blob: ace38364ee3f6b16a6da080ddbb664079654a116 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ unit-test: DataflowConstProp
// The struct has scalar ABI, but is not a scalar type.
// Make sure that we handle this correctly.
struct I32(i32);
// EMIT_MIR repr_transparent.main.DataflowConstProp.diff
// CHECK-LABEL: fn main(
fn main() {
// CHECK: debug x => [[x:_.*]];
// CHECK: debug y => [[y:_.*]];
// CHECK: [[x]] = const I32(0_i32);
let x = I32(0);
// CHECK: [[y]] = const I32(0_i32);
let y = I32(x.0 + x.0);