blob: ef54a89aaae58ad44a5531c3c4ed7ae7a5a6b8ba [file] [log] [blame]
//! This test checks that opaque type collection doesn't try to normalize the projection
//! without respecting its binders (which would ICE).
//! Unfortunately we don't even reach opaque type collection, as we ICE in typeck before that.
//! See #109281 for the original report.
//@ edition:2018
//@ error-pattern: expected generic lifetime parameter, found `'a`
use std::future::Future;
struct Foo<'a>(&'a mut ());
type Fut<'a> = impl Future<Output = ()>;
trait Trait<'x> {
type Thing;
impl<'x, T: 'x> Trait<'x> for (T,) {
type Thing = T;
impl Foo<'_> {
fn make_fut(&self) -> Box<dyn for<'a> Trait<'a, Thing = Fut<'a>>> {
Box::new((async { () },))
fn main() {}