blob: b1a6fe871594be9fe9ba343a1bbadbb1f8efae5b [file] [log] [blame]
trait Z<'a, T: ?Sized>
T: Z<'a, u16>,
//~^ the trait bound `str: Clone` is not satisfied
//~| the trait bound `str: Clone` is not satisfied
for<'b> <T as Z<'b, u16>>::W: Clone,
type W: ?Sized;
fn h(&self, x: &T::W) {
//~^ the trait bound `str: Clone` is not satisfied
//~| the trait bound `str: Clone` is not satisfied
impl<'a> Z<'a, u16> for u16 {
type W = str;
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `str: Clone
fn main() {
//~^ ERROR Clone` is not satisfied