blob: e40f4520671bb540eaff98ad221411841dd99a03 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A MIR pass which duplicates a coroutine's body and removes any derefs which
//! would be present for upvars that are taken by-ref. The result of which will
//! be a coroutine body that takes all of its upvars by-move, and which we stash
//! into the `CoroutineInfo` for all coroutines returned by coroutine-closures.
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexSet;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_middle::mir::visit::MutVisitor;
use rustc_middle::mir::{self, dump_mir, MirPass};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, InstanceDef, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
use rustc_target::abi::FieldIdx;
pub struct ByMoveBody;
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for ByMoveBody {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut mir::Body<'tcx>) {
let Some(coroutine_def_id) = body.source.def_id().as_local() else {
let Some(hir::CoroutineKind::Desugared(_, hir::CoroutineSource::Closure)) =
else {
let coroutine_ty = body.local_decls[ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL].ty;
if coroutine_ty.references_error() {
let ty::Coroutine(_, args) = *coroutine_ty.kind() else { bug!("{body:#?}") };
let coroutine_kind = args.as_coroutine().kind_ty().to_opt_closure_kind().unwrap();
if coroutine_kind == ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce {
let mut by_ref_fields = FxIndexSet::default();
let by_move_upvars = Ty::new_tup_from_iter(
tcx.closure_captures(coroutine_def_id).iter().enumerate().map(|(idx, capture)| {
if capture.is_by_ref() {
let by_move_coroutine_ty = Ty::new_coroutine(
ty::CoroutineArgsParts {
parent_args: args.as_coroutine().parent_args(),
kind_ty: Ty::from_closure_kind(tcx, ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce),
resume_ty: args.as_coroutine().resume_ty(),
yield_ty: args.as_coroutine().yield_ty(),
return_ty: args.as_coroutine().return_ty(),
witness: args.as_coroutine().witness(),
tupled_upvars_ty: by_move_upvars,
let mut by_move_body = body.clone();
MakeByMoveBody { tcx, by_ref_fields, by_move_coroutine_ty }.visit_body(&mut by_move_body);
dump_mir(tcx, false, "coroutine_by_move", &0, &by_move_body, |_, _| Ok(()));
by_move_body.source = mir::MirSource {
instance: InstanceDef::CoroutineKindShim {
coroutine_def_id: coroutine_def_id.to_def_id(),
target_kind: ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce,
promoted: None,
body.coroutine.as_mut().unwrap().by_move_body = Some(by_move_body);
// If this is coming from an `AsyncFn` coroutine-closure, we must also create a by-mut body.
// This is actually just a copy of the by-ref body, but with a different self type.
// FIXME(async_closures): We could probably unify this with the by-ref body somehow.
if coroutine_kind == ty::ClosureKind::Fn {
let by_mut_coroutine_ty = Ty::new_coroutine(
ty::CoroutineArgsParts {
parent_args: args.as_coroutine().parent_args(),
kind_ty: Ty::from_closure_kind(tcx, ty::ClosureKind::FnMut),
resume_ty: args.as_coroutine().resume_ty(),
yield_ty: args.as_coroutine().yield_ty(),
return_ty: args.as_coroutine().return_ty(),
witness: args.as_coroutine().witness(),
tupled_upvars_ty: args.as_coroutine().tupled_upvars_ty(),
let mut by_mut_body = body.clone();
by_mut_body.local_decls[ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL].ty = by_mut_coroutine_ty;
dump_mir(tcx, false, "coroutine_by_mut", &0, &by_mut_body, |_, _| Ok(()));
by_mut_body.source = mir::MirSource {
instance: InstanceDef::CoroutineKindShim {
coroutine_def_id: coroutine_def_id.to_def_id(),
target_kind: ty::ClosureKind::FnMut,
promoted: None,
body.coroutine.as_mut().unwrap().by_mut_body = Some(by_mut_body);
struct MakeByMoveBody<'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
by_ref_fields: FxIndexSet<FieldIdx>,
by_move_coroutine_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for MakeByMoveBody<'tcx> {
fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn visit_place(
&mut self,
place: &mut mir::Place<'tcx>,
context: mir::visit::PlaceContext,
location: mir::Location,
) {
if place.local == ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL
&& !place.projection.is_empty()
&& let mir::ProjectionElem::Field(idx, ty) = place.projection[0]
&& self.by_ref_fields.contains(&idx)
let (begin, end) = place.projection[1..].split_first().unwrap();
// FIXME(async_closures): I'm actually a bit surprised to see that we always
// initially deref the by-ref upvars. If this is not actually true, then we
// will at least get an ICE that explains why this isn't true :^)
assert_eq!(*begin, mir::ProjectionElem::Deref);
// Peel one ref off of the ty.
let peeled_ty = ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
*place = mir::Place {
local: place.local,
projection: self.tcx.mk_place_elems_from_iter(
[mir::ProjectionElem::Field(idx, peeled_ty)]
self.super_place(place, context, location);
fn visit_local_decl(&mut self, local: mir::Local, local_decl: &mut mir::LocalDecl<'tcx>) {
// Replace the type of the self arg.
if local == ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL {
local_decl.ty = self.by_move_coroutine_ty;