blob: 616d2ea71b39b1f2d6b6bb7acadaa1171bf0518a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SPIRVBaseInfo.h - Top level SPIRV definitions -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains TableGen generated enum definitions, mnemonic lookup
// functions, versioning/capabilities/extensions getters for symbolic/named
// operands for various SPIR-V instructions.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
namespace SPIRV {
namespace OperandCategory {
#define GET_OperandCategory_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace OperandCategory
namespace Extension {
#define GET_Extension_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace Extension
namespace Capability {
#define GET_Capability_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace Capability
namespace SourceLanguage {
#define GET_SourceLanguage_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace SourceLanguage
namespace AddressingModel {
#define GET_AddressingModel_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace AddressingModel
namespace ExecutionModel {
#define GET_ExecutionModel_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace ExecutionModel
namespace MemoryModel {
#define GET_MemoryModel_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace MemoryModel
namespace ExecutionMode {
#define GET_ExecutionMode_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace ExecutionMode
namespace StorageClass {
#define GET_StorageClass_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace StorageClass
namespace Dim {
#define GET_Dim_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace Dim
namespace SamplerAddressingMode {
#define GET_SamplerAddressingMode_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace SamplerAddressingMode
namespace SamplerFilterMode {
#define GET_SamplerFilterMode_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace SamplerFilterMode
namespace ImageFormat {
#define GET_ImageFormat_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace ImageFormat
namespace ImageChannelOrder {
#define GET_ImageChannelOrder_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace ImageChannelOrder
namespace ImageChannelDataType {
#define GET_ImageChannelDataType_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace ImageChannelDataType
namespace ImageOperand {
#define GET_ImageOperand_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace ImageOperand
namespace FPFastMathMode {
#define GET_FPFastMathMode_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace FPFastMathMode
namespace FPRoundingMode {
#define GET_FPRoundingMode_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace FPRoundingMode
namespace LinkageType {
#define GET_LinkageType_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace LinkageType
namespace AccessQualifier {
#define GET_AccessQualifier_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace AccessQualifier
namespace FunctionParameterAttribute {
#define GET_FunctionParameterAttribute_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace FunctionParameterAttribute
namespace Decoration {
#define GET_Decoration_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace Decoration
namespace BuiltIn {
#define GET_BuiltIn_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace BuiltIn
namespace SelectionControl {
#define GET_SelectionControl_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace SelectionControl
namespace LoopControl {
#define GET_LoopControl_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace LoopControl
namespace FunctionControl {
#define GET_FunctionControl_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace FunctionControl
namespace MemorySemantics {
#define GET_MemorySemantics_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace MemorySemantics
namespace MemoryOperand {
#define GET_MemoryOperand_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace MemoryOperand
namespace Scope {
#define GET_Scope_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace Scope
namespace GroupOperation {
#define GET_GroupOperation_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace GroupOperation
namespace KernelEnqueueFlags {
#define GET_KernelEnqueueFlags_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace KernelEnqueueFlags
namespace KernelProfilingInfo {
#define GET_KernelProfilingInfo_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace KernelProfilingInfo
namespace InstructionSet {
#define GET_InstructionSet_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace InstructionSet
namespace OpenCLExtInst {
#define GET_OpenCLExtInst_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace OpenCLExtInst
namespace GLSLExtInst {
#define GET_GLSLExtInst_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace GLSLExtInst
namespace Opcode {
#define GET_Opcode_DECL
#include ""
} // namespace Opcode
struct ExtendedBuiltin {
StringRef Name;
InstructionSet::InstructionSet Set;
uint32_t Number;
} // namespace SPIRV
using CapabilityList = SmallVector<SPIRV::Capability::Capability, 8>;
using ExtensionList = SmallVector<SPIRV::Extension::Extension, 8>;
getSymbolicOperandMnemonic(SPIRV::OperandCategory::OperandCategory Category,
int32_t Value);
getSymbolicOperandMinVersion(SPIRV::OperandCategory::OperandCategory Category,
uint32_t Value);
getSymbolicOperandMaxVersion(SPIRV::OperandCategory::OperandCategory Category,
uint32_t Value);
getSymbolicOperandCapabilities(SPIRV::OperandCategory::OperandCategory Category,
uint32_t Value);
getCapabilitiesEnabledByExtension(SPIRV::Extension::Extension Extension);
getSymbolicOperandExtensions(SPIRV::OperandCategory::OperandCategory Category,
uint32_t Value);
std::string getLinkStringForBuiltIn(SPIRV::BuiltIn::BuiltIn BuiltInValue);
bool getSpirvBuiltInIdByName(StringRef Name, SPIRV::BuiltIn::BuiltIn &BI);
std::string getExtInstSetName(SPIRV::InstructionSet::InstructionSet Set);
getExtInstSetFromString(std::string SetName);
std::string getExtInstName(SPIRV::InstructionSet::InstructionSet Set,
uint32_t InstructionNumber);
// Return a string representation of the operands from startIndex onwards.
// Templated to allow both MachineInstr and MCInst to use the same logic.
template <class InstType>
std::string getSPIRVStringOperand(const InstType &MI, unsigned StartIndex) {
std::string s; // Iteratively append to this string.
const unsigned NumOps = MI.getNumOperands();
bool IsFinished = false;
for (unsigned i = StartIndex; i < NumOps && !IsFinished; ++i) {
const auto &Op = MI.getOperand(i);
if (!Op.isImm()) // Stop if we hit a register operand.
assert((Op.getImm() >> 32) == 0 && "Imm operand should be i32 word");
const uint32_t Imm = Op.getImm(); // Each i32 word is up to 4 characters.
for (unsigned ShiftAmount = 0; ShiftAmount < 32; ShiftAmount += 8) {
char c = (Imm >> ShiftAmount) & 0xff;
if (c == 0) { // Stop if we hit a null-terminator character.
IsFinished = true;
s += c; // Otherwise, append the character to the result string.
return s;
} // namespace llvm