blob: 0ece8f8321ce6fd2be143a2a1bb3a22490798811 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ check-pass
// This goal is also possible w/ a GAT, but lazy_type_alias
// makes the behavior a bit more readable.
//~^ WARN the feature `lazy_type_alias` is incomplete
struct Wr<T>(T);
trait Foo {}
impl Foo for Wr<i32> {}
type Alias<T> = (T,)
where Wr<T>: Foo;
fn hello<T>() where Alias<T>: Into<(T,)>, Wr<T>: Foo {}
fn main() {
// When calling `hello`, proving `Alias<?0>: Into<(?0,)>` will require
// normalizing the self type of the goal. This will emit the where
// clause `Wr<?0>: Foo`, which constrains `?0` in both the self type
// *and* the non-self part of the goal. That used to trigger a debug
// assertion.