blob: 77e3ffdc47dea404f0099c559415a81ed4a7c79a [file] [log] [blame]
//@ edition:2021
// Test that if we deref an immutable borrow to access a Place,
// then we can't mutate the final place.
fn main() {
let mut x = (format!(""), format!("X2"));
let mut y = (&x, "Y");
let z = (&mut y, "Z");
// `x.0` is mutable but we access `x` via `*z.0.0`, which is an immutable reference and
// therefore can't be mutated.
let mut c = || {
//~^ ERROR: cannot borrow `*z.0.0` as mutable, as it is behind a `&` reference
z.0.0.0 = format!("X1");