blob: ef31234ef19ec0aa09547c28d935af0ddfbdad2a [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains [`Truncate`] structure, used to decrease width of a [`Table`]s or a cell on a [`Table`] by truncating the width.
//! [`Table`]: crate::Table
use std::{borrow::Cow, iter, marker::PhantomData};
use crate::{
config::{ColoredConfig, Entity, SpannedConfig},
records::{EmptyRecords, ExactRecords, IntoRecords, PeekableRecords, Records, RecordsMut},
util::string::{string_width, string_width_multiline},
peaker::{Peaker, PriorityNone},
CellOption, TableOption, Width,
use super::util::{get_table_widths, get_table_widths_with_total};
use crate::util::string::cut_str;
/// Truncate cut the string to a given width if its length exceeds it.
/// Otherwise keeps the content of a cell untouched.
/// The function is color aware if a `color` feature is on.
/// Be aware that it doesn't consider padding.
/// So if you want to set a exact width you might need to use [`Padding`] to set it to 0.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{object::Segment, Width, Modify}};
/// let table = Table::new(&["Hello World!"])
/// .with(Modify::new(Segment::all()).with(Width::truncate(3)));
/// ```
/// [`Padding`]: crate::settings::Padding
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Truncate<'a, W = usize, P = PriorityNone> {
width: W,
suffix: Option<TruncateSuffix<'a>>,
multiline: bool,
_priority: PhantomData<P>,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct TruncateSuffix<'a> {
text: Cow<'a, str>,
limit: SuffixLimit,
try_color: bool,
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct TruncateSuffix<'a> {
text: Cow<'a, str>,
limit: SuffixLimit,
impl Default for TruncateSuffix<'_> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
text: Cow::default(),
limit: SuffixLimit::Cut,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
try_color: false,
/// A suffix limit settings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum SuffixLimit {
/// Cut the suffix.
/// Don't show the suffix.
/// Use a string with n chars instead.
impl<W> Truncate<'static, W>
W: Measurement<Width>,
/// Creates a [`Truncate`] object
pub fn new(width: W) -> Truncate<'static, W> {
Self {
multiline: false,
suffix: None,
_priority: PhantomData,
impl<'a, W, P> Truncate<'a, W, P> {
/// Sets a suffix which will be appended to a resultant string.
/// The suffix is used in 3 circumstances:
/// 1. If original string is *bigger* than the suffix.
/// We cut more of the original string and append the suffix.
/// 2. If suffix is bigger than the original string.
/// We cut the suffix to fit in the width by default.
/// But you can peak the behaviour by using [`Truncate::suffix_limit`]
pub fn suffix<S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(self, suffix: S) -> Truncate<'a, W, P> {
let mut suff = self.suffix.unwrap_or_default();
suff.text = suffix.into();
Truncate {
width: self.width,
multiline: self.multiline,
suffix: Some(suff),
_priority: PhantomData,
/// Sets a suffix limit, which is used when the suffix is too big to be used.
pub fn suffix_limit(self, limit: SuffixLimit) -> Truncate<'a, W, P> {
let mut suff = self.suffix.unwrap_or_default();
suff.limit = limit;
Truncate {
width: self.width,
multiline: self.multiline,
suffix: Some(suff),
_priority: PhantomData,
/// Use trancate logic per line, not as a string as a whole.
pub fn multiline(self) -> Truncate<'a, W, P> {
Truncate {
width: self.width,
multiline: true,
suffix: self.suffix,
_priority: self._priority,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
/// Sets a optional logic to try to colorize a suffix.
pub fn suffix_try_color(self, color: bool) -> Truncate<'a, W, P> {
let mut suff = self.suffix.unwrap_or_default();
suff.try_color = color;
Truncate {
width: self.width,
multiline: self.multiline,
suffix: Some(suff),
_priority: PhantomData,
impl<'a, W, P> Truncate<'a, W, P> {
/// Priority defines the logic by which a truncate will be applied when is done for the whole table.
/// - [`PriorityNone`] which cuts the columns one after another.
/// - [`PriorityMax`] cuts the biggest columns first.
/// - [`PriorityMin`] cuts the lowest columns first.
/// [`PriorityMax`]: crate::settings::peaker::PriorityMax
/// [`PriorityMin`]: crate::settings::peaker::PriorityMin
pub fn priority<PP: Peaker>(self) -> Truncate<'a, W, PP> {
Truncate {
width: self.width,
multiline: self.multiline,
suffix: self.suffix,
_priority: PhantomData,
impl Truncate<'_, (), ()> {
/// Truncate a given string
pub fn truncate_text(text: &str, width: usize) -> Cow<'_, str> {
truncate_text(text, width, "", false)
impl<W, P, R> CellOption<R, ColoredConfig> for Truncate<'_, W, P>
W: Measurement<Width>,
R: Records + ExactRecords + PeekableRecords + RecordsMut<String>,
for<'a> &'a R: Records,
for<'a> <<&'a R as Records>::Iter as IntoRecords>::Cell: AsRef<str>,
fn change(self, records: &mut R, cfg: &mut ColoredConfig, entity: Entity) {
let available = self.width.measure(&*records, cfg);
let mut width = available;
let mut suffix = Cow::Borrowed("");
if let Some(x) = self.suffix.as_ref() {
let (cutted_suffix, rest_width) = make_suffix(x, width);
suffix = cutted_suffix;
width = rest_width;
let count_rows = records.count_rows();
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
let colorize = need_suffix_color_preservation(&self.suffix);
for pos in entity.iter(count_rows, count_columns) {
let is_valid_pos = pos.0 < count_rows && pos.1 < count_columns;
if !is_valid_pos {
let text = records.get_text(pos);
let cell_width = string_width_multiline(text);
if available >= cell_width {
let text =
truncate_multiline(text, &suffix, width, available, colorize, self.multiline);
records.set(pos, text.into_owned());
fn truncate_multiline<'a>(
text: &'a str,
suffix: &'a str,
width: usize,
twidth: usize,
suffix_color: bool,
multiline: bool,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
if multiline {
let mut buf = String::new();
for (i, line) in crate::grid::util::string::get_lines(text).enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
let line = make_text_truncated(&line, suffix, width, twidth, suffix_color);
} else {
make_text_truncated(text, suffix, width, twidth, suffix_color)
fn make_text_truncated<'a>(
text: &'a str,
suffix: &'a str,
width: usize,
twidth: usize,
suffix_color: bool,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
if width == 0 {
if twidth == 0 {
} else {
} else {
truncate_text(text, width, suffix, suffix_color)
fn need_suffix_color_preservation(_suffix: &Option<TruncateSuffix<'_>>) -> bool {
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
_suffix.as_ref().map_or(false, |s| s.try_color)
fn make_suffix<'a>(suffix: &'a TruncateSuffix<'_>, width: usize) -> (Cow<'a, str>, usize) {
let suffix_length = string_width(&suffix.text);
if width > suffix_length {
return (Cow::Borrowed(suffix.text.as_ref()), width - suffix_length);
match suffix.limit {
SuffixLimit::Ignore => (Cow::Borrowed(""), width),
SuffixLimit::Cut => {
let suffix = cut_str(&suffix.text, width);
(suffix, 0)
SuffixLimit::Replace(c) => {
let suffix = Cow::Owned(iter::repeat(c).take(width).collect());
(suffix, 0)
impl<W, P, R> TableOption<R, ColoredConfig, CompleteDimensionVecRecords<'_>> for Truncate<'_, W, P>
W: Measurement<Width>,
P: Peaker,
R: Records + ExactRecords + PeekableRecords + RecordsMut<String>,
for<'a> &'a R: Records,
for<'a> <<&'a R as Records>::Iter as IntoRecords>::Cell: AsRef<str>,
fn change(
records: &mut R,
cfg: &mut ColoredConfig,
dims: &mut CompleteDimensionVecRecords<'_>,
) {
if records.count_rows() == 0 || records.count_columns() == 0 {
let width = self.width.measure(&*records, cfg);
let (widths, total) = get_table_widths_with_total(&*records, cfg);
if total <= width {
let suffix = self.suffix.as_ref().map(|s| TruncateSuffix {
text: Cow::Borrowed(&s.text),
limit: s.limit,
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
try_color: s.try_color,
let priority = P::create();
let multiline = self.multiline;
let widths = truncate_total_width(
records, cfg, widths, total, width, priority, suffix, multiline,
fn truncate_total_width<P, R>(
records: &mut R,
cfg: &mut ColoredConfig,
mut widths: Vec<usize>,
total: usize,
width: usize,
priority: P,
suffix: Option<TruncateSuffix<'_>>,
multiline: bool,
) -> Vec<usize>
P: Peaker,
R: Records + PeekableRecords + ExactRecords + RecordsMut<String>,
for<'a> &'a R: Records,
for<'a> <<&'a R as Records>::Iter as IntoRecords>::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let count_rows = records.count_rows();
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
let min_widths = get_table_widths(EmptyRecords::new(count_rows, count_columns), cfg);
decrease_widths(&mut widths, &min_widths, total, width, priority);
let points = get_decrease_cell_list(cfg, &widths, &min_widths, (count_rows, count_columns));
for ((row, col), width) in points {
let mut truncate = Truncate::new(width);
truncate.suffix = suffix.clone();
truncate.multiline = multiline;
CellOption::change(truncate, records, cfg, (row, col).into());
fn truncate_text<'a>(
text: &'a str,
width: usize,
suffix: &str,
_suffix_color: bool,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let content = cut_str(text, width);
if suffix.is_empty() {
return content;
#[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
if _suffix_color {
if let Some(block) = ansi_str::get_blocks(text).last() {
if block.has_ansi() {
let style =;
} else {
let mut content = content.into_owned();
} else {
let mut content = content.into_owned();
} else {
let mut content = content.into_owned();
#[cfg(not(feature = "ansi"))]
let mut content = content.into_owned();
fn get_decrease_cell_list(
cfg: &SpannedConfig,
widths: &[usize],
min_widths: &[usize],
shape: (usize, usize),
) -> Vec<((usize, usize), usize)> {
let mut points = Vec::new();
(0..shape.1).for_each(|col| {
.filter(|&row| cfg.is_cell_visible((row, col)))
.for_each(|row| {
let (width, width_min) = match cfg.get_column_span((row, col)) {
Some(span) => {
let width = (col..col + span).map(|i| widths[i]).sum::<usize>();
let min_width = (col..col + span).map(|i| min_widths[i]).sum::<usize>();
let count_borders = count_borders(cfg, col, col + span, shape.1);
(width + count_borders, min_width + count_borders)
None => (widths[col], min_widths[col]),
if width >= width_min {
let padding = cfg.get_padding((row, col).into());
let width = width.saturating_sub(padding.left.size + padding.right.size);
points.push(((row, col), width));
fn decrease_widths<F>(
widths: &mut [usize],
min_widths: &[usize],
total_width: usize,
mut width: usize,
mut peeaker: F,
) where
F: Peaker,
let mut empty_list = 0;
for col in 0..widths.len() {
if widths[col] == 0 || widths[col] <= min_widths[col] {
empty_list += 1;
while width != total_width {
if empty_list == widths.len() {
let col = match peeaker.peak(min_widths, widths) {
Some(col) => col,
None => break,
if widths[col] == 0 || widths[col] <= min_widths[col] {
widths[col] -= 1;
if widths[col] == 0 || widths[col] <= min_widths[col] {
empty_list += 1;
width += 1;
fn count_borders(cfg: &SpannedConfig, start: usize, end: usize, count_columns: usize) -> usize {
.filter(|&i| cfg.has_vertical(i, count_columns))