blob: a8de7cd1d8259630258a4cffbe970b4982b56b3d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization %t -- -config="{CheckOptions: {performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization.AllowedTypes: '[Pp]ointer$;[Pp]tr$;[Rr]ef(erence)?$'}}" --
struct SmartPointer {
struct smart_pointer {
struct SmartPtr {
struct smart_ptr {
struct SmartReference {
struct smart_reference {
struct SmartRef {
struct smart_ref {
struct OtherType {
void constMethod() const;
template <typename T> struct SomeComplexTemplate {
typedef SomeComplexTemplate<int> NotTooComplexRef;
const SmartPointer &getSmartPointer();
const smart_pointer &get_smart_pointer();
const SmartPtr &getSmartPtr();
const smart_ptr &get_smart_ptr();
const SmartReference &getSmartReference();
const smart_reference &get_smart_reference();
const SmartRef &getSmartRef();
const smart_ref &get_smart_ref();
const OtherType &getOtherType();
const NotTooComplexRef &getNotTooComplexRef();
void negativeSmartPointer() {
const auto P = getSmartPointer();
void negative_smart_pointer() {
const auto p = get_smart_pointer();
void negativeSmartPtr() {
const auto P = getSmartPtr();
void negative_smart_ptr() {
const auto p = get_smart_ptr();
void negativeSmartReference() {
const auto R = getSmartReference();
void negative_smart_reference() {
const auto r = get_smart_reference();
void negativeSmartRef() {
const auto R = getSmartRef();
void negative_smart_ref() {
const auto r = get_smart_ref();
void positiveOtherType() {
const auto O = getOtherType();
// CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:14: warning: the const qualified variable 'O' is copy-constructed from a const reference; consider making it a const reference [performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization]
// CHECK-FIXES: const auto& O = getOtherType();
void negativeNotTooComplexRef() {
const NotTooComplexRef R = getNotTooComplexRef();
// Using `auto` here would result in the "canonical" type which does not match
// the pattern.