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//===-- StreamChecker.cpp -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*--//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines checkers that model and check stream handling functions.
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/BuiltinCheckerRegistration.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugType.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallDescription.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerHelpers.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SymbolManager.h"
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
using namespace clang;
using namespace ento;
using namespace std::placeholders;
// Definition of state data structures.
namespace {
struct FnDescription;
/// State of the stream error flags.
/// Sometimes it is not known to the checker what error flags are set.
/// This is indicated by setting more than one flag to true.
/// This is an optimization to avoid state splits.
/// A stream can either be in FEOF or FERROR but not both at the same time.
/// Multiple flags are set to handle the corresponding states together.
struct StreamErrorState {
/// The stream can be in state where none of the error flags set.
bool NoError = true;
/// The stream can be in state where the EOF indicator is set.
bool FEof = false;
/// The stream can be in state where the error indicator is set.
bool FError = false;
bool isNoError() const { return NoError && !FEof && !FError; }
bool isFEof() const { return !NoError && FEof && !FError; }
bool isFError() const { return !NoError && !FEof && FError; }
bool operator==(const StreamErrorState &ES) const {
return NoError == ES.NoError && FEof == ES.FEof && FError == ES.FError;
bool operator!=(const StreamErrorState &ES) const { return !(*this == ES); }
StreamErrorState operator|(const StreamErrorState &E) const {
return {NoError || E.NoError, FEof || E.FEof, FError || E.FError};
StreamErrorState operator&(const StreamErrorState &E) const {
return {NoError && E.NoError, FEof && E.FEof, FError && E.FError};
StreamErrorState operator~() const { return {!NoError, !FEof, !FError}; }
/// Returns if the StreamErrorState is a valid object.
operator bool() const { return NoError || FEof || FError; }
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
const StreamErrorState ErrorNone{true, false, false};
const StreamErrorState ErrorFEof{false, true, false};
const StreamErrorState ErrorFError{false, false, true};
/// Full state information about a stream pointer.
struct StreamState {
/// The last file operation called in the stream.
/// Can be nullptr.
const FnDescription *LastOperation;
/// State of a stream symbol.
enum KindTy {
Opened, /// Stream is opened.
Closed, /// Closed stream (an invalid stream pointer after it was closed).
OpenFailed /// The last open operation has failed.
} State;
/// State of the error flags.
/// Ignored in non-opened stream state but must be NoError.
StreamErrorState const ErrorState;
/// Indicate if the file has an "indeterminate file position indicator".
/// This can be set at a failing read or write or seek operation.
/// If it is set no more read or write is allowed.
/// This value is not dependent on the stream error flags:
/// The error flag may be cleared with `clearerr` but the file position
/// remains still indeterminate.
/// This value applies to all error states in ErrorState except FEOF.
/// An EOF+indeterminate state is the same as EOF state.
bool const FilePositionIndeterminate = false;
StreamState(const FnDescription *L, KindTy S, const StreamErrorState &ES,
bool IsFilePositionIndeterminate)
: LastOperation(L), State(S), ErrorState(ES),
FilePositionIndeterminate(IsFilePositionIndeterminate) {
assert((!ES.isFEof() || !IsFilePositionIndeterminate) &&
"FilePositionIndeterminate should be false in FEof case.");
assert((State == Opened || ErrorState.isNoError()) &&
"ErrorState should be None in non-opened stream state.");
bool isOpened() const { return State == Opened; }
bool isClosed() const { return State == Closed; }
bool isOpenFailed() const { return State == OpenFailed; }
bool operator==(const StreamState &X) const {
// In not opened state error state should always NoError, so comparison
// here is no problem.
return LastOperation == X.LastOperation && State == X.State &&
ErrorState == X.ErrorState &&
FilePositionIndeterminate == X.FilePositionIndeterminate;
static StreamState getOpened(const FnDescription *L,
const StreamErrorState &ES = ErrorNone,
bool IsFilePositionIndeterminate = false) {
return StreamState{L, Opened, ES, IsFilePositionIndeterminate};
static StreamState getClosed(const FnDescription *L) {
return StreamState{L, Closed, {}, false};
static StreamState getOpenFailed(const FnDescription *L) {
return StreamState{L, OpenFailed, {}, false};
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
} // namespace
// StreamChecker class and utility functions.
namespace {
class StreamChecker;
using FnCheck = std::function<void(const StreamChecker *, const FnDescription *,
const CallEvent &, CheckerContext &)>;
using ArgNoTy = unsigned int;
static const ArgNoTy ArgNone = std::numeric_limits<ArgNoTy>::max();
struct FnDescription {
FnCheck PreFn;
FnCheck EvalFn;
ArgNoTy StreamArgNo;
/// Get the value of the stream argument out of the passed call event.
/// The call should contain a function that is described by Desc.
SVal getStreamArg(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call) {
assert(Desc && Desc->StreamArgNo != ArgNone &&
"Try to get a non-existing stream argument.");
return Call.getArgSVal(Desc->StreamArgNo);
/// Create a conjured symbol return value for a call expression.
DefinedSVal makeRetVal(CheckerContext &C, const CallExpr *CE) {
assert(CE && "Expecting a call expression.");
const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
return C.getSValBuilder()
.conjureSymbolVal(nullptr, CE, LCtx, C.blockCount())
ProgramStateRef bindAndAssumeTrue(ProgramStateRef State, CheckerContext &C,
const CallExpr *CE) {
DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
State = State->assume(RetVal, true);
assert(State && "Assumption on new value should not fail.");
return State;
ProgramStateRef bindInt(uint64_t Value, ProgramStateRef State,
CheckerContext &C, const CallExpr *CE) {
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(),
C.getSValBuilder().makeIntVal(Value, CE->getType()));
return State;
class StreamChecker : public Checker<check::PreCall, eval::Call,
check::DeadSymbols, check::PointerEscape> {
BugType BT_FileNull{this, "NULL stream pointer", "Stream handling error"};
BugType BT_UseAfterClose{this, "Closed stream", "Stream handling error"};
BugType BT_UseAfterOpenFailed{this, "Invalid stream",
"Stream handling error"};
BugType BT_IndeterminatePosition{this, "Invalid stream state",
"Stream handling error"};
BugType BT_IllegalWhence{this, "Illegal whence argument",
"Stream handling error"};
BugType BT_StreamEof{this, "Stream already in EOF", "Stream handling error"};
BugType BT_ResourceLeak{this, "Resource leak", "Stream handling error",
/*SuppressOnSink =*/true};
void checkPreCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const;
bool evalCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const;
void checkDeadSymbols(SymbolReaper &SymReaper, CheckerContext &C) const;
ProgramStateRef checkPointerEscape(ProgramStateRef State,
const InvalidatedSymbols &Escaped,
const CallEvent *Call,
PointerEscapeKind Kind) const;
/// If true, evaluate special testing stream functions.
bool TestMode = false;
const BugType *getBT_StreamEof() const { return &BT_StreamEof; }
CallDescriptionMap<FnDescription> FnDescriptions = {
{{{"fopen"}, 2}, {nullptr, &StreamChecker::evalFopen, ArgNone}},
{{{"fdopen"}, 2}, {nullptr, &StreamChecker::evalFopen, ArgNone}},
{{{"freopen"}, 3},
{&StreamChecker::preFreopen, &StreamChecker::evalFreopen, 2}},
{{{"tmpfile"}, 0}, {nullptr, &StreamChecker::evalFopen, ArgNone}},
{{{"fclose"}, 1},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalFclose, 0}},
{{{"fread"}, 4},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFreadFwrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true), 3}},
{{{"fwrite"}, 4},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFreadFwrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false), 3}},
{{{"fgetc"}, 1},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFgetx, _1, _2, _3, _4, true), 0}},
{{{"fgets"}, 3},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFgetx, _1, _2, _3, _4, false), 2}},
{{{"fputc"}, 2},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFputx, _1, _2, _3, _4, true), 1}},
{{{"fputs"}, 2},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFputx, _1, _2, _3, _4, false), 1}},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFprintf, _1, _2, _3, _4), 0}},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFscanf, _1, _2, _3, _4), 0}},
{{{"ungetc"}, 2},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, false),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalUngetc, _1, _2, _3, _4), 1}},
{{{"getdelim"}, 4},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalGetdelim, _1, _2, _3, _4), 3}},
{{{"getline"}, 3},
{std::bind(&StreamChecker::preReadWrite, _1, _2, _3, _4, true),
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalGetdelim, _1, _2, _3, _4), 2}},
{{{"fseek"}, 3},
{&StreamChecker::preFseek, &StreamChecker::evalFseek, 0}},
{{{"fseeko"}, 3},
{&StreamChecker::preFseek, &StreamChecker::evalFseek, 0}},
{{{"ftell"}, 1},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalFtell, 0}},
{{{"ftello"}, 1},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalFtell, 0}},
{{{"fflush"}, 1},
{&StreamChecker::preFflush, &StreamChecker::evalFflush, 0}},
{{{"rewind"}, 1},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalRewind, 0}},
{{{"fgetpos"}, 2},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalFgetpos, 0}},
{{{"fsetpos"}, 2},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalFsetpos, 0}},
{{{"clearerr"}, 1},
{&StreamChecker::preDefault, &StreamChecker::evalClearerr, 0}},
{{{"feof"}, 1},
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4, ErrorFEof),
{{{"ferror"}, 1},
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4, ErrorFError),
{{{"fileno"}, 1}, {&StreamChecker::preDefault, nullptr, 0}},
CallDescriptionMap<FnDescription> FnTestDescriptions = {
{{{"StreamTesterChecker_make_feof_stream"}, 1},
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalSetFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4, ErrorFEof),
{{{"StreamTesterChecker_make_ferror_stream"}, 1},
std::bind(&StreamChecker::evalSetFeofFerror, _1, _2, _3, _4,
/// Expanded value of EOF, empty before initialization.
mutable std::optional<int> EofVal;
/// Expanded value of SEEK_SET, 0 if not found.
mutable int SeekSetVal = 0;
/// Expanded value of SEEK_CUR, 1 if not found.
mutable int SeekCurVal = 1;
/// Expanded value of SEEK_END, 2 if not found.
mutable int SeekEndVal = 2;
void evalFopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void preFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFclose(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void preReadWrite(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C, bool IsRead) const;
void evalFreadFwrite(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C, bool IsFread) const;
void evalFgetx(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C, bool SingleChar) const;
void evalFputx(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C, bool IsSingleChar) const;
void evalFprintf(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFscanf(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalUngetc(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalGetdelim(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void preFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFgetpos(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFsetpos(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFtell(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalRewind(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void preDefault(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalClearerr(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C,
const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const;
void evalSetFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C,
const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const;
void preFflush(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
void evalFflush(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const;
/// Check that the stream (in StreamVal) is not NULL.
/// If it can only be NULL a fatal error is emitted and nullptr returned.
/// Otherwise the return value is a new state where the stream is constrained
/// to be non-null.
ProgramStateRef ensureStreamNonNull(SVal StreamVal, const Expr *StreamE,
CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const;
/// Check that the stream is the opened state.
/// If the stream is known to be not opened an error is generated
/// and nullptr returned, otherwise the original state is returned.
ProgramStateRef ensureStreamOpened(SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const;
/// Check that the stream has not an invalid ("indeterminate") file position,
/// generate warning for it.
/// (EOF is not an invalid position.)
/// The returned state can be nullptr if a fatal error was generated.
/// It can return non-null state if the stream has not an invalid position or
/// there is execution path with non-invalid position.
ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const;
/// Check the legality of the 'whence' argument of 'fseek'.
/// Generate error and return nullptr if it is found to be illegal.
/// Otherwise returns the state.
/// (State is not changed here because the "whence" value is already known.)
ProgramStateRef ensureFseekWhenceCorrect(SVal WhenceVal, CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const;
/// Generate warning about stream in EOF state.
/// There will be always a state transition into the passed State,
/// by the new non-fatal error node or (if failed) a normal transition,
/// to ensure uniform handling.
void reportFEofWarning(SymbolRef StreamSym, CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const;
/// Emit resource leak warnings for the given symbols.
/// Createn a non-fatal error node for these, and returns it (if any warnings
/// were generated). Return value is non-null.
ExplodedNode *reportLeaks(const SmallVector<SymbolRef, 2> &LeakedSyms,
CheckerContext &C, ExplodedNode *Pred) const;
/// Find the description data of the function called by a call event.
/// Returns nullptr if no function is recognized.
const FnDescription *lookupFn(const CallEvent &Call) const {
// Recognize "global C functions" with only integral or pointer arguments
// (and matching name) as stream functions.
if (!Call.isGlobalCFunction())
return nullptr;
for (auto *P : Call.parameters()) {
QualType T = P->getType();
if (!T->isIntegralOrEnumerationType() && !T->isPointerType())
return nullptr;
return FnDescriptions.lookup(Call);
/// Generate a message for BugReporterVisitor if the stored symbol is
/// marked as interesting by the actual bug report.
const NoteTag *constructNoteTag(CheckerContext &C, SymbolRef StreamSym,
const std::string &Message) const {
return C.getNoteTag([this, StreamSym,
Message](PathSensitiveBugReport &BR) -> std::string {
if (BR.isInteresting(StreamSym) && &BR.getBugType() == &BT_ResourceLeak)
return Message;
return "";
const NoteTag *constructSetEofNoteTag(CheckerContext &C,
SymbolRef StreamSym) const {
return C.getNoteTag([this, StreamSym](PathSensitiveBugReport &BR) {
if (!BR.isInteresting(StreamSym) ||
&BR.getBugType() != this->getBT_StreamEof())
return "";
return "Assuming stream reaches end-of-file here";
void initMacroValues(CheckerContext &C) const {
if (EofVal)
if (const std::optional<int> OptInt =
tryExpandAsInteger("EOF", C.getPreprocessor()))
EofVal = *OptInt;
EofVal = -1;
if (const std::optional<int> OptInt =
tryExpandAsInteger("SEEK_SET", C.getPreprocessor()))
SeekSetVal = *OptInt;
if (const std::optional<int> OptInt =
tryExpandAsInteger("SEEK_END", C.getPreprocessor()))
SeekEndVal = *OptInt;
if (const std::optional<int> OptInt =
tryExpandAsInteger("SEEK_CUR", C.getPreprocessor()))
SeekCurVal = *OptInt;
/// Searches for the ExplodedNode where the file descriptor was acquired for
/// StreamSym.
static const ExplodedNode *getAcquisitionSite(const ExplodedNode *N,
SymbolRef StreamSym,
CheckerContext &C);
} // end anonymous namespace
// This map holds the state of a stream.
// The stream is identified with a SymbolRef that is created when a stream
// opening function is modeled by the checker.
inline void assertStreamStateOpened(const StreamState *SS) {
assert(SS->isOpened() && "Stream is expected to be opened");
const ExplodedNode *StreamChecker::getAcquisitionSite(const ExplodedNode *N,
SymbolRef StreamSym,
CheckerContext &C) {
ProgramStateRef State = N->getState();
// When bug type is resource leak, exploded node N may not have state info
// for leaked file descriptor, but predecessor should have it.
if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
N = N->getFirstPred();
const ExplodedNode *Pred = N;
while (N) {
State = N->getState();
if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
return Pred;
Pred = N;
N = N->getFirstPred();
return nullptr;
// Methods of StreamChecker.
void StreamChecker::checkPreCall(const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
const FnDescription *Desc = lookupFn(Call);
if (!Desc || !Desc->PreFn)
Desc->PreFn(this, Desc, Call, C);
bool StreamChecker::evalCall(const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C) const {
const FnDescription *Desc = lookupFn(Call);
if (!Desc && TestMode)
Desc = FnTestDescriptions.lookup(Call);
if (!Desc || !Desc->EvalFn)
return false;
Desc->EvalFn(this, Desc, Call, C);
return C.isDifferent();
void StreamChecker::evalFopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
SymbolRef RetSym = RetVal.getAsSymbol();
assert(RetSym && "RetVal must be a symbol here.");
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
// Bifurcate the state into two: one with a valid FILE* pointer, the other
// with a NULL.
ProgramStateRef StateNotNull, StateNull;
std::tie(StateNotNull, StateNull) =
C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, RetVal);
StateNotNull =
StateNotNull->set<StreamMap>(RetSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
StateNull =
StateNull->set<StreamMap>(RetSym, StreamState::getOpenFailed(Desc));
constructNoteTag(C, RetSym, "Stream opened here"));
void StreamChecker::preFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
// Do not allow NULL as passed stream pointer but allow a closed stream.
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
State = ensureStreamNonNull(getStreamArg(Desc, Call),
Call.getArgExpr(Desc->StreamArgNo), C, State);
if (!State)
void StreamChecker::evalFreopen(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
std::optional<DefinedSVal> StreamVal =
getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAs<DefinedSVal>();
if (!StreamVal)
SymbolRef StreamSym = StreamVal->getAsSymbol();
// Do not care about concrete values for stream ("(FILE *)0x12345"?).
// FIXME: Can be stdin, stdout, stderr such values?
if (!StreamSym)
// Do not handle untracked stream. It is probably escaped.
if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
// Generate state for non-failed case.
// Return value is the passed stream pointer.
// According to the documentations, the stream is closed first
// but any close error is ignored. The state changes to (or remains) opened.
ProgramStateRef StateRetNotNull =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *StreamVal);
// Generate state for NULL return value.
// Stream switches to OpenFailed state.
ProgramStateRef StateRetNull =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(),
StateRetNotNull =
StateRetNotNull->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
StateRetNull =
StateRetNull->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpenFailed(Desc));
constructNoteTag(C, StreamSym, "Stream reopened here"));
void StreamChecker::evalFclose(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef Sym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!Sym)
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
if (!SS)
auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
// Close the File Descriptor.
// Regardless if the close fails or not, stream becomes "closed"
// and can not be used any more.
State = State->set<StreamMap>(Sym, StreamState::getClosed(Desc));
// Return 0 on success, EOF on failure.
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
ProgramStateRef StateSuccess = State->BindExpr(
CE, C.getLocationContext(), SVB.makeIntVal(0, C.getASTContext().IntTy));
ProgramStateRef StateFailure =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(),
SVB.makeIntVal(*EofVal, C.getASTContext().IntTy));
void StreamChecker::preReadWrite(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
bool IsRead) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, Call.getArgExpr(Desc->StreamArgNo), C,
if (!State)
State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
if (!State)
State = ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(StreamVal, C, State);
if (!State)
if (!IsRead) {
SymbolRef Sym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol();
if (Sym && State->get<StreamMap>(Sym)) {
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorFEof)
reportFEofWarning(Sym, C, State);
} else {
void StreamChecker::evalFreadFwrite(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
bool IsFread) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
std::optional<NonLoc> SizeVal = Call.getArgSVal(1).getAs<NonLoc>();
if (!SizeVal)
std::optional<NonLoc> NMembVal = Call.getArgSVal(2).getAs<NonLoc>();
if (!NMembVal)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
// C'99 standard, §, the return value of fread:
// The fread function returns the number of elements successfully read, which
// may be less than nmemb if a read error or end-of-file is encountered. If
// size or nmemb is zero, fread returns zero and the contents of the array and
// the state of the stream remain unchanged.
if (State->isNull(*SizeVal).isConstrainedTrue() ||
State->isNull(*NMembVal).isConstrainedTrue()) {
// This is the "size or nmemb is zero" case.
// Just return 0, do nothing more (not clear the error flags).
State = bindInt(0, State, C, CE);
// Generate a transition for the success state.
// If we know the state to be FEOF at fread, do not add a success state.
if (!IsFread || (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof)) {
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *NMembVal);
StateNotFailed =
StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
// Add transition for the failed state.
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
ProgramStateRef StateFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
auto Cond =
SVB.evalBinOpNN(State, BO_LT, RetVal, *NMembVal, SVB.getConditionType())
if (!Cond)
StateFailed = StateFailed->assume(*Cond, true);
if (!StateFailed)
StreamErrorState NewES;
if (IsFread)
NewES =
(OldSS->ErrorState == ErrorFEof) ? ErrorFEof : ErrorFEof | ErrorFError;
NewES = ErrorFError;
// If a (non-EOF) error occurs, the resulting value of the file position
// indicator for the stream is indeterminate.
StreamState NewSS = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewES, !NewES.isFEof());
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, NewSS);
if (IsFread && OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof)
C.addTransition(StateFailed, constructSetEofNoteTag(C, StreamSym));
void StreamChecker::evalFgetx(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C, bool SingleChar) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
// `fgetc` returns the read character on success, otherwise returns EOF.
// `fgets` returns the read buffer address on success, otherwise returns NULL.
if (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof) {
if (SingleChar) {
// Generate a transition for the success state of `fgetc`.
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
ASTContext &ASTC = C.getASTContext();
// The returned 'unsigned char' of `fgetc` is converted to 'int',
// so we need to check if it is in range [0, 255].
auto CondLow =
SVB.evalBinOp(State, BO_GE, RetVal, SVB.makeZeroVal(ASTC.IntTy),
auto CondHigh =
SVB.evalBinOp(State, BO_LE, RetVal,
if (!CondLow || !CondHigh)
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->assume(*CondLow, true);
if (!StateNotFailed)
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->assume(*CondHigh, true);
if (!StateNotFailed)
} else {
// Generate a transition for the success state of `fgets`.
std::optional<DefinedSVal> GetBuf =
if (!GetBuf)
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *GetBuf);
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
// Add transition for the failed state.
ProgramStateRef StateFailed;
if (SingleChar)
StateFailed = bindInt(*EofVal, State, C, CE);
StateFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(),
// If a (non-EOF) error occurs, the resulting value of the file position
// indicator for the stream is indeterminate.
StreamErrorState NewES =
OldSS->ErrorState == ErrorFEof ? ErrorFEof : ErrorFEof | ErrorFError;
StreamState NewSS = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewES, !NewES.isFEof());
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, NewSS);
if (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof)
C.addTransition(StateFailed, constructSetEofNoteTag(C, StreamSym));
void StreamChecker::evalFputx(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C, bool IsSingleChar) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
// `fputc` returns the written character on success, otherwise returns EOF.
// `fputs` returns a non negative value on sucecess, otherwise returns EOF.
if (IsSingleChar) {
// Generate a transition for the success state of `fputc`.
std::optional<NonLoc> PutVal = Call.getArgSVal(0).getAs<NonLoc>();
if (!PutVal)
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *PutVal);
StateNotFailed =
StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
} else {
// Generate a transition for the success state of `fputs`.
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
auto &ASTC = C.getASTContext();
auto Cond = SVB.evalBinOp(State, BO_GE, RetVal, SVB.makeZeroVal(ASTC.IntTy),
if (!Cond)
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->assume(*Cond, true);
if (!StateNotFailed)
StateNotFailed =
StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
// Add transition for the failed state. The resulting value of the file
// position indicator for the stream is indeterminate.
ProgramStateRef StateFailed = bindInt(*EofVal, State, C, CE);
StreamState NewSS = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorFError, true);
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, NewSS);
void StreamChecker::evalFprintf(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
if (Call.getNumArgs() < 2)
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
auto &ACtx = C.getASTContext();
auto Cond = SVB.evalBinOp(State, BO_GE, RetVal, SVB.makeZeroVal(ACtx.IntTy),
if (!Cond)
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed, StateFailed;
std::tie(StateNotFailed, StateFailed) = State->assume(*Cond);
StateNotFailed =
StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
// Add transition for the failed state. The resulting value of the file
// position indicator for the stream is indeterminate.
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorFError, true));
void StreamChecker::evalFscanf(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
if (Call.getNumArgs() < 2)
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
ASTContext &ACtx = C.getASTContext();
// Add the success state.
// In this context "success" means there is not an EOF or other read error
// before any item is matched in 'fscanf'. But there may be match failure,
// therefore return value can be 0 or greater.
// It is not specified what happens if some items (not all) are matched and
// then EOF or read error happens. Now this case is handled like a "success"
// case, and no error flags are set on the stream. This is probably not
// accurate, and the POSIX documentation does not tell more.
if (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof) {
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
auto RetGeZero =
SVB.evalBinOp(StateNotFailed, BO_GE, RetVal,
SVB.makeZeroVal(ACtx.IntTy), SVB.getConditionType())
if (!RetGeZero)
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->assume(*RetGeZero, true);
// Add transition for the failed state.
// Error occurs if nothing is matched yet and reading the input fails.
// Error can be EOF, or other error. At "other error" FERROR or 'errno' can
// be set but it is not further specified if all are required to be set.
// Documentation does not mention, but file position will be set to
// indeterminate similarly as at 'fread'.
ProgramStateRef StateFailed = bindInt(*EofVal, State, C, CE);
StreamErrorState NewES = (OldSS->ErrorState == ErrorFEof)
? ErrorFEof
: ErrorNone | ErrorFEof | ErrorFError;
StreamState NewSS = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewES, !NewES.isFEof());
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, NewSS);
if (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof)
C.addTransition(StateFailed, constructSetEofNoteTag(C, StreamSym));
void StreamChecker::evalUngetc(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
// Generate a transition for the success state.
std::optional<NonLoc> PutVal = Call.getArgSVal(0).getAs<NonLoc>();
if (!PutVal)
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), *PutVal);
StateNotFailed =
StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
// Add transition for the failed state.
// Failure of 'ungetc' does not result in feof or ferror state.
// If the PutVal has value of EofVal the function should "fail", but this is
// the same transition as the success state.
// In this case only one state transition is added by the analyzer (the two
// new states may be similar).
ProgramStateRef StateFailed = bindInt(*EofVal, State, C, CE);
StateFailed =
StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
void StreamChecker::evalGetdelim(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *OldSS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!OldSS)
// Upon successful completion, the getline() and getdelim() functions shall
// return the number of bytes written into the buffer.
// If the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set, the function shall
// return -1.
// If an error occurs, the function shall return -1 and set 'errno'.
// Add transition for the successful state.
if (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof) {
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
auto Cond =
SVB.evalBinOp(State, BO_GE, RetVal, SVB.makeZeroVal(CE->getType()),
if (!Cond)
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->assume(*Cond, true);
if (!StateNotFailed)
// Add transition for the failed state.
// If a (non-EOF) error occurs, the resulting value of the file position
// indicator for the stream is indeterminate.
ProgramStateRef StateFailed = bindInt(-1, State, C, CE);
StreamErrorState NewES =
OldSS->ErrorState == ErrorFEof ? ErrorFEof : ErrorFEof | ErrorFError;
StreamState NewSS = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewES, !NewES.isFEof());
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, NewSS);
if (OldSS->ErrorState != ErrorFEof)
C.addTransition(StateFailed, constructSetEofNoteTag(C, StreamSym));
void StreamChecker::preFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, Call.getArgExpr(Desc->StreamArgNo), C,
if (!State)
State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
if (!State)
State = ensureFseekWhenceCorrect(Call.getArgSVal(2), C, State);
if (!State)
void StreamChecker::evalFseek(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
// Ignore the call if the stream is not tracked.
if (!State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym))
const llvm::APSInt *PosV =
C.getSValBuilder().getKnownValue(State, Call.getArgSVal(1));
const llvm::APSInt *WhenceV =
C.getSValBuilder().getKnownValue(State, Call.getArgSVal(2));
DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
// Make expression result.
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
// Bifurcate the state into failed and non-failed.
// Return zero on success, nonzero on error.
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed, StateFailed;
std::tie(StateFailed, StateNotFailed) =
C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, RetVal);
// Reset the state to opened with no error.
StateNotFailed =
StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc));
// We get error.
// It is possible that fseek fails but sets none of the error flags.
// If fseek failed, assume that the file position becomes indeterminate in any
// case.
StreamErrorState NewErrS = ErrorNone | ErrorFError;
// Setting the position to start of file never produces EOF error.
if (!(PosV && *PosV == 0 && WhenceV && *WhenceV == SeekSetVal))
NewErrS = NewErrS | ErrorFEof;
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewErrS, true));
C.addTransition(StateFailed, constructSetEofNoteTag(C, StreamSym));
void StreamChecker::evalFgetpos(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef Sym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!Sym)
// Do not evaluate if stream is not found.
if (!State->get<StreamMap>(Sym))
auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed, StateFailed;
std::tie(StateFailed, StateNotFailed) =
C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, RetVal);
// This function does not affect the stream state.
// Still we add success and failure state with the appropriate return value.
// StdLibraryFunctionsChecker can change these states (set the 'errno' state).
void StreamChecker::evalFsetpos(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!SS)
auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
DefinedSVal RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE);
State = State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed, StateFailed;
std::tie(StateFailed, StateNotFailed) =
C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, RetVal);
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorNone, false));
// At failure ferror could be set.
// The standards do not tell what happens with the file position at failure.
// But we can assume that it is dangerous to make a next I/O operation after
// the position was not set correctly (similar to 'fseek').
StateFailed = StateFailed->set<StreamMap>(
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorNone | ErrorFError, true));
void StreamChecker::evalFtell(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef Sym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!Sym)
if (!State->get<StreamMap>(Sym))
auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
SValBuilder &SVB = C.getSValBuilder();
NonLoc RetVal = makeRetVal(C, CE).castAs<NonLoc>();
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed =
State->BindExpr(CE, C.getLocationContext(), RetVal);
auto Cond =
SVB.evalBinOp(State, BO_GE, RetVal, SVB.makeZeroVal(Call.getResultType()),
if (!Cond)
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->assume(*Cond, true);
if (!StateNotFailed)
ProgramStateRef StateFailed = State->BindExpr(
CE, C.getLocationContext(), SVB.makeIntVal(-1, Call.getResultType()));
// This function does not affect the stream state.
// Still we add success and failure state with the appropriate return value.
// StdLibraryFunctionsChecker can change these states (set the 'errno' state).
void StreamChecker::evalRewind(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!SS)
auto *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
State = State->set<StreamMap>(StreamSym,
StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorNone, false));
void StreamChecker::evalClearerr(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!SS)
// FilePositionIndeterminate is not cleared.
State = State->set<StreamMap>(
StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorNone, SS->FilePositionIndeterminate));
void StreamChecker::evalFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
if (!StreamSym)
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (!SS)
if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorKind) {
// Execution path with error of ErrorKind.
// Function returns true.
// From now on it is the only one error state.
ProgramStateRef TrueState = bindAndAssumeTrue(State, C, CE);
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(Desc, ErrorKind,
SS->FilePositionIndeterminate &&
if (StreamErrorState NewES = SS->ErrorState & (~ErrorKind)) {
// Execution path(s) with ErrorKind not set.
// Function returns false.
// New error state is everything before minus ErrorKind.
ProgramStateRef FalseState = bindInt(0, State, C, CE);
Desc, NewES, SS->FilePositionIndeterminate && !NewES.isFEof())));
void StreamChecker::preDefault(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
State = ensureStreamNonNull(StreamVal, Call.getArgExpr(Desc->StreamArgNo), C,
if (!State)
State = ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, State);
if (!State)
void StreamChecker::evalSetFeofFerror(const FnDescription *Desc,
const CallEvent &Call, CheckerContext &C,
const StreamErrorState &ErrorKind) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SymbolRef StreamSym = getStreamArg(Desc, Call).getAsSymbol();
assert(StreamSym && "Operation not permitted on non-symbolic stream value.");
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
assert(SS && "Stream should be tracked by the checker.");
State = State->set<StreamMap>(
StreamSym, StreamState::getOpened(SS->LastOperation, ErrorKind));
void StreamChecker::preFflush(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
std::optional<DefinedSVal> Stream = StreamVal.getAs<DefinedSVal>();
if (!Stream)
ProgramStateRef StateNotNull, StateNull;
std::tie(StateNotNull, StateNull) =
C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, *Stream);
if (StateNotNull && !StateNull)
ensureStreamOpened(StreamVal, C, StateNotNull);
void StreamChecker::evalFflush(const FnDescription *Desc, const CallEvent &Call,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
SVal StreamVal = getStreamArg(Desc, Call);
std::optional<DefinedSVal> Stream = StreamVal.getAs<DefinedSVal>();
if (!Stream)
// Skip if the stream can be both NULL and non-NULL.
ProgramStateRef StateNotNull, StateNull;
std::tie(StateNotNull, StateNull) =
C.getConstraintManager().assumeDual(State, *Stream);
if (StateNotNull && StateNull)
if (StateNotNull && !StateNull)
State = StateNotNull;
State = StateNull;
const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
if (!CE)
// `fflush` returns EOF on failure, otherwise returns 0.
ProgramStateRef StateFailed = bindInt(*EofVal, State, C, CE);
ProgramStateRef StateNotFailed = bindInt(0, State, C, CE);
// Clear error states if `fflush` returns 0, but retain their EOF flags.
auto ClearErrorInNotFailed = [&StateNotFailed, Desc](SymbolRef Sym,
const StreamState *SS) {
if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorFError) {
StreamErrorState NewES =
(SS->ErrorState & ErrorFEof) ? ErrorFEof : ErrorNone;
StreamState NewSS = StreamState::getOpened(Desc, NewES, false);
StateNotFailed = StateNotFailed->set<StreamMap>(Sym, NewSS);
if (StateNotNull && !StateNull) {
// Skip if the input stream's state is unknown, open-failed or closed.
if (SymbolRef StreamSym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol()) {
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(StreamSym);
if (SS) {
assert(SS->isOpened() && "Stream is expected to be opened");
ClearErrorInNotFailed(StreamSym, SS);
} else
} else {
// Clear error states for all streams.
const StreamMapTy &Map = StateNotFailed->get<StreamMap>();
for (const auto &I : Map) {
SymbolRef Sym = I.first;
const StreamState &SS = I.second;
if (SS.isOpened())
ClearErrorInNotFailed(Sym, &SS);
StreamChecker::ensureStreamNonNull(SVal StreamVal, const Expr *StreamE,
CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const {
auto Stream = StreamVal.getAs<DefinedSVal>();
if (!Stream)
return State;
ConstraintManager &CM = C.getConstraintManager();
ProgramStateRef StateNotNull, StateNull;
std::tie(StateNotNull, StateNull) = CM.assumeDual(State, *Stream);
if (!StateNotNull && StateNull) {
if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode(StateNull)) {
auto R = std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
BT_FileNull, "Stream pointer might be NULL.", N);
if (StreamE)
bugreporter::trackExpressionValue(N, StreamE, *R);
return nullptr;
return StateNotNull;
ProgramStateRef StreamChecker::ensureStreamOpened(SVal StreamVal,
CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const {
SymbolRef Sym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol();
if (!Sym)
return State;
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
if (!SS)
return State;
if (SS->isClosed()) {
// Using a stream pointer after 'fclose' causes undefined behavior
// according to .
ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode();
if (N) {
"Stream might be already closed. Causes undefined behaviour.", N));
return nullptr;
return State;
if (SS->isOpenFailed()) {
// Using a stream that has failed to open is likely to cause problems.
// This should usually not occur because stream pointer is NULL.
// But freopen can cause a state when stream pointer remains non-null but
// failed to open.
ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode();
if (N) {
"Stream might be invalid after "
"(re-)opening it has failed. "
"Can cause undefined behaviour.",
return nullptr;
return State;
ProgramStateRef StreamChecker::ensureNoFilePositionIndeterminate(
SVal StreamVal, CheckerContext &C, ProgramStateRef State) const {
static const char *BugMessage =
"File position of the stream might be 'indeterminate' "
"after a failed operation. "
"Can cause undefined behavior.";
SymbolRef Sym = StreamVal.getAsSymbol();
if (!Sym)
return State;
const StreamState *SS = State->get<StreamMap>(Sym);
if (!SS)
return State;
assert(SS->isOpened() && "First ensure that stream is opened.");
if (SS->FilePositionIndeterminate) {
if (SS->ErrorState & ErrorFEof) {
// The error is unknown but may be FEOF.
// Continue analysis with the FEOF error state.
// Report warning because the other possible error states.
ExplodedNode *N = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(State);
if (!N)
return nullptr;
BT_IndeterminatePosition, BugMessage, N));
return State->set<StreamMap>(
Sym, StreamState::getOpened(SS->LastOperation, ErrorFEof, false));
// Known or unknown error state without FEOF possible.
// Stop analysis, report error.
ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode(State);
if (N)
BT_IndeterminatePosition, BugMessage, N));
return nullptr;
return State;
StreamChecker::ensureFseekWhenceCorrect(SVal WhenceVal, CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const {
std::optional<nonloc::ConcreteInt> CI =
if (!CI)
return State;
int64_t X = CI->getValue().getSExtValue();
if (X == SeekSetVal || X == SeekCurVal || X == SeekEndVal)
return State;
if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(State)) {
"The whence argument to fseek() should be "
return nullptr;
return State;
void StreamChecker::reportFEofWarning(SymbolRef StreamSym, CheckerContext &C,
ProgramStateRef State) const {
if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(State)) {
auto R = std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(
"Read function called when stream is in EOF state. "
"Function has no effect.",
ExplodedNode *
StreamChecker::reportLeaks(const SmallVector<SymbolRef, 2> &LeakedSyms,
CheckerContext &C, ExplodedNode *Pred) const {
ExplodedNode *Err = C.generateNonFatalErrorNode(C.getState(), Pred);
if (!Err)
return Pred;
for (SymbolRef LeakSym : LeakedSyms) {
// Resource leaks can result in multiple warning that describe the same kind
// of programming error:
// void f() {
// FILE *F = fopen("a.txt");
// if (rand()) // state split
// return; // warning
// } // warning
// While this isn't necessarily true (leaking the same stream could result
// from a different kinds of errors), the reduction in redundant reports
// makes this a worthwhile heuristic.
// FIXME: Add a checker option to turn this uniqueing feature off.
const ExplodedNode *StreamOpenNode = getAcquisitionSite(Err, LeakSym, C);
assert(StreamOpenNode && "Could not find place of stream opening.");
PathDiagnosticLocation LocUsedForUniqueing;
if (const Stmt *StreamStmt = StreamOpenNode->getStmtForDiagnostics())
LocUsedForUniqueing = PathDiagnosticLocation::createBegin(
StreamStmt, C.getSourceManager(),
std::unique_ptr<PathSensitiveBugReport> R =
"Opened stream never closed. Potential resource leak.", Err,
return Err;
void StreamChecker::checkDeadSymbols(SymbolReaper &SymReaper,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
llvm::SmallVector<SymbolRef, 2> LeakedSyms;
const StreamMapTy &Map = State->get<StreamMap>();
for (const auto &I : Map) {
SymbolRef Sym = I.first;
const StreamState &SS = I.second;
if (!SymReaper.isDead(Sym))
if (SS.isOpened())
State = State->remove<StreamMap>(Sym);
ExplodedNode *N = C.getPredecessor();
if (!LeakedSyms.empty())
N = reportLeaks(LeakedSyms, C, N);
C.addTransition(State, N);
ProgramStateRef StreamChecker::checkPointerEscape(
ProgramStateRef State, const InvalidatedSymbols &Escaped,
const CallEvent *Call, PointerEscapeKind Kind) const {
// Check for file-handling system call that is not handled by the checker.
// FIXME: The checker should be updated to handle all system calls that take
// 'FILE*' argument. These are now ignored.
if (Kind == PSK_DirectEscapeOnCall && Call->isInSystemHeader())
return State;
for (SymbolRef Sym : Escaped) {
// The symbol escaped.
// From now the stream can be manipulated in unknown way to the checker,
// it is not possible to handle it any more.
// Optimistically, assume that the corresponding file handle will be closed
// somewhere else.
// Remove symbol from state so the following stream calls on this symbol are
// not handled by the checker.
State = State->remove<StreamMap>(Sym);
return State;
// Checker registration.
void ento::registerStreamChecker(CheckerManager &Mgr) {
bool ento::shouldRegisterStreamChecker(const CheckerManager &Mgr) {
return true;
void ento::registerStreamTesterChecker(CheckerManager &Mgr) {
auto *Checker = Mgr.getChecker<StreamChecker>();
Checker->TestMode = true;
bool ento::shouldRegisterStreamTesterChecker(const CheckerManager &Mgr) {
return true;