blob: c32846796f8dcc5adcbbbcb735f24f82df43de5a [file] [log] [blame]
//@ edition:2021
//@ run-pass
// Test that functional record update/struct update syntax works inside
// a closure when the feature `capture_disjoint_fields` is enabled.
struct S {
a: String,
b: String,
struct T {
a: String,
s: S,
fn main() {
let a = String::new();
let b = String::new();
let c = String::new();
let s = S {a, b};
let t = T {
a: c,
s: s.clone()
let c = || {
let s2 = S {
a: format!("New s2"),
let s3 = S {
a: format!("New s3"),
println!("{} {}", s2.a, s2.b);
println!("{} {} {}", s3.a, s3.b, t.a);