blob: 9986d903501bd637223b92208df17e83237f5184 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ unit-test: DataflowConstProp
//@ compile-flags: -Zmir-enable-passes=+GVN,+Inline
//@ ignore-debug assertions change the output MIR
// This test is to check ICE in issue [#115789](
struct A {
foo: Box<[bool]>,
// EMIT_MIR default_boxed_slice.main.GVN.diff
// EMIT_MIR default_boxed_slice.main.DataflowConstProp.diff
// CHECK-LABEL: fn main(
fn main() {
// ConstProp will create a constant of type `Box<[bool]>`.
// Verify that `DataflowConstProp` does not ICE trying to dereference it directly.
// CHECK: debug a => [[a:_.*]];
// We may check other inlined functions as well...
// CHECK: {{_.*}} = const Box::<[bool]>(
let a: A = A { foo: Box::default() };