blob: 59e43851ea8da4df26150d0f56ee8794e2d51ea8 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::sealed::Sealed;
use crate::simd::{
cmp::{SimdPartialEq, SimdPartialOrd},
LaneCount, Mask, Simd, SimdCast, SimdElement, SupportedLaneCount,
/// Operations on SIMD vectors of floats.
pub trait SimdFloat: Copy + Sealed {
/// Mask type used for manipulating this SIMD vector type.
type Mask;
/// Scalar type contained by this SIMD vector type.
type Scalar;
/// Bit representation of this SIMD vector type.
type Bits;
/// A SIMD vector with a different element type.
type Cast<T: SimdElement>;
/// Performs elementwise conversion of this vector's elements to another SIMD-valid type.
/// This follows the semantics of Rust's `as` conversion for floats (truncating or saturating
/// at the limits) for each element.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::prelude::*;
/// let floats: Simd<f32, 4> = Simd::from_array([1.9, -4.5, f32::INFINITY, f32::NAN]);
/// let ints = floats.cast::<i32>();
/// assert_eq!(ints, Simd::from_array([1, -4, i32::MAX, 0]));
/// // Formally equivalent, but `Simd::cast` can optimize better.
/// assert_eq!(ints, Simd::from_array(floats.to_array().map(|x| x as i32)));
/// // The float conversion does not round-trip.
/// let floats_again = ints.cast();
/// assert_ne!(floats, floats_again);
/// assert_eq!(floats_again, Simd::from_array([1.0, -4.0, 2147483647.0, 0.0]));
/// ```
fn cast<T: SimdCast>(self) -> Self::Cast<T>;
/// Rounds toward zero and converts to the same-width integer type, assuming that
/// the value is finite and fits in that type.
/// # Safety
/// The value must:
/// * Not be NaN
/// * Not be infinite
/// * Be representable in the return type, after truncating off its fractional part
/// If these requirements are infeasible or costly, consider using the safe function [cast],
/// which saturates on conversion.
/// [cast]: Simd::cast
unsafe fn to_int_unchecked<I: SimdCast>(self) -> Self::Cast<I>
Self::Scalar: core::convert::FloatToInt<I>;
/// Raw transmutation to an unsigned integer vector type with the
/// same size and number of elements.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn to_bits(self) -> Self::Bits;
/// Raw transmutation from an unsigned integer vector type with the
/// same size and number of elements.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn from_bits(bits: Self::Bits) -> Self;
/// Produces a vector where every element has the absolute value of the
/// equivalently-indexed element in `self`.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn abs(self) -> Self;
/// Takes the reciprocal (inverse) of each element, `1/x`.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn recip(self) -> Self;
/// Converts each element from radians to degrees.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn to_degrees(self) -> Self;
/// Converts each element from degrees to radians.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn to_radians(self) -> Self;
/// Returns true for each element if it has a positive sign, including
/// `+0.0`, `NaN`s with positive sign bit and positive infinity.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_sign_positive(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Returns true for each element if it has a negative sign, including
/// `-0.0`, `NaN`s with negative sign bit and negative infinity.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_sign_negative(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Returns true for each element if its value is `NaN`.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_nan(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Returns true for each element if its value is positive infinity or negative infinity.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_infinite(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Returns true for each element if its value is neither infinite nor `NaN`.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_finite(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Returns true for each element if its value is subnormal.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_subnormal(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Returns true for each element if its value is neither zero, infinite,
/// subnormal, nor `NaN`.
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_normal(self) -> Self::Mask;
/// Replaces each element with a number that represents its sign.
/// * `1.0` if the number is positive, `+0.0`, or `INFINITY`
/// * `-1.0` if the number is negative, `-0.0`, or `NEG_INFINITY`
/// * `NAN` if the number is `NAN`
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn signum(self) -> Self;
/// Returns each element with the magnitude of `self` and the sign of `sign`.
/// For any element containing a `NAN`, a `NAN` with the sign of `sign` is returned.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn copysign(self, sign: Self) -> Self;
/// Returns the minimum of each element.
/// If one of the values is `NAN`, then the other value is returned.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn simd_min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// Returns the maximum of each element.
/// If one of the values is `NAN`, then the other value is returned.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn simd_max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// Restrict each element to a certain interval unless it is NaN.
/// For each element in `self`, returns the corresponding element in `max` if the element is
/// greater than `max`, and the corresponding element in `min` if the element is less
/// than `min`. Otherwise returns the element in `self`.
#[must_use = "method returns a new vector and does not mutate the original value"]
fn simd_clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self;
/// Returns the sum of the elements of the vector.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::prelude::*;
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([1., 2.]);
/// assert_eq!(v.reduce_sum(), 3.);
/// ```
fn reduce_sum(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Reducing multiply. Returns the product of the elements of the vector.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::prelude::*;
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([3., 4.]);
/// assert_eq!(v.reduce_product(), 12.);
/// ```
fn reduce_product(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the maximum element in the vector.
/// Returns values based on equality, so a vector containing both `0.` and `-0.` may
/// return either.
/// This function will not return `NaN` unless all elements are `NaN`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::prelude::*;
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([1., 2.]);
/// assert_eq!(v.reduce_max(), 2.);
/// // NaN values are skipped...
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([1., f32::NAN]);
/// assert_eq!(v.reduce_max(), 1.);
/// // ...unless all values are NaN
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([f32::NAN, f32::NAN]);
/// assert!(v.reduce_max().is_nan());
/// ```
fn reduce_max(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the minimum element in the vector.
/// Returns values based on equality, so a vector containing both `0.` and `-0.` may
/// return either.
/// This function will not return `NaN` unless all elements are `NaN`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::prelude::*;
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([3., 7.]);
/// assert_eq!(v.reduce_min(), 3.);
/// // NaN values are skipped...
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([1., f32::NAN]);
/// assert_eq!(v.reduce_min(), 1.);
/// // ...unless all values are NaN
/// let v = f32x2::from_array([f32::NAN, f32::NAN]);
/// assert!(v.reduce_min().is_nan());
/// ```
fn reduce_min(self) -> Self::Scalar;
macro_rules! impl_trait {
{ $($ty:ty { bits: $bits_ty:ty, mask: $mask_ty:ty }),* } => {
impl<const N: usize> Sealed for Simd<$ty, N>
LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
impl<const N: usize> SimdFloat for Simd<$ty, N>
LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
type Mask = Mask<<$mask_ty as SimdElement>::Mask, N>;
type Scalar = $ty;
type Bits = Simd<$bits_ty, N>;
type Cast<T: SimdElement> = Simd<T, N>;
fn cast<T: SimdCast>(self) -> Self::Cast<T>
// Safety: supported types are guaranteed by SimdCast
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_as(self) }
#[cfg_attr(miri, track_caller)] // even without panics, this helps for Miri backtraces
unsafe fn to_int_unchecked<I: SimdCast>(self) -> Self::Cast<I>
Self::Scalar: core::convert::FloatToInt<I>,
// Safety: supported types are guaranteed by SimdCast, the caller is responsible for the extra invariants
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_cast(self) }
fn to_bits(self) -> Simd<$bits_ty, N> {
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<Self>(), core::mem::size_of::<Self::Bits>());
// Safety: transmuting between vector types is safe
unsafe { core::mem::transmute_copy(&self) }
fn from_bits(bits: Simd<$bits_ty, N>) -> Self {
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<Self>(), core::mem::size_of::<Self::Bits>());
// Safety: transmuting between vector types is safe
unsafe { core::mem::transmute_copy(&bits) }
fn abs(self) -> Self {
// Safety: `self` is a float vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_fabs(self) }
fn recip(self) -> Self {
Self::splat(1.0) / self
fn to_degrees(self) -> Self {
// to_degrees uses a special constant for better precision, so extract that constant
self * Self::splat(Self::Scalar::to_degrees(1.))
fn to_radians(self) -> Self {
self * Self::splat(Self::Scalar::to_radians(1.))
fn is_sign_positive(self) -> Self::Mask {
fn is_sign_negative(self) -> Self::Mask {
let sign_bits = self.to_bits() & Simd::splat((!0 >> 1) + 1);
fn is_nan(self) -> Self::Mask {
fn is_infinite(self) -> Self::Mask {
fn is_finite(self) -> Self::Mask {
fn is_subnormal(self) -> Self::Mask {
// On some architectures (e.g. armv7 and some ppc) subnormals are flushed to zero,
// so this comparison must be done with integers.
let not_zero = self.abs().to_bits().simd_ne(Self::splat(0.0).to_bits());
not_zero & (self.to_bits() & Self::splat(Self::Scalar::INFINITY).to_bits()).simd_eq(Simd::splat(0))
#[must_use = "method returns a new mask and does not mutate the original value"]
fn is_normal(self) -> Self::Mask {
!(self.abs().simd_eq(Self::splat(0.0)) | self.is_nan() | self.is_subnormal() | self.is_infinite())
fn signum(self) -> Self {
self.is_nan().select(Self::splat(Self::Scalar::NAN), Self::splat(1.0).copysign(self))
fn copysign(self, sign: Self) -> Self {
let sign_bit = sign.to_bits() & Self::splat(-0.).to_bits();
let magnitude = self.to_bits() & !Self::splat(-0.).to_bits();
Self::from_bits(sign_bit | magnitude)
fn simd_min(self, other: Self) -> Self {
// Safety: `self` and `other` are float vectors
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_fmin(self, other) }
fn simd_max(self, other: Self) -> Self {
// Safety: `self` and `other` are floating point vectors
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_fmax(self, other) }
fn simd_clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self {
"each element in `min` must be less than or equal to the corresponding element in `max`",
let mut x = self;
x = x.simd_lt(min).select(min, x);
x = x.simd_gt(max).select(max, x);
fn reduce_sum(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// LLVM sum is inaccurate on i586
if cfg!(all(target_arch = "x86", not(target_feature = "sse2"))) {
} else {
// Safety: `self` is a float vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_reduce_add_ordered(self, 0.) }
fn reduce_product(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// LLVM product is inaccurate on i586
if cfg!(all(target_arch = "x86", not(target_feature = "sse2"))) {
} else {
// Safety: `self` is a float vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_reduce_mul_ordered(self, 1.) }
fn reduce_max(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is a float vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_reduce_max(self) }
fn reduce_min(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is a float vector
unsafe { core::intrinsics::simd::simd_reduce_min(self) }
impl_trait! { f32 { bits: u32, mask: i32 }, f64 { bits: u64, mask: i64 } }