blob: f77d98933044a930aeea2d66f412a7c4d6c45f95 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Simple logger that logs either to stderr or to a file, using `tracing_subscriber`
//! filter syntax and `tracing_appender` for non blocking output.
use std::io;
use anyhow::Context;
use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter;
use tracing_subscriber::{
filter::Targets, fmt::MakeWriter, layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, Layer,
use tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer;
use crate::tracing::hprof;
pub struct Config<T> {
pub writer: T,
pub filter: String,
/// The meaning of CHALK_DEBUG is to tell chalk crates
/// (i.e. chalk-solve, chalk-ir, chalk-recursive) how to filter tracing
/// logs. But now we can only have just one filter, which means we have to
/// merge chalk filter to our main filter (from RA_LOG env).
/// The acceptable syntax of CHALK_DEBUG is `target[span{field=value}]=level`.
/// As the value should only affect chalk crates, we'd better manually
/// specify the target. And for simplicity, CHALK_DEBUG only accept the value
/// that specify level.
pub chalk_filter: Option<String>,
/// Filtering syntax, set in a shell:
/// ```
/// env RA_PROFILE=* // dump everything
/// env RA_PROFILE=foo|bar|baz // enabled only selected entries
/// env RA_PROFILE=*@3>10 // dump everything, up to depth 3, if it takes more than 10
/// ```
pub profile_filter: Option<String>,
impl<T> Config<T>
T: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + Send + Sync + 'static,
pub fn init(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let filter: Targets = self
.with_context(|| format!("invalid log filter: `{}`", self.filter))?;
let writer = self.writer;
let ra_fmt_layer = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer().with_writer(writer).with_filter(filter);
let mut chalk_layer = None;
if let Some(chalk_filter) = self.chalk_filter {
let level: LevelFilter =
chalk_filter.parse().with_context(|| "invalid chalk log filter")?;
let chalk_filter = Targets::new()
.with_target("chalk_solve", level)
.with_target("chalk_ir", level)
.with_target("chalk_recursive", level);
chalk_layer = Some(
let profiler_layer =|spec| hprof::layer(&spec));