blob: f1572a18a8be0a065384e71ddfcd0be9dce5d079 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Nonterminal::*, NonterminalKind, Token};
use rustc_ast::HasTokens;
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_errors::PResult;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, Ident};
use crate::errors::UnexpectedNonterminal;
use crate::parser::pat::{CommaRecoveryMode, RecoverColon, RecoverComma};
use crate::parser::{FollowedByType, ForceCollect, ParseNtResult, Parser, PathStyle};
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// Checks whether a non-terminal may begin with a particular token.
/// Returning `false` is a *stability guarantee* that such a matcher will *never* begin with
/// that token. Be conservative (return true) if not sure. Inlined because it has a single call
/// site.
pub fn nonterminal_may_begin_with(kind: NonterminalKind, token: &Token) -> bool {
/// Checks whether the non-terminal may contain a single (non-keyword) identifier.
fn may_be_ident(nt: &token::Nonterminal) -> bool {
match nt {
| NtPat(_)
| NtExpr(_)
| NtTy(_)
| NtIdent(..)
| NtLiteral(_) // `true`, `false`
| NtMeta(_)
| NtPath(_) => true,
| NtBlock(_)
| NtVis(_)
| NtLifetime(_) => false,
match kind {
NonterminalKind::Expr => {
// This exception is here for backwards compatibility.
&& !token.is_keyword(kw::Let)
// This exception is here for backwards compatibility.
&& !token.is_keyword(kw::Const)
NonterminalKind::Ty => token.can_begin_type(),
NonterminalKind::Ident => get_macro_ident(token).is_some(),
NonterminalKind::Literal => token.can_begin_literal_maybe_minus(),
NonterminalKind::Vis => match token.kind {
// The follow-set of :vis + "priv" keyword + interpolated
token::Comma | token::Ident(..) | token::Interpolated(_) => true,
_ => token.can_begin_type(),
NonterminalKind::Block => match &token.kind {
token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) => true,
token::Interpolated(nt) => match &nt.0 {
NtBlock(_) | NtLifetime(_) | NtStmt(_) | NtExpr(_) | NtLiteral(_) => true,
NtItem(_) | NtPat(_) | NtTy(_) | NtIdent(..) | NtMeta(_) | NtPath(_)
| NtVis(_) => false,
_ => false,
NonterminalKind::Path | NonterminalKind::Meta => match &token.kind {
token::ModSep | token::Ident(..) => true,
token::Interpolated(nt) => may_be_ident(&nt.0),
_ => false,
NonterminalKind::PatParam { .. } | NonterminalKind::PatWithOr => {
match &token.kind {
token::Ident(..) | // box, ref, mut, and other identifiers (can stricten)
token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) | // tuple pattern
token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Bracket) | // slice pattern
token::BinOp(token::And) | // reference
token::BinOp(token::Minus) | // negative literal
token::AndAnd | // double reference
token::Literal(_) | // literal
token::DotDot | // range pattern (future compat)
token::DotDotDot | // range pattern (future compat)
token::ModSep | // path
token::Lt | // path (UFCS constant)
token::BinOp(token::Shl) => true, // path (double UFCS)
// leading vert `|` or-pattern
token::BinOp(token::Or) => matches!(kind, NonterminalKind::PatWithOr),
token::Interpolated(nt) => may_be_ident(&nt.0),
_ => false,
NonterminalKind::Lifetime => match &token.kind {
token::Lifetime(_) => true,
token::Interpolated(nt) => {
matches!(&nt.0, NtLifetime(_))
_ => false,
NonterminalKind::TT | NonterminalKind::Item | NonterminalKind::Stmt => {
!matches!(token.kind, token::CloseDelim(_))
/// Parse a non-terminal (e.g. MBE `:pat` or `:ident`). Inlined because there is only one call
/// site.
pub fn parse_nonterminal(&mut self, kind: NonterminalKind) -> PResult<'a, ParseNtResult> {
// A `macro_rules!` invocation may pass a captured item/expr to a proc-macro,
// which requires having captured tokens available. Since we cannot determine
// in advance whether or not a proc-macro will be (transitively) invoked,
// we always capture tokens for any `Nonterminal` which needs them.
let mut nt = match kind {
// Note that TT is treated differently to all the others.
NonterminalKind::TT => return Ok(ParseNtResult::Tt(self.parse_token_tree())),
NonterminalKind::Item => match self.parse_item(ForceCollect::Yes)? {
Some(item) => NtItem(item),
None => {
return Err(self
NonterminalKind::Block => {
// While a block *expression* may have attributes (e.g. `#[my_attr] { ... }`),
// the ':block' matcher does not support them
NtBlock(self.collect_tokens_no_attrs(|this| this.parse_block())?)
NonterminalKind::Stmt => match self.parse_stmt(ForceCollect::Yes)? {
Some(s) => NtStmt(P(s)),
None => {
return Err(self
NonterminalKind::PatParam { .. } | NonterminalKind::PatWithOr => {
NtPat(self.collect_tokens_no_attrs(|this| match kind {
NonterminalKind::PatParam { .. } => this.parse_pat_no_top_alt(None, None),
NonterminalKind::PatWithOr => this.parse_pat_allow_top_alt(
_ => unreachable!(),
NonterminalKind::Expr => NtExpr(self.parse_expr_force_collect()?),
NonterminalKind::Literal => {
// The `:literal` matcher does not support attributes
NtLiteral(self.collect_tokens_no_attrs(|this| this.parse_literal_maybe_minus())?)
NonterminalKind::Ty => {
NtTy(self.collect_tokens_no_attrs(|this| this.parse_ty_no_question_mark_recover())?)
// this could be handled like a token, since it is one
NonterminalKind::Ident if let Some((ident, is_raw)) = get_macro_ident(&self.token) => {
NtIdent(ident, is_raw)
NonterminalKind::Ident => {
return Err(self.dcx().create_err(UnexpectedNonterminal::Ident {
span: self.token.span,
token: self.token.clone(),
NonterminalKind::Path => {
NtPath(P(self.collect_tokens_no_attrs(|this| this.parse_path(PathStyle::Type))?))
NonterminalKind::Meta => NtMeta(P(self.parse_attr_item(true)?)),
NonterminalKind::Vis => {
.collect_tokens_no_attrs(|this| this.parse_visibility(FollowedByType::Yes))?))
NonterminalKind::Lifetime => {
if self.check_lifetime() {
} else {
return Err(self.dcx().create_err(UnexpectedNonterminal::Lifetime {
span: self.token.span,
token: self.token.clone(),
// If tokens are supported at all, they should be collected.
if matches!(nt.tokens_mut(), Some(None)) {
"Missing tokens for nt {:?} at {:?}: {:?}",
/// The token is an identifier, but not `_`.
/// We prohibit passing `_` to macros expecting `ident` for now.
fn get_macro_ident(token: &Token) -> Option<(Ident, token::IdentIsRaw)> {
token.ident().filter(|(ident, _)| != kw::Underscore)