blob: 04074a516a901efa34e6993e6466b4a16df7755d [file] [log] [blame]
RUN: llvm-remarkutil size-diff %p/Inputs/1-func-1-instr-1-stack.yaml %p/Inputs/2-identical-func-1-instr-1-stack.yaml --parser=yaml | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s --check-prefix=ADD
RUN: llvm-remarkutil size-diff %p/Inputs/2-identical-func-1-instr-1-stack.yaml %p/Inputs/1-func-1-instr-1-stack.yaml --parser=yaml | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s --check-prefix=REMOVE
; The "two-identical-one-instr-funcs" file contains a single-instruction
; function which does not appear in the other file.
; ADD: ++ > func1, 1 instrs, 1 stack B
; ADD-DAG: instruction count: 1 (100.00%)
; ADD-DAG: stack byte usage: 1 (100.00%)
; REMOVE: -- < func1, -1 instrs, -1 stack B
; REMOVE-DAG: instruction count: -1 (-50.00%)
; REMOVE-DAG: stack byte usage: -1 (-50.00%)