blob: 91b2f79f3a2e40bb73222c6c6e64b2cd9ffc85a1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module contains [`Justify`] structure, used to set an exact width to each column.
use crate::{
grid::records::{ExactRecords, IntoRecords, PeekableRecords, Records, RecordsMut},
measurement::{Max, Measurement, Min},
CellOption, TableOption, Width,
/// Justify sets all columns widths to the set value.
/// Be aware that it doesn't consider padding.
/// So if you want to set a exact width you might need to use [`Padding`] to set it to 0.
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{Width, Style, object::Segment, Padding, Modify}};
/// let data = ["Hello", "World", "!"];
/// let table = Table::new(&data)
/// .with(Style::markdown())
/// .with(Modify::new(Segment::all()).with(Padding::zero()))
/// .with(Width::justify(3));
/// ```
/// [`Max`] usage to justify by a max column width.
/// ```
/// use tabled::{Table, settings::{width::Justify, Style}};
/// let data = ["Hello", "World", "!"];
/// let table = Table::new(&data)
/// .with(Style::markdown())
/// .with(Justify::max());
/// ```
/// [`Padding`]: crate::settings::Padding
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Justify<W> {
width: W,
impl<W> Justify<W>
W: Measurement<Width>,
/// Creates a new [`Justify`] instance.
/// Be aware that [`Padding`] is not considered when comparing the width.
/// [`Padding`]: crate::settings::Padding
pub fn new(width: W) -> Self {
Self { width }
impl Justify<Max> {
/// Creates a new Justify instance with a Max width used as a value.
pub fn max() -> Self {
Self { width: Max }
impl Justify<Min> {
/// Creates a new Justify instance with a Min width used as a value.
pub fn min() -> Self {
Self { width: Min }
impl<R, D, W> TableOption<R, ColoredConfig, D> for Justify<W>
W: Measurement<Width>,
R: Records + ExactRecords + PeekableRecords + RecordsMut<String>,
for<'a> &'a R: Records,
for<'a> <<&'a R as Records>::Iter as IntoRecords>::Cell: AsRef<str>,
fn change(self, records: &mut R, cfg: &mut ColoredConfig, _: &mut D) {
let width = self.width.measure(&*records, cfg);
let count_rows = records.count_rows();
let count_columns = records.count_columns();
for row in 0..count_rows {
for col in 0..count_columns {
let pos = (row, col).into();
CellOption::change(Width::increase(width), records, cfg, pos);
CellOption::change(Width::truncate(width), records, cfg, pos);