: ComponentTypeId,
kind: ExternKind,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<Remapping> {
// First, determine the mapping from resources in `b` to those supplied
// by arguments in `a`.
// This loop will iterate over all the appropriate resources in `b`
// and find the corresponding resource in `args`. The exact lists
// in use here depend on the `kind` provided. This necessarily requires
// a sequence of string lookups to find the corresponding items in each
// list.
// The path to each resource in `resources` is precomputed as a list of
// indexes. The first index is into `b`'s list of `entities`, and gives
// the name that `b` assigns to the resource. Each subsequent index,
// if present, means that this resource was present through a layer of
// an instance type, and the index is into the instance type's exports.
// More information about this can be found on
// `ComponentState::imported_resources`.
// This loop will follow the list of indices for each resource and, at
// the same time, walk through the arguments supplied to instantiating
// the `component_type`. This means that within `component_type`
// index-based lookups are performed while in `args` name-based
// lookups are performed.
// Note that here it's possible that `args` doesn't actually supply the
// correct type of import for each item since argument checking has
// not proceeded yet. These type errors, however, aren't handled by
// this loop and are deferred below to the main subtyping check. That
// means that `mapping` won't necessarily have a mapping for all
// imported resources into `component_type`, but that should be ok.
let component_type = &self.b[b];
let entities = match kind {
ExternKind::Import => &component_type.imports,
ExternKind::Export => &component_type.exports,
let resources = match kind {
ExternKind::Import => &component_type.imported_resources,
ExternKind::Export => &component_type.defined_resources,
let mut mapping = Remapping::default();
'outer: for (resource, path) in resources.iter() {
// Lookup the first path item in `imports` and the corresponding
// entry in `args` by name.
let (name, ty) = entities.get_index(path[0]).unwrap();
let mut ty = *ty;
let mut arg = a.get(name);
// Lookup all the subsequent `path` entries, if any, by index in
// `ty` and by name in `arg`. Type errors in `arg` are skipped over
// entirely.
for i in path.iter().skip(1).copied() {
let id = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(id) => id,
_ => unreachable!(),
let (name, next_ty) = self.b[id].exports.get_index(i).unwrap();
ty = *next_ty;
arg = match arg {
Some(ComponentEntityType::Instance(id)) => self.a[*id].exports.get(name),
_ => continue 'outer,
// Double-check that `ty`, the leaf type of `component_type`, is
// indeed the expected resource.
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let id = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Type { created, .. } => match created {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id) => id.resource(),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!(),
assert_eq!(id, *resource);
// The leaf of `arg` should be a type which is a resource. If not
// it's skipped and this'll wind up generating an error later on in
// subtype checking below.
if let Some(ComponentEntityType::Type { created, .. }) = arg {
if let ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(r) = created {
mapping.resources.insert(*resource, r.resource());
// Now that a mapping from the resources in `b` to the resources in `a`
// has been determined it's possible to perform the actual subtype
// check.
// This subtype check notably needs to ensure that all resource types
// line up. To achieve this the `mapping` previously calculated is used
// to perform a substitution on each component entity type.
// The first loop here performs a name lookup to create a list of
// values from `a` to expected items in `b`. Once the list is created
// the substitution check is performed on each element.
let mut to_typecheck = Vec::new();
for (name, expected) in entities.iter() {
match a.get(name) {
Some(arg) => to_typecheck.push((arg.clone(), expected.clone())),
None => bail!(offset, "missing {} named `{name}`", kind.desc()),
let mut type_map = HashMap::default();
for (i, (actual, expected)) in to_typecheck.into_iter().enumerate() {
let result = self.with_checkpoint(|this| {
let mut expected = expected;
this.b.remap_component_entity(&mut expected, &mut mapping);
this.component_entity_type(&actual, &expected, offset)
let err = match result {
Ok(()) => {
// On a successful type-check record a mapping of
// type-to-type in `type_map` for any type imports that were
// satisfied. This is then used afterwards when performing
// type substitution to remap all component-local types to
// those that were provided in the imports.
self.register_type_renamings(actual, expected, &mut type_map);
Err(e) => e,
// If an error happens then attach the name of the entity to the
// error message using the `i` iteration counter.
let component_type = &self.b[b];
let entities = match kind {
ExternKind::Import => &component_type.imports,
ExternKind::Export => &component_type.exports,
let (name, _) = entities.get_index(i).unwrap();
return Err(err.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch for {} `{name}`", kind.desc())));
mapping.types = type_map;
pub(crate) fn entity_type(&self, a: &EntityType, b: &EntityType, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
macro_rules! limits_match {
($a:expr, $b:expr) => {{
let a = $a;
let b = $b;
a.initial >= b.initial
&& match b.maximum {
Some(b_max) => match a.maximum {
Some(a_max) => a_max <= b_max,
None => false,
None => true,
match (a, b) {
(EntityType::Func(a), EntityType::Func(b)) => {
self.core_func_type(self.a[*a].unwrap_func(), self.b[*b].unwrap_func(), offset)
(EntityType::Func(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found func", b.desc()),
(EntityType::Table(a), EntityType::Table(b)) => {
if a.element_type != b.element_type {
"expected table element type {}, found {}",
if limits_match!(a, b) {
} else {
bail!(offset, "mismatch in table limits")
(EntityType::Table(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found table", b.desc()),
(EntityType::Memory(a), EntityType::Memory(b)) => {
if a.shared != b.shared {
bail!(offset, "mismatch in the shared flag for memories")
if a.memory64 != b.memory64 {
bail!(offset, "mismatch in index type used for memories")
if limits_match!(a, b) {
} else {
bail!(offset, "mismatch in memory limits")
(EntityType::Memory(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found memory", b.desc()),
(EntityType::Global(a), EntityType::Global(b)) => {
if a.mutable != b.mutable {
bail!(offset, "global types differ in mutability")
if a.content_type == b.content_type {
} else {
"expected global type {}, found {}",
(EntityType::Global(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found global", b.desc()),
(EntityType::Tag(a), EntityType::Tag(b)) => {
self.core_func_type(self.a[*a].unwrap_func(), self.b[*b].unwrap_func(), offset)
(EntityType::Tag(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found tag", b.desc()),
fn core_func_type(&self, a: &FuncType, b: &FuncType, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
if a == b {
} else {
"expected: {}\n\
found: {}",
pub(crate) fn component_val_type(
a: &ComponentValType,
b: &ComponentValType,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match (a, b) {
(ComponentValType::Primitive(a), ComponentValType::Primitive(b)) => {
self.primitive_val_type(*a, *b, offset)
(ComponentValType::Type(a), ComponentValType::Type(b)) => {
self.component_defined_type(*a, *b, offset)
(ComponentValType::Primitive(a), ComponentValType::Type(b)) => match &self.b[*b] {
ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(b) => self.primitive_val_type(*a, *b, offset),
b => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found {a}", b.desc()),
(ComponentValType::Type(a), ComponentValType::Primitive(b)) => match &self.a[*a] {
ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(a) => self.primitive_val_type(*a, *b, offset),
a => bail!(offset, "expected {b}, found {}", a.desc()),
fn component_defined_type(
a: ComponentDefinedTypeId,
b: ComponentDefinedTypeId,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
use ComponentDefinedType::*;
// Note that the implementation of subtyping here diverges from the
// upstream specification intentionally, see the documentation on
// function subtyping for more information.
match (&self.a[a], &self.b[b]) {
(Primitive(a), Primitive(b)) => self.primitive_val_type(*a, *b, offset),
(Primitive(a), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found {a}", b.desc()),
(Record(a), Record(b)) => {
if a.fields.len() != b.fields.len() {
"expected {} fields, found {}",
for ((aname, a), (bname, b)) in a.fields.iter().zip(b.fields.iter()) {
if aname != bname {
bail!(offset, "expected field name `{bname}`, found `{aname}`");
self.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in record field `{aname}`"))?;
(Record(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found record", b.desc()),
(Variant(a), Variant(b)) => {
if a.cases.len() != b.cases.len() {
"expected {} cases, found {}",
for ((aname, a), (bname, b)) in a.cases.iter().zip(b.cases.iter()) {
if aname != bname {
bail!(offset, "expected case named `{bname}`, found `{aname}`");
match (&a.ty, &b.ty) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => self
.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in variant case `{aname}`"))?,
(None, None) => {}
(None, Some(_)) => {
bail!(offset, "expected case `{aname}` to have a type, found none")
(Some(_), None) => bail!(offset, "expected case `{aname}` to have no type"),
(Variant(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found variant", b.desc()),
(List(a), List(b)) | (Option(a), Option(b)) => self.component_val_type(a, b, offset),
(List(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found list", b.desc()),
(Option(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found option", b.desc()),
(Tuple(a), Tuple(b)) => {
if a.types.len() != b.types.len() {
"expected {} types, found {}",
for (i, (a, b)) in a.types.iter().zip(b.types.iter()).enumerate() {
self.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("type mismatch in tuple field {i}"))?;
(Tuple(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found tuple", b.desc()),
(at @ Flags(a), Flags(b)) | (at @ Enum(a), Enum(b)) => {
let desc = match at {
Flags(_) => "flags",
_ => "enum",
if a.len() == b.len() && a.iter().eq(b.iter()) {
} else {
bail!(offset, "mismatch in {desc} elements")
(Flags(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found flags", b.desc()),
(Enum(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found enum", b.desc()),
(Result { ok: ao, err: ae }, Result { ok: bo, err: be }) => {
match (ao, bo) {
(None, None) => {}
(Some(a), Some(b)) => self
.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| "type mismatch in ok variant")?,
(None, Some(_)) => bail!(offset, "expected ok type, but found none"),
(Some(_), None) => bail!(offset, "expected ok type to not be present"),
match (ae, be) {
(None, None) => {}
(Some(a), Some(b)) => self
.component_val_type(a, b, offset)
.with_context(|| "type mismatch in err variant")?,
(None, Some(_)) => bail!(offset, "expected err type, but found none"),
(Some(_), None) => bail!(offset, "expected err type to not be present"),
(Result { .. }, b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found result", b.desc()),
(Own(a), Own(b)) | (Borrow(a), Borrow(b)) => {
if a.resource() == b.resource() {
} else {
bail!(offset, "resource types are not the same")
(Own(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found own", b.desc()),
(Borrow(_), b) => bail!(offset, "expected {}, found borrow", b.desc()),
fn primitive_val_type(
a: PrimitiveValType,
b: PrimitiveValType,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// Note that this intentionally diverges from the upstream specification
// at this time and only considers exact equality for subtyping
// relationships.
// More information can be found in the subtyping implementation for
// component functions.
if a == b {
} else {
bail!(offset, "expected primitive `{b}` found primitive `{a}`")
fn register_type_renamings(
actual: ComponentEntityType,
expected: ComponentEntityType,
type_map: &mut HashMap<ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) {
match (expected, actual) {
ComponentEntityType::Type {
created: expected, ..
ComponentEntityType::Type {
created: actual, ..
) => {
let prev = type_map.insert(expected, actual);
(ComponentEntityType::Instance(expected), ComponentEntityType::Instance(actual)) => {
let actual = &self.a[actual];
for (name, expected) in self.b[expected].exports.iter() {
let actual = actual.exports[name];
self.register_type_renamings(actual, *expected, type_map);
_ => {}
/// A helper typed used purely during subtyping as part of `SubtypeCx`.
/// This takes a `types` list as input which is the "base" of the ids that can
/// be indexed through this arena. All future types pushed into this, if any,
/// are stored in `self.list`.
/// This is intended to have arena-like behavior where everything pushed onto
/// `self.list` is thrown away after a subtyping computation is performed. All
/// new types pushed into this arena are purely temporary.
pub struct SubtypeArena<'a> {
types: &'a TypeList,
list: TypeList,
impl<'a> SubtypeArena<'a> {
fn new(types: &'a TypeList) -> SubtypeArena<'a> {
SubtypeArena {
list: TypeList::default(),
impl<T> Index<T> for SubtypeArena<'_>
T: TypeIdentifier,
type Output = T::Data;
fn index(&self, id: T) -> &T::Data {
let index = id.index();
if index < T::list(self.types).len() {
} else {
let temp_index = index - T::list(self.types).len();
let temp_index = u32::try_from(temp_index).unwrap();
let temp_id = T::from_index(temp_index);
impl Remap for SubtypeArena<'_> {
fn push_ty<T>(&mut self, ty: T) -> T::Id
T: TypeData,
let index = T::Id::list(&self.list).len() + T::Id::list(self.types).len();
let index = u32::try_from(index).unwrap();
/// Helper trait for adding contextual information to an error, modeled after
/// `anyhow::Context`.
pub(crate) trait Context {
fn with_context<S>(self, context: impl FnOnce() -> S) -> Self
S: Into<String>;
impl<T> Context for Result<T> {
fn with_context<S>(self, context: impl FnOnce() -> S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
match self {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(e) => Err(e.with_context(context)),
impl Context for BinaryReaderError {
fn with_context<S>(mut self, context: impl FnOnce() -> S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,