blob: f7852b0ca62e5362e60afc2ce5489454ea60da5d [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- JITLoaderPerf.cpp - Register profiler objects ------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Register objects for access by profilers via the perf JIT interface.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/TargetProcess/JITLoaderPerf.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/PerfSharedStructs.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Threading.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/mman.h> // mmap()
#include <time.h> // clock_gettime(), time(), localtime_r() */
#include <unistd.h> // for read(), close()
#define DEBUG_TYPE "orc"
// language identifier (XXX: should we generate something better from debug
// info?)
#define JIT_LANG "llvm-IR"
((uint32_t)'J' << 24 | (uint32_t)'i' << 16 | (uint32_t)'T' << 8 | \
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::orc;
struct PerfState {
// cache lookups
uint32_t Pid;
// base directory for output data
std::string JitPath;
// output data stream, closed via Dumpstream
int DumpFd = -1;
// output data stream
std::unique_ptr<raw_fd_ostream> Dumpstream;
// perf mmap marker
void *MarkerAddr = NULL;
// prevent concurrent dumps from messing up the output file
static std::mutex Mutex;
static std::optional<PerfState> State;
struct RecHeader {
uint32_t Id;
uint32_t TotalSize;
uint64_t Timestamp;
struct DIR {
RecHeader Prefix;
uint64_t CodeAddr;
uint64_t NrEntry;
struct DIE {
uint64_t CodeAddr;
uint32_t Line;
uint32_t Discrim;
struct CLR {
RecHeader Prefix;
uint32_t Pid;
uint32_t Tid;
uint64_t Vma;
uint64_t CodeAddr;
uint64_t CodeSize;
uint64_t CodeIndex;
struct UWR {
RecHeader Prefix;
uint64_t UnwindDataSize;
uint64_t EhFrameHeaderSize;
uint64_t MappedSize;
static inline uint64_t timespec_to_ns(const struct timespec *TS) {
const uint64_t NanoSecPerSec = 1000000000;
return ((uint64_t)TS->tv_sec * NanoSecPerSec) + TS->tv_nsec;
static inline uint64_t perf_get_timestamp() {
timespec TS;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &TS))
return 0;
return timespec_to_ns(&TS);
static void writeDebugRecord(const PerfJITDebugInfoRecord &DebugRecord) {
assert(State && "PerfState not initialized");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Writing debug record with "
<< DebugRecord.Entries.size() << " entries\n");
[[maybe_unused]] size_t Written = 0;
DIR Dir{RecHeader{static_cast<uint32_t>(DebugRecord.Prefix.Id),
DebugRecord.Prefix.TotalSize, perf_get_timestamp()},
DebugRecord.CodeAddr, DebugRecord.Entries.size()};
State->Dumpstream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Dir), sizeof(Dir));
Written += sizeof(Dir);
for (auto &Die : DebugRecord.Entries) {
DIE d{Die.Addr, Die.Lineno, Die.Discrim};
State->Dumpstream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&d), sizeof(d));
State->Dumpstream->write(, Die.Name.size() + 1);
Written += sizeof(d) + Die.Name.size() + 1;
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "wrote " << Written << " bytes of debug info\n");
static void writeCodeRecord(const PerfJITCodeLoadRecord &CodeRecord) {
assert(State && "PerfState not initialized");
uint32_t Tid = get_threadid();
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Writing code record with code size "
<< CodeRecord.CodeSize << " and code index "
<< CodeRecord.CodeIndex << "\n");
CLR Clr{RecHeader{static_cast<uint32_t>(CodeRecord.Prefix.Id),
CodeRecord.Prefix.TotalSize, perf_get_timestamp()},
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "wrote " << sizeof(Clr) << " bytes of CLR, "
<< CodeRecord.Name.size() + 1 << " bytes of name, "
<< CodeRecord.CodeSize << " bytes of code\n");
State->Dumpstream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Clr), sizeof(Clr));
State->Dumpstream->write(, CodeRecord.Name.size() + 1);
State->Dumpstream->write((const char *)CodeRecord.CodeAddr,
static void
writeUnwindRecord(const PerfJITCodeUnwindingInfoRecord &UnwindRecord) {
assert(State && "PerfState not initialized");
dbgs() << "Writing unwind record with unwind data size "
<< UnwindRecord.UnwindDataSize << " and EH frame header size "
<< UnwindRecord.EHFrameHdrSize << " and mapped size "
<< UnwindRecord.MappedSize << "\n";
UWR Uwr{RecHeader{static_cast<uint32_t>(UnwindRecord.Prefix.Id),
UnwindRecord.Prefix.TotalSize, perf_get_timestamp()},
UnwindRecord.UnwindDataSize, UnwindRecord.EHFrameHdrSize,
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "wrote " << sizeof(Uwr) << " bytes of UWR, "
<< UnwindRecord.EHFrameHdrSize
<< " bytes of EH frame header, "
<< UnwindRecord.UnwindDataSize - UnwindRecord.EHFrameHdrSize
<< " bytes of EH frame\n");
State->Dumpstream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Uwr), sizeof(Uwr));
if (UnwindRecord.EHFrameHdrAddr)
State->Dumpstream->write((const char *)UnwindRecord.EHFrameHdrAddr,
State->Dumpstream->write((const char *)UnwindRecord.EHFrameAddr,
UnwindRecord.UnwindDataSize -
static Error registerJITLoaderPerfImpl(const PerfJITRecordBatch &Batch) {
if (!State)
return make_error<StringError>("PerfState not initialized",
// Serialize the batch
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
if (Batch.UnwindingRecord.Prefix.TotalSize > 0)
for (const auto &DebugInfo : Batch.DebugInfoRecords)
for (const auto &CodeLoad : Batch.CodeLoadRecords)
return Error::success();
struct Header {
uint32_t Magic; // characters "JiTD"
uint32_t Version; // header version
uint32_t TotalSize; // total size of header
uint32_t ElfMach; // elf mach target
uint32_t Pad1; // reserved
uint32_t Pid;
uint64_t Timestamp; // timestamp
uint64_t Flags; // flags
static Error OpenMarker(PerfState &State) {
// We mmap the jitdump to create an MMAP RECORD in file. The mmap
// is captured either live (perf record running when we mmap) or in deferred
// mode, via /proc/PID/maps. The MMAP record is used as a marker of a jitdump
// file for more meta data info about the jitted code. Perf report/annotate
// detect this special filename and process the jitdump file.
// Mapping must be PROT_EXEC to ensure it is captured by perf record
// even when not using -d option.
State.MarkerAddr =
::mmap(NULL, sys::Process::getPageSizeEstimate(), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC,
MAP_PRIVATE, State.DumpFd, 0);
if (State.MarkerAddr == MAP_FAILED)
return make_error<llvm::StringError>("could not mmap JIT marker",
return Error::success();
void CloseMarker(PerfState &State) {
if (!State.MarkerAddr)
munmap(State.MarkerAddr, sys::Process::getPageSizeEstimate());
State.MarkerAddr = nullptr;
static Expected<Header> FillMachine(PerfState &State) {
Header Hdr;
Hdr.TotalSize = sizeof(Hdr);
Hdr.Pid = State.Pid;
Hdr.Timestamp = perf_get_timestamp();
char Id[16];
struct {
uint16_t e_type;
uint16_t e_machine;
} Info;
size_t RequiredMemory = sizeof(Id) + sizeof(Info);
ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> MB =
MemoryBuffer::getFileSlice("/proc/self/exe", RequiredMemory, 0);
// This'll not guarantee that enough data was actually read from the
// underlying file. Instead the trailing part of the buffer would be
// zeroed. Given the ELF signature check below that seems ok though,
// it's unlikely that the file ends just after that, and the
// consequence would just be that perf wouldn't recognize the
// signature.
if (!MB)
return make_error<llvm::StringError>("could not open /proc/self/exe",
memcpy(&Id, (*MB)->getBufferStart(), sizeof(Id));
memcpy(&Info, (*MB)->getBufferStart() + sizeof(Id), sizeof(Info));
// check ELF signature
if (Id[0] != 0x7f || Id[1] != 'E' || Id[2] != 'L' || Id[3] != 'F')
return make_error<llvm::StringError>("invalid ELF signature",
Hdr.ElfMach = Info.e_machine;
return Hdr;
static Error InitDebuggingDir(PerfState &State) {
time_t Time;
struct tm LocalTime;
char TimeBuffer[sizeof("YYYYMMDD")];
SmallString<64> Path;
// search for location to dump data to
if (const char *BaseDir = getenv("JITDUMPDIR"))
else if (!sys::path::home_directory(Path))
Path = ".";
// create debug directory
Path += "/.debug/jit/";
if (auto EC = sys::fs::create_directories(Path)) {
std::string ErrStr;
raw_string_ostream ErrStream(ErrStr);
ErrStream << "could not create jit cache directory " << Path << ": "
<< EC.message() << "\n";
return make_error<StringError>(std::move(ErrStr), inconvertibleErrorCode());
// create unique directory for dump data related to this process
localtime_r(&Time, &LocalTime);
strftime(TimeBuffer, sizeof(TimeBuffer), "%Y%m%d", &LocalTime);
Path += JIT_LANG "-jit-";
Path += TimeBuffer;
SmallString<128> UniqueDebugDir;
using sys::fs::createUniqueDirectory;
if (auto EC = createUniqueDirectory(Path, UniqueDebugDir)) {
std::string ErrStr;
raw_string_ostream ErrStream(ErrStr);
ErrStream << "could not create unique jit cache directory "
<< UniqueDebugDir << ": " << EC.message() << "\n";
return make_error<StringError>(std::move(ErrStr), inconvertibleErrorCode());
State.JitPath = std::string(UniqueDebugDir);
return Error::success();
static Error registerJITLoaderPerfStartImpl() {
PerfState Tentative;
Tentative.Pid = sys::Process::getProcessId();
// check if clock-source is supported
if (!perf_get_timestamp())
return make_error<StringError>("kernel does not support CLOCK_MONOTONIC",
if (auto Err = InitDebuggingDir(Tentative))
return Err;
std::string Filename;
raw_string_ostream FilenameBuf(Filename);
FilenameBuf << Tentative.JitPath << "/jit-" << Tentative.Pid << ".dump";
// Need to open ourselves, because we need to hand the FD to OpenMarker() and
// raw_fd_ostream doesn't expose the FD.
using sys::fs::openFileForWrite;
if (auto EC = openFileForReadWrite(FilenameBuf.str(), Tentative.DumpFd,
sys::fs::CD_CreateNew, sys::fs::OF_None)) {
std::string ErrStr;
raw_string_ostream ErrStream(ErrStr);
ErrStream << "could not open JIT dump file " << FilenameBuf.str() << ": "
<< EC.message() << "\n";
return make_error<StringError>(std::move(ErrStr), inconvertibleErrorCode());
Tentative.Dumpstream =
std::make_unique<raw_fd_ostream>(Tentative.DumpFd, true);
auto Header = FillMachine(Tentative);
if (!Header)
return Header.takeError();
// signal this process emits JIT information
if (auto Err = OpenMarker(Tentative))
return Err;
Tentative.Dumpstream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Header.get()),
// Everything initialized, can do profiling now.
if (Tentative.Dumpstream->has_error())
return make_error<StringError>("could not write JIT dump header",
State = std::move(Tentative);
return Error::success();
static Error registerJITLoaderPerfEndImpl() {
if (!State)
return make_error<StringError>("PerfState not initialized",
RecHeader Close;
Close.Id = static_cast<uint32_t>(PerfJITRecordType::JIT_CODE_CLOSE);
Close.TotalSize = sizeof(Close);
Close.Timestamp = perf_get_timestamp();
State->Dumpstream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Close),
if (State->MarkerAddr)
return Error::success();
extern "C" llvm::orc::shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderPerfImpl(const char *Data, uint64_t Size) {
using namespace orc::shared;
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSPerfJITRecordBatch)>::handle(
Data, Size, registerJITLoaderPerfImpl)
extern "C" llvm::orc::shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderPerfStart(const char *Data, uint64_t Size) {
using namespace orc::shared;
return WrapperFunction<SPSError()>::handle(Data, Size,
extern "C" llvm::orc::shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderPerfEnd(const char *Data, uint64_t Size) {
using namespace orc::shared;
return WrapperFunction<SPSError()>::handle(Data, Size,
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::orc;
static Error badOS() {
using namespace llvm;
return llvm::make_error<StringError>(
"unsupported OS (perf support is only available on linux!)",
static Error badOSBatch(PerfJITRecordBatch &Batch) { return badOS(); }
extern "C" llvm::orc::shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderPerfImpl(const char *Data, uint64_t Size) {
using namespace shared;
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSPerfJITRecordBatch)>::handle(Data, Size,
extern "C" llvm::orc::shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderPerfStart(const char *Data, uint64_t Size) {
using namespace shared;
return WrapperFunction<SPSError()>::handle(Data, Size, badOS).release();
extern "C" llvm::orc::shared::CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderPerfEnd(const char *Data, uint64_t Size) {
using namespace shared;
return WrapperFunction<SPSError()>::handle(Data, Size, badOS).release();