blob: a488359275eebb9ad3169d51e91e2bba913d899d [file] [log] [blame]
use IResult;
use space::{skip_whitespace, word_break};
/// Parse a piece of punctuation like "+" or "+=".
/// See also `keyword!` for parsing keywords, which are subtly different from
/// punctuation.
/// - **Syntax:** `punct!("...")`
/// - **Output:** `&str`
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// // Parse zero or more bangs.
/// named!(many_bangs -> Vec<&str>,
/// many0!(punct!("!"))
/// );
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "!! !";
/// let parsed = many_bangs(input).expect("bangs");
/// assert_eq!(parsed, ["!", "!", "!"]);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! punct {
($i:expr, $punct:expr) => {
$crate::helper::punct($i, $punct)
// Not public API.
pub fn punct<'a>(input: &'a str, token: &'static str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
let input = skip_whitespace(input);
if input.starts_with(token) {
IResult::Done(&input[token.len()..], token)
} else {
/// Parse a keyword like "fn" or "struct".
/// See also `punct!` for parsing punctuation, which are subtly different from
/// keywords.
/// - **Syntax:** `keyword!("...")`
/// - **Output:** `&str`
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use synom::IResult;
/// // Parse zero or more "bang" keywords.
/// named!(many_bangs -> Vec<&str>,
/// terminated!(
/// many0!(keyword!("bang")),
/// punct!(";")
/// )
/// );
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "bang bang bang;";
/// let parsed = many_bangs(input).expect("bangs");
/// assert_eq!(parsed, ["bang", "bang", "bang"]);
/// let input = "bangbang;";
/// let err = many_bangs(input);
/// assert_eq!(err, IResult::Error);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! keyword {
($i:expr, $keyword:expr) => {
$crate::helper::keyword($i, $keyword)
// Not public API.
pub fn keyword<'a>(input: &'a str, token: &'static str) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
match punct(input, token) {
IResult::Done(rest, _) => {
match word_break(rest) {
IResult::Done(_, _) => IResult::Done(rest, token),
IResult::Error => IResult::Error,
IResult::Error => IResult::Error,
/// Turn a failed parse into `None` and a successful parse into `Some`.
/// - **Syntax:** `option!(THING)`
/// - **Output:** `Option<THING>`
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// named!(maybe_bang -> Option<&str>, option!(punct!("!")));
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "!";
/// let parsed = maybe_bang(input).expect("maybe bang");
/// assert_eq!(parsed, Some("!"));
/// let input = "";
/// let parsed = maybe_bang(input).expect("maybe bang");
/// assert_eq!(parsed, None);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! option {
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i, Some(o)),
$crate::IResult::Error => $crate::IResult::Done($i, None),
($i:expr, $f:expr) => {
option!($i, call!($f));
/// Turn a failed parse into an empty vector. The argument parser must itself
/// return a vector.
/// This is often more convenient than `option!(...)` when the argument produces
/// a vector.
/// - **Syntax:** `opt_vec!(THING)`
/// - **Output:** `THING`, which must be `Vec<T>`
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::{Lifetime, Ty};
/// use syn::parse::{lifetime, ty};
/// named!(bound_lifetimes -> (Vec<Lifetime>, Ty), tuple!(
/// opt_vec!(do_parse!(
/// keyword!("for") >>
/// punct!("<") >>
/// lifetimes: terminated_list!(punct!(","), lifetime) >>
/// punct!(">") >>
/// (lifetimes)
/// )),
/// ty
/// ));
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "for<'a, 'b> fn(&'a A) -> &'b B";
/// let parsed = bound_lifetimes(input).expect("bound lifetimes");
/// assert_eq!(parsed.0, [Lifetime::new("'a"), Lifetime::new("'b")]);
/// println!("{:?}", parsed);
/// let input = "From<String>";
/// let parsed = bound_lifetimes(input).expect("bound lifetimes");
/// assert!(parsed.0.is_empty());
/// println!("{:?}", parsed);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! opt_vec {
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i, o),
$crate::IResult::Error => $crate::IResult::Done($i, Vec::new()),
/// Parses nothing and always succeeds.
/// This can be useful as a fallthrough case in `alt!`.
/// - **Syntax:** `epsilon!()`
/// - **Output:** `()`
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::Mutability;
/// named!(mutability -> Mutability, alt!(
/// keyword!("mut") => { |_| Mutability::Mutable }
/// |
/// epsilon!() => { |_| Mutability::Immutable }
/// ));
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "mut";
/// let parsed = mutability(input).expect("mutability");
/// assert_eq!(parsed, Mutability::Mutable);
/// let input = "";
/// let parsed = mutability(input).expect("mutability");
/// assert_eq!(parsed, Mutability::Immutable);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! epsilon {
($i:expr,) => {
$crate::IResult::Done($i, ())
/// Run a parser, binding the result to a name, and then evaluating an
/// expression.
/// Discards the result of the expression and parser.
/// - **Syntax:** `tap!(NAME : THING => EXPR)`
/// - **Output:** `()`
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::{Expr, ExprKind};
/// use syn::parse::expr;
/// named!(expr_with_arrow_call -> Expr, do_parse!(
/// mut e: expr >>
/// many0!(tap!(arg: tuple!(punct!("=>"), expr) => {
/// e = Expr {
/// node: ExprKind::Call(Box::new(e), vec![arg.1]),
/// attrs: Vec::new(),
/// };
/// })) >>
/// (e)
/// ));
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "something => argument1 => argument2";
/// let parsed = expr_with_arrow_call(input).expect("expr with arrow call");
/// println!("{:?}", parsed);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! tap {
($i:expr, $name:ident : $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => $e:expr) => {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
let $name = o;
$crate::IResult::Done(i, ())
$crate::IResult::Error => $crate::IResult::Error,
($i:expr, $name:ident : $f:expr => $e:expr) => {
tap!($i, $name: call!($f) => $e);
/// Zero or more values separated by some separator. Does not allow a trailing
/// seperator.
/// - **Syntax:** `separated_list!(punct!("..."), THING)`
/// - **Output:** `Vec<THING>`
/// You may also be looking for:
/// - `separated_nonempty_list!` - one or more values
/// - `terminated_list!` - zero or more, allows trailing separator
/// - `many0!` - zero or more, no separator
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::Expr;
/// use syn::parse::expr;
/// named!(expr_list -> Vec<Expr>,
/// separated_list!(punct!(","), expr)
/// );
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "1 + 1, things, Construct { this: thing }";
/// let parsed = expr_list(input).expect("expr list");
/// assert_eq!(parsed.len(), 3);
/// }
/// ```
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::Ident;
/// use syn::parse::ident;
/// named!(run_on -> Vec<Ident>,
/// terminated!(
/// separated_list!(keyword!("and"), preceded!(punct!("$"), ident)),
/// punct!("...")
/// )
/// );
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "$expr and $ident and $pat ...";
/// let parsed = run_on(input).expect("run-on sentence");
/// assert_eq!(parsed.len(), 3);
/// assert_eq!(parsed[0], "expr");
/// assert_eq!(parsed[1], "ident");
/// assert_eq!(parsed[2], "pat");
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! separated_list {
// Try to use this branch if possible - makes a difference in compile time.
($i:expr, punct!($sep:expr), $f:ident) => {
$crate::helper::separated_list($i, $sep, $f, false)
($i:expr, $sepmac:ident!( $($separgs:tt)* ), $fmac:ident!( $($fargs:tt)* )) => {{
let mut res = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
let mut input = $i;
// get the first element
match $fmac!(input, $($fargs)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error => $crate::IResult::Done(input, res),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
if i.len() == input.len() {
} else {
input = i;
// get the separator first
while let $crate::IResult::Done(i2, _) = $sepmac!(input, $($separgs)*) {
if i2.len() == input.len() {
// get the element next
if let $crate::IResult::Done(i3, o3) = $fmac!(i2, $($fargs)*) {
if i3.len() == i2.len() {
input = i3;
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done(input, res)
($i:expr, $sepmac:ident!( $($separgs:tt)* ), $f:expr) => {
separated_list!($i, $sepmac!($($separgs)*), call!($f))
($i:expr, $sep:expr, $fmac:ident!( $($fargs:tt)* )) => {
separated_list!($i, call!($sep), $fmac!($($fargs)*))
($i:expr, $sep:expr, $f:expr) => {
separated_list!($i, call!($sep), call!($f))
/// Zero or more values separated by some separator. A trailing separator is
/// allowed.
/// - **Syntax:** `terminated_list!(punct!("..."), THING)`
/// - **Output:** `Vec<THING>`
/// You may also be looking for:
/// - `separated_list!` - zero or more, allows trailing separator
/// - `separated_nonempty_list!` - one or more values
/// - `many0!` - zero or more, no separator
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::Expr;
/// use syn::parse::expr;
/// named!(expr_list -> Vec<Expr>,
/// terminated_list!(punct!(","), expr)
/// );
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "1 + 1, things, Construct { this: thing },";
/// let parsed = expr_list(input).expect("expr list");
/// assert_eq!(parsed.len(), 3);
/// }
/// ```
/// ```rust
/// extern crate syn;
/// #[macro_use] extern crate synom;
/// use syn::Ident;
/// use syn::parse::ident;
/// named!(run_on -> Vec<Ident>,
/// terminated!(
/// terminated_list!(keyword!("and"), preceded!(punct!("$"), ident)),
/// punct!("...")
/// )
/// );
/// fn main() {
/// let input = "$expr and $ident and $pat and ...";
/// let parsed = run_on(input).expect("run-on sentence");
/// assert_eq!(parsed.len(), 3);
/// assert_eq!(parsed[0], "expr");
/// assert_eq!(parsed[1], "ident");
/// assert_eq!(parsed[2], "pat");
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! terminated_list {
// Try to use this branch if possible - makes a difference in compile time.
($i:expr, punct!($sep:expr), $f:ident) => {
$crate::helper::separated_list($i, $sep, $f, true)
($i:expr, $sepmac:ident!( $($separgs:tt)* ), $fmac:ident!( $($fargs:tt)* )) => {{
let mut res = ::std::vec::Vec::new();
let mut input = $i;
// get the first element
match $fmac!(input, $($fargs)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error => $crate::IResult::Done(input, res),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
if i.len() == input.len() {
} else {
input = i;
// get the separator first
while let $crate::IResult::Done(i2, _) = $sepmac!(input, $($separgs)*) {
if i2.len() == input.len() {
// get the element next
if let $crate::IResult::Done(i3, o3) = $fmac!(i2, $($fargs)*) {
if i3.len() == i2.len() {
input = i3;
} else {
if let $crate::IResult::Done(after, _) = $sepmac!(input, $($separgs)*) {
input = after;
$crate::IResult::Done(input, res)
($i:expr, $sepmac:ident!( $($separgs:tt)* ), $f:expr) => {
terminated_list!($i, $sepmac!($($separgs)*), call!($f))
($i:expr, $sep:expr, $fmac:ident!( $($fargs:tt)* )) => {
terminated_list!($i, call!($sep), $fmac!($($fargs)*))
($i:expr, $sep:expr, $f:expr) => {
terminated_list!($i, call!($sep), call!($f))
// Not public API.
pub fn separated_list<'a, T>(mut input: &'a str,
sep: &'static str,
f: fn(&'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, T>,
terminated: bool)
-> IResult<&'a str, Vec<T>> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
// get the first element
match f(input) {
IResult::Error => IResult::Done(input, res),
IResult::Done(i, o) => {
if i.len() == input.len() {
} else {
input = i;
// get the separator first
while let IResult::Done(i2, _) = punct(input, sep) {
if i2.len() == input.len() {
// get the element next
if let IResult::Done(i3, o3) = f(i2) {
if i3.len() == i2.len() {
input = i3;
} else {
if terminated {
if let IResult::Done(after, _) = punct(input, sep) {
input = after;
IResult::Done(input, res)