blob: 9896425a34110f7b86a161520e338269b1deafe5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
use rustc_data_structures::unify::{NoError, UnifyKey, UnifyValue};
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable, HashStable_NoContext, TyDecodable, TyEncodable};
use rustc_type_ir_macros::{Lift_Generic, TypeFoldable_Generic, TypeVisitable_Generic};
use std::fmt;
pub use self::closure::*;
use self::TyKind::*;
use crate::inherent::*;
use crate::{self as ty, DebruijnIndex, Interner};
use rustc_ast_ir::Mutability;
mod closure;
/// Specifies how a trait object is represented.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum DynKind {
/// An unsized `dyn Trait` object
/// A sized `dyn* Trait` object
/// These objects are represented as a `(data, vtable)` pair where `data` is a value of some
/// ptr-sized and ptr-aligned dynamically determined type `T` and `vtable` is a pointer to the
/// vtable of `impl T for Trait`. This allows a `dyn*` object to be treated agnostically with
/// respect to whether it points to a `Box<T>`, `Rc<T>`, etc.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum AliasTyKind {
/// A projection `<Type as Trait>::AssocType`.
/// Can get normalized away if monomorphic enough.
/// An associated type in an inherent `impl`
/// An opaque type (usually from `impl Trait` in type aliases or function return types)
/// Can only be normalized away in RevealAll mode
/// A type alias that actually checks its trait bounds.
/// Currently only used if the type alias references opaque types.
/// Can always be normalized away.
impl AliasTyKind {
pub fn descr(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
AliasTyKind::Projection => "associated type",
AliasTyKind::Inherent => "inherent associated type",
AliasTyKind::Opaque => "opaque type",
AliasTyKind::Weak => "type alias",
/// Defines the kinds of types used by the type system.
/// Types written by the user start out as `hir::TyKind` and get
/// converted to this representation using `<dyn HirTyLowerer>::lower_ty`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", rustc_diagnostic_item = "IrTyKind")]
#[derivative(Clone(bound = ""), Copy(bound = ""), Hash(bound = ""), Eq(bound = ""))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum TyKind<I: Interner> {
/// The primitive boolean type. Written as `bool`.
/// The primitive character type; holds a Unicode scalar value
/// (a non-surrogate code point). Written as `char`.
/// A primitive signed integer type. For example, `i32`.
/// A primitive unsigned integer type. For example, `u32`.
/// A primitive floating-point type. For example, `f64`.
/// Algebraic data types (ADT). For example: structures, enumerations and unions.
/// For example, the type `List<i32>` would be represented using the `AdtDef`
/// for `struct List<T>` and the args `[i32]`.
/// Note that generic parameters in fields only get lazily instantiated
/// by using something like `adt_def.all_fields().map(|field| field.ty(interner, args))`.
Adt(I::AdtDef, I::GenericArgs),
/// An unsized FFI type that is opaque to Rust. Written as `extern type T`.
/// The pointee of a string slice. Written as `str`.
/// An array with the given length. Written as `[T; N]`.
Array(I::Ty, I::Const),
/// A pattern newtype. Takes any type and restricts its valid values to its pattern.
/// This will also change the layout to take advantage of this restriction.
/// Only `Copy` and `Clone` will automatically get implemented for pattern types.
/// Auto-traits treat this as if it were an aggregate with a single nested type.
/// Only supports integer range patterns for now.
Pat(I::Ty, I::Pat),
/// The pointee of an array slice. Written as `[T]`.
/// A raw pointer. Written as `*mut T` or `*const T`
RawPtr(I::Ty, Mutability),
/// A reference; a pointer with an associated lifetime. Written as
/// `&'a mut T` or `&'a T`.
Ref(I::Region, I::Ty, Mutability),
/// The anonymous type of a function declaration/definition. Each
/// function has a unique type.
/// For the function `fn foo() -> i32 { 3 }` this type would be
/// shown to the user as `fn() -> i32 {foo}`.
/// For example the type of `bar` here:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo() -> i32 { 1 }
/// let bar = foo; // bar: fn() -> i32 {foo}
/// ```
FnDef(I::DefId, I::GenericArgs),
/// A pointer to a function. Written as `fn() -> i32`.
/// Note that both functions and closures start out as either
/// [FnDef] or [Closure] which can be then be coerced to this variant.
/// For example the type of `bar` here:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo() -> i32 { 1 }
/// let bar: fn() -> i32 = foo;
/// ```
FnPtr(ty::Binder<I, FnSig<I>>),
/// A trait object. Written as `dyn for<'b> Trait<'b, Assoc = u32> + Send + 'a`.
Dynamic(I::BoundExistentialPredicates, I::Region, DynKind),
/// The anonymous type of a closure. Used to represent the type of `|a| a`.
/// Closure args contain both the - potentially instantiated - generic parameters
/// of its parent and some synthetic parameters. See the documentation for
/// `ClosureArgs` for more details.
Closure(I::DefId, I::GenericArgs),
/// The anonymous type of a closure. Used to represent the type of `async |a| a`.
/// Coroutine-closure args contain both the - potentially instantiated - generic
/// parameters of its parent and some synthetic parameters. See the documentation
/// for `CoroutineClosureArgs` for more details.
CoroutineClosure(I::DefId, I::GenericArgs),
/// The anonymous type of a coroutine. Used to represent the type of
/// `|a| yield a`.
/// For more info about coroutine args, visit the documentation for
/// `CoroutineArgs`.
Coroutine(I::DefId, I::GenericArgs),
/// A type representing the types stored inside a coroutine.
/// This should only appear as part of the `CoroutineArgs`.
/// Unlike upvars, the witness can reference lifetimes from
/// inside of the coroutine itself. To deal with them in
/// the type of the coroutine, we convert them to higher ranked
/// lifetimes bound by the witness itself.
/// This contains the `DefId` and the `GenericArgsRef` of the coroutine.
/// The actual witness types are computed on MIR by the `mir_coroutine_witnesses` query.
/// Looking at the following example, the witness for this coroutine
/// may end up as something like `for<'a> [Vec<i32>, &'a Vec<i32>]`:
/// ```
/// #![feature(coroutines)]
/// #[coroutine] static |a| {
/// let x = &vec![3];
/// yield a;
/// yield x[0];
/// }
/// # ;
/// ```
CoroutineWitness(I::DefId, I::GenericArgs),
/// The never type `!`.
/// A tuple type. For example, `(i32, bool)`.
/// A projection, opaque type, weak type alias, or inherent associated type.
/// All of these types are represented as pairs of def-id and args, and can
/// be normalized, so they are grouped conceptually.
Alias(AliasTyKind, AliasTy<I>),
/// A type parameter; for example, `T` in `fn f<T>(x: T) {}`.
/// Bound type variable, used to represent the `'a` in `for<'a> fn(&'a ())`.
/// For canonical queries, we replace inference variables with bound variables,
/// so e.g. when checking whether `&'_ (): Trait<_>` holds, we canonicalize that to
/// `for<'a, T> &'a (): Trait<T>` and then convert the introduced bound variables
/// back to inference variables in a new inference context when inside of the query.
/// It is conventional to render anonymous bound types like `^N` or `^D_N`,
/// where `N` is the bound variable's anonymous index into the binder, and
/// `D` is the debruijn index, or totally omitted if the debruijn index is zero.
/// See the `rustc-dev-guide` for more details about
/// [higher-ranked trait bounds][1] and [canonical queries][2].
/// [1]:
/// [2]:
Bound(DebruijnIndex, I::BoundTy),
/// A placeholder type, used during higher ranked subtyping to instantiate
/// bound variables.
/// It is conventional to render anonymous placeholder types like `!N` or `!U_N`,
/// where `N` is the placeholder variable's anonymous index (which corresponds
/// to the bound variable's index from the binder from which it was instantiated),
/// and `U` is the universe index in which it is instantiated, or totally omitted
/// if the universe index is zero.
/// A type variable used during type checking.
/// Similar to placeholders, inference variables also live in a universe to
/// correctly deal with higher ranked types. Though unlike placeholders,
/// that universe is stored in the `InferCtxt` instead of directly
/// inside of the type.
/// A placeholder for a type which could not be computed; this is
/// propagated to avoid useless error messages.
impl<I: Interner> TyKind<I> {
pub fn is_primitive(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Bool | Char | Int(_) | Uint(_) | Float(_))
// This is manually implemented for `TyKind` because `std::mem::discriminant`
// returns an opaque value that is `PartialEq` but not `PartialOrd`
const fn tykind_discriminant<I: Interner>(value: &TyKind<I>) -> usize {
match value {
Bool => 0,
Char => 1,
Int(_) => 2,
Uint(_) => 3,
Float(_) => 4,
Adt(_, _) => 5,
Foreign(_) => 6,
Str => 7,
Array(_, _) => 8,
Slice(_) => 9,
RawPtr(_, _) => 10,
Ref(_, _, _) => 11,
FnDef(_, _) => 12,
FnPtr(_) => 13,
Dynamic(..) => 14,
Closure(_, _) => 15,
CoroutineClosure(_, _) => 16,
Coroutine(_, _) => 17,
CoroutineWitness(_, _) => 18,
Never => 19,
Tuple(_) => 20,
Pat(_, _) => 21,
Alias(_, _) => 22,
Param(_) => 23,
Bound(_, _) => 24,
Placeholder(_) => 25,
Infer(_) => 26,
Error(_) => 27,
// This is manually implemented because a derive would require `I: PartialEq`
impl<I: Interner> PartialEq for TyKind<I> {
fn eq(&self, other: &TyKind<I>) -> bool {
// You might expect this `match` to be preceded with this:
// tykind_discriminant(self) == tykind_discriminant(other) &&
// but the data patterns in practice are such that a comparison
// succeeds 99%+ of the time, and it's faster to omit it.
match (self, other) {
(Int(a_i), Int(b_i)) => a_i == b_i,
(Uint(a_u), Uint(b_u)) => a_u == b_u,
(Float(a_f), Float(b_f)) => a_f == b_f,
(Adt(a_d, a_s), Adt(b_d, b_s)) => a_d == b_d && a_s == b_s,
(Foreign(a_d), Foreign(b_d)) => a_d == b_d,
(Array(a_t, a_c), Array(b_t, b_c)) => a_t == b_t && a_c == b_c,
(Pat(a_t, a_c), Pat(b_t, b_c)) => a_t == b_t && a_c == b_c,
(Slice(a_t), Slice(b_t)) => a_t == b_t,
(RawPtr(a_t, a_m), RawPtr(b_t, b_m)) => a_t == b_t && a_m == b_m,
(Ref(a_r, a_t, a_m), Ref(b_r, b_t, b_m)) => a_r == b_r && a_t == b_t && a_m == b_m,
(FnDef(a_d, a_s), FnDef(b_d, b_s)) => a_d == b_d && a_s == b_s,
(FnPtr(a_s), FnPtr(b_s)) => a_s == b_s,
(Dynamic(a_p, a_r, a_repr), Dynamic(b_p, b_r, b_repr)) => {
a_p == b_p && a_r == b_r && a_repr == b_repr
(Closure(a_d, a_s), Closure(b_d, b_s)) => a_d == b_d && a_s == b_s,
(CoroutineClosure(a_d, a_s), CoroutineClosure(b_d, b_s)) => a_d == b_d && a_s == b_s,
(Coroutine(a_d, a_s), Coroutine(b_d, b_s)) => a_d == b_d && a_s == b_s,
(CoroutineWitness(a_d, a_s), CoroutineWitness(b_d, b_s)) => a_d == b_d && a_s == b_s,
(Tuple(a_t), Tuple(b_t)) => a_t == b_t,
(Alias(a_i, a_p), Alias(b_i, b_p)) => a_i == b_i && a_p == b_p,
(Param(a_p), Param(b_p)) => a_p == b_p,
(Bound(a_d, a_b), Bound(b_d, b_b)) => a_d == b_d && a_b == b_b,
(Placeholder(a_p), Placeholder(b_p)) => a_p == b_p,
(Infer(a_t), Infer(b_t)) => a_t == b_t,
(Error(a_e), Error(b_e)) => a_e == b_e,
(Bool, Bool) | (Char, Char) | (Str, Str) | (Never, Never) => true,
_ => {
tykind_discriminant(self) != tykind_discriminant(other),
"This branch must be unreachable, maybe the match is missing an arm? self = {self:?}, other = {other:?}"
// This is manually implemented because a derive would require `I: Debug`
impl<I: Interner> fmt::Debug for TyKind<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Bool => write!(f, "bool"),
Char => write!(f, "char"),
Int(i) => write!(f, "{i:?}"),
Uint(u) => write!(f, "{u:?}"),
Float(float) => write!(f, "{float:?}"),
Adt(d, s) => {
write!(f, "{d:?}")?;
let mut s = s.iter();
let first =;
match first {
Some(first) => write!(f, "<{:?}", first)?,
None => return Ok(()),
for arg in s {
write!(f, ", {:?}", arg)?;
write!(f, ">")
Foreign(d) => f.debug_tuple("Foreign").field(d).finish(),
Str => write!(f, "str"),
Array(t, c) => write!(f, "[{t:?}; {c:?}]"),
Pat(t, p) => write!(f, "pattern_type!({t:?} is {p:?})"),
Slice(t) => write!(f, "[{:?}]", &t),
RawPtr(ty, mutbl) => write!(f, "*{} {:?}", mutbl.ptr_str(), ty),
Ref(r, t, m) => write!(f, "&{:?} {}{:?}", r, m.prefix_str(), t),
FnDef(d, s) => f.debug_tuple("FnDef").field(d).field(&s).finish(),
FnPtr(s) => write!(f, "{s:?}"),
Dynamic(p, r, repr) => match repr {
DynKind::Dyn => write!(f, "dyn {p:?} + {r:?}"),
DynKind::DynStar => write!(f, "dyn* {p:?} + {r:?}"),
Closure(d, s) => f.debug_tuple("Closure").field(d).field(&s).finish(),
CoroutineClosure(d, s) => f.debug_tuple("CoroutineClosure").field(d).field(&s).finish(),
Coroutine(d, s) => f.debug_tuple("Coroutine").field(d).field(&s).finish(),
CoroutineWitness(d, s) => f.debug_tuple("CoroutineWitness").field(d).field(&s).finish(),
Never => write!(f, "!"),
Tuple(t) => {
write!(f, "(")?;
let mut count = 0;
for ty in t.iter() {
if count > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{ty:?}")?;
count += 1;
// unary tuples need a trailing comma
if count == 1 {
write!(f, ",")?;
write!(f, ")")
Alias(i, a) => f.debug_tuple("Alias").field(i).field(&a).finish(),
Param(p) => write!(f, "{p:?}"),
Bound(d, b) => crate::debug_bound_var(f, *d, b),
Placeholder(p) => write!(f, "{p:?}"),
Infer(t) => write!(f, "{:?}", t),
TyKind::Error(_) => write!(f, "{{type error}}"),
/// Represents the projection of an associated, opaque, or lazy-type-alias type.
/// * For a projection, this would be `<Ty as Trait<...>>::N<...>`.
/// * For an inherent projection, this would be `Ty::N<...>`.
/// * For an opaque type, there is no explicit syntax.
Clone(bound = ""),
Copy(bound = ""),
Hash(bound = ""),
PartialEq(bound = ""),
Eq(bound = ""),
Debug(bound = "")
#[derive(TypeVisitable_Generic, TypeFoldable_Generic, Lift_Generic)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyDecodable, TyEncodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub struct AliasTy<I: Interner> {
/// The parameters of the associated or opaque type.
/// For a projection, these are the generic parameters for the trait and the
/// GAT parameters, if there are any.
/// For an inherent projection, they consist of the self type and the GAT parameters,
/// if there are any.
/// For RPIT the generic parameters are for the generics of the function,
/// while for TAIT it is used for the generic parameters of the alias.
pub args: I::GenericArgs,
/// The `DefId` of the `TraitItem` or `ImplItem` for the associated type `N` depending on whether
/// this is a projection or an inherent projection or the `DefId` of the `OpaqueType` item if
/// this is an opaque.
/// During codegen, `interner.type_of(def_id)` can be used to get the type of the
/// underlying type if the type is an opaque.
/// Note that if this is an associated type, this is not the `DefId` of the
/// `TraitRef` containing this associated type, which is in `interner.associated_item(def_id).container`,
/// aka. `interner.parent(def_id)`.
pub def_id: I::DefId,
/// This field exists to prevent the creation of `AliasTy` without using [`AliasTy::new_from_args`].
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub(crate) _use_alias_ty_new_instead: (),
impl<I: Interner> AliasTy<I> {
pub fn new_from_args(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> AliasTy<I> {
interner.debug_assert_args_compatible(def_id, args);
AliasTy { def_id, args, _use_alias_ty_new_instead: () }
pub fn new(
interner: I,
def_id: I::DefId,
args: impl IntoIterator<Item: Into<I::GenericArg>>,
) -> AliasTy<I> {
let args = interner.mk_args_from_iter(args.into_iter().map(Into::into));
Self::new_from_args(interner, def_id, args)
pub fn kind(self, interner: I) -> AliasTyKind {
/// Whether this alias type is an opaque.
pub fn is_opaque(self, interner: I) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(interner), AliasTyKind::Opaque)
pub fn to_ty(self, interner: I) -> I::Ty {
Ty::new_alias(interner, self.kind(interner), self)
/// The following methods work only with (trait) associated type projections.
impl<I: Interner> AliasTy<I> {
pub fn self_ty(self) -> I::Ty {
pub fn with_self_ty(self, interner: I, self_ty: I::Ty) -> Self {
pub fn trait_def_id(self, interner: I) -> I::DefId {
assert_eq!(self.kind(interner), AliasTyKind::Projection, "expected a projection");
/// Extracts the underlying trait reference and own args from this projection.
/// For example, if this is a projection of `<T as StreamingIterator>::Item<'a>`,
/// then this function would return a `T: StreamingIterator` trait reference and
/// `['a]` as the own args.
pub fn trait_ref_and_own_args(self, interner: I) -> (ty::TraitRef<I>, I::GenericArgsSlice) {
debug_assert_eq!(self.kind(interner), AliasTyKind::Projection);
interner.trait_ref_and_own_args_for_alias(self.def_id, self.args)
/// Extracts the underlying trait reference from this projection.
/// For example, if this is a projection of `<T as Iterator>::Item`,
/// then this function would return a `T: Iterator` trait reference.
/// WARNING: This will drop the args for generic associated types
/// consider calling [Self::trait_ref_and_own_args] to get those
/// as well.
pub fn trait_ref(self, interner: I) -> ty::TraitRef<I> {
/// The following methods work only with inherent associated type projections.
impl<I: Interner> AliasTy<I> {
/// Transform the generic parameters to have the given `impl` args as the base and the GAT args on top of that.
/// Does the following transformation:
/// ```text
/// [Self, P_0...P_m] -> [I_0...I_n, P_0...P_m]
/// I_i impl args
/// P_j GAT args
/// ```
pub fn rebase_inherent_args_onto_impl(
impl_args: I::GenericArgs,
interner: I,
) -> I::GenericArgs {
debug_assert_eq!(self.kind(interner), AliasTyKind::Inherent);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum IntTy {
impl IntTy {
pub fn name_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
IntTy::Isize => "isize",
IntTy::I8 => "i8",
IntTy::I16 => "i16",
IntTy::I32 => "i32",
IntTy::I64 => "i64",
IntTy::I128 => "i128",
pub fn bit_width(&self) -> Option<u64> {
Some(match *self {
IntTy::Isize => return None,
IntTy::I8 => 8,
IntTy::I16 => 16,
IntTy::I32 => 32,
IntTy::I64 => 64,
IntTy::I128 => 128,
pub fn normalize(&self, target_width: u32) -> Self {
match self {
IntTy::Isize => match target_width {
16 => IntTy::I16,
32 => IntTy::I32,
64 => IntTy::I64,
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => *self,
pub fn to_unsigned(self) -> UintTy {
match self {
IntTy::Isize => UintTy::Usize,
IntTy::I8 => UintTy::U8,
IntTy::I16 => UintTy::U16,
IntTy::I32 => UintTy::U32,
IntTy::I64 => UintTy::U64,
IntTy::I128 => UintTy::U128,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum UintTy {
impl UintTy {
pub fn name_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
UintTy::Usize => "usize",
UintTy::U8 => "u8",
UintTy::U16 => "u16",
UintTy::U32 => "u32",
UintTy::U64 => "u64",
UintTy::U128 => "u128",
pub fn bit_width(&self) -> Option<u64> {
Some(match *self {
UintTy::Usize => return None,
UintTy::U8 => 8,
UintTy::U16 => 16,
UintTy::U32 => 32,
UintTy::U64 => 64,
UintTy::U128 => 128,
pub fn normalize(&self, target_width: u32) -> Self {
match self {
UintTy::Usize => match target_width {
16 => UintTy::U16,
32 => UintTy::U32,
64 => UintTy::U64,
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => *self,
pub fn to_signed(self) -> IntTy {
match self {
UintTy::Usize => IntTy::Isize,
UintTy::U8 => IntTy::I8,
UintTy::U16 => IntTy::I16,
UintTy::U32 => IntTy::I32,
UintTy::U64 => IntTy::I64,
UintTy::U128 => IntTy::I128,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
pub enum FloatTy {
impl FloatTy {
pub fn name_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
FloatTy::F16 => "f16",
FloatTy::F32 => "f32",
FloatTy::F64 => "f64",
FloatTy::F128 => "f128",
pub fn bit_width(self) -> u64 {
match self {
FloatTy::F16 => 16,
FloatTy::F32 => 32,
FloatTy::F64 => 64,
FloatTy::F128 => 128,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum IntVarValue {
impl IntVarValue {
pub fn is_known(self) -> bool {
match self {
IntVarValue::IntType(_) | IntVarValue::UintType(_) => true,
IntVarValue::Unknown => false,
pub fn is_unknown(self) -> bool {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum FloatVarValue {
impl FloatVarValue {
pub fn is_known(self) -> bool {
match self {
FloatVarValue::Known(_) => true,
FloatVarValue::Unknown => false,
pub fn is_unknown(self) -> bool {
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
/// A **ty**pe **v**ariable **ID**.
#[debug_format = "?{}t"]
pub struct TyVid {}
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
/// An **int**egral (`u32`, `i32`, `usize`, etc.) type **v**ariable **ID**.
#[debug_format = "?{}i"]
pub struct IntVid {}
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
/// A **float**ing-point (`f32` or `f64`) type **v**ariable **ID**.
#[debug_format = "?{}f"]
pub struct FloatVid {}
/// A placeholder for a type that hasn't been inferred yet.
/// E.g., if we have an empty array (`[]`), then we create a fresh
/// type variable for the element type since we won't know until it's
/// used what the element type is supposed to be.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(Encodable, Decodable))]
pub enum InferTy {
/// A type variable.
/// An integral type variable (`{integer}`).
/// These are created when the compiler sees an integer literal like
/// `1` that could be several different types (`u8`, `i32`, `u32`, etc.).
/// We don't know until it's used what type it's supposed to be, so
/// we create a fresh type variable.
/// A floating-point type variable (`{float}`).
/// These are created when the compiler sees an float literal like
/// `1.0` that could be either an `f32` or an `f64`.
/// We don't know until it's used what type it's supposed to be, so
/// we create a fresh type variable.
/// A [`FreshTy`][Self::FreshTy] is one that is generated as a replacement
/// for an unbound type variable. This is convenient for caching etc. See
/// `rustc_infer::infer::freshen` for more details.
/// Compare with [`TyVar`][Self::TyVar].
/// Like [`FreshTy`][Self::FreshTy], but as a replacement for [`IntVar`][Self::IntVar].
/// Like [`FreshTy`][Self::FreshTy], but as a replacement for [`FloatVar`][Self::FloatVar].
/// Raw `TyVid` are used as the unification key for `sub_relations`;
/// they carry no values.
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl UnifyKey for TyVid {
type Value = ();
fn index(&self) -> u32 {
fn from_index(i: u32) -> TyVid {
fn tag() -> &'static str {
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl UnifyValue for IntVarValue {
type Error = NoError;
fn unify_values(value1: &Self, value2: &Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match (*value1, *value2) {
(IntVarValue::Unknown, IntVarValue::Unknown) => Ok(IntVarValue::Unknown),
known @ (IntVarValue::UintType(_) | IntVarValue::IntType(_)),
| (
known @ (IntVarValue::UintType(_) | IntVarValue::IntType(_)),
) => Ok(known),
_ => panic!("differing ints should have been resolved first"),
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl UnifyKey for IntVid {
type Value = IntVarValue;
#[inline] // make this function eligible for inlining - it is quite hot.
fn index(&self) -> u32 {
fn from_index(i: u32) -> IntVid {
fn tag() -> &'static str {
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl UnifyValue for FloatVarValue {
type Error = NoError;
fn unify_values(value1: &Self, value2: &Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match (*value1, *value2) {
(FloatVarValue::Unknown, FloatVarValue::Unknown) => Ok(FloatVarValue::Unknown),
(FloatVarValue::Unknown, FloatVarValue::Known(known))
| (FloatVarValue::Known(known), FloatVarValue::Unknown) => {
(FloatVarValue::Known(_), FloatVarValue::Known(_)) => {
panic!("differing floats should have been resolved first")
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl UnifyKey for FloatVid {
type Value = FloatVarValue;
fn index(&self) -> u32 {
fn from_index(i: u32) -> FloatVid {
fn tag() -> &'static str {
#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for InferTy {
fn hash_stable(&self, ctx: &mut CTX, hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
use InferTy::*;
std::mem::discriminant(self).hash_stable(ctx, hasher);
match self {
TyVar(_) | IntVar(_) | FloatVar(_) => {
panic!("type variables should not be hashed: {self:?}")
FreshTy(v) | FreshIntTy(v) | FreshFloatTy(v) => v.hash_stable(ctx, hasher),
impl fmt::Display for InferTy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use InferTy::*;
match *self {
TyVar(_) => write!(f, "_"),
IntVar(_) => write!(f, "{}", "{integer}"),
FloatVar(_) => write!(f, "{}", "{float}"),
FreshTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshTy({v})"),
FreshIntTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshIntTy({v})"),
FreshFloatTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshFloatTy({v})"),
impl fmt::Debug for IntTy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.name_str())
impl fmt::Debug for UintTy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.name_str())
impl fmt::Debug for FloatTy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.name_str())
impl fmt::Debug for InferTy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use InferTy::*;
match *self {
TyVar(ref v) => v.fmt(f),
IntVar(ref v) => v.fmt(f),
FloatVar(ref v) => v.fmt(f),
FreshTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshTy({v:?})"),
FreshIntTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshIntTy({v:?})"),
FreshFloatTy(v) => write!(f, "FreshFloatTy({v:?})"),
Clone(bound = ""),
Copy(bound = ""),
PartialEq(bound = ""),
Eq(bound = ""),
Hash(bound = ""),
Debug(bound = "")
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
#[derive(TypeVisitable_Generic, TypeFoldable_Generic)]
pub struct TypeAndMut<I: Interner> {
pub ty: I::Ty,
pub mutbl: Mutability,
Clone(bound = ""),
Copy(bound = ""),
PartialEq(bound = ""),
Eq(bound = ""),
Hash(bound = "")
#[cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable_NoContext))]
#[derive(TypeVisitable_Generic, TypeFoldable_Generic, Lift_Generic)]
pub struct FnSig<I: Interner> {
pub inputs_and_output: I::Tys,
pub c_variadic: bool,
pub safety: I::Safety,
pub abi: I::Abi,
impl<I: Interner> FnSig<I> {
pub fn split_inputs_and_output(self) -> (I::FnInputTys, I::Ty) {
pub fn inputs(self) -> I::FnInputTys {
pub fn output(self) -> I::Ty {
pub fn is_fn_trait_compatible(self) -> bool {
let FnSig { safety, abi, c_variadic, .. } = self;
!c_variadic && safety.is_safe() && abi.is_rust()
impl<I: Interner> ty::Binder<I, FnSig<I>> {
pub fn inputs(self) -> ty::Binder<I, I::FnInputTys> {
self.map_bound(|fn_sig| fn_sig.inputs())
pub fn input(self, index: usize) -> ty::Binder<I, I::Ty> {
self.map_bound(|fn_sig| fn_sig.inputs().get(index).unwrap())
pub fn inputs_and_output(self) -> ty::Binder<I, I::Tys> {
self.map_bound(|fn_sig| fn_sig.inputs_and_output)
pub fn output(self) -> ty::Binder<I, I::Ty> {
self.map_bound(|fn_sig| fn_sig.output())
pub fn c_variadic(self) -> bool {
pub fn safety(self) -> I::Safety {
pub fn abi(self) -> I::Abi {
pub fn is_fn_trait_compatible(&self) -> bool {
impl<I: Interner> fmt::Debug for FnSig<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let sig = self;
let FnSig { inputs_and_output: _, c_variadic, safety, abi } = sig;
write!(f, "{}", safety.prefix_str())?;
if !abi.is_rust() {
write!(f, "extern \"{abi:?}\" ")?;
write!(f, "fn(")?;
let (inputs, output) = sig.split_inputs_and_output();
for (i, ty) in inputs.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{ty:?}")?;
if *c_variadic {
if inputs.is_empty() {
write!(f, "...")?;
} else {
write!(f, ", ...")?;
write!(f, ")")?;
match output.kind() {
Tuple(list) if list.is_empty() => Ok(()),
_ => write!(f, " -> {:?}", sig.output()),