blob: 9d5f0d4306d72076f4d19a8b6b7c89c7078c1d19 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ compile-flags: --crate-type=lib
//@ check-pass
// Mutable reference allows only mutation of !Drop place.
pub const fn f() {
let mut x: (Option<String>, u32) = (None, 0);
let mut a = 10;
*(&mut a) = 11;
x.1 = a;
// Mutable reference allows only mutation of !Drop place.
pub const fn g() {
let mut a: (u32, Option<String>) = (0, None);
let _ = &mut a.0;
// Shared reference does not allow for mutation.
pub const fn h() {
let x: Option<String> = None;
let _ = &x;