blob: 8d4af203bb2871cbb7f9ac4f7ee475c8fce6dadf [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DWARFASTParserClang.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "DWARFASTParser.h"
#include "DWARFDIE.h"
#include "DWARFDefines.h"
#include "DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "LogChannelDWARF.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
#include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangASTImporter.h"
#include "Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h"
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
namespace lldb_private {
class CompileUnit;
namespace lldb_private::plugin {
namespace dwarf {
class DWARFDebugInfoEntry;
class SymbolFileDWARF;
} // namespace dwarf
} // namespace lldb_private::plugin
struct ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes;
class DWARFASTParserClang : public lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFASTParser {
DWARFASTParserClang(lldb_private::TypeSystemClang &ast);
~DWARFASTParserClang() override;
// DWARFASTParser interface.
ParseTypeFromDWARF(const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
bool *type_is_new_ptr) override;
lldb_private::ConstString ConstructDemangledNameFromDWARF(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die) override;
lldb_private::Function *
ParseFunctionFromDWARF(lldb_private::CompileUnit &comp_unit,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const lldb_private::AddressRange &func_range) override;
CompleteTypeFromDWARF(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
lldb_private::Type *type,
lldb_private::CompilerType &compiler_type) override;
lldb_private::CompilerDecl GetDeclForUIDFromDWARF(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die) override;
void EnsureAllDIEsInDeclContextHaveBeenParsed(
lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext decl_context) override;
lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext GetDeclContextForUIDFromDWARF(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die) override;
lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext GetDeclContextContainingUIDFromDWARF(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die) override;
lldb_private::ClangASTImporter &GetClangASTImporter();
/// Extracts an value for a given Clang integer type from a DWARFFormValue.
/// \param int_type The Clang type that defines the bit size and signedness
/// of the integer that should be extracted. Has to be either
/// an integer type or an enum type. For enum types the
/// underlying integer type will be considered as the
/// expected integer type that should be extracted.
/// \param form_value The DWARFFormValue that contains the integer value.
/// \return An APInt containing the same integer value as the given
/// DWARFFormValue with the bit width of the given integer type.
/// Returns an error if the value in the DWARFFormValue does not fit
/// into the given integer type or the integer type isn't supported.
llvm::Expected<llvm::APInt> ExtractIntFromFormValue(
const lldb_private::CompilerType &int_type,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue &form_value) const;
/// Returns the template parameters of a class DWARFDIE as a string.
/// This is mostly useful for -gsimple-template-names which omits template
/// parameters from the DIE name and instead always adds template parameter
/// children DIEs.
/// \param die The struct/class DWARFDIE containing template parameters.
/// \return A string, including surrounding '<>', of the template parameters.
/// If the DIE's name already has '<>', returns an empty ConstString because
/// it's assumed that the caller is using the DIE name anyway.
lldb_private::ConstString GetDIEClassTemplateParams(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die) override;
/// Protected typedefs and members.
/// @{
class DelayedAddObjCClassProperty;
typedef std::vector<DelayedAddObjCClassProperty> DelayedPropertyList;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugInfoEntry *,
clang::DeclContext *>
typedef std::multimap<const clang::DeclContext *,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE>
typedef llvm::DenseMap<
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugInfoEntry *,
typedef llvm::DenseMap<
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDebugInfoEntry *, clang::Decl *>
lldb_private::TypeSystemClang &m_ast;
DIEToDeclMap m_die_to_decl;
DIEToDeclContextMap m_die_to_decl_ctx;
DeclContextToDIEMap m_decl_ctx_to_die;
DIEToModuleMap m_die_to_module;
std::unique_ptr<lldb_private::ClangASTImporter> m_clang_ast_importer_up;
/// @}
clang::DeclContext *
GetDeclContextForBlock(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
clang::BlockDecl *
ResolveBlockDIE(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
clang::NamespaceDecl *
ResolveNamespaceDIE(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
/// Returns the namespace decl that a DW_TAG_imported_declaration imports.
/// \param[in] die The import declaration to resolve. If the DIE is not a
/// DW_TAG_imported_declaration the behaviour is undefined.
/// \returns The decl corresponding to the namespace that the specified
/// 'die' imports. If the imported entity is not a namespace
/// or another import declaration, returns nullptr. If an error
/// occurs, returns nullptr.
clang::NamespaceDecl *ResolveImportedDeclarationDIE(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
bool ParseTemplateDIE(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
bool ParseTemplateParameterInfos(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
GetCPlusPlusQualifiedName(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
bool ParseChildMembers(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
lldb_private::CompilerType &class_compiler_type,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<clang::CXXBaseSpecifier>> &base_classes,
std::vector<lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE> &member_function_dies,
std::vector<lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE> &contained_type_dies,
DelayedPropertyList &delayed_properties,
const lldb::AccessType default_accessibility,
lldb_private::ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo &layout_info);
ParseChildParameters(clang::DeclContext *containing_decl_ctx,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
bool skip_artificial, bool &is_static, bool &is_variadic,
bool &has_template_params,
std::vector<lldb_private::CompilerType> &function_args,
std::vector<clang::ParmVarDecl *> &function_param_decls,
unsigned &type_quals);
size_t ParseChildEnumerators(
lldb_private::CompilerType &compiler_type, bool is_signed,
uint32_t enumerator_byte_size,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die);
/// Parse a structure, class, or union type DIE.
ParseStructureLikeDIE(const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes &attrs);
clang::Decl *
GetClangDeclForDIE(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
clang::DeclContext *
GetClangDeclContextForDIE(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
clang::DeclContext *GetClangDeclContextContainingDIE(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE *decl_ctx_die);
GetOwningClangModule(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
bool CopyUniqueClassMethodTypes(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &src_class_die,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &dst_class_die,
lldb_private::Type *class_type,
std::vector<lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE> &failures);
clang::DeclContext *GetCachedClangDeclContextForDIE(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
void LinkDeclContextToDIE(clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
void LinkDeclToDIE(clang::Decl *decl,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
/// If \p type_sp is valid, calculate and set its symbol context scope, and
/// update the type list for its backing symbol file.
/// Returns \p type_sp.
lldb::TypeSP UpdateSymbolContextScopeForType(
const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die, lldb::TypeSP type_sp);
/// Follow Clang Module Skeleton CU references to find a type definition.
ParseTypeFromClangModule(const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
lldb_private::Log *log);
// Return true if this type is a declaration to a type in an external
// module.
GetModuleForType(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
static bool classof(const DWARFASTParser *Parser) {
return Parser->GetKind() == Kind::DWARFASTParserClang;
struct FieldInfo {
uint64_t bit_size = 0;
uint64_t bit_offset = 0;
bool is_bitfield = false;
bool is_artificial = false;
FieldInfo() = default;
void SetIsBitfield(bool flag) { is_bitfield = flag; }
bool IsBitfield() { return is_bitfield; }
void SetIsArtificial(bool flag) { is_artificial = flag; }
bool IsArtificial() const { return is_artificial; }
bool NextBitfieldOffsetIsValid(const uint64_t next_bit_offset) const {
// Any subsequent bitfields must not overlap and must be at a higher
// bit offset than any previous bitfield + size.
return (bit_size + bit_offset) <= next_bit_offset;
/// Parsed form of all attributes that are relevant for parsing type members.
struct MemberAttributes {
explicit MemberAttributes(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
lldb::ModuleSP module_sp);
const char *name = nullptr;
/// Indicates how many bits into the word (according to the host endianness)
/// the low-order bit of the field starts. Can be negative.
int64_t bit_offset = 0;
/// Indicates the size of the field in bits.
size_t bit_size = 0;
uint64_t data_bit_offset = UINT64_MAX;
lldb::AccessType accessibility = lldb::eAccessNone;
std::optional<uint64_t> byte_size;
std::optional<lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue> const_value_form;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue encoding_form;
/// Indicates the byte offset of the word from the base address of the
/// structure.
uint32_t member_byte_offset = UINT32_MAX;
bool is_artificial = false;
bool is_declaration = false;
/// Returns 'true' if we should create an unnamed bitfield
/// and add it to the parser's current AST.
/// \param[in] last_field_info FieldInfo of the previous DW_TAG_member
/// we parsed.
/// \param[in] last_field_end Offset (in bits) where the last parsed field
/// ended.
/// \param[in] this_field_info FieldInfo of the current DW_TAG_member
/// being parsed.
/// \param[in] layout_info Layout information of all decls parsed by the
/// current parser.
bool ShouldCreateUnnamedBitfield(
FieldInfo const &last_field_info, uint64_t last_field_end,
FieldInfo const &this_field_info,
lldb_private::ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo const &layout_info) const;
/// Parses a DW_TAG_APPLE_property DIE and appends the parsed data to the
/// list of delayed Objective-C properties.
/// Note: The delayed property needs to be finalized to actually create the
/// property declarations in the module AST.
/// \param die The DW_TAG_APPLE_property DIE that will be parsed.
/// \param parent_die The parent DIE.
/// \param class_clang_type The Objective-C class that will contain the
/// created property.
/// \param delayed_properties The list of delayed properties that the result
/// will be appended to.
ParseObjCProperty(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
const lldb_private::CompilerType &class_clang_type,
DelayedPropertyList &delayed_properties);
ParseSingleMember(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
const lldb_private::CompilerType &class_clang_type,
lldb::AccessType default_accessibility,
lldb_private::ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo &layout_info,
FieldInfo &last_field_info);
/// If the specified 'die' represents a static data member, creates
/// a 'clang::VarDecl' for it and attaches it to specified parent
/// 'class_clang_type'.
/// \param[in] die The member declaration we want to create a
/// clang::VarDecl for.
/// \param[in] attrs The parsed attributes for the specified 'die'.
/// \param[in] class_clang_type The parent RecordType of the static
/// member this function will create.
void CreateStaticMemberVariable(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const MemberAttributes &attrs,
const lldb_private::CompilerType &class_clang_type);
bool CompleteRecordType(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
lldb_private::Type *type,
lldb_private::CompilerType &clang_type);
bool CompleteEnumType(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
lldb_private::Type *type,
lldb_private::CompilerType &clang_type);
ParseTypeModifier(const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes &attrs);
lldb::TypeSP ParseEnum(const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes &attrs);
lldb::TypeSP ParseSubroutine(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes &attrs);
lldb::TypeSP ParseArrayType(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes &attrs);
ParsePointerToMemberType(const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes &attrs);
/// Parses a DW_TAG_inheritance DIE into a base/super class.
/// \param die The DW_TAG_inheritance DIE to parse.
/// \param parent_die The parent DIE of the given DIE.
/// \param class_clang_type The C++/Objective-C class representing parent_die.
/// For an Objective-C class this method sets the super class on success. For
/// a C++ class this will *not* add the result as a base class.
/// \param default_accessibility The default accessibility that is given to
/// base classes if they don't have an explicit accessibility set.
/// \param module_sp The current Module.
/// \param base_classes The list of C++ base classes that will be appended
/// with the parsed base class on success.
/// \param layout_info The layout information that will be updated for C++
/// base classes with the base offset.
void ParseInheritance(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
const lldb_private::CompilerType class_clang_type,
const lldb::AccessType default_accessibility,
const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<clang::CXXBaseSpecifier>> &base_classes,
lldb_private::ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo &layout_info);
/// Parses DW_TAG_variant_part DIE into a structure that encodes all variants
/// Note that this is currently being emitted by rustc and not Clang
/// \param die DW_TAG_variant_part DIE to parse
/// \param parent_die The parent DW_TAG_structure_type to parse
/// \param class_clang_type The Rust struct representing parent_die.
/// \param default_accesibility The default accessibility that is given to
/// base classes if they don't have an explicit accessibility set
/// \param layout_info The layout information that will be updated for
// base classes with the base offset
ParseRustVariantPart(lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die,
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &parent_die,
lldb_private::CompilerType &class_clang_type,
const lldb::AccessType default_accesibility,
lldb_private::ClangASTImporter::LayoutInfo &layout_info);
/// Parsed form of all attributes that are relevant for type reconstruction.
/// Some attributes are relevant for all kinds of types (declaration), while
/// others are only meaningful to a specific type (is_virtual)
struct ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes {
explicit ParsedDWARFTypeAttributes(
const lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE &die);
lldb::AccessType accessibility = lldb::eAccessNone;
bool is_artificial = false;
bool is_complete_objc_class = false;
bool is_explicit = false;
bool is_forward_declaration = false;
bool is_inline = false;
bool is_scoped_enum = false;
bool is_vector = false;
bool is_virtual = false;
bool is_objc_direct_call = false;
bool exports_symbols = false;
clang::StorageClass storage = clang::SC_None;
const char *mangled_name = nullptr;
lldb_private::ConstString name;
lldb_private::Declaration decl;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFDIE object_pointer;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue abstract_origin;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue containing_type;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue signature;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue specification;
lldb_private::plugin::dwarf::DWARFFormValue type;
lldb::LanguageType class_language = lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown;
std::optional<uint64_t> byte_size;
std::optional<uint64_t> alignment;
size_t calling_convention = llvm::dwarf::DW_CC_normal;
uint32_t bit_stride = 0;
uint32_t byte_stride = 0;
uint32_t encoding = 0;
clang::RefQualifierKind ref_qual =
clang::RQ_None; ///< Indicates ref-qualifier of
///< C++ member function if present.
///< Is RQ_None otherwise.