blob: 7d8aae5d8ff689b96a392418472da10e385a2d95 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ThreadedCommunication.cpp -----------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Core/ThreadedCommunication.h"
#include "lldb/Host/ThreadLauncher.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Connection.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Event.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Listener.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
ConstString &ThreadedCommunication::GetStaticBroadcasterClass() {
static ConstString class_name("lldb.communication");
return class_name;
ThreadedCommunication::ThreadedCommunication(const char *name)
: Communication(), Broadcaster(nullptr, name), m_read_thread_enabled(false),
m_read_thread_did_exit(false), m_bytes(), m_bytes_mutex(),
m_synchronize_mutex(), m_callback(nullptr), m_callback_baton(nullptr) {
LLDB_LOG(GetLog(LLDBLog::Object | LLDBLog::Communication),
"{0} ThreadedCommunication::ThreadedCommunication (name = {1})",
this, name);
SetEventName(eBroadcastBitDisconnected, "disconnected");
SetEventName(eBroadcastBitReadThreadGotBytes, "got bytes");
SetEventName(eBroadcastBitReadThreadDidExit, "read thread did exit");
SetEventName(eBroadcastBitReadThreadShouldExit, "read thread should exit");
SetEventName(eBroadcastBitPacketAvailable, "packet available");
SetEventName(eBroadcastBitNoMorePendingInput, "no more pending input");
ThreadedCommunication::~ThreadedCommunication() {
LLDB_LOG(GetLog(LLDBLog::Object | LLDBLog::Communication),
"{0} ThreadedCommunication::~ThreadedCommunication (name = {1})",
this, GetBroadcasterName());
void ThreadedCommunication::Clear() {
SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(nullptr, nullptr);
ConnectionStatus ThreadedCommunication::Disconnect(Status *error_ptr) {
assert((!m_read_thread_enabled || m_read_thread_did_exit) &&
"Disconnecting while the read thread is running is racy!");
return Communication::Disconnect(error_ptr);
size_t ThreadedCommunication::Read(void *dst, size_t dst_len,
const Timeout<std::micro> &timeout,
ConnectionStatus &status,
Status *error_ptr) {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Communication);
"this = {0}, dst = {1}, dst_len = {2}, timeout = {3}, connection = {4}",
this, dst, dst_len, timeout, m_connection_sp.get());
if (m_read_thread_enabled) {
// We have a dedicated read thread that is getting data for us
size_t cached_bytes = GetCachedBytes(dst, dst_len);
if (cached_bytes > 0) {
status = eConnectionStatusSuccess;
return cached_bytes;
if (timeout && timeout->count() == 0) {
if (error_ptr)
error_ptr->SetErrorString("Timed out.");
status = eConnectionStatusTimedOut;
return 0;
if (!m_connection_sp) {
if (error_ptr)
error_ptr->SetErrorString("Invalid connection.");
status = eConnectionStatusNoConnection;
return 0;
// No data yet, we have to start listening.
ListenerSP listener_sp(
this, eBroadcastBitReadThreadGotBytes | eBroadcastBitReadThreadDidExit);
// Re-check for data, as it might have arrived while we were setting up our
// listener.
cached_bytes = GetCachedBytes(dst, dst_len);
if (cached_bytes > 0) {
status = eConnectionStatusSuccess;
return cached_bytes;
EventSP event_sp;
// Explicitly check for the thread exit, for the same reason.
if (m_read_thread_did_exit) {
// We've missed the event, lets just conjure one up.
event_sp = std::make_shared<Event>(eBroadcastBitReadThreadDidExit);
} else {
if (!listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, timeout)) {
if (error_ptr)
error_ptr->SetErrorString("Timed out.");
status = eConnectionStatusTimedOut;
return 0;
const uint32_t event_type = event_sp->GetType();
if (event_type & eBroadcastBitReadThreadGotBytes) {
return GetCachedBytes(dst, dst_len);
if (event_type & eBroadcastBitReadThreadDidExit) {
// If the thread exited of its own accord, it either means it
// hit an end-of-file condition or an error.
status = m_pass_status;
if (error_ptr)
*error_ptr = std::move(m_pass_error);
if (GetCloseOnEOF())
return 0;
llvm_unreachable("Got unexpected event type!");
// We aren't using a read thread, just read the data synchronously in this
// thread.
return Communication::Read(dst, dst_len, timeout, status, error_ptr);
bool ThreadedCommunication::StartReadThread(Status *error_ptr) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_read_thread_mutex);
if (error_ptr)
if (m_read_thread.IsJoinable())
return true;
"{0} ThreadedCommunication::StartReadThread ()", this);
const std::string thread_name =
llvm::formatv("<lldb.comm.{0}>", GetBroadcasterName());
m_read_thread_enabled = true;
m_read_thread_did_exit = false;
auto maybe_thread = ThreadLauncher::LaunchThread(
thread_name, [this] { return ReadThread(); });
if (maybe_thread) {
m_read_thread = *maybe_thread;
} else {
if (error_ptr)
*error_ptr = Status(maybe_thread.takeError());
else {
LLDB_LOG_ERROR(GetLog(LLDBLog::Host), maybe_thread.takeError(),
"failed to launch host thread: {0}");
if (!m_read_thread.IsJoinable())
m_read_thread_enabled = false;
return m_read_thread_enabled;
bool ThreadedCommunication::StopReadThread(Status *error_ptr) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_read_thread_mutex);
if (!m_read_thread.IsJoinable())
return true;
"{0} ThreadedCommunication::StopReadThread ()", this);
m_read_thread_enabled = false;
BroadcastEvent(eBroadcastBitReadThreadShouldExit, nullptr);
Status error = m_read_thread.Join(nullptr);
return error.Success();
bool ThreadedCommunication::JoinReadThread(Status *error_ptr) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_read_thread_mutex);
if (!m_read_thread.IsJoinable())
return true;
Status error = m_read_thread.Join(nullptr);
return error.Success();
size_t ThreadedCommunication::GetCachedBytes(void *dst, size_t dst_len) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_bytes_mutex);
if (!m_bytes.empty()) {
// If DST is nullptr and we have a thread, then return the number of bytes
// that are available so the caller can call again
if (dst == nullptr)
return m_bytes.size();
const size_t len = std::min<size_t>(dst_len, m_bytes.size());
::memcpy(dst, m_bytes.c_str(), len);
m_bytes.erase(m_bytes.begin(), m_bytes.begin() + len);
return len;
return 0;
void ThreadedCommunication::AppendBytesToCache(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len,
bool broadcast,
ConnectionStatus status) {
"{0} ThreadedCommunication::AppendBytesToCache (src = {1}, src_len "
"= {2}, "
"broadcast = {3})",
this, bytes, (uint64_t)len, broadcast);
if ((bytes == nullptr || len == 0) &&
(status != lldb::eConnectionStatusEndOfFile))
if (m_callback) {
// If the user registered a callback, then call it and do not broadcast
m_callback(m_callback_baton, bytes, len);
} else if (bytes != nullptr && len > 0) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_bytes_mutex);
m_bytes.append((const char *)bytes, len);
if (broadcast)
bool ThreadedCommunication::ReadThreadIsRunning() {
return m_read_thread_enabled;
lldb::thread_result_t ThreadedCommunication::ReadThread() {
Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Communication);
LLDB_LOG(log, "Communication({0}) thread starting...", this);
uint8_t buf[1024];
Status error;
ConnectionStatus status = eConnectionStatusSuccess;
bool done = false;
bool disconnect = false;
while (!done && m_read_thread_enabled) {
size_t bytes_read = ReadFromConnection(
buf, sizeof(buf), std::chrono::seconds(5), status, &error);
if (bytes_read > 0 || status == eConnectionStatusEndOfFile)
AppendBytesToCache(buf, bytes_read, true, status);
switch (status) {
case eConnectionStatusSuccess:
case eConnectionStatusEndOfFile:
done = true;
disconnect = GetCloseOnEOF();
case eConnectionStatusError: // Check GetError() for details
if (error.GetType() == eErrorTypePOSIX && error.GetError() == EIO) {
// EIO on a pipe is usually caused by remote shutdown
disconnect = GetCloseOnEOF();
done = true;
if (error.Fail())
LLDB_LOG(log, "error: {0}, status = {1}", error,
case eConnectionStatusInterrupted: // Synchronization signal from
// SynchronizeWithReadThread()
// The connection returns eConnectionStatusInterrupted only when there is
// no input pending to be read, so we can signal that.
case eConnectionStatusNoConnection: // No connection
case eConnectionStatusLostConnection: // Lost connection while connected to
// a valid connection
done = true;
case eConnectionStatusTimedOut: // Request timed out
if (error.Fail())
LLDB_LOG(log, "error: {0}, status = {1}", error,
m_pass_status = status;
m_pass_error = std::move(error);
LLDB_LOG(log, "Communication({0}) thread exiting...", this);
// Start shutting down. We need to do this in a very specific order to ensure
// we don't race with threads wanting to read/synchronize with us.
// First, we signal our intent to exit. This ensures no new thread start
// waiting on events from us.
m_read_thread_did_exit = true;
// Unblock any existing thread waiting for the synchronization signal.
// Wait for the synchronization thread to finish...
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_synchronize_mutex);
// ... and disconnect.
if (disconnect)
// Finally, unblock any readers waiting for us to exit.
return {};
void ThreadedCommunication::SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(
ReadThreadBytesReceived callback, void *callback_baton) {
m_callback = callback;
m_callback_baton = callback_baton;
void ThreadedCommunication::SynchronizeWithReadThread() {
// Only one thread can do the synchronization dance at a time.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_synchronize_mutex);
// First start listening for the synchronization event.
ListenerSP listener_sp(Listener::MakeListener(
listener_sp->StartListeningForEvents(this, eBroadcastBitNoMorePendingInput);
// If the thread is not running, there is no point in synchronizing.
if (!m_read_thread_enabled || m_read_thread_did_exit)
// Notify the read thread.
// Wait for the synchronization event.
EventSP event_sp;
listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, std::nullopt);
void ThreadedCommunication::SetConnection(
std::unique_ptr<Connection> connection) {