blob: dcf38e03a137e9dc9fb7ed2b46fbb55f4dd8cec2 [file] [log] [blame]
// This test verifies that never type fallback preserves the following code in a
// compiling state. This pattern is fairly common in the wild, notably seen in
// wasmtime v0.16. Typically this is some closure wrapper that expects a
// collection of 'known' signatures, and -> ! is not included in that set.
// This test is specifically targeted by the unit type fallback when
// encountering a set of obligations like `?T: Foo` and `Trait::Projection =
// ?T`. In the code below, these are `R: Bar` and `Fn::Output = R`.
//@ revisions: nofallback fallback
//@ check-pass
#![cfg_attr(fallback, feature(never_type_fallback))]
trait Bar { }
impl Bar for () { }
impl Bar for u32 { }
fn foo<R: Bar>(_: impl Fn() -> R) {}
fn main() {
foo(|| panic!());