blob: 791175f7b46224ed7bb14fc92a860f0abb9f11c0 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { LLDBDapOptions } from "./types";
import { DisposableContext } from "./disposable-context";
import { LLDBDapDescriptorFactory } from "./debug-adapter-factory";
* This creates the configurations for this project if used as a standalone
* extension.
function createDefaultLLDBDapOptions(): LLDBDapOptions {
return {
debuggerType: "lldb-dap",
async createDapExecutableCommand(
session: vscode.DebugSession,
packageJSONExecutable: vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined,
): Promise<vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined> {
const path = vscode.workspace
.getConfiguration("lldb-dap", session.workspaceFolder)
if (path) {
return new vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable(path, []);
return packageJSONExecutable;
* This class represents the extension and manages its life cycle. Other extensions
* using it as as library should use this class as the main entry point.
export class LLDBDapExtension extends DisposableContext {
private lldbDapOptions: LLDBDapOptions;
constructor(lldbDapOptions: LLDBDapOptions) {
this.lldbDapOptions = lldbDapOptions;
new LLDBDapDescriptorFactory(this.lldbDapOptions),
* This is the entry point when initialized by VS Code.
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
new LLDBDapExtension(createDefaultLLDBDapOptions()),