blob: b6d9b865bb8b6f623d72a2cd1fae86bda54c8a35 [file] [log] [blame]
Test lldb-dap setBreakpoints request
import os
import dap_server
import lldbdap_testcase
from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
def make_buffer_verify_dict(start_idx, count, offset=0):
verify_dict = {}
for i in range(start_idx, start_idx + count):
verify_dict["[%i]" % (i)] = {"type": "int", "value": str(i + offset)}
return verify_dict
class TestDAP_variables(lldbdap_testcase.DAPTestCaseBase):
def verify_values(self, verify_dict, actual, varref_dict=None, expression=None):
if "equals" in verify_dict:
verify = verify_dict["equals"]
for key in verify:
verify_value = verify[key]
actual_value = actual[key]
'"%s" keys don\'t match (%s != %s) from:\n%s'
% (key, actual_value, verify_value, actual),
if "startswith" in verify_dict:
verify = verify_dict["startswith"]
for key in verify:
verify_value = verify[key]
actual_value = actual[key]
startswith = actual_value.startswith(verify_value)
('"%s" value "%s" doesn\'t start with "%s")')
% (key, actual_value, verify_value),
if "matches" in verify_dict:
verify = verify_dict["matches"]
for key in verify:
verify_value = verify[key]
actual_value = actual[key]
('"%s" value "%s" doesn\'t match pattern "%s")')
% (key, actual_value, verify_value),
if "contains" in verify_dict:
verify = verify_dict["contains"]
for key in verify:
contains_array = verify[key]
actual_value = actual[key]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(contains_array, list))
for verify_value in contains_array:
self.assertIn(verify_value, actual_value)
if "missing" in verify_dict:
missing = verify_dict["missing"]
for key in missing:
key not in actual, 'key "%s" is not expected in %s' % (key, actual)
hasVariablesReference = "variablesReference" in actual
varRef = None
if hasVariablesReference:
# Remember variable references in case we want to test further
# by using the evaluate name.
varRef = actual["variablesReference"]
if varRef != 0 and varref_dict is not None:
if expression is None:
evaluateName = actual["evaluateName"]
evaluateName = expression
varref_dict[evaluateName] = varRef
if (
"hasVariablesReference" in verify_dict
and verify_dict["hasVariablesReference"]
self.assertTrue(hasVariablesReference, "verify variable reference")
if "children" in verify_dict:
hasVariablesReference and varRef is not None and varRef != 0,
("children verify values specified for " "variable without children"),
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef)
verify_dict["children"], response["body"]["variables"], varref_dict
def verify_variables(self, verify_dict, variables, varref_dict=None):
for variable in variables:
name = variable["name"]
if not name.startswith("std::"):
name, verify_dict, 'variable "%s" in verify dictionary' % (name)
self.verify_values(verify_dict[name], variable, varref_dict)
def darwin_dwarf_missing_obj(self, initCommands):"dwarf")
program = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
main_obj = self.getBuildArtifact("main.o")
# Delete the main.o file that contains the debug info so we force an
# error when we run to main and try to get variables
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(program), "executable must exist")
self.launch(program=program, initCommands=initCommands)
functions = ["main"]
breakpoint_ids = self.set_function_breakpoints(functions)
self.assertEquals(len(breakpoint_ids), len(functions), "expect one breakpoint")
locals = self.dap_server.get_local_variables()
verify_locals = {
"<error>": {
"equals": {"type": "const char *"},
"contains": {
"value": [
"debug map object file ",
'main.o" containing debug info does not exist, debug info will not be loaded',
varref_dict = {}
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals, varref_dict)
def do_test_scopes_variables_setVariable_evaluate(
self, enableAutoVariableSummaries: bool
Tests the "scopes", "variables", "setVariable", and "evaluate"
program = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
program, enableAutoVariableSummaries=enableAutoVariableSummaries
source = "main.cpp"
breakpoint1_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 1")
lines = [breakpoint1_line]
# Set breakpoint in the thread function so we can step the threads
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
locals = self.dap_server.get_local_variables()
globals = self.dap_server.get_global_variables()
buffer_children = make_buffer_verify_dict(0, 16)
verify_locals = {
"argc": {
"equals": {
"type": "int",
"value": "1",
"$__lldb_extensions": {
"equals": {
"value": "1",
"declaration": {
"equals": {"line": 12, "column": 14},
"contains": {"path": ["lldb-dap", "variables", "main.cpp"]},
"argv": {
"equals": {"type": "const char **"},
"startswith": {"value": "0x"},
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"pt": {
"equals": {
"type": "PointType",
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"children": {
"x": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "11"}},
"y": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "22"}},
"buffer": {"children": buffer_children},
"x": {"equals": {"type": "int"}},
if enableAutoVariableSummaries:
verify_locals["pt"]["$__lldb_extensions"] = {
"equals": {"autoSummary": "{x:11, y:22}"}
verify_globals = {
"s_local": {"equals": {"type": "float", "value": "2.25"}},
"::g_global": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "123"}},
"s_global": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "234"}},
varref_dict = {}
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals, varref_dict)
self.verify_variables(verify_globals, globals, varref_dict)
# pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint(varref_dict)
# We need to test the functionality of the "variables" request as it
# has optional parameters like "start" and "count" to limit the number
# of variables that are fetched
varRef = varref_dict["pt.buffer"]
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef)
self.verify_variables(buffer_children, response["body"]["variables"])
# Verify setting start=0 in the arguments still gets all children
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, start=0)
self.verify_variables(buffer_children, response["body"]["variables"])
# Verify setting count=0 in the arguments still gets all children.
# If count is zero, it means to get all children.
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, count=0)
self.verify_variables(buffer_children, response["body"]["variables"])
# Verify setting count to a value that is too large in the arguments
# still gets all children, and no more
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, count=1000)
self.verify_variables(buffer_children, response["body"]["variables"])
# Verify setting the start index and count gets only the children we
# want
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, start=5, count=5)
make_buffer_verify_dict(5, 5), response["body"]["variables"]
# Verify setting the start index to a value that is out of range
# results in an empty list
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, start=32, count=1)
"verify we get no variable back for invalid start",
# Test evaluate
expressions = {
"pt.x": {
"equals": {"result": "11", "type": "int"},
"hasVariablesReference": False,
"pt.buffer[2]": {
"equals": {"result": "2", "type": "int"},
"hasVariablesReference": False,
"pt": {
"equals": {"type": "PointType"},
"startswith": {
"result": "{x:11, y:22, buffer:{...}}"
if enableAutoVariableSummaries
else "PointType @ 0x"
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"pt.buffer": {
"equals": {"type": "int[16]"},
"startswith": {
"result": "{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...}"
if enableAutoVariableSummaries
else "int[16] @ 0x"
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"argv": {
"equals": {"type": "const char **"},
"startswith": {"result": "0x"},
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"argv[0]": {
"equals": {"type": "const char *"},
"startswith": {"result": "0x"},
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"2+3": {
"equals": {"result": "5", "type": "int"},
"hasVariablesReference": False,
for expression in expressions:
response = self.dap_server.request_evaluate(expression)
self.verify_values(expressions[expression], response["body"])
# Test setting variables
self.set_local("argc", 123)
argc = self.get_local_as_int("argc")
self.assertEqual(argc, 123, "verify argc was set to 123 (123 != %i)" % (argc))
self.set_local("argv", 0x1234)
argv = self.get_local_as_int("argv")
argv, 0x1234, "verify argv was set to 0x1234 (0x1234 != %#x)" % (argv)
# Set a variable value whose name is synthetic, like a variable index
# and verify the value by reading it
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(varRef, "[0]", 100)
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, start=0, count=1)
make_buffer_verify_dict(0, 1, 100), response["body"]["variables"]
# Set a variable value whose name is a real child value, like "pt.x"
# and verify the value by reading it
varRef = varref_dict["pt"]
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(varRef, "x", 111)
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef, start=0, count=1)
value = response["body"]["variables"][0]["value"]
value, "111", "verify pt.x got set to 111 (111 != %s)" % (value)
# We check shadowed variables and that a new get_local_variables request
# gets the right data
breakpoint2_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 2")
lines = [breakpoint2_line]
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
verify_locals["argc"]["equals"]["value"] = "123"
verify_locals["pt"]["children"]["x"]["equals"]["value"] = "111"
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:17"] = {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "89"}}
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:19"] = {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "42"}}
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:21"] = {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "72"}}
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, self.dap_server.get_local_variables())
# Now we verify that we correctly change the name of a variable with and without differentiator suffix
self.assertFalse(self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x2", 9)["success"])
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:0", 9)["success"]
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:17", 17)["success"]
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:19", 19)["success"]
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:21", 21)["success"]
# The following should have no effect
self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:21", "invalid")[
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:17"]["equals"]["value"] = "17"
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:19"]["equals"]["value"] = "19"
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:21"]["equals"]["value"] = "21"
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, self.dap_server.get_local_variables())
# The plain x variable shold refer to the innermost x
self.assertTrue(self.dap_server.request_setVariable(1, "x", 22)["success"])
verify_locals["x @ main.cpp:21"]["equals"]["value"] = "22"
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, self.dap_server.get_local_variables())
# In breakpoint 3, there should be no shadowed variables
breakpoint3_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 3")
lines = [breakpoint3_line]
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
locals = self.dap_server.get_local_variables()
names = [var["name"] for var in locals]
# The first shadowed x shouldn't have a suffix anymore
verify_locals["x"] = {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "17"}}
self.assertNotIn("x @ main.cpp:17", names)
self.assertNotIn("x @ main.cpp:19", names)
self.assertNotIn("x @ main.cpp:21", names)
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals)
def test_scopes_variables_setVariable_evaluate(self):
def test_scopes_variables_setVariable_evaluate_with_descriptive_summaries(self):
def do_test_scopes_and_evaluate_expansion(self, enableAutoVariableSummaries: bool):
Tests the evaluated expression expands successfully after "scopes" packets
and permanent expressions persist.
program = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
program, enableAutoVariableSummaries=enableAutoVariableSummaries
source = "main.cpp"
breakpoint1_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 1")
lines = [breakpoint1_line]
# Set breakpoint in the thread function so we can step the threads
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
# Verify locals
locals = self.dap_server.get_local_variables()
buffer_children = make_buffer_verify_dict(0, 32)
verify_locals = {
"argc": {
"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "1"},
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"argv": {
"equals": {"type": "const char **"},
"startswith": {"value": "0x"},
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"pt": {
"equals": {"type": "PointType"},
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"children": {
"x": {
"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "11"},
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"y": {
"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "22"},
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"buffer": {
"children": buffer_children,
"equals": {"indexedVariables": 16},
"x": {
"equals": {"type": "int"},
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals)
# Evaluate expandable expression twice: once permanent (from repl)
# the other temporary (from other UI).
expandable_expression = {
"name": "pt",
"context": {
"repl": {
"equals": {"type": "PointType"},
"equals": {
"result": """(PointType) $0 = {
x = 11
y = 22
buffer = {
[0] = 0
[1] = 1
[2] = 2
[3] = 3
[4] = 4
[5] = 5
[6] = 6
[7] = 7
[8] = 8
[9] = 9
[10] = 10
[11] = 11
[12] = 12
[13] = 13
[14] = 14
[15] = 15
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"hover": {
"equals": {"type": "PointType"},
"equals": {
"result": """(PointType) pt = {
x = 11
y = 22
buffer = {
[0] = 0
[1] = 1
[2] = 2
[3] = 3
[4] = 4
[5] = 5
[6] = 6
[7] = 7
[8] = 8
[9] = 9
[10] = 10
[11] = 11
[12] = 12
[13] = 13
[14] = 14
[15] = 15
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"watch": {
"equals": {"type": "PointType"},
"startswith": {
"result": "{x:11, y:22, buffer:{...}}"
if enableAutoVariableSummaries
else "PointType @ 0x"
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"variables": {
"equals": {"type": "PointType"},
"startswith": {
"result": "{x:11, y:22, buffer:{...}}"
if enableAutoVariableSummaries
else "PointType @ 0x"
"missing": ["indexedVariables"],
"hasVariablesReference": True,
"children": {
"x": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "11"}},
"y": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "22"}},
"buffer": {"children": buffer_children},
# Evaluate from known contexts.
expr_varref_dict = {}
for context, verify_dict in expandable_expression["context"].items():
response = self.dap_server.request_evaluate(
# Evaluate locals again.
locals = self.dap_server.get_local_variables()
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals)
# Verify the evaluated expressions before second locals evaluation
# can be expanded.
var_ref = expr_varref_dict[expandable_expression["name"]]
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(var_ref)
expandable_expression["children"], response["body"]["variables"]
# Continue to breakpoint 3, permanent variable should still exist
# after resume.
breakpoint3_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 3")
lines = [breakpoint3_line]
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
var_ref = expr_varref_dict[expandable_expression["name"]]
response = self.dap_server.request_variables(var_ref)
expandable_expression["children"], response["body"]["variables"]
# Test that frame scopes have corresponding presentation hints.
frame_id = self.dap_server.get_stackFrame()["id"]
scopes = self.dap_server.request_scopes(frame_id)["body"]["scopes"]
scope_names = [scope["name"] for scope in scopes]
self.assertIn("Locals", scope_names)
self.assertIn("Registers", scope_names)
for scope in scopes:
if scope["name"] == "Locals":
self.assertEquals(scope.get("presentationHint"), "locals")
if scope["name"] == "Registers":
self.assertEquals(scope.get("presentationHint"), "registers")
def test_scopes_and_evaluate_expansion(self):
def test_scopes_and_evaluate_expansion_with_descriptive_summaries(self):
def do_test_indexedVariables(self, enableSyntheticChildDebugging: bool):
Tests that arrays and lldb.SBValue objects that have synthetic child
providers have "indexedVariables" key/value pairs. This helps the IDE
not to fetch too many children all at once.
program = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
program, enableSyntheticChildDebugging=enableSyntheticChildDebugging
source = "main.cpp"
breakpoint1_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 4")
lines = [breakpoint1_line]
# Set breakpoint in the thread function so we can step the threads
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
# Verify locals
locals = self.dap_server.get_local_variables()
# The vector variables might have one additional entry from the fake
# "[raw]" child.
raw_child_count = 1 if enableSyntheticChildDebugging else 0
verify_locals = {
"small_array": {"equals": {"indexedVariables": 5}},
"large_array": {"equals": {"indexedVariables": 200}},
"small_vector": {"equals": {"indexedVariables": 5 + raw_child_count}},
"large_vector": {"equals": {"indexedVariables": 200 + raw_child_count}},
"pt": {"missing": ["indexedVariables"]},
self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals)
# We also verify that we produce a "[raw]" fake child with the real
# SBValue for the synthetic type.
verify_children = {
"[0]": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "0"}},
"[1]": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "0"}},
"[2]": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "0"}},
"[3]": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "0"}},
"[4]": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "0"}},
if enableSyntheticChildDebugging:
verify_children["[raw]"] = ({"contains": {"type": ["vector"]}},)
children = self.dap_server.request_variables(locals[2]["variablesReference"])[
self.verify_variables(verify_children, children)
def test_indexedVariables(self):
def test_indexedVariables_with_raw_child_for_synthetics(self):
def test_registers(self):
Test that registers whose byte size is the size of a pointer on
the current system get formatted as lldb::eFormatAddressInfo. This
will show the pointer value followed by a description of the address
itself. To test this we attempt to find the PC value in the general
purpose registers, and since we will be stopped in main.cpp, verify
that the value for the PC starts with a pointer and is followed by
a description that contains main.cpp.
program = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
source = "main.cpp"
breakpoint1_line = line_number(source, "// breakpoint 1")
lines = [breakpoint1_line]
# Set breakpoint in the thread function so we can step the threads
breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines), "expect correct number of breakpoints"
pc_name = None
arch = self.getArchitecture()
if arch == "x86_64":
pc_name = "rip"
elif arch == "x86":
pc_name = "rip"
elif arch.startswith("arm"):
pc_name = "pc"
if pc_name is None:
# Verify locals
reg_sets = self.dap_server.get_registers()
for reg_set in reg_sets:
if reg_set["name"] == "General Purpose Registers":
varRef = reg_set["variablesReference"]
regs = self.dap_server.request_variables(varRef)["body"]["variables"]
for reg in regs:
if reg["name"] == pc_name:
value = reg["value"]
self.assertTrue("a.out`main + " in value)
self.assertTrue("at main.cpp:" in value)
def test_darwin_dwarf_missing_obj(self):
Test that if we build a binary with DWARF in .o files and we remove
the .o file for main.cpp, that we get a variable named "<error>"
whose value matches the appriopriate error. Errors when getting
variables are returned in the LLDB API when the user should be
notified of issues that can easily be solved by rebuilding or
changing compiler options and are designed to give better feedback
to the user.
def test_darwin_dwarf_missing_obj_with_symbol_ondemand_enabled(self):
Test that if we build a binary with DWARF in .o files and we remove
the .o file for main.cpp, that we get a variable named "<error>"
whose value matches the appriopriate error. Test with symbol_ondemand_enabled.
initCommands = ["settings set symbols.load-on-demand true"]