blob: 1368815e751cab68c13e8d137dbca4499cd35fc4 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use bstr::{BString, ByteSlice};
mod git;
/// Return the location at which installation specific git configuration file can be found, or `None`
/// if the binary could not be executed or its results could not be parsed.
/// ### Performance
/// This invokes the git binary which is slow on windows.
pub fn installation_config() -> Option<&'static Path> {
git::install_config_path().and_then(|p| crate::try_from_byte_slice(p).ok())
/// Return the location at which git installation specific configuration files are located, or `None` if the binary
/// could not be executed or its results could not be parsed.
/// ### Performance
/// This invokes the git binary which is slow on windows.
pub fn installation_config_prefix() -> Option<&'static Path> {
/// Returns the fully qualified path in the *xdg-home* directory (or equivalent in the home dir) to `file`,
/// accessing `env_var(<name>)` to learn where these bases are.
/// Note that the `HOME` directory should ultimately come from [`home_dir()`] as it handles windows correctly.
/// The same can be achieved by using [`var()`] as `env_var`.
pub fn xdg_config(file: &str, env_var: &mut dyn FnMut(&str) -> Option<OsString>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
.map(|home| {
let mut p = PathBuf::from(home);
.or_else(|| {
env_var("HOME").map(|home| {
let mut p = PathBuf::from(home);
/// Returns the platform dependent system prefix or `None` if it cannot be found (right now only on windows).
/// ### Performance
/// On windows, the slowest part is the launch of the `git.exe` executable in the PATH, which only happens when launched
/// from outside of the `msys2` shell.
/// ### When `None` is returned
/// This happens only windows if the git binary can't be found at all for obtaining its executable path, or if the git binary
/// wasn't built with a well-known directory structure or environment.
pub fn system_prefix() -> Option<&'static Path> {
if cfg!(windows) {
static PREFIX: once_cell::sync::Lazy<Option<PathBuf>> = once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| {
if let Some(root) = std::env::var_os("EXEPATH").map(PathBuf::from) {
for candidate in ["mingw64", "mingw32"] {
let candidate = root.join(candidate);
if candidate.is_dir() {
return Some(candidate);
let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new("git.exe");
gix_trace::debug!(cmd = ?cmd, "invoking git to get system prefix/exec path");
let path = cmd.output().ok()?.stdout;
let path = BString::new(path)
.trim_with(|b| b.is_ascii_whitespace())
let one_past_prefix = path.components().enumerate().find_map(|(idx, c)| {
matches!(c,std::path::Component::Normal(name) if name.to_str() == Some("libexec")).then_some(idx)
} else {
/// Returns `$HOME` or `None` if it cannot be found.
#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
pub fn home_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
/// Tries to obtain the home directory from `HOME` on all platforms, but falls back to [`home::home_dir()`] for
/// more complex ways of obtaining a home directory, particularly useful on Windows.
/// The reason `HOME` is tried first is to allow Windows users to have a custom location for their linux-style
/// home, as otherwise they would have to accumulate dot files in a directory these are inconvenient and perceived
/// as clutter.
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
pub fn home_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
/// Returns the contents of an environment variable of `name` with some special handling
/// for certain environment variables (like `HOME`) for platform compatibility.
pub fn var(name: &str) -> Option<OsString> {
if name == "HOME" {
} else {