blob: 33cdf437110a9e808dd775832e6baa8952fcbfde [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: split-file %s %t
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -std=c++20 %t/M.cppm \
// RUN: -emit-module-interface -o %t/M.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 %t/Use.cpp -fprebuilt-module-path=%t \
// RUN: -triple %itanium_abi_triple \
// RUN: -S -emit-llvm -o - -disable-llvm-passes \
// RUN: | FileCheck %t/Use.cpp --check-prefix=CHECK-O0
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -std=c++20 -O1 %t/M.cppm \
// RUN: -emit-module-interface -o %t/M.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 %t/Use.cpp -fprebuilt-module-path=%t -O1 \
// RUN: -triple %itanium_abi_triple \
// RUN: -S -emit-llvm -o - -disable-llvm-passes | \
// RUN: FileCheck %t/Use.cpp --check-prefix=CHECK-O1
//--- foo.h
int func_in_gmf() {
return 43;
int func_in_gmf_not_called() {
return 44;
//--- M.cppm
#include "foo.h"
export module M;
int non_exported_func() {
return 43 + func_in_gmf();
export int exported_func() {
return non_exported_func();
int non_exported_func_not_called() {
return 44;
export int func_not_called() {
return non_exported_func_not_called();
int always_inline_func() {
return 45;
//--- Use.cpp
import M;
int use() {
return exported_func() + always_inline_func();
// Checks that none of the function (except the always_inline_func) in the importees
// are generated in the importer's code.
// CHECK-O0: define{{.*}}_Z3usev(
// CHECK-O0: declare{{.*}}_ZW1M13exported_funcv(
// CHECK-O0: define{{.*}}available_externally{{.*}}_ZW1M18always_inline_funcv(
// CHECK-O0-NOT: func_in_gmf
// CHECK-O0-NOT: func_in_gmf_not_called
// CHECK-O0-NOT: non_exported_func
// CHECK-O0-NOT: non_exported_func_not_called
// CHECK-O0-NOT: func_not_called
// Checks that the generated code within optimizations keep the same behavior with
// O0 to keep consistent ABI.
// CHECK-O1: define{{.*}}_Z3usev(
// CHECK-O1: declare{{.*}}_ZW1M13exported_funcv(
// CHECK-O1: define{{.*}}available_externally{{.*}}_ZW1M18always_inline_funcv(
// CHECK-O1-NOT: func_in_gmf
// CHECK-O1-NOT: func_in_gmf_not_called
// CHECK-O1-NOT: non_exported_func
// CHECK-O1-NOT: non_exported_func_not_called
// CHECK-O1-NOT: func_not_called