blob: 3c5c47438a1072b8ea570d48da43d7e845439322 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Tests for last-use tracking and auto-gc.
//! Cargo supports an environment variable called `__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW`
//! to have cargo pretend that the current time is the given time (in seconds
//! since the unix epoch). This is used throughout these tests to simulate
//! what happens when time passes. The [`days_ago_unix`] and
//! [`months_ago_unix`] functions help with setting this value.
use super::config::GlobalContextBuilder;
use cargo::core::global_cache_tracker::{self, DeferredGlobalLastUse, GlobalCacheTracker};
use cargo::util::cache_lock::CacheLockMode;
use cargo::util::interning::InternedString;
use cargo::GlobalContext;
use cargo_test_support::paths::{self, CargoPathExt};
use cargo_test_support::registry::{Package, RegistryBuilder};
use cargo_test_support::{
basic_manifest, cargo_process, execs, git, process, project, retry, sleep_ms,
thread_wait_timeout, Execs, Project,
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Stdio;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
/// Helper to create a simple `foo` project which depends on a registry
/// dependency called `bar`.
fn basic_foo_bar_project() -> Project {
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
/// Helper to get the names of files in a directory as strings.
fn get_names(glob: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut names: Vec<_> = glob::glob(paths::home().join(glob).to_str().unwrap())
.map(|p| p.unwrap().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_owned())
fn get_registry_names(which: &str) -> Vec<String> {
fn get_index_names() -> Vec<String> {
fn get_git_db_names() -> Vec<String> {
fn get_git_checkout_names(db_name: &str) -> Vec<String> {
fn days_ago(n: u64) -> SystemTime {
SystemTime::now() - Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 24 * n)
/// Helper for simulating running cargo in the past. Use with the
/// __CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW environment variable.
fn days_ago_unix(n: u64) -> String {
/// Helper for simulating running cargo in the past. Use with the
/// __CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW environment variable.
fn months_ago_unix(n: u64) -> String {
days_ago_unix(n * 30)
/// Populates last-use database and the cache files.
/// This makes it easier to more accurately specify exact sizes. Creating
/// specific sizes with `Package` is too difficult.
fn populate_cache(
gctx: &GlobalContext,
test_crates: &[(&str, u64, u64, u64)],
) -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) {
let cache_dir = paths::home().join(".cargo/registry/cache/");
let src_dir = paths::home().join(".cargo/registry/src/");
let _lock = gctx
let mut tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let mut deferred = DeferredGlobalLastUse::new();
let mut create = |name: &str, age, crate_size: u64, src_size: u64| {
let crate_filename = InternedString::new(&format!("{name}.crate"));
global_cache_tracker::RegistryCrate {
encoded_registry_name: "".into(),
size: crate_size,
global_cache_tracker::RegistrySrc {
encoded_registry_name: "".into(),
package_dir: name.into(),
size: Some(src_size),
"x".repeat(crate_size as usize),
let path = src_dir.join(name);
std::fs::write(path.join("data"), "x".repeat(src_size as usize)).unwrap()
for (name, age, crate_size, src_size) in test_crates {
create(name, *age, *crate_size, *src_size);
} tracker).unwrap();
(cache_dir, src_dir)
fn rustup_cargo() -> Execs {
// Get the path to the rustup cargo wrapper. This is necessary because
// cargo adds the "deps" directory into PATH on Windows, which points to
// the wrong cargo.
let rustup_cargo = Path::new(&std::env::var_os("CARGO_HOME").unwrap()).join("bin/cargo");
fn auto_gc_gated() {
// Requires -Zgc to run auto-gc.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
// Check that it created a database.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 1);
// Again in the future, shouldn't auto-gc.
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 1);
fn clean_gc_gated() {
cargo_process("clean gc")
error: the `cargo clean gc` command is unstable, and only available on the \
nightly channel of Cargo, but this is the `stable` channel
See [..]
See [..]
fn implies_source() {
// Checks that when a src, crate, or checkout is marked as used, the
// corresponding index or git db also gets marked as used.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let _lock = gctx
let mut deferred = DeferredGlobalLastUse::new();
let mut tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
deferred.mark_registry_crate_used(global_cache_tracker::RegistryCrate {
encoded_registry_name: "".into(),
crate_filename: "regex-1.8.4.crate".into(),
size: 123,
deferred.mark_registry_src_used(global_cache_tracker::RegistrySrc {
encoded_registry_name: "".into(),
package_dir: "rand-0.8.5".into(),
size: None,
deferred.mark_git_checkout_used(global_cache_tracker::GitCheckout {
encoded_git_name: "cargo-e7ff1db891893a9e".into(),
short_name: "f0a4ee0".into(),
size: None,
}); tracker).unwrap();
let mut indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 2);
indexes.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.encoded_registry_name.cmp(&b.0.encoded_registry_name));
let dbs = tracker.git_db_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(dbs.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(dbs[0].0.encoded_git_name, "cargo-e7ff1db891893a9e");
fn auto_gc_defaults() {
// Checks that the auto-gc deletes old entries, and leaves new ones intact.
Package::new("old", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("new", "1.0.0").publish();
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
old = "1.0"
new = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
// Populate the last-use data.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0", "old-1.0.0"]);
["new-1.0.0.crate", "old-1.0.0.crate"]
// Run again with just one package. Make sure the old src gets deleted,
// but .crate does not.
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
new = "1.0"
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(2))
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0"]);
["new-1.0.0.crate", "old-1.0.0.crate"]
// Run again after the .crate should have aged out.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0"]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), ["new-1.0.0.crate"]);
fn auto_gc_config() {
// Can configure auto gc settings.
Package::new("old", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("new", "1.0.0").publish();
let p = project()
frequency = "always"
max-src-age = "1 day"
max-crate-age = "3 days"
max-index-age = "3 days"
max-git-co-age = "1 day"
max-git-db-age = "3 days"
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
old = "1.0"
new = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
// Populate the last-use data.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(4))
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0", "old-1.0.0"]);
["new-1.0.0.crate", "old-1.0.0.crate"]
// Run again with just one package. Make sure the old src gets deleted,
// but .crate does not.
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
new = "1.0"
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(2))
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0"]);
["new-1.0.0.crate", "old-1.0.0.crate"]
// Run again after the .crate should have aged out.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0"]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), ["new-1.0.0.crate"]);
fn frequency() {
// settings
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
frequency = "never"
// Populate data in the past.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["bar-1.0.0"]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), ["bar-1.0.0.crate"]);
p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.2.0"));
// Try after the default expiration time, with "never" it shouldn't gc.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["bar-1.0.0"]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), ["bar-1.0.0.crate"]);
// Try again with a setting that allows it to run.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("CARGO_GC_AUTO_FREQUENCY", "1 day")
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 0);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src").len(), 0);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache").len(), 0);
fn auto_gc_index() {
// Deletes the index if it hasn't been used in a while.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 1);
// Make sure it stays within the time frame.
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(2))
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 1);
// After it expires, it should be deleted.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 0);
fn auto_gc_git() {
// auto-gc should delete git checkouts and dbs.
// Returns the short git name of a checkout.
let short_id = |repo: &git2::Repository| -> String {
let head = repo.revparse_single("HEAD").unwrap();
let short_id = head.short_id().unwrap();
// Set up a git dependency and fetch it and populate the database,
// 6 months in the past.
let (git_project, git_repo) = git::new_repo("bar", |p| {
p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0"))
.file("src/", "")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = {{ git = '{}' }}
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(6))
let db_names = get_git_db_names();
assert_eq!(db_names.len(), 1);
let first_short_oid = short_id(&git_repo);
// Use a new git checkout, should keep both.
git_project.change_file("src/", "// modified");
p.cargo("update -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(6))
assert_eq!(get_git_db_names().len(), 1);
let second_short_oid = short_id(&git_repo);
let mut both = vec![first_short_oid, second_short_oid.clone()];
assert_eq!(get_git_checkout_names(&db_names[0]), both);
// In the future, using the second checkout should delete the first.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
assert_eq!(get_git_db_names().len(), 1);
// After three months, the db should get deleted.
p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.2.0"));
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_git_db_names().len(), 0);
assert_eq!(get_git_checkout_names(&db_names[0]).len(), 0);
fn auto_gc_various_commands() {
// Checks that auto gc works with a variety of commands.
// Auto-gc is only run on a subset of commands. Generally it is run on
// commands that are already doing a lot of work, or heavily involve the
// use of the registry.
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
let cmds = ["check", "fetch"];
for cmd in cmds {
eprintln!("checking command {cmd}");
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
// Populate the last-use data.
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 1);
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(crates.len(), 1);
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), 1);
// After everything is aged out, it should all be deleted.
p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.2.0"));
let lock = gctx
let indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 0);
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(crates.len(), 0);
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), 0);
fn updates_last_use_various_commands() {
// Checks that last-use tracking is updated by various commands.
// Not *all* commands update the index tracking, even though they
// technically involve reading the index. There isn't a convenient place
// to ensure it gets saved while avoiding saving too often in other
// commands. For the most part, this should be fine, since these commands
// usually aren't run without running one of the commands that does save
// the tracking. Some of the commands are:
// - login, owner, yank, search
// - report future-incompatibilities
// - package --no-verify
// - fetch --locked
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
let cmds = [
// name, expected_crates (0=doesn't download)
("check", 1),
("fetch", 1),
("tree", 1),
("generate-lockfile", 0),
("update", 0),
("metadata", 1),
("vendor --respect-source-config", 1),
for (cmd, expected_crates) in cmds {
eprintln!("checking command {cmd}");
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
// Populate the last-use data.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 1);
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(crates.len(), expected_crates);
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), expected_crates);
fn both_git_and_http_index_cleans() {
// Checks that either the git or http index cache gets cleaned.
let _crates_io = RegistryBuilder::new().build();
let _alternative = RegistryBuilder::new().alternative().http_index().build();
Package::new("from_git", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("from_http", "1.0.0")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
from_git = "1.0"
from_http = { version = "1.0", registry = "alternative" }
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("update -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 2);
// Running in the future without these indexes should delete them.
p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.2.0"));
p.cargo("clean gc -Zgc")
let lock = gctx
let indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(get_index_names().len(), 0);
fn clean_gc_dry_run() {
// Basic `clean --gc --dry-run` test.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
// Populate the last-use data.
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
let registry_root = paths::home().join(".cargo/registry");
let glob_registry = |name| -> PathBuf {
let mut paths: Vec<_> = glob::glob(registry_root.join(name).join("*").to_str().unwrap())
.map(|p| p.unwrap())
assert_eq!(paths.len(), 1);
let index = glob_registry("index").ls_r();
let src = glob_registry("src").ls_r();
let cache = glob_registry("cache").ls_r();
let expected_files = index
.map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap())
p.cargo("clean gc --dry-run -v -Zgc")
"[SUMMARY] [..] files, [..] total\n\
[WARNING] no files deleted due to --dry-run",
// Again, make sure the information is still tracked.
p.cargo("clean gc --dry-run -v -Zgc")
"[SUMMARY] [..] files, [..] total\n\
[WARNING] no files deleted due to --dry-run",
fn clean_default_gc() {
// `clean gc` without options should also gc
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
// Populate the last-use data.
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/registry/index/[..]
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/registry/src/[..]
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/registry/cache/[..]
[REMOVED] [..] files, [..] total
fn tracks_sizes() {
// Checks that sizes are properly tracked in the db.
Package::new("dep1", "1.0.0")
.file("src/", "")
Package::new("dep2", "1.0.0")
.file("src/", "")
.file("data", &"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".repeat(1000))
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
dep1 = "1.0"
dep2 = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
// Check that the crate sizes are the same as on disk.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let _lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let mut crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
crates.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.crate_filename.cmp(&b.0.crate_filename));
let db_sizes: Vec<_> = crates.iter().map(|c| c.0.size).collect();
let mut actual: Vec<_> = p
.map(|p| p.unwrap())
let actual_sizes: Vec<_> = actual
.map(|path| std::fs::metadata(path).unwrap().len())
assert_eq!(db_sizes, actual_sizes);
// Also check the src sizes are computed.
let mut srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
srcs.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.package_dir.cmp(&b.0.package_dir));
let db_sizes: Vec<_> = srcs.iter().map(|c| c.0.size.unwrap()).collect();
let mut actual: Vec<_> = p
.map(|p| p.unwrap())
// .cargo-ok is not tracked in the size.
actual.iter().for_each(|p| p.join(".cargo-ok").rm_rf());
let actual_sizes: Vec<_> = actual
.map(|path| cargo_util::du(path, &[]).unwrap())
assert_eq!(db_sizes, actual_sizes);
assert!(db_sizes[1] > 26000);
fn max_size() {
// Checks --max-crate-size and --max-src-size with various cleaning thresholds.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let test_crates = [
// name, age, crate_size, src_size
("a-1.0.0", 5, 1, 1),
("b-1.0.0", 6, 2, 2),
("c-1.0.0", 3, 3, 3),
("d-1.0.0", 2, 4, 4),
("e-1.0.0", 2, 5, 5),
("f-1.0.0", 9, 6, 6),
("g-1.0.0", 1, 1, 1),
// Determine the order things get deleted so they can be verified.
let mut names_by_timestamp: Vec<_> = test_crates
.map(|(name, age, _, _)| (days_ago_unix(*age), name))
let names_by_timestamp: Vec<_> = names_by_timestamp
.map(|(_, name)| name)
// This exercises the different boundary conditions.
for (clean_size, files, bytes) in [
(22, 0, 0),
(21, 1, 6),
(16, 1, 6),
(15, 2, 8),
(14, 2, 8),
(13, 3, 9),
(12, 4, 12),
(10, 4, 12),
(9, 5, 16),
(6, 5, 16),
(5, 6, 21),
(1, 6, 21),
(0, 7, 22),
] {
let (removed, kept) = names_by_timestamp.split_at(files);
// --max-crate-size
let (cache_dir, src_dir) = populate_cache(&gctx, &test_crates);
let mut stderr = String::new();
for name in removed {
writeln!(stderr, "[REMOVING] [..]{name}.crate").unwrap();
let total_display = if removed.is_empty() {
} else {
format!(", {bytes}B total")
let files_display = if files == 1 {
format!("1 file")
} else {
format!("{files} files")
write!(stderr, "[REMOVED] {files_display}{total_display}").unwrap();
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-crate-size={clean_size}"))
for name in kept {
for name in removed {
// --max-src-size
populate_cache(&gctx, &test_crates);
let mut stderr = String::new();
for name in removed {
writeln!(stderr, "[REMOVING] [..]{name}").unwrap();
let total_display = if files == 0 {
} else {
format!(", {bytes}B total")
write!(stderr, "[REMOVED] {files_display}{total_display}").unwrap();
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-src-size={clean_size}"))
for name in kept {
for name in removed {
fn max_size_untracked_crate() {
// When a .crate file exists from an older version of cargo that did not
// track sizes, `clean --max-crate-size` should populate the db with the
// sizes.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let cache = paths::home().join(".cargo/registry/cache/");
// Create the `.crate files.
let test_crates = [
// name, size
("a-1.0.0.crate", 1234),
("b-1.0.0.crate", 42),
("c-1.0.0.crate", 0),
for (name, size) in test_crates {
std::fs::write(cache.join(name), "x".repeat(size as usize)).unwrap()
// This should scan the directory and populate the db with the size information.
cargo_process("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-crate-size=100000")
.with_stderr("[REMOVED] 0 files")
// Check that it stored the size data.
let _lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
let mut actual: Vec<_> = crates
.map(|(rc, _time)| (rc.crate_filename.as_str(), rc.size))
assert_eq!(test_crates, actual.as_slice());
/// Helper to prepare the max-size test.
fn max_size_untracked_prepare() -> (GlobalContext, Project) {
// First, publish and download a dependency.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
// Pretend it was an older version that did not track last-use.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
(gctx, p)
/// Helper to verify the max-size test.
fn max_size_untracked_verify(gctx: &GlobalContext) {
let actual: Vec<_> = glob::glob(
.map(|p| p.unwrap())
assert_eq!(actual.len(), 1);
let actual_size = cargo_util::du(&actual[0], &[]).unwrap();
let lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(srcs[0].0.size, Some(actual_size));
fn max_size_untracked_src_from_use() {
// When a src directory exists from an older version of cargo that did not
// track sizes, doing a build should populate the db with an entry with an
// unknown size. `clean --max-src-size` should then fix the size.
let (gctx, p) = max_size_untracked_prepare();
// Run a command that will update the db with an unknown src size.
p.cargo("tree -Zgc")
// Check that it is None.
let lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(srcs[0].0.size, None);
// Fix the size.
p.cargo("clean gc -v --max-src-size=10000 -Zgc")
.with_stderr("[REMOVED] 0 files")
fn max_size_untracked_src_from_clean() {
// When a src directory exists from an older version of cargo that did not
// track sizes, `clean --max-src-size` should populate the db with the
// sizes.
let (gctx, p) = max_size_untracked_prepare();
// Clean should scan the src and update the db.
p.cargo("clean gc -v --max-src-size=10000 -Zgc")
.with_stderr("[REMOVED] 0 files")
fn max_download_size() {
// --max-download-size
// This creates some sample crates of specific sizes, and then tries
// deleting at various specific size thresholds that exercise different
// edge conditions.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let test_crates = [
// name, age, crate_size, src_size
("d-1.0.0", 4, 4, 5),
("c-1.0.0", 3, 3, 3),
("a-1.0.0", 1, 2, 5),
("b-1.0.0", 1, 1, 7),
for (max_size, num_deleted, files_deleted, bytes) in [
(30, 0, 0, 0),
(29, 1, 1, 5),
(24, 2, 2, 9),
(20, 3, 3, 12),
(1, 7, 7, 29),
(0, 8, 8, 30),
] {
populate_cache(&gctx, &test_crates);
// Determine the order things will be deleted.
let delete_order: Vec<String> = test_crates
.flat_map(|(name, _, _, _)| [name.to_string(), format!("{name}.crate")])
let (removed, _kept) = delete_order.split_at(num_deleted);
let mut stderr = String::new();
for name in removed {
writeln!(stderr, "[REMOVING] [..]{name}").unwrap();
let files_display = if files_deleted == 1 {
format!("1 file")
} else {
format!("{files_deleted} files")
let total_display = if removed.is_empty() {
} else {
format!(", {bytes}B total")
write!(stderr, "[REMOVED] {files_display}{total_display}",).unwrap();
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-download-size={max_size}"))
fn package_cache_lock_during_build() {
// Verifies that a shared lock is held during a build. Resolution and
// downloads should be OK while that is held, but mutation should block.
// This works by launching a build with a build script that will pause.
// Then it performs other cargo commands and verifies their behavior.
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
let p_foo = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
fn main() {
std::fs::write("blocking", "").unwrap();
let path = std::path::Path::new("ready");
loop {
if path.exists() {
} else {
let p_foo2 = project()
name = "foo2"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
// Start a build that will pause once the build starts.
let mut foo_child = p_foo
.cargo("check -Zgc")
// Wait for it to enter build script.
retry(100, || p_foo.root().join("blocking").exists().then_some(()));
// Start a build with a different target directory. It should not block,
// even though it gets a download lock, and then a shared lock.
// Also verify that auto-gc gets disabled.
.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("CARGO_GC_AUTO_FREQUENCY", "always")
.env("CARGO_LOG", "gc=debug")
.with_stderr_contains("[UPDATING] `dummy-registry` index")
.with_stderr_contains("[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0")
.with_stderr_contains("[CHECKING] foo2 v0.1.0 [..]")
.with_stderr_contains("[FINISHED] [..]")
.with_stderr_contains("[..]unable to acquire mutate lock, auto gc disabled")
// Ensure that the first build really blocked.
assert!(matches!(foo_child.try_wait(), Ok(None)));
// Cleaning while a command is running should block.
let mut clean_cmd = p_foo2
.cargo("clean gc --max-download-size=0 -Zgc")
let mut clean_child = clean_cmd.spawn().unwrap();
// Give the clean command a chance to finish (it shouldn't).
// They should both still be running.
assert!(matches!(foo_child.try_wait(), Ok(None)));
assert!(matches!(clean_child.try_wait(), Ok(None)));
// Let the original build finish.
p_foo.change_file("ready", "");
// Wait for clean to finish.
let thread = std::thread::spawn(|| clean_child.wait_with_output().unwrap());
let output = thread_wait_timeout(100, thread);
// Validate the output of the clean.
[BLOCKING] waiting for file lock on package cache mutation
[REMOVED] [..]
fn read_only_locking_auto_gc() {
// Tests the behavior for auto-gc on a read-only directory.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
// Populate cache.
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
let cargo_home = paths::home().join(".cargo");
let mut perms = std::fs::metadata(&cargo_home).unwrap().permissions();
// Test when it can't update auto-gc db.
std::fs::set_permissions(&cargo_home, perms.clone()).unwrap();
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..]
// Try again without the last-use existing (such as if the cache was
// populated by an older version of cargo).
std::fs::set_permissions(&cargo_home, perms.clone()).unwrap();
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
std::fs::set_permissions(&cargo_home, perms.clone()).unwrap();
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.with_stderr("[FINISHED] [..]")
std::fs::set_permissions(&cargo_home, perms).unwrap();
fn delete_index_also_deletes_crates() {
// Checks that when an index is delete that src and cache directories also get deleted.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["bar-1.0.0"]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), ["bar-1.0.0.crate"]);
p.cargo("clean gc")
.arg("--max-index-age=0 days")
.with_stderr("[REMOVED] [..]")
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src").len(), 0);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache").len(), 0);
fn clean_syncs_missing_files() {
// When files go missing in the cache, clean operations that need to track
// the size should also remove them from the database.
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("baz", "1.0.0").publish();
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
baz = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
// Verify things are tracked.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let lock = gctx
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&gctx).unwrap();
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(crates.len(), 2);
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), 2);
// Remove the files.
for pattern in [
] {
.map(|p| p.unwrap())
// Clean should update the db.
p.cargo("clean gc -v --max-download-size=1GB -Zgc")
.with_stderr("[REMOVED] 0 files")
// Verify
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(crates.len(), 1);
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(srcs.len(), 1);
fn offline_doesnt_auto_gc() {
// When running offline, auto-gc shouldn't run.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
// Remove the dependency.
p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.1.0"));
// Run offline, make sure it doesn't delete anything
p.cargo("check --offline -Zgc")
.with_stderr("[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0[..]\n[FINISHED][..]")
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["bar-1.0.0"]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), ["bar-1.0.0.crate"]);
// Run online, make sure auto-gc runs.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), &[] as &[String]);
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("cache"), &[] as &[String]);
fn can_handle_future_schema() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// It should work when a future version of cargo has made schema changes
// to the database.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
// Modify the schema to pretend this is done by a future version of cargo.
let gctx = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let db_path = GlobalCacheTracker::db_path(&gctx).into_path_unlocked();
let conn = rusqlite::Connection::open(&db_path)?;
let user_version: u32 =
conn.query_row("SELECT user_version FROM pragma_user_version", [], |row| {
conn.execute("ALTER TABLE global_data ADD COLUMN foo DEFAULT 123", [])?;
conn.pragma_update(None, "user_version", &(user_version + 1))?;
// Verify it doesn't blow up.
p.cargo("clean gc --max-download-size=0 -Zgc")
.with_stderr("[REMOVED] 4 files, [..] total")
fn clean_max_git_age() {
// --max-git-*-age flags
let (git_a, git_a_repo) = git::new_repo("git_a", |p| {
p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("git_a", "1.0.0"))
.file("src/", "")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
git_a = {{ git = '{}' }}
.file("src/", "")
// Populate last-use tracking.
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(4))
// Update git_a to create a separate checkout.
git_a.change_file("src/", "// test");
// Update last-use tracking, where the first git checkout will stay "old".
p.cargo("update -p git_a -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(2))
[UPDATING] git repository [..]
[UPDATING] git_a v1.0.0 [..]
let db_names = get_git_db_names();
assert_eq!(db_names.len(), 1);
let db_name = &db_names[0];
let co_names = get_git_checkout_names(&db_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 2);
// Delete the first checkout
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-git-co-age=3 days")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/git_a-[..]/[..]
[REMOVED] [..]
let db_names = get_git_db_names();
assert_eq!(db_names.len(), 1);
let co_names = get_git_checkout_names(&db_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 1);
// delete the second checkout
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-git-co-age=0 days")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/git_a-[..]/[..]
[REMOVED] [..]
let db_names = get_git_db_names();
assert_eq!(db_names.len(), 1);
let co_names = get_git_checkout_names(&db_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 0);
// delete the db
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-git-db-age=1 days")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/db/git_a-[..]
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/git_a-[..]
[REMOVED] [..]
let db_names = get_git_db_names();
assert_eq!(db_names.len(), 0);
let co_names = get_git_checkout_names(&db_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 0);
fn clean_max_src_crate_age() {
// --max-src-age and --max-crate-age flags
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
// Populate last-use tracking.
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(4))
// Update bar to create a separate copy with a different timestamp.
Package::new("bar", "1.0.1").publish();
p.cargo("update -p bar -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(2))
[UPDATING] `dummy-registry` index
[UPDATING] bar v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(2))
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.1 [..]
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["bar-1.0.0", "bar-1.0.1"]);
["bar-1.0.0.crate", "bar-1.0.1.crate"]
// Delete the old src.
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-src-age=3 days")
[REMOVING] [..]/bar-1.0.0
[REMOVED] [..]
// delete the second src
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-src-age=0 days")
[REMOVING] [..]/bar-1.0.1
[REMOVED] [..]
// delete the old crate
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-crate-age=3 days")
[REMOVING] [..]/bar-1.0.0.crate
[REMOVED] [..]
// delete the seecond crate
p.cargo("clean gc -v -Zgc")
.arg("--max-crate-age=0 days")
[REMOVING] [..]/bar-1.0.1.crate
[REMOVED] [..]
fn clean_max_git_size() {
// clean --max-git-size
// Creates two checkouts. The sets a size threshold to delete one. And
// then with 0 max size to delete everything.
let (git_project, git_repo) = git::new_repo("bar", |p| {
p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0"))
.file("src/", "")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = {{ git = '{}' }}
.file("src/", "")
// Fetch and populate db.
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(3))
// Figure out the name of the first checkout.
let git_root = paths::home().join(".cargo/git");
let db_names = get_git_db_names();
assert_eq!(db_names.len(), 1);
let db_name = &db_names[0];
let co_names = get_git_checkout_names(&db_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 1);
let first_co_name = &co_names[0];
// Make an update and create a new checkout.
git_project.change_file("src/", "// modified");
p.cargo("update -Zgc")
// Use a different time so that the first checkout timestamp is less
// than the second.
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", days_ago_unix(2))
// Figure out the threshold to use.
let mut co_names = get_git_checkout_names(&db_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 2);
co_names.retain(|name| name != first_co_name);
assert_eq!(co_names.len(), 1);
let second_co_name = &co_names[0];
let second_co_path = git_root
let second_co_size = cargo_util::du(&second_co_path, &["!.git"]).unwrap();
let db_size = cargo_util::du(&git_root.join("db").join(db_name), &[]).unwrap();
let threshold = db_size + second_co_size;
p.cargo(&format!("clean gc --max-git-size={threshold} -Zgc -v"))
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/{db_name}/{first_co_name}
[REMOVED] [..]
// And then try cleaning everything.
p.cargo("clean gc --max-git-size=0 -Zgc -v")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/{db_name}/{second_co_name}
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/db/{db_name}
[REMOVED] [..]
// Helper for setting up fake git sizes for git size cleaning.
fn setup_fake_git_sizes(db_name: &str, db_size: usize, co_sizes: &[usize]) {
let base_git = paths::home().join(".cargo/git");
let db_path = base_git.join("db").join(db_name);
std::fs::write(db_path.join("test"), "x".repeat(db_size)).unwrap();
let base_co = base_git.join("checkouts").join(db_name);
for (i, size) in co_sizes.iter().enumerate() {
let co_name = format!("co{i}");
let co_path = base_co.join(co_name);
std::fs::write(co_path.join("test"), "x".repeat(*size)).unwrap();
fn clean_max_git_size_untracked() {
// If there are git directories that aren't tracked in the database,
// `--max-git-size` should pick it up.
// The db_name of "example" depends on the sorting order of the names ("e"
// should be after "c"), so that the db comes after the checkouts.
setup_fake_git_sizes("example", 5000, &[1000, 2000]);
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-git-size=7000"))
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/example/co0
[REMOVED] [..]
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-git-size=5000"))
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/example/co1
[REMOVED] [..]
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-git-size=0"))
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/db/example
[REMOVED] [..]
fn clean_max_git_size_deletes_co_from_db() {
// In the scenario where it thinks it needs to delete the db, it should
// also delete all the checkouts.
// The db_name of "abc" depends on the sorting order of the names ("a"
// should be before "c"), so that the db comes before the checkouts.
setup_fake_git_sizes("abc", 5000, &[1000, 2000]);
// This deletes everything because it tries to delete the db, which then
// deletes all checkouts.
cargo_process(&format!("clean gc -Zgc -v --max-git-size=3000"))
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/db/abc
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/abc/co1
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/abc/co0
[REMOVED] [..]
fn handles_missing_index() {
// Checks behavior when index is missing.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
cargo_process("clean gc -v --max-download-size=0 -Zgc")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/registry/cache/[..]
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/registry/src/[..]
[REMOVED] [..]
fn handles_missing_git_db() {
// Checks behavior when git db is missing.
let git_project = git::new("bar", |p| {
p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "1.0.0"))
.file("src/", "")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = {{ git = '{}' }}
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
cargo_process("clean gc -v --max-git-size=0 -Zgc")
[REMOVING] [ROOT]/home/.cargo/git/checkouts/[..]
[REMOVED] [..]
fn clean_gc_quiet_is_quiet() {
// Checks that --quiet works with `cargo clean gc`, since there was a
// subtle issue with how the flag is defined as a global flag.
let p = basic_foo_bar_project();
p.cargo("fetch -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
p.cargo("clean gc --quiet -Zgc --dry-run")
// Verify exact same command without -q would actually display something.
p.cargo("clean gc -Zgc --dry-run")
[SUMMARY] [..] files, [..] total
[WARNING] no files deleted due to --dry-run
fn compatible_with_older_cargo() {
// Ensures that db stays backwards compatible across versions.
// T-4 months: Current version, build the database.
Package::new("old", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("middle", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("new", "1.0.0").publish();
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
old = "1.0"
middle = "1.0"
new = "1.0"
.file("src/", "")
// Populate the last-use data.
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(4))
["middle-1.0.0", "new-1.0.0", "old-1.0.0"]
["middle-1.0.0.crate", "new-1.0.0.crate", "old-1.0.0.crate"]
// T-2 months: Stable version, make sure it reads and deletes old src.
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
new = "1.0"
middle = "1.0"
.args(&["+stable", "check", "-Zgc"])
.env("__CARGO_TEST_LAST_USE_NOW", months_ago_unix(2))
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["middle-1.0.0", "new-1.0.0"]);
["middle-1.0.0.crate", "new-1.0.0.crate", "old-1.0.0.crate"]
// T-0 months: Current version, make sure it can read data from stable,
// deletes old crate and middle src.
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
new = "1.0"
p.cargo("check -Zgc")
assert_eq!(get_registry_names("src"), ["new-1.0.0"]);
["middle-1.0.0.crate", "new-1.0.0.crate"]
fn forward_compatible() {
// Checks that db created in an older version can be read in a newer version.
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").publish();
let git_project = git::new("from_git", |p| {
p.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("from_git", "1.0.0"))
.file("src/", "")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
bar = "1.0.0"
from_git = {{ git = '{}' }}
.file("src/", "")
.args(&["+stable", "check", "-Zgc"])
let config = GlobalContextBuilder::new().build();
let lock = config
let tracker = GlobalCacheTracker::new(&config).unwrap();
// Don't want to check the actual index name here, since although the
// names are semi-stable, they might change over long periods of time.
let indexes = tracker.registry_index_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(indexes.len(), 1);
let crates = tracker.registry_crate_all().unwrap();
let names: Vec<_> = crates
.map(|(krate, _timestamp)| krate.crate_filename)
assert_eq!(names, &["bar-1.0.0.crate"]);
let srcs = tracker.registry_src_all().unwrap();
let names: Vec<_> = srcs
.map(|(src, _timestamp)| src.package_dir)
assert_eq!(names, &["bar-1.0.0"]);
let dbs: Vec<_> = tracker.git_db_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(dbs.len(), 1);
let cos: Vec<_> = tracker.git_checkout_all().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cos.len(), 1);