blob: e3f76744cbe64edd68a5da39dce7030ab1a645bf [file] [log] [blame]
# Clean up and prepare the MSYS2 installation. MSYS2 is needed primarily for
# the test suite (run-make), but is also used by the MinGW toolchain for assembling things.
set -euo pipefail
source "$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)/../"
if isWindows; then
# Detect the native Python version installed on the agent. On GitHub
# Actions, the C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python directory contains a
# subdirectory for each installed Python version.
# The -V flag of the sort command sorts the input by version number.
native_python_version="$(ls /c/hostedtoolcache/windows/Python | sort -Vr | head -n 1)"
# Make sure we use the native python interpreter instead of some msys equivalent
# one way or another. The msys interpreters seem to have weird path conversions
# baked in which break LLVM's build system one way or another, so let's use the
# native version which keeps everything as native as possible.
if ! [[ -f "${python_home}/python3.exe" ]]; then
cp "${python_home}/python.exe" "${python_home}/python3.exe"
ciCommandAddPath "C:\\hostedtoolcache\\windows\\Python\\${native_python_version}\\x64"
ciCommandAddPath "C:\\hostedtoolcache\\windows\\Python\\${native_python_version}\\x64\\Scripts"
# Install pacboy for easily installing packages
pacman -S --noconfirm pactoys
# Delete these pre-installed tools so we can't accidentally use them, because we are using the
# MSYS2 setup action versions instead.
# Delete pre-installed version of MSYS2
echo "Cleaning up tools in PATH"
rm -r "/c/msys64/"
# Delete Strawberry Perl, which contains a version of mingw
rm -r "/c/Strawberry/"
# Delete these other copies of mingw, I don't even know where they come from.
rm -r "/c/mingw64/"
rm -r "/c/mingw32/"
echo "Finished cleaning up tools in PATH"
if isKnownToBeMingwBuild; then
# Use the mingw version of CMake for mingw builds.
# However, the MSVC build needs native CMake, as it fails with the mingw one.
# Delete native CMake
rm -r "/c/Program Files/CMake/"
# Install mingw-w64-$arch-cmake
pacboy -S --noconfirm cmake:p
# It would be nice to use MSYS's git in MinGW builds so that it's tested and known to
# work. But it makes everything extremely slow, so it's commented out for now.
# # Delete Windows-Git
# rm -r "/c/Program Files/Git/"
# # Install MSYS2 git
# pacman -S --noconfirm git