blob: 9eb8857e5e9fe9d5a5cc2977987728b9d7edfc10 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ check-pass
#![allow(non_camel_case_types)] // genus is always capitalized
pub(crate) struct Snail;
mod sea {
pub(super) struct Turtle;
struct Tortoise;
pub struct Shell<T> {
pub(crate) creature: T,
pub type Helix_pomatia = Shell<Snail>;
//~^ WARNING type `Snail` is more private than the item `Helix_pomatia`
pub type Dermochelys_coriacea = Shell<sea::Turtle>;
//~^ WARNING type `Turtle` is more private than the item `Dermochelys_coriacea`
pub type Testudo_graeca = Shell<Tortoise>;
//~^ WARNING type `Tortoise` is more private than the item `Testudo_graeca`
fn main() {}