blob: 537d676738bef898b4da84c19d35d06744685c85 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
namespace test0 {
struct A {
void foo(void (A::*)(int)); // expected-note {{passing argument to parameter here}}
template<typename T> void g(T);
void test() {
foo(&g<int>); // expected-error-re {{cannot form member pointer of type 'void (test0::A::*)(int){{( __attribute__\(\(thiscall\)\))?}}' without '&' and class name}}
// This should succeed.
namespace test1 {
struct A {
static void f(void (A::*)());
static void f(void (*)(int));
void g();
static void g(int);
void test() {
namespace test2 {
struct A {
static int foo(short);
static int foo(float);
int foo(int);
int foo(double);
void test();
void A::test() {
// FIXME: The error message in this case is less than clear, we can do
// better.
int (A::*ptr)(int) = &(A::foo); // expected-error {{cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function}}