blob: 5eed98db0aeeacc8461fccbc09dafcf9e9dadcc4 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This example demonstrates using the [`Format`] [`CellOption`] factory to alter
//! the cells of a [`Table`].
//! * Note how [`Format::content()`] gives access to the respective cell content for replacement.
//! And [`Format::positioned()`] additionally provides the index coordinates of that cell.
//! * Note how the [std] [`format!`] macro is used to update the values of the affected cells.
use tabled::{
object::{Columns, Object, Rows},
Format, Style,
Table, Tabled,
struct Commit {
id: &'static str,
header: &'static str,
message: &'static str,
fn main() {
let data = [
Commit {
header: "bypass open-source transmitter",
message: "index neural panel",
id: "8ae4e8957caeaa467acbce963701e227af00a1c7",
Commit {
header: "program online alarm",
message: "copy bluetooth card",
id: "48c76de71bd685486d97dc8f4f05aa6fcc0c3f86",
Commit {
header: "CSV",
message: "reboot mobile capacitor",
id: "6ffc2a2796229fc7bf59471ad907f58b897005d0",
let table = Table::new(data)
Format::positioned(|_, (_, column)| column.to_string()),
Format::content(|s| format!("{s}...")),