blob: 8c8a9f18cdc63637a219e2c3c991f15c57215393 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Unwinding when the caller ABI is "C" (without "-unwind") is UB.
// The opposite version (callee does not allow unwinding) is impossible to
// even write: MIR validation catches functions that have `UnwindContinue` but
// are not allowed to unwind.
extern "C-unwind" fn unwind() {
fn main() {
let unwind: extern "C-unwind" fn() = unwind;
let unwind: extern "C" fn() = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(unwind) };
std::panic::catch_unwind(|| unwind()).unwrap_err();
//~^ ERROR: unwinding past a stack frame that does not allow unwinding