blob: e9c4bb7b23046f11435c137965bdbed85cc1a936 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ run-fail
//@ check-run-results
//@ exec-env:RUST_BACKTRACE=0
//@ normalize-stderr-test: "(core/src/panicking\.rs):[0-9]+:[0-9]+" -> "$1:$$LINE:$$COL"
extern "C" {
type Opaque;
struct Newtype(Opaque);
struct S {
i: i32,
j: i32,
a: Newtype,
fn main() {
let buf = [0i32; 4];
let x: &Newtype = unsafe { &*(&buf as *const _ as *const Newtype) };
// Projecting to the newtype works, because it is always at offset 0.
let field = &x.0;
let x: &S = unsafe { &*(&buf as *const _ as *const S) };
// Accessing sized fields is perfectly fine, even at non-zero offsets.
let field = &x.i;
let field = &x.j;
// This needs to compute the field offset, but we don't know the type's alignment,
// so this panics.
let field = &x.a;