blob: 50884f972faf0fcbcb28718111755cba988d1042 [file] [log] [blame]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "rt"), allow(dead_code))]
//! Source of time abstraction.
//! By default, `std::time::Instant::now()` is used. However, when the
//! `test-util` feature flag is enabled, the values returned for `now()` are
//! configurable.
cfg_not_test_util! {
use crate::time::{Instant};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Clock {}
pub(crate) fn now() -> Instant {
impl Clock {
pub(crate) fn new(_enable_pausing: bool, _start_paused: bool) -> Clock {
Clock {}
pub(crate) fn now(&self) -> Instant {
cfg_test_util! {
use crate::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crate::loom::sync::Mutex;
use crate::loom::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool as StdAtomicBool;
cfg_rt! {
fn with_clock<R>(f: impl FnOnce(Option<&Clock>) -> Result<R, &'static str>) -> R {
use crate::runtime::Handle;
let res = match Handle::try_current() {
Ok(handle) => f(Some(handle.inner.driver().clock())),
Err(ref e) if e.is_missing_context() => f(None),
Err(_) => panic!("{}", crate::util::error::THREAD_LOCAL_DESTROYED_ERROR),
match res {
Ok(ret) => ret,
Err(msg) => panic!("{}", msg),
cfg_not_rt! {
fn with_clock<R>(f: impl FnOnce(Option<&Clock>) -> Result<R, &'static str>) -> R {
match f(None) {
Ok(ret) => ret,
Err(msg) => panic!("{}", msg),
/// A handle to a source of time.
pub(crate) struct Clock {
inner: Mutex<Inner>,
// Used to track if the clock was ever paused. This is an optimization to
// avoid touching the mutex if `test-util` was accidentally enabled in
// release mode.
// A static is used so we can avoid accessing the thread-local as well. The
// `std` AtomicBool is used directly because loom does not support static
// atomics.
static DID_PAUSE_CLOCK: StdAtomicBool = StdAtomicBool::new(false);
struct Inner {
/// True if the ability to pause time is enabled.
enable_pausing: bool,
/// Instant to use as the clock's base instant.
base: std::time::Instant,
/// Instant at which the clock was last unfrozen.
unfrozen: Option<std::time::Instant>,
/// Number of `inhibit_auto_advance` calls still in effect.
auto_advance_inhibit_count: usize,
/// Pauses time.
/// The current value of `Instant::now()` is saved and all subsequent calls
/// to `Instant::now()` will return the saved value. The saved value can be
/// changed by [`advance`] or by the time auto-advancing once the runtime
/// has no work to do. This only affects the `Instant` type in Tokio, and
/// the `Instant` in std continues to work as normal.
/// Pausing time requires the `current_thread` Tokio runtime. This is the
/// default runtime used by `#[tokio::test]`. The runtime can be initialized
/// with time in a paused state using the `Builder::start_paused` method.
/// For cases where time is immediately paused, it is better to pause
/// the time using the `main` or `test` macro:
/// ```
/// #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread", start_paused = true)]
/// async fn main() {
/// println!("Hello world");
/// }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics if time is already frozen or if called from outside of a
/// `current_thread` Tokio runtime.
/// # Auto-advance
/// If time is paused and the runtime has no work to do, the clock is
/// auto-advanced to the next pending timer. This means that [`Sleep`] or
/// other timer-backed primitives can cause the runtime to advance the
/// current time when awaited.
/// [`Sleep`]: crate::time::Sleep
/// [`advance`]: crate::time::advance
pub fn pause() {
with_clock(|maybe_clock| {
match maybe_clock {
Some(clock) => clock.pause(),
None => Err("time cannot be frozen from outside the Tokio runtime"),
/// Resumes time.
/// Clears the saved `Instant::now()` value. Subsequent calls to
/// `Instant::now()` will return the value returned by the system call.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if time is not frozen or if called from outside of the Tokio
/// runtime.
pub fn resume() {
with_clock(|maybe_clock| {
let clock = match maybe_clock {
Some(clock) => clock,
None => return Err("time cannot be frozen from outside the Tokio runtime"),
let mut inner = clock.inner.lock();
if inner.unfrozen.is_some() {
return Err("time is not frozen");
inner.unfrozen = Some(std::time::Instant::now());
/// Advances time.
/// Increments the saved `Instant::now()` value by `duration`. Subsequent
/// calls to `Instant::now()` will return the result of the increment.
/// This function will make the current time jump forward by the given
/// duration in one jump. This means that all `sleep` calls with a deadline
/// before the new time will immediately complete "at the same time", and
/// the runtime is free to poll them in any order. Additionally, this
/// method will not wait for the `sleep` calls it advanced past to complete.
/// If you want to do that, you should instead call [`sleep`] and rely on
/// the runtime's auto-advance feature.
/// Note that calls to `sleep` are not guaranteed to complete the first time
/// they are polled after a call to `advance`. For example, this can happen
/// if the runtime has not yet touched the timer driver after the call to
/// `advance`. However if they don't, the runtime will poll the task again
/// shortly.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if time is not frozen or if called from outside of the Tokio
/// runtime.
/// # Auto-advance
/// If the time is paused and there is no work to do, the runtime advances
/// time to the next timer. See [`pause`](pause#auto-advance) for more
/// details.
/// [`sleep`]: fn@crate::time::sleep
pub async fn advance(duration: Duration) {
with_clock(|maybe_clock| {
let clock = match maybe_clock {
Some(clock) => clock,
None => return Err("time cannot be frozen from outside the Tokio runtime"),
/// Returns the current instant, factoring in frozen time.
pub(crate) fn now() -> Instant {
if !DID_PAUSE_CLOCK.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
return Instant::from_std(std::time::Instant::now());
with_clock(|maybe_clock| {
Ok(if let Some(clock) = maybe_clock {
} else {
impl Clock {
/// Returns a new `Clock` instance that uses the current execution context's
/// source of time.
pub(crate) fn new(enable_pausing: bool, start_paused: bool) -> Clock {
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let clock = Clock {
inner: Mutex::new(Inner {
base: now,
unfrozen: Some(now),
auto_advance_inhibit_count: 0,
if start_paused {
if let Err(msg) = clock.pause() {
panic!("{}", msg);
pub(crate) fn pause(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
if !inner.enable_pausing {
drop(inner); // avoid poisoning the lock
return Err("`time::pause()` requires the `current_thread` Tokio runtime. \
This is the default Runtime used by `#[tokio::test].");
// Track that we paused the clock, Ordering::Release);
let elapsed = match inner.unfrozen.as_ref() {
Some(v) => v.elapsed(),
None => return Err("time is already frozen")
inner.base += elapsed;
inner.unfrozen = None;
/// Temporarily stop auto-advancing the clock (see `tokio::time::pause`).
pub(crate) fn inhibit_auto_advance(&self) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
inner.auto_advance_inhibit_count += 1;
pub(crate) fn allow_auto_advance(&self) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
inner.auto_advance_inhibit_count -= 1;
pub(crate) fn can_auto_advance(&self) -> bool {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
inner.unfrozen.is_none() && inner.auto_advance_inhibit_count == 0
pub(crate) fn advance(&self, duration: Duration) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
if inner.unfrozen.is_some() {
return Err("time is not frozen");
inner.base += duration;
pub(crate) fn now(&self) -> Instant {
let inner = self.inner.lock();
let mut ret = inner.base;
if let Some(unfrozen) = inner.unfrozen {
ret += unfrozen.elapsed();