blob: d51a033f1a60ee03df93cd782c5e7e83c94b7532 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ check-pass
//! The payloads of an enum variant should be ordered after its tag.
#![crate_type = "lib"]
mod assert {
use std::mem::{Assume, BikeshedIntrinsicFrom};
pub fn is_transmutable<Src, Dst>()
Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src, {
#[repr(u8)] enum V0 { V = 0 }
#[repr(u8)] enum V1 { V = 1 }
#[repr(u8)] enum V2 { V = 2 }
#[repr(u8)] enum E01 { V0(V1) = 0u8 }
#[repr(u8)] enum E012 { V0(V1, V2) = 0u8 }
fn should_order_tag_and_fields_correctly() {
// An implementation that (incorrectly) arranges E01 as [0x01, 0x00] will,
// in principle, reject this transmutation.
assert::is_transmutable::<E01, V0>();
// Again, but with one more field.
assert::is_transmutable::<E012, E01>();