blob: 75ad58e5cdcb74e20772ceda958415899a80c201 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===-- X86PreTileConfig.cpp - Tile Register Pre-configure-----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file Pass to pre-config the shapes of AMX registers
/// AMX register needs to be configured before use. The shapes of AMX register
/// are encoded in the 1st and 2nd machine operand of AMX pseudo instructions.
/// The instruction ldtilecfg is used to config the shapes. It must be reachable
/// for all variable shapes. ldtilecfg will be inserted more than once if we
/// cannot find a dominating point for all AMX instructions.
/// The configure register is caller saved according to ABI. We need to insert
/// ldtilecfg again after the call instruction if callee clobbers any AMX
/// registers.
/// This pass calculates all points that ldtilecfg need to be inserted to and
/// insert them. It reports error if the reachability conditions aren't met.
#include "X86.h"
#include "X86InstrBuilder.h"
#include "X86MachineFunctionInfo.h"
#include "X86RegisterInfo.h"
#include "X86Subtarget.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
using namespace llvm;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "tile-pre-config"
static void emitErrorMsg(MachineFunction &MF) {
LLVMContext &Context = MF.getMMI().getModule()->getContext();
MF.getName() +
": Failed to config tile register, please define the shape earlier");
namespace {
struct MIRef {
MachineInstr *MI = nullptr;
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = nullptr;
// A virtual position for instruction that will be inserted after MI.
size_t Pos = 0;
MIRef() = default;
MIRef(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) : MBB(MBB) {
for (auto I = MBB->begin(), E = MBB->end(); I != E && I->isPHI();
++I, ++Pos)
MI = &*I;
MIRef(MachineInstr *MI)
: MI(MI), MBB(MI->getParent()),
Pos(std::distance(MBB->instr_begin(), ++MI->getIterator())) {}
MIRef(MachineInstr *MI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB)
Pos(std::distance(MBB->instr_begin(), ++MI->getIterator())) {}
MIRef(MachineInstr *MI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB, size_t Pos)
: MI(MI), MBB(MBB), Pos(Pos) {}
operator bool() const { return MBB != nullptr; }
bool operator==(const MIRef &RHS) const {
return MI == RHS.MI && MBB == RHS.MBB;
bool operator!=(const MIRef &RHS) const { return !(*this == RHS); }
bool operator<(const MIRef &RHS) const {
// Comparison between different BBs happens when inserting a MIRef into set.
// So we compare MBB first to make the insertion happy.
return MBB < RHS.MBB || (MBB == RHS.MBB && Pos < RHS.Pos);
bool operator>(const MIRef &RHS) const {
// Comparison between different BBs happens when inserting a MIRef into set.
// So we compare MBB first to make the insertion happy.
return MBB > RHS.MBB || (MBB == RHS.MBB && Pos > RHS.Pos);
struct BBInfo {
MIRef FirstAMX;
MIRef LastCall;
bool HasAMXRegLiveIn = false;
bool TileCfgForbidden = false;
bool NeedTileCfgLiveIn = false;
class X86PreTileConfig : public MachineFunctionPass {
MachineRegisterInfo *MRI = nullptr;
const MachineLoopInfo *MLI = nullptr;
SmallSet<MachineInstr *, 8> DefVisited;
DenseMap<MachineBasicBlock *, BBInfo> BBVisitedInfo;
DenseMap<MachineBasicBlock *, SmallVector<MIRef, 8>> ShapeBBs;
/// Check if the callee will clobber AMX registers.
bool isDestructiveCall(MachineInstr &MI, BitVector UsableRegs) {
auto Iter = llvm::find_if(
MI.operands(), [](MachineOperand &MO) { return MO.isRegMask(); });
if (Iter == MI.operands_end())
return false;
return !UsableRegs.none();
/// Check if MI is AMX pseudo instruction.
bool isAMXInstruction(MachineInstr &MI) {
if (MI.isPHI() || MI.isDebugInstr() || MI.getNumOperands() < 3)
return false;
MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(0);
// We can simply check if it is AMX instruction by its def.
// But we should exclude old API which uses physical registers.
if (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg().isVirtual() &&
MRI->getRegClass(MO.getReg())->getID() == X86::TILERegClassID) {
return true;
// PTILESTOREDV is the only exception that doesn't def a AMX register.
return MI.getOpcode() == X86::PTILESTOREDV;
/// Check if it is an edge from loop bottom to loop head.
bool isLoopBackEdge(MachineBasicBlock *Header, MachineBasicBlock *Bottom) {
if (!MLI->isLoopHeader(Header))
return false;
auto *ML = MLI->getLoopFor(Header);
if (ML->contains(Bottom) && ML->isLoopLatch(Bottom))
return true;
return false;
/// Collect the shape def information for later use.
void collectShapeInfo(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Try to hoist shapes definded below AMX instructions.
bool hoistShapesInBB(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, SmallVectorImpl<MIRef> &Shapes) {
MIRef &FirstAMX = BBVisitedInfo[MBB].FirstAMX;
auto FirstShapeBelowAMX = llvm::lower_bound(Shapes, FirstAMX);
auto InsertPoint = FirstAMX.MI->getIterator();
for (auto I = FirstShapeBelowAMX, E = Shapes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
// Do not hoist instructions that access memory.
if (I->MI->mayLoadOrStore())
return false;
for (auto &MO : I->MI->operands()) {
if (MO.isDef())
// Do not hoist instructions if the sources' def under AMX instruction.
// TODO: We can handle isMoveImmediate MI here.
if (MO.isReg() && MIRef(MRI->getVRegDef(MO.getReg())) > FirstAMX)
return false;
// TODO: Maybe need more checks here.
MBB->insert(InsertPoint, I->MI->removeFromParent());
// We only need to mark the last shape in the BB now.
Shapes.push_back(MIRef(&*--InsertPoint, MBB));
return true;
X86PreTileConfig() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {}
/// Return the pass name.
StringRef getPassName() const override {
return "Tile Register Pre-configure";
/// X86PreTileConfig analysis usage.
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
/// Clear MF related structures.
void releaseMemory() override {
/// Perform ldtilecfg instructions inserting.
bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
static char ID;
} // end anonymous namespace
char X86PreTileConfig::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(X86PreTileConfig, "tilepreconfig",
"Tile Register Pre-configure", false, false)
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(X86PreTileConfig, "tilepreconfig",
"Tile Register Pre-configure", false, false)
void X86PreTileConfig::collectShapeInfo(MachineInstr &MI) {
auto RecordShape = [&](MachineInstr *MI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
auto I = llvm::lower_bound(ShapeBBs[MBB], MIR);
if (I == ShapeBBs[MBB].end() || *I != MIR)
ShapeBBs[MBB].insert(I, MIR);
SmallVector<Register, 8> WorkList(
{MI.getOperand(1).getReg(), MI.getOperand(2).getReg()});
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
Register R = WorkList.pop_back_val();
MachineInstr *DefMI = MRI->getVRegDef(R);
assert(DefMI && "R must has one define instruction");
MachineBasicBlock *DefMBB = DefMI->getParent();
if (DefMI->isMoveImmediate() || !DefVisited.insert(DefMI).second)
if (DefMI->isPHI()) {
for (unsigned I = 1; I < DefMI->getNumOperands(); I += 2)
if (isLoopBackEdge(DefMBB, DefMI->getOperand(I + 1).getMBB()))
RecordShape(DefMI, DefMBB); // In this case, PHI is also a shape def.
} else {
RecordShape(DefMI, DefMBB);
bool X86PreTileConfig::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
const X86Subtarget &ST = MF.getSubtarget<X86Subtarget>();
const TargetInstrInfo *TII = ST.getInstrInfo();
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = ST.getRegisterInfo();
const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI->getRegClass(X86::TILERegClassID);
X86MachineFunctionInfo *X86FI = MF.getInfo<X86MachineFunctionInfo>();
BitVector AMXRegs(TRI->getNumRegs());
for (unsigned I = 0; I < RC->getNumRegs(); I++)
AMXRegs.set(X86::TMM0 + I);
// Iterate MF to collect information.
MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
MLI = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
SmallSet<MIRef, 8> CfgNeedInsert;
SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock *, 8> CfgLiveInBBs;
for (auto &MBB : MF) {
size_t Pos = 0;
for (auto &MI : MBB) {
if (isAMXInstruction(MI)) {
// If there's call before the AMX, we need to reload tile config.
if (BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].LastCall)
else // Otherwise, we need tile config to live in this BB.
BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].NeedTileCfgLiveIn = true;
// Always record the first AMX in case there's shape def after it.
if (!BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].FirstAMX)
BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].FirstAMX = MIRef(&MI, &MBB, Pos);
} else if (MI.isCall() && isDestructiveCall(MI, AMXRegs)) {
// Record the call only if the callee clobbers all AMX registers.
BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].LastCall = MIRef(&MI, &MBB, Pos);
if (BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].NeedTileCfgLiveIn) {
if (&MBB == &MF.front())
if (BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].FirstAMX || BBVisitedInfo[&MBB].HasAMXRegLiveIn)
for (auto *Succ : MBB.successors())
if (!isLoopBackEdge(Succ, &MBB))
BBVisitedInfo[Succ].HasAMXRegLiveIn = true;
// Update NeedTileCfgLiveIn for predecessors.
while (!CfgLiveInBBs.empty()) {
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = CfgLiveInBBs.pop_back_val();
for (auto *Pred : MBB->predecessors()) {
if (BBVisitedInfo[Pred].LastCall) {
} else if (!BBVisitedInfo[Pred].NeedTileCfgLiveIn) {
BBVisitedInfo[Pred].NeedTileCfgLiveIn = true;
if (Pred == &MF.front())
// There's no AMX instruction if we didn't find a tile config live in point.
if (CfgNeedInsert.empty())
return false;
// Avoid to insert ldtilecfg before any shape defs.
SmallVector<MachineBasicBlock *, 8> WorkList;
for (auto &I : ShapeBBs) {
// TODO: We can hoist shapes across BBs here.
if (BBVisitedInfo[I.first].HasAMXRegLiveIn) {
// We are not able to config tile registers since the shape to config
// is not defined yet. Emit error message and continue. The function
// would not config tile registers.
return false;
if (BBVisitedInfo[I.first].FirstAMX &&
BBVisitedInfo[I.first].FirstAMX < I.second.back() &&
!hoistShapesInBB(I.first, I.second)) {
return false;
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
MachineBasicBlock *MBB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
for (auto *Pred : MBB->predecessors()) {
if (!BBVisitedInfo[Pred].TileCfgForbidden && !isLoopBackEdge(MBB, Pred)) {
BBVisitedInfo[Pred].TileCfgForbidden = true;
DebugLoc DL;
SmallSet<MIRef, 8> VisitedOrInserted;
int SS = MF.getFrameInfo().CreateStackObject(
ST.getTileConfigSize(), ST.getTileConfigAlignment(), false);
// Try to insert for the tile config live in points.
for (const auto &I : CfgNeedInsert) {
SmallSet<MIRef, 8> InsertPoints;
SmallVector<MIRef, 8> WorkList({I});
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
MIRef I = WorkList.pop_back_val();
if (!VisitedOrInserted.count(I)) {
if (!BBVisitedInfo[I.MBB].TileCfgForbidden) {
// If the BB is all shapes reachable, stop sink and try to insert.
} else {
// Avoid the BB to be multi visited.
// Sink the inserting point along the chain with NeedTileCfgLiveIn =
// true when MBB isn't all shapes reachable.
for (auto *Succ : I.MBB->successors())
if (BBVisitedInfo[Succ].NeedTileCfgLiveIn)
// A given point might be forked due to shape conditions are not met.
for (MIRef I : InsertPoints) {
// Make sure we insert ldtilecfg after the last shape def in MBB.
if (ShapeBBs.count(I.MBB) && I < ShapeBBs[I.MBB].back())
I = ShapeBBs[I.MBB].back();
// There're chances the MBB is sunk more than once. Record it to avoid
// multi insert.
if (VisitedOrInserted.insert(I).second) {
auto II = I.MI ? I.MI->getIterator() : I.MBB->instr_begin();
addFrameReference(BuildMI(*I.MBB, ++II, DL, TII->get(X86::PLDTILECFGV)),
// Zero stack slot.
MachineBasicBlock &MBB = MF.front();
MachineInstr *MI = &*MBB.begin();
if (ST.hasAVX512()) {
Register Zmm = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&X86::VR512RegClass);
BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::AVX512_512_SET0), Zmm);
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::VMOVUPSZmr)), SS)
} else if (ST.hasAVX2()) {
Register Ymm = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&X86::VR256RegClass);
BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::AVX_SET0), Ymm);
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::VMOVUPSYmr)), SS)
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::VMOVUPSYmr)), SS, 32)
} else {
assert(ST.hasSSE2() && "AMX should assume SSE2 enabled");
unsigned StoreOpc = ST.hasAVX() ? X86::VMOVUPSmr : X86::MOVUPSmr;
Register Xmm = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&X86::VR128RegClass);
BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::V_SET0), Xmm);
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(StoreOpc)), SS).addReg(Xmm);
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(StoreOpc)), SS, 16)
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(StoreOpc)), SS, 32)
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(StoreOpc)), SS, 48)
// Fill in the palette first.
addFrameReference(BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII->get(X86::MOV8mi)), SS).addImm(1);
return true;
FunctionPass *llvm::createX86PreTileConfigPass() {
return new X86PreTileConfig();