blob: df5771a05355b0704c7ae078e947b128155a8e6c [file] [log] [blame]
/// The representation of data, rows and columns of a [`Grid`].
/// [`Grid`]: crate::grid::iterable::Grid
pub trait IntoRecords {
/// A string representation of a [`Grid`] cell.
/// [`Grid`]: crate::grid::iterable::Grid
type Cell;
/// Cell iterator inside a row.
type IterColumns: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Cell>;
/// Rows iterator.
type IterRows: IntoIterator<Item = Self::IterColumns>;
/// Returns an iterator over rows.
fn iter_rows(self) -> Self::IterRows;
impl<T> IntoRecords for T
T: IntoIterator,
<T as IntoIterator>::Item: IntoIterator,
type Cell = <<T as IntoIterator>::Item as IntoIterator>::Item;
type IterColumns = <T as IntoIterator>::Item;
type IterRows = <T as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
fn iter_rows(self) -> Self::IterRows {